• Published 23rd Mar 2013
  • 930 Views, 5 Comments

The Black Crucible - little_Minionz

This is a story of four mares and a mysterious colt, that try to go on in life but, something brings them closer together than ever before. Colgate, Ditzy, Lyra, and BonBon must face something that Equestria only once faced before.

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This is a story of four mares and a mysterious colt, that try to go on in life, but something brings them closer together than ever before. Colgate, Ditzy, Lyra, and BonBon must face something that Equestria only once faced before, an evil that has been locked away long before Celestia or her sister Luna was born.

The first Alicorn,
Lord Xephos!

He was a crude, harsh leader that put both ponies and zebras alike into slavery for the fun of it, and only the lucky ones who lived to through the torment under Xephos for their entire lives, were to live peaceful ones for the next seven years until they would have to send their next of kin to the horrid land of Equestria to be enslaved, tortured, and slaughtered.

The ponies were to have been mining out as much gemstones as possible without being mauled by savage Diamond Dogs, which would kill on sight and smell with an edged, grooved claw that horridly decapitate you within moments. The other choice was to work on building torture house’s that were on land that was infested with Hydras, It was an obvious choice. Out of everything, there was an alliance that would destroy operations and free slaves against their evil ruler that shrouded Equestria within total darkness. Their name was, “The Black Crucibles”, and they were Equestria’s first and final hope in this dreaded land of darkness and evil.

There was a colt with eyes like fire, a mane like the darkness of a shadow, and a coat of silver, named “Darkest Glow” and he was not a normal slave, no he was the most important servant of all, because he had a secret, a secret so big that if it got out, The Crucible’s location, and leader would be found, because he was the leader of The Black Crucibles, and if he was caught, there would be no hope for Equestria and her holy people.

For the resistance had lost many ponies and zebras whilst in this war, for they were about to lead the final assault on the evil kingdom that started it all. Hundreds of Pegasi, Unicorns, and Earth ponies were lined up, all ready to take orders from their General. “We hath all trained for this day, whilst some art not now ready we must take thee country back, from thus horrid leader. And make this back into the quaint flower of a kingdom it once was. Thine will face enemies that shan’t hesitate to kill and will make you want to cower but, we will over power them, and take back what was rightfully ours.”

The pawns were in front, Earth ponies that were too brave for their own good, then we had rooks and knights, the biggest, bulkiest Pegasi and Earth ponies the eye can see. Bishops were the fastest, smartest Unicorns and Pegasi in Equestria. Then in the back was me, the king, Darkest Glow and my queen, the strongest, most beautiful mare in all of Equine life, Forest Fury. The other side was dragons, goblins, hydras, and all other loyal slaves for the black king’s army.


“It’s five in the morning, darling.” Said Darkest Glow “And” started Forest Fury giggling “Have some fun for once, I want a baby, you know so we have something to fight for.” “No, we need our rest for tonight, besides we can have a baby when it’s all over.” He said gently “But what if we don’t win.” “Hey, don’t think like that, Fury. We will win, with our strength and courage, we can do anything.” Glow tried to reassure, though he wasn’t as sure himself.

“I just want to be relaxed before we do this” Forest started, sounding sad “And I don’t think both of us will make it out alive.” She finished, sounding much more sorrowful. “I said stop thinking like that, honey. We will stop Xephos’ reign of terror; whatever it takes we will kill him. So stop sounding so glum, alright.” Said Glow, still trying to reassure. “Whatever, I’m just gonna go to bed.” She stated, ever so glumly. “Honey, wai-“ “Just go away, Glow” And with that she flew to her room, Glow would have followed her but, he was just an earth pony.


Half of Darkest Glow’s ponies were down, or in the barracks getting treated for injuries. He and his best Soldiers, including his top Lt. (Which so happened to be his wife) were in the castle, fending off from the loyal servants and goblins. They were in a Corridor where the paintings were giving off weird vibes as if they were watching us; we were getting surrounded whilst Xephos was getting stronger by absorbing all of the dead souls on the battlefield, they were getting closer. “Fuck, we won’t survive if they get any closer!” Yelled Darkest Glow

Horrifyingly, Forest through herself at the horde, saving the rest of the Soldiers. “Fury!” yelled the team of eight, mourning their loss in the team. ”We have to go Glow, we can dwell on this later but, now we have to go.” Said Glow’s, second top Lt., SunFire. A white Pegasus mare with a grey mane, and rose red eyes. “She was my wife, and she sacrificed her life for us, it should’ve been me.” Glow said glumly. “No, thou art the only one who can save Equestria, not thine’s wife.” Said a red earth pony colt who was the most built up of the bunch, his name was Red Sapphire. “We must go.” He said once more. “Fine but, if their’s a chance that she’s alive, we will find her, You Hear ME!

“We can’t be far now.” Stated Glow, dreading that they were so forthcoming with the idea to come. “Depends if we’re goin’ in the right direction.” Said SunFire not completely sure where they were going. Then “BOOM” an explosion spell went off, causing the roof to collapse onto them. Two unicorn rooks were killed, because they were not fast enough when falling back. “Goodbye to both Rusty, and Spitfire.” The remaining five saluted to their lost soldiers.

The hill of stone and ruble was too steep to climb but, not too tall to not fly over, the two Pegasi decided to go over and scout the area ahead whilst they find another rout. The plan was thought out but, not a good one. They were all splitting up and Glow didn’t like it at all but, he couldn’t find himself to stop them in time. And in about thirty minutes, he heard screams coming from behind them.

Glow winced as he heard their screams, all that was left was, two Earth ponies, including Glow, and his bishop, Bishop, he was a dark teal Unicorn with a verdant and grey colour scheme for a mane. “Red, where are we in the castle?” Asked Bishop, in a slightly confused matter. “Fifteen from the throne room, why?” “I need to know how we can get there, not how long, Dipshit.” “Oh, that my good sire, I don’t know. For I hath not memorized this part of the castle.” Red said, surprisingly reluctant.


The throne room door was gigantic, to say the least, it had grooves that looked like scars on flesh, and colours like blood spilt onto a golden hey carpet. “Alright, this must be it.” stated Glow. The three ponies strained to open the death trap that was a door, but what was their struggle, would not compare to what they were about to face.

“You’re finally here! And I thought you were to have given up, how sad.” Said a maniacal voice that echoed around the room. “We will never give up, no matter how much you through at us when we give up, is when you die!” yelled an out raged Glow as he saw his companions in a cage, tied up with a muzzle on their mouths. “You think you can defeat me, you miniscule lama, I’d like to see you try!” Exclaimed Lord Xephos, too confident in himself.

Whilst he was boasting, Red decided to take the opportunity to sneak around, and started running to buck Xephos in the face, while Red is the strongest and most intellectual of them, he lacked how to form a good plan. In the corner of the maniacal Lord’s eye receptacle, he saw Red Sapphire charging and at the last second, the evil doer let out a blast of magic that would paralyze red for the rest of his short life.

After Glow and his last companion saw, this they were furious, so much so that Bishop Teleported onto the Alicorn’s neck and started to choke him furiously. The Alicorn laughed at this, “Ha, you think this will work peasant, you art nothing compared to thee, you will die!” “You have killed and enslaved my friends, YOU WILL NOT LIVE TO SEE ANOTHER DAY!” Furiously yelled Bishop, still trying to suffocate the Lord Xephos.

Finally, Xephos figured how to through him off, and once he did Bishop threw up a protective spell and blocked the killing spell Xephos had shot at them. Darkest Glow, the leader, and his one final ally, started to charge. And before the three collided, a magical blast came from Bishop’s horn that was supposed to teleport them behind the Lord Alicorn but, it did one of two things.

1. It transported both Glow and Bishop Five thousand years into the future
2. It trapped Xephos in Glow’s sword


It was a peaceful day in Fillydelphia, well as peaceful as it can be in a big city in Equestria. Let’s just say it was a normal day in Fillydelphia, when all of a sudden “BOOOOOOOM”! An explosion went off in the middle of the suburbs, destroying twelve houses, injuring four. Lyra, Bonbon, Colgate, and poor old Derpy when she was delivering mail.

“Get me a defribulator, stat!” yelled a doctor that worked at the hospital that the six were currently at, Caringhoof Hospital was in the top three Hospitals in Equestria 03-13 running, and that is where all being treated. “Where is that defribulator, I’m trying to save this colt’s life.” “Here sir.” Said a mare nurse, who was helping the doctor.


“Doctor, I’m sorry to inform you, but the teal pony we found in the middle of the blast area, he didn’t make it. But for the other five ponies in the blast radius, they will be up and about in the next week or so.” Informed the feeble nurse. “Good, but for the teal pony, what shall we do with the corpse?” Doctor Frodo asked. “Because we couldn’t find any background checks for family on him, we’ll send him to the nearest cemetery to have him berried. “

“How are the other five, how stable are they?” he asked once again. “Lyra Heartstrings is the best out of the bunch, with only minor burns to the cranium, but her mane will grow back. Colgate, she has no known family, but we’ve informed her work place that she has both her hind legs shattered. Ditzy Doo had the feathers on her wings burn off, so she will not be flying anytime soon, but she took a bad fall. Luckily she only broke her forehoof in the fall.

“As for Bonbon and the silver one, well-“ Was all she got out, before a crashing noise came from down the hall. “Where am I?” said Glow, startled by the scenery. He fell out of the, thing that he was resting on moments ago, and started walking down the hall. Guard ponies started running down the hall after him; it was hard for him to move. He checked his under belly and saw that there was a thick lace connecting his stomach, and keeping his inside’s from falling out but, he didn’t want them to catch him thinking that it was Xephos’ minions.

“Hey, get back here!” Ordered the two security guards in unison. “I don’t take orders from the enemy, followers of Xephos.” Glow said as he tried limping away. The confused security guards stopped for a moment, then continued as doctors and nurses tried to catch him as well. After a minute or two of struggling, he gave up and let them take him back to his room.”Where am I?” he demanded “A hospital dumbass, and you have two hundred and fifty stitches holding your stomach together, so don’t try and break them, or I will personally kill you.” Said an agitated Nurse Red Heart.

“How did I get here, and why am I here?” asked an annoyed Glow, “First of all, what’s your name?” asked Red Heart. “Darkest Glow, Now how did I get here?” he asked once more. “Alright, Mr. Glow, do you have any family, or insurance?” Red Heart asked. “Stop asking these damn questions and tell me how I got here!” Glow yelled at Red Heart. She gave him a dose of antibiotics, and left with a smirk on her face as he drifted off to sleep.

Author's Note:

My first attempt at a Fan-fiction, and in the middle of it my right hand goes limp and, now I can't use it but, I'm hoping for every chapter to get longer and longer. Also I originally had the name of the resistance, "The Red Crucible" but, then I realized it was a video-game, so I had to replace the name.