• Published 21st Mar 2013
  • 4,018 Views, 98 Comments

A tryst with destiny - Monki

A young Changeling sets out for a dangerous journey to find answers about her origin.

  • ...



The old changeling sitting in that old creaking rocking chair had remained silent for a long moment, staring out of the crystalline window with the rain pattering against it. She saw a drip running down her cheek and assumed it was the rain dripping down on her reflection but then she noticed that it was no rain but the tears on her own face. She wiped away her tears and turned towards the kids who had remained silent reverently after her storytelling had ended.

In front of her sitting six little children, three were pony fillies, three changeling youngsters. All of them sat around her rocking chair, peacefully.

“Granny Lily what happened next?” one of the pony fillies wanted to know.

“Eva came to my house and I was able to regain my strength by leeching the affection she felt for me. She brought that wise sage with her, who was able to seal the energy-leak within my body with some stinking green liquid. I recovered shortly after. Do you understand why Eva was a hero?”

The kids nodded.
“Not only did she save my life. She also created the first bounding between ponies and changelings. She then became the first ambassador, despite her young age. She preached love and tolerance to both sides. It took almost two generations to completely abandon the disharmony between our two races but in the end we overthrew our racism. Raindrop, does it feel strange to sit next to Moonstone?” She asked a young pony filly next to her.
The filly looked at the changeling sitting to her left but then she shook her head.

“See, you are the blossom of your grandmother Evasion's seed of kindness.”

“As you know she married my brother Regard. Since I wasn't sick anymore, he had nothing to worry about. He finally was able to chase after his love interest he had kept at a distance for so long.
After her mother's death Eva got elected to be the new Queen of the hive. She used her influence to set the foundation our law was based off, The same rules she had learned from the Cutie Mark Crusaders so many years ago. In the end she didn't launch a branch agency in Canterlot, no- she made all of Equestria Cutie Mark Crusaders by teaching their values to every filly in the world. With ponies and changelings living that close together in harmony, there was no lack of love-energy anymore. Changelings rediscovered their magical abilities. Master Sunray's theory was proven right. True kindness towards each other soon made the once feared corruption a mere fairy tale.”

Teary-eyed she took a deep breath.

“As a Queen and ambassador she traveled to other tribes and forged strong alliances with the griffons and the dragons which still last up to this day. A few years before princess Cadence of the Crystal Empire passed away she called Eva to her side and finally accepted Eva as her stepdaughter. She even said that she was proud of her and that she only regretted to admit it that late-”

She turned towards the window again looking at the statue of Evasion's portrayal, made completely out of crystals which stood directly in front of her house. That very statue marked Eva and Regard's gravesite.
The rain had stopped and the storm had moved on. The sky was clearing allowing the evening sun to touch the now sparkling tombstone, covering it in a warm sunlight.

“Today is her fifteenth obit. You shall always remember the greatest changeling who had ever lived. The greatest hero I have ever known...”


Thank you for reading.

Author's Note:

This story is based off the last panel of:

I did wonder what would happen if Chrysalis and Shining Armor actually had a child. I started to imagine the life and it's tripping rocks of the child. You just read what I imagined. Hopefully you liked it.
Technically Sweetie Belle, Scootaloo and Apple Bloom are older than Eva since they were around even before she was born. Call it artistic freedom or that changelings grow faster when they are younger. The choice is yours.

This was the third and longest story I've written and I put quite some effort into it, too. This took me ages to write, but I felt the urge to write it down. Maybe I can finally find some peace now that its done ;)

Some people think that Clover the Clever should be female. I wonder why since his/her gender was never mentioned in the show. Several "experts" including myself think that Clover is male. Please read this before you rage in the comments:

I hope that I improved my style of writing compared to "something unexpected". Feel free to leave a comment about your opinion (about that or the fic in general) and/or constructive feedback. If you didn't like it I'd like to hear the reason why, too.

All original Characters: Lily, Sunray, Midnight, Evasion, Regard, Applecookie, the Guards and every other background character are completely based off my own imagination.

For my cover-art I used the work of "CosmicUnicorn," you may see the original here:

Special thankts to Sorro 196 (http://www.fimfiction.net/user/Sorro196)
Who was a really great help correcting this. He did most of that Applefamily accent and informed me about the stumbling stones of the english language. Thank you for beeing a cool bro in general :)

I also have to thank Skeeter the Lurker (http://www.fimfiction.net/user/Skeeter+The+Lurker) and Janosz T. (a working colleague) for giving me some advice about the plot itself.

Comments ( 80 )

... 37,000 words, all in one go?
Man, even before I read the first chapter, I think this would've been helped immensely by a slower update rate O_o (Feature box and all)
Anyways, off to read :O


Noticed that as well. Even told him so. Good read nonetheless.

~Skeeter The Lurker

Also... I can't help but think that the bit with the reveal where AJ was concerned wouldn't have happened like that.

Seemed, I don't know, slightly out of character for her. Maybe that's just me.

~Skeeter The Lurker

I don't get where the difference would be..? You don't have to read everything at once.
However I have not that much experience but if I did something wrong please enlighten me. I could have waited a bit longer per chapter but everything was finished already and like you can read in the epilog authors notes I just wanted to put it behind me so I can move on to other projects.


Sorry Skeet you are wrong ;)

As far as I know at no point in FiM it was stated which gender Clover has. The fact that Twi embodied her/him is no evidence, since she also was dressed like "Starswirl the Beared" once and he is male.
However there are several hints that may proof that he is indeed male:

I think Clover the Clever was based on G2 Clever Clover who was male

Many different Bronies think that he is male. There are several drawings like this: (http://birdco.deviantart.com/art/Clover-the-Clever-277682440) or this (
I just refered to those drawings because I like them a lot.

It just fitted the story better. Call it artistic freedom ;)
Also there is already a great imbalance in Male/female ratio in this show. Not all powerful main characters should be female and making Clover female, too wouldn't do anything good.

I don't understand your point about AJ. Care to explain more detailed?

Fair enough, its just that, had you put a day or two's break between updates on chapters, I've no doubt many more people would've found and enjoyed reading this :v
As it stands though, I liked this immensely and hope to see more from you someday :D


Thank you I am glad to hear that.
Well it sounds maybe shocking but I don't care how many views or likes I get. Sure it feels good to have a quite high number of each, but the main reason for me is to entertain.
(please don't hit dislike because I said that)

If you and those other 12 people liked it, then my task was a success. I had much fun writing this and I hope you have just as much while reading it.

For advertising standards you are right, but if you liked that fic you may suggest it to your friends (and foes). This way I know I earned the likes myself and not because of a clever advertising strategy.
However feel free to advertise for me wherever you want ;)

However I have one additional fic I may post in the future. It was the very first one I ever wrote and the language is horrible compared to this one. I am afraid that it might not reach the standart of this page. However I am not in the mood to rewrite it right now. Like I said I feel kinda drained right now and I am glad that I finished this one.

Okay, done reading. Same problems as the first chapter. A lot of formatting errors and places where you used the wrong word, such as using "graveside" instead of "gravesite", and going off into too much detail where it isn't needed. Overall, it's a little on the bland side, but at least you made the effort to actually finish it instead of simply posting the first chapter and forgetting about the rest indefinitely.

Definitely not worth a thumbs-down, but the errors mean it's not quite ready for a thumbs-up either.


Thank you for your opinion.

I agree that punctuation is not my strong point. I read some articles about that topic and tried to follow the rules I learned while doing so. I went trough the whole thing several times to search for such mistakes and my proof reader did so as well. I am sorry that we couldn't find all of them.

Contractions? You mean like "aren't", "can't" and such? I never knew that it could be misplaced to write the whole words, however my english teacher once told me to write them out if possible. In her opinion it looks more elegant. I'll keep than in mind, though.

According to my dictionary "abstracted" is a fitting word in that situation, because it implies that someone is deep in thoughts, preoccupied or distracted. I use http://www.dict.cc/ btw. English isn't my native language, but if you say that I used it wrong, I'll change it.
EDIT: I did some research. Like I said abstracted is indeed a synonym to distracted. So I'll leave it as it is now, because I like that sound better :) However I fixed that "gravesite", though.

I feared that the first chapter could be a little tedious, thats why I increased the pace a little in the following chapters, but I wouldn't say all parts are unnecessary. The Changing-practice should show that she can't change everything, most importantly her mane. She used all animal forms except the deer during the storyline, so I wouldn't say that was unnecessary as well. In fact almost everything has a ulterior motive.

I added Midnight's background story so the reader knows about the friendship to Sunray and it's severance. Clover was one of the first ponies who wasn't biased towards changelings and he allowed Midnight to feast on his friendship. Both things were very important elements to the plot. In my opinion those important parts should be wrapped into a context, instead of mentioning them by the way. I tried to link all important things and designed a context around them. Maybe I overdid it. I read Books by George R.R. Martin and he uses A LOT of unnecessary details. I tried to stay away from that finding an average value.

However, I do respect your opinion and I am thankful that you tell me about it. I don't want to defend myself, but I wanted to show you the way I imagined things. You think people down-voted it, because of the things you mentioned? Isn't that a little harsh?

I may go through the fic another time, when I find the time to do so.

However like I said I am glad you decided to share your impression.

can you make a sequel to it, where its about evasion's daugher/son


I never thought about a sequel. However I already got a very very very raw idea in mind for my next fic, that may or may not be linked to her in one way or another.

However because of the critique from different sources, maybe I should polish my current stuff first, before starting another fic.

So I assume you liked it, because you asked for another one? :duck:

2303203 Just because it's harsh doesn't mean it isn't the reason. Readers tend to be finicky.

When your teacher was talking about writing out contractions, she was most likely talking about the prose. Dialogue is handled a little differently than prose is, since it follows speech patterns, not writing patterns. People tend to use contractions a lot in conversation; when writing dialogue, you want to write it so it sounds natural that a peson would say what you wrote exactly as you wrote it.

I've never heard "abstracted" used that way before, but that doesn't necessarily mean anything. I looked it up myself and from what I read, "abstracted" and "distracted" are not quite the same, but I suppose they're close enough that an outside observer like Regard would probably not be able to tell the difference, so I guess I can let it go. Still, can you imagine her being abstracted the way I thought? That would be an amusing sight indeed.

Keep in mind that I made that comment about the unnecessary stories immediately after reading the first chapter. Thus, I was unaware of their importance. I still can't help thinking there could have been a less tedious way to present it, but that would require more experience than you currently have.

There was one other case where you used the wrong word that stood out to me, but I can't remember what or where it was.

I have one thing to say...*ahem*



My only complaint is that there is no more.:raritycry::raritydespair::applecry:

feels men, your story was amazing from begining to the end . for me your are in the same category of Dr Seuss , why?

because I can see when I read a story from a genius author , your story have comedie , sadly moment who bring the hero to the bright and happy end without rush it. and give a live lesson in the same time .

that why you're like Dr Seuss to me (without the hyper crazy environmentof course:raritywink:)

please do me a favor and bring us more awesome story like this

you just learn the title of Dr monki :pinkiehappy:

here my "story acount"here*

A good story overall, but the final chapter was just a slap to the face. Needs more of something...

I love the story regardless.


Huh? I don't quite understand your question.

To answer it more generally, I wanted to stay away from that eerie bug like behavior. I wanted them to appear like a normal race with different lifestyle. I tried to add a little hive like behavior by describing their home town, though. The whole story is about racism and prejudices. It would have been hard to describt that if they would live like a Zergling swarm.

hooooo Keelah were do i start. A story like this is rare trade, but it was very good, I enjoyed it highly. The characters were nicely played and the meeting of the father and daughter for the first time really play out how i feel should be, Not understand, and finding it impossible to be true to only be faced with reality.

A good read and people give it shot
Ponyfic Critic rating: It's the perfect fic.

I'm a Ponyfic Critic and I read it so you don't have too


Thank you for your flattering words. I really appreciate them. :pinkiehappy:

...Why is it your reply to my comment never showed up to me?

I have you followed... But I received no notification.

Screw it. I'll just tell you in skype.... Just remind me.

~Skeeter The Lurker

(Also... Dr. Seuss, eh? I can see it... Somehow... And Yes, that is good.)

THAT WAS AMAZING!!! still unsure about the idea of changelings dying ( an alicorn as well strange :derpytongue2:) but hey you pulled it off!! some errors, but the seemed to get less towards the end. Loved the story. Read one that what Shining and Chrysalis have a kid, and Twi ends up taking care of it, "Foal in a basket" I think it was? anyway it seemed dragged out, and just lost interest in it. This story had me from the beginning to the end.

I want to like this, I really do, but good god, the grammar, it's painful to read! See if you can't get an editor to look at this.


I found a grammar tool online and used it to go through the fic once more. It didn't fix punctuation, but I was able to find some misused words and phrases. I hope it is much more readable now.

this was an amazing story... ok fine it was an epic story :twilightblush: there I said it. Was so awesome seeing how the changelings had developed; even though season 4 may portray the differently. I some how actually got really teary with this story. The drama between the chars was portrayed perfectly especially the changelings with their ability to taste love it's almost like it makes even an oblivious read like myself see some of the finer details between characters like the Apple Family when Apple Bloom and Granny were together.


I addressed this topic in the authors notes in the epilogue. Yes you are right, technically they should be much older than Eva.

Call it either artistic freedom or that Changelings grew faster when they are young. :scootangel:

2343852 Would you rather a dragon made of other dragons? Also you can just yell it to me and use the ROYAL CANTERLOT VOICE!!!!!!!1111!!!!!!!!ONE!!!!!!!111!!!!!!!! Don't worry, we won't hurt you... *nuzzles chainsaw affectionatly* Right Vera? :pinkiecrazy1:

Eva in the cover art (changeling forme) Is mother glubbing adorable!!!!!!


Thank you,
I am glad you like my cover art. I made it myself using Photoshop. It took quite some time to make, though. Actually I wanted someone to draw something nice for me and asked two artists which got suggested to me. However both refused.

I think drawn Covers seem more professional.

2345156 No one answered my question except for that one person who's STILL staring warily at my chainsaw... Is Eva in disguise? Because if Changlings are bugs, wouldn't they live in hives?:rainbowhuh:


I still don't get your question. Where is the connection between living in a hive and being disguised?
Maybe It is just me because I am from abroad but I don't understand :twilightblush:

2346533 It has ABSOLUTELY NOTHING to do with being abroad. Sorry, I didn't word it correctly.:twilightblush: This is just my thoughts, but I never imagined Changelings being in schools. I just thought that they were born with the knowledge they need, not random facts you will never use in day-to-day life.(The origin of Changelings). Also, where is the country of "Abroad"? (loljk)


Like I said before, It wouldn't fit in the plot if Changelings were bug like beings which doesn't have to learn. I wanted to make them similar to Ponies, only with a different lifestyle and other physical abilities.
Also I am not that sure if Bugs doesn't have to learn and know everything from the start. Or maybe there is that "hive mind" that tells them what to do like the Bork who can read the mind of their comrades.
To answer your question: It wouldn't have fit in :rainbowwild:

2346632 First off: Borg, not Bork. Second off: "Resistance is futile." Third: You say Hivemind, I think Tyranids.


Sigh.. As I said many times before (and as stated in the author's notes) Applebloom and the rest of the Crusaders should be older than Eva, yes. Knowing this, I did it on purpose because it fitted the plot. Call it artistic freedom or that Changelings grow faster when they are young just like some insect species.

The next point is: Can you actually prove to me that Clover was a mare? I bet you can't, since it was never said in the show. The fact that Twi dressed as him/her proves nothing, since she also dressed as Starswirl before (who is male). My own guess is that Clover the Clever is based off "Clever Clover" a G2 MALE Pony, which isn't that far fetched.
Also many artists pictured Clover as a stallion. I saw and liked that pictures and built my own Clover onto that.

Next: Unicorn magicians can grow very old, this fact was mentioned several times in the show and Starswirl proved that as well. Clover was very old when Midnight visited him.
So there is a quite long time frame between when Princess Platnium founded Canterlot and Midnight's visit. Much can change during a century, ya know?

Why shouldn't Chrysalis be the Queen ever since the peregrination? I wrote that they traveled across the land for some decades, not centuries. A decade is a time frame of 10 years. "Some Decades" can be a range from 20 - 90 years. For myself I had about 30-40 years in mind while writing. So is it really that strange that Chrysalis ruled her tribe for lets say 40 years and is still alive? I guess not. Heck Queen Elizabeth turned 101 before she died and she was a mortal human, no magically fantasy creature.
Can you show me your prove that it was "quite a long time" between the foundation of Canterlot and the appearance of the royal two? I ask you, why would the founder of Equestria plant a banner that shows the royal two, if there is such a long time frame between the foundation and their appearance?

I apologize for the grammatical issues. :scootangel:
I did all what I could do, to fix them. I went through the fic several times, I used different tools to find and destroy mistakes, I had two prereaders correcting it for me. I admit that I have no idea what else to do. If you like, you could go through it for me and correct the issues you referred to. Of course you will get all the credit you deserve. :raritywink: (send me a PM if you are actually interested to do so)

Setting aside all that, does it even matter that much? If you read a fantasy story (which this clearly is) does everything have to make 100% sense? Why don't you just enjoy the story like it was intended? In my very own opinion the Hearts Warming Eve episode threw my whole world view of Equestria overboard. It just doesn't fit into the rest of the background-story. But well you may disagree, since that is my own opinion. Would it please you if I add the "alternative dimension" tag to the fic?

EDIT: I just put a short explanation of my reasons in the author's notes of each chapter, so I don't have to repeat myself all the time.

wow that was a very nice story! ^_^
though i think it needs to be longer, like maybe 2-3 chapters more
but overall it was a great story! just a little rushed, but wroth reading!


Rushed? What made you think that?
Which part should I have extended, according to your opinion? Or what content should have the two additional chapters contained? :unsuresweetie:

But I am glad you liked it. In my opinion, this was a beast of a story, which took ages to write and almost twice as long to rework and correct.

well it could of been spanned out more, like idk meeting more ponies, maybe meeting Zecora on the way to conterlot.
aslo what happens when Celestia and luna find out? like no context there, and no candance eather, i would o loved to have seen Candance and crysilis fighting about who he slept with lol
and more info on the peace treaty would of been nice, like did they just all say oh ok good.
what did the queen want in return of peace trety or what did shining armor have in mind? and when eva and her crush finally meet to be a couple more info on that too. and would the queen ever meet Celestia and Luna to talk.
stuff like that.
as i said before its a good story with a good character, and was fun to read! ^_^


Thank you for your feedback. Well yes I could have explained some issues more detailed, but other people have pointed out, that there were already too many unnecessary details present, in their opinion. :applejackunsure:

As for Zecora, well the forest is quite gigantic as far as I know, so the chances to meet her are quite small. I have indeed thought about Zecora at first, but thinking that I'd have to write in rhymes intimidated me :twilightblush:

As far as the peace treaty goes, Chrysalis couldn't offer much to demand something, since her tribe barely surves on its own. I mentioned little bits of the relationship between Eva and Cadence, or Eva and regard in the epilogue. Both was ment as a surprise for the reader. :scootangel:

yeah i know, this is my opinion X3
you don't have to do it but i just wanted to say that lol
too many details? bah! never too many details! unless you go into their sock sizes. XD
and yeah Zecora is HARD to write!, i hate her rhyming! XD i should know im writing her right now.

yeah i know about how her tribe was just saying a tiny bit more detail would be nice but not necessarily X3
and like i said i would i LOVED to have seen her and candance in a version of Jerry springier fighting over shinning XD
but again good story and i enjoyed reading it! X3.

this was epic

it was SO MUCH epic
so much that i couldn't hold it
not one little bit of it

my epic holding had an epic fail


You do know that in this situation "Hands" refer to the hands of a clock? To turn hands of time back is a phrase to express undoing something, at least as far as I know.
So it is not a limb and shouldn't be converted to "hoof".

Before I read this all I have to say is:



I doubt that this is going to happen, since the story is pretty much complete. But feel free to come up with your own sequel if you like. So I guess you liked this one then? :duck:

Right now I am working on another fic with different setting and plot, but as always finding a proper Proofreader who is willing to correct my countless mistakes, is the hardest part. I corrected this one pretty much on my own with some help of others, but I want to make it better now. :scootangel:

3033202 Okay.
*still have yet to read this*

Now I see why you didn't make a sequel.:facehoof:


Which means? You didn't like it?

Honestly I didn't understand why you asked for a sequel, if you hadn't read it by then. Care to enlighten me? :pinkiehappy:

3035069 I love it.:pinkiehappy:
What did you think I faved it for?:trixieshiftright:

I WANT A SEQUEL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :heart::heart::heart::heart::heart::heart::pinkiecrazy::pinkiecrazy::pinkiecrazy::pinkiecrazy::pinkiecrazy::pinkiegasp::pinkiegasp::pinkiegasp::pinkiegasp::pinkiegasp::pinkiehappy::pinkiehappy::pinkiehappy::pinkiehappy::pinkiehappy::pinkiehappy::pinkiesad2::pinkiesad2::pinkiesad2::pinkiesad2::pinkiesad2::pinkiesad2::pinkiesad2::fluttershbad::fluttershbad::fluttershbad::fluttershbad::fluttershbad::fluttershbad::fluttershbad::fluttershbad::fluttershbad::ajbemused::ajbemused::ajbemused::ajbemused::ajbemused::ajbemused::ajbemused::coolphoto::coolphoto::coolphoto::coolphoto::coolphoto::derpyderp2::derpyderp2::derpyderp2::derpyderp2::derpyderp2::derpyderp2::derpyderp2::duck::duck::duck::duck::duck::duck::twilightsmile::twilightsmile::twilightsmile::twilightsmile::twilightsmile::twilightsmile::twilightsmile::twilightsmile::twilightsmile::twilightsmile::twilightsmile::twilightsmile::twilightsmile:

(sorry for my english XD)

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