• Published 3rd Feb 2012
  • 8,884 Views, 425 Comments

Friends and Lovers - Donnys Boy

A series of mini-stories exploring various pony ships. Because shipping is magic.

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Beginning a New Chapter (TwiPie)

"Beginning a New Chapter"

Contains spoilers for "Trade Ya."

Pinkie Pie was not a pony who overlooked things. She couldn’t be, if she wanted to remember the birthday of every pony in Ponyville so she could throw them super special surprise birthday parties. She remembered the birthday of every pony in town, and she remembered that raspberries were Rarity’s favorite fruit, and she remembered Applejack only slept in on Sundays and never any other day, and she remembered all kinds of stuff about all kinds of ponies and people who weren’t ponies too.

Sometimes Pinkie got a little too excited or a little too distracted by balloons or music or high-intensity explosives, but she didn’t forget things. She didn’t overlook things. Not the important things, anyway. Not the things that really mattered.

"I can’t believe you forgot Twilight’s horn," Rainbow Dash cackled, pointing to the poster Pinkie had made for Twilight’s stall at the Rainbow Falls Traders Exchange. "I mean, it’s just attached right to her forehead.”

Rainbow and Pinkie sat across from one another on one of the wooden benches in a train car of the Friendship Express, as the train rattled its way back towards Ponyville. The poster of Twilight sat in Pinkie’s lap and, just as Rainbow had said, the image of Twilight that Pinkie had drawn was missing the alicorn’s horn.

Applejack, sitting beside Rarity, let out a single snort of amusement. Pinkie felt her face drop into a pout.

Meanwhile, Fluttershy smiled as she set down her new bird call. “To be fair, other than the horn, it’s a very good likeness of Twilight. Especially considering how fast Pinkie drew it.”

Pinkie perked up a bit, but even so, she could tell her pouting levels were still non-zero.

Twilight giggle and leaned over to the earth pony beside her, giving her a brief nuzzle. “It’s a very nice poster, Pinkie. And I appreciate your trying to help me. Well, I appreciate the thought behind your trying to help me, anyway.”

At that, Pinkie let go of the rest of her pout. She turned and grinned at Twilight, who grinned right back, and everything was right as rain again.

Applejack was by far the loudest snorer of their small group, but Rarity gave the farm pony a good run for her money. In contrast, both Fluttershy’s and Dash’s snores were far quieter, almost like the buzz of hummingbird wings, while Spike simply mumbled incoherently in his sleep. Pinkie smiled in the stillness and the dark, wrapping the familiar sounds of all her friends around her like a blanket.

Except … not quite all her friends.

Slipping from her bunk, Pinkie Pie tiptoed down the aisle and toward the door of the train car. She cast a glance towards Twilight’s bunk on her way out and, just as she’d thought, saw only Spike curled up on the pillow, with his new comic book cradled to his chest.

In the next train car, lit only by a dim glow of magic and the moonlight streaming in from the windows, sat Twilight. A book lay open on the bench before her, and Twilight was leaning over it, her posture eager and her brow furrowed in concentration as she read. Other than the pony and her book, the train car otherwise stood empty.

Pinkie’s smile grew a little wider as she approached.

"Hiya, Twilight," she chirped, as she took a hopped up on a neighboring bench.

The alicorn’s head jerked up, and for a moment Twilight’s face went slack in confusion. Then, her eyes refocusing, Twilight offered up a small smile.

"Oh, hi, Pinkie." She tilted her head towards the door that led to the sleeping car. "What’s up? Couldn’t sleep?"

"Nopers! I’m too excited about telling Mr. and Mrs. Cake and Pound and Pumpkin all about our adventures when we get home!" Pinkie’s gaze wandered towards the still-open book. "Whatcha reading?"

"Just one of the old books I was going to trade." Twilight’s smile reached out to Pinkie through the darkness. "I really am glad you convinced me to keep them after all."

Pinkie nodded in reply. She remembered the tone Twilight used when she’d talked about them back at the Traders Exchange, that soft reverence and affection, and she remembered how Twilight specifically talked about the book that reminded her of Pinkie Pie.
Glancing down, Pinkie tapped her forehooves together, a nervous little staccato that sounded too loud by far in the otherwise silent train car. She swallowed, and it felt like a big ball of taffy was stuck in her throat. It hurt a little.

"Pinkie Pie? Are you all right?"

Pinkie hesitated before slowly shaking her head. “Twilight? I, um. I didn’t actually forget your horn.”

"My … oh, in the poster, you mean?"

"Uh-huh." Still Pinkie didn’t look up. "I know you have a horn, ‘cause you’ve always had a horn, except for the time Discord took it away, but that was only for a little while, and it’s a really super pretty horn and I didn’t want you to think that—"

Suddenly a hoof was pressed against Pinkie’s lips, a wonderfully soft hoof that smelled of ink and dry paper, and then another hoof was gently tilting Pinkie’s chin back up. She found herself staring directly into Twilight’s eyes, which shone a dark violet under the moonlight. Pinkie swallowed again, and it hurt even worse.

Twilight pulled her hoof away from Pinkie’s mouth, but the hoof under Pinkie’s chin stayed where it was.

"Pinkie," said Twilight, her voice as soft as her touch, “whatever’s wrong, it’s okay. You can tell me."

Pinkie gave a small nod. “I drew your wings first. And then I drew the rest of you, and when I got to your head, well, I kinda sorta didn’t want to draw your horn.”

"Well, that’s no big deal. It’s just a picture." Then Twilight frowned, and Pinkie’s heart sank as she knew exactly what was coming next. "But why wouldn’t you want to draw my horn?"

"Because … because lots of ponies have wings, and lots of ponies have horns, but not lots of ponies have both wings and horns.” Pulling away from Twilight’s touch, Pinkie took a deep breath and continued, “And I know I said you weren’t better than other ponies, and I know you don’t think you’re better than anypony, but everypony else thinks you’re better, and …”

Pinkie stopped, partly because she’d run out of breath but mostly because she wasn’t sure she wanted to say the part that came next. But Twilight was still smiling at her, a patient smile, the smile that said Twilight would wait forever to hear the rest of what Pinkie had to say because Twilight knew this time what Pinkie had to say was important. And it was seeing that smile on Twilight’s face—seeing that smile and everything it meant, about Twilight, about Pinkie, about the both of them—it was seeing that smile that nudged Pinkie into speaking once again.

"In all the books I’ve ever read, princesses fall in love with princes or princesses or maybe sometimes knights," said Pinkie, her voice soft and sad. "They don’t fall in love with silly, unimportant little party planners."

Twilight’s eyes went wide, and Pinkie braced herself. For what, she didn’t quite know, but she set her jaw and locked her knees, and she forced herself not to look away. A responsible pony would face up to the consequences, and Pinkie could be responsible. Right here and right now, Pinkie had to be. And so she watched with firm resolve as Twilight hurriedly glanced away, as Twilight’s face went through a dozen or more different emotions, as Twilight’s nostrils flared and as Twilight’s wings rustled against her back.

Finally Twilight gave herself a little shake, as though just waking up from a nap, and she looked back up at Pinkie Pie. She looked at Pinkie with an unwavering, intense gaze that made the earth pony shiver a little inside. Reaching across the short expanse between them, Twilight cupped Pinkie’s face between both forehooves.

Pinkie held her breath.

Leaning forward, near enough that Pinkie could almost taste Twilight’s breath, Twilight whispered, “Maybe you and I need to find some new books.”

Author's Note:

MOAR TWINKIE. It's back to being my OTP again, by the way, so yeah. This story was inspired by a screen shot that Krizak posted to his Tumblr, which showed the little poster of Twilight that Pinkie made for Twi's stall at the Traders Exchange. Krizak pointed out all the little hearts surrounding Twilight, while my Beloved Spouse pointed out that the drawing was missing Twilight's horn, and thus was a story born.

Comments ( 17 )

Donny, more Twinkie, plz. Like an Unexpected Song is one of my favorite in the fandom. (Several of my other favorites are TwiPie too. I always thought I didn't have an OTP, but now I think that was wrong).

Continuity errors, in my poni?! :pinkiegasp:

This is such a nice ship, though. :twilightblush:

Same. My favorite ship is probably Twi- um... Twilight and... Y'know, just pick one.

Why are you so damn good at fluff?! :rainbowkiss:

Comment posted by SFC deleted Apr 29th, 2014

4284754 polyvore.com/cgi/img-thing?.out=jpg&size=l&tid=49701783


Another awesome chapter! I love these stories.

4284322 Twilight and pick one is best ship.

Great update Donny!

you know I never shipped these two until I read your stories, and now I think it's so adorable. :twilightsmile:

Comment posted by Miketipe deleted Apr 29th, 2014

:twilightoops:Gore? What kind of story is this?

Alas, I have read them all! What a great collection of wonders they were, too. Now I shall reluctantly return to the waiting game... until the next chapter, that is.

Comment posted by Lurks-no-More deleted Apr 29th, 2014

Well, Twinkie's back to being my OTP, so we'll see what happens. :twilightsmile:

Ha! That's how my shipping works, too, except with Pinkie Pie. Ship ALL the ponies with pink pony! (Though I know you already know my position here, Parius. Heh.)

Aww, thanks. I'm glad you think I am.

And some ships bring it out in me more than others. Twinkie tends to be half and half for me--I either angst it like whoa or go super fluff.

Thank you!

*whispers* Pink pony and purple pony JUST MIGHT BE IN LOVE A LITTLE BIT.

Thank you! Dunno if you'd be interested, but I have an entire collection of RainbowPie stories over here. As for my OTP, I've had a few. My first one was RainbowPie, then it was Twinkie, then it switched to FlutterPie, and now it's back to Twinkie again. But probably the thing I ship above all else is Omniship--all the Mane Six together in one big ball o' pony love. :pinkiehappy:

This is a collection of unrelated stories, and one of the installations ("A Certain Rare Beauty") has the Elements of Harmony (back when they WERE the Elements of Harmony) fighting a rather mean and ugly villain. The injuries are more suggested than described in explicit detail, though--I just tagged to be on the safe side.

PFFFT! :rainbowlaugh:

I'm sure there will be more soon enough. No matter how much shipping one does, there is always more to do. That's one of the great things about it. :twilightsmile:

Thanks for the kind words!

Nice! - really like how you write Pinkie and how you tied it into the episode:twilightsmile:

Welp, now I've read every story in this collection, and I am glad that I did. I only found a couple I didn't really like, and all the rest were enjoyable to great.

Well, okay, some were less enjoyable and more like gross medicine, good for you but not really FUN, but you know what I mean.

Well done.

God, I loved these. I’ll confess that I find it hard to enjoy any ships with Twilight, as I find her the least fun, but I still enjoyed those chapters.
These shorts have been highly entertaining. You pulled me in immediately with the first Raridash one - I love the theme of “Mane 6 using each other for benefits.” It’s just so naughty! Anyway, the Applepie was great, and you did my OTPs proud: Rarijack and Pinkiedash. In fact, my favourite was the Rarijack “corny” one, Rarity’s voice was fantastic and hilarious.
All in all, I doubt you’re even in the fandom anymore, but I love everything you’ve ever contributed to this site. Thank you.

Sorry for that comment. I've deleted it as I heavily disagree with it at this point.

There was a point in time where I felt like word count mattered more than anything else, and this was one of those times and I left that comment.

Sorry for being a stuck up snob about that.

All of these stories were amazing.
This last one is probably THE best TwiPie story I've ever read.

And this whole thing has inspired me.
You have inspired me.

Thank You for the wonderful journey.

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