• Published 23rd Mar 2013
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A Journey Unthought Of: Revival of Chaos - Hustlin Tom

After the events of the Season 2 finale, Equestria begins to spiral into chaos in the face of a new Changeling threat, a brewing civil conflict, and the second release of Discord.

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Chapter 1

The Griffon Confederacy holds a special place in political theory. The majority of the northern states had originally been under the dominion of Ailsa VI, one of the last strong descendants of the Griffon nation’s first gladiator king, Adric. The other states , who had been ruled by Sir Gawain, a valorous Griffon knight, had been in peaceful alliance with Equestria for countless centuries. The two factions had been in feud with each other for many years, until Sir Gawain had won the war with Princess Celestia’s aid and supplies. After the deaths of their leaders, the factions subdivided into smaller groups as each would choose a new ruler to represent themselves, only to be rejected by the other factions. War would constantly break out between the factions through history, until a general agreement was reached by all factions, and thus the northern and southern states were formed, and the Griffon Confederacy was created. This didn’t necessarily stop conflict though, as the Griffons had always had a love for blood sport. For one reason or another, skirmishes would occur between each of their seven city states for several years at a time, each side hating the other’s guts to the pits of Tartarus, but then in a few years could easily ally themselves with those very same griffons to fight another city state if it benefited both of their causes.

The southernmost city states in the Confederation still held very peaceful dealings with the nation of Equestria in honor of Sir Gawain, and trade was common between the two countries. Water in particular was a greatly desired commodity for the Griffons, as their eyries were so high that clouds did not readily form, nor were there springs from which to drink. Every quarter year, large supplies of water would be exported from Cloudsdale in exchange for just about any valuable mineral, currency, or magical artifacts the Griffons could find. The eastern and northern city states wanted this exchange to cease, so they could easily defeat and pillage the southern states. To accomplish this, they hired a Death Eagle to eliminate the Equestrian financial minister, a unicorn named Fancy Pants. The assassin was then to plant evidence so that it was believed that the murder had been done in the name of the southern city states of the Griffon Confederacy.

The Death Eagles were a recent development in Griffon history. While ‘peace’ did reign between the several city states of the Griffon Confederacy for many years, war still took place. Cold war had become a staple of Griffon life in the last one hundred years, and the Death Eagles were the ones who most often capitalized on the paradoxical situation. The Death Eagle organization was a recognized independent faction in any war, and would gladly associate with any side in any conflict, provided the pay was good. If paid well by their employer, they would eliminate the target so that the perpetrator was undetectable and the party responsible was unknown; this was the most basic form of their work. Additional royalties were required in order to plant evidence of the party that was to be the scapegoat for the employer. The northern and eastern city states paid well, and so the Death Eagles sent one of their best operatives to find a way to eliminate their target. The Death Eagle assassin found his opening to eliminate Fancy Pants almost as soon as the contract was accepted. In several weeks’ time, there was to be a wedding in the court of Canterlot; a cousin to the Royal Sisters of Equestria. Princess Mi Amore Cadenza, was to be married to the Captain of their Guard, Shining Armor. In the frenzied few days before the Wedding, none of the unsuspecting guards would notice a supposed Griffon dignitary talking to the minister of commerce. Not until it was too late anyway. Preparations were quickly made, invitations were acquired to the event, and with only a week before the wedding was to take place, the assassin found himself in the dignified capitol city of Canterlot.

If it were not for the specific instructions that the target had to be eliminated as publicly as possible, the Death Eagle would have very likely poisoned the unicorn in his sleep. However, orders were orders, the customer was always right, and the integrity of the order had to be maintained by any means. Constantly vigilant, the assassin looked for the one perfect moment where all the necessary factors would fall into place. The moment came three days before the wedding. After acquiring Fancy Pant’s schedule for the week, the assassin had been discreetly following his every move. The financial minister had scheduled an appointment with the Princess bride to be for eleven that day. This was a wondrous opportunity; who was a better audience to the shattering of Equestrian trust in their Griffon allies than one of the Princesses?

Fancy Pants left his moderately sized office in the administration suites of Canterlot Castle for the day fifteen before the stroke of eleven. The assassin was not far behind as he silently followed after him. Biding his time patiently, the assassin followed his prey through several different passages and causeways, until the target finally reached the chambers of Princess Mi Amore Cadenza. The financial minister knocked on the door five times and waited patiently. In time, the door was opened quickly, and with a few indiscernible whispers, Fancy Pants stepped inside, closing the door behind him. The assassin grinned to himself; it seems the Princess was ‘freshening up a bit’ before her wedding with the financial minister’s help. This would prove oh so wonderfully scandalous for his employers! He waited a short time so that the pleasantries could be put aside in order to get onto much bigger matters, when he flew towards the doors of the Princess’ suite, with a sharp blade in his right talon. There were no guards to stop his progress, and there were several easy to access windows down the hall from which he could make his escape. The job was practically already done!

He burst through the doors into the room; his target was not in the Princess’ bed, but was standing not but five talon’s paces away from directly in front of him, his back facing him. “The South rises!” the assassin roared as he leapt into the air and tried to plunge the knife deep into the back of Fancy Pants’ head. Before he knew it, the assassin had tumbled end over end as he fell over his target and landed next to the Princess, who had jumpoed out of the way of his clumsy fall. How was this possible? He knew he had struck the back of the target’s neck, and in his confusion he then he looked to his blade. The tip was covered in dark green fluid, but below that the blade had been bent at a shear angle, as if he had tried to plunge it into solid rock.

“Guards!” the Princess screamed out in panic, “Guards! Help! I’m being attacked!”

As the would-be assassin got to his feet, he looked at his target. Fancy Pants stoically looked at him as if he were an interesting smudge on the floor, before there was a flash of green light, and he was gone.

Two royal guards with pikes at the ready quickly entered the room, confused as they tried to grasp the situation. They immediately stood between the Griffon and the Princess, and were at the ready for any sudden movements. “Don’t be afraid, Princess! We will protect you with our lives!”

The Princess sighed in relief and smiled with demonic pleasure, “Thank you for your offering!” She threw up her right forehoof, which transformed into a steely blade like appendage that sliced through the first guard’s jugular with relative ease. The second guard tried to turn around in time to respond, but instead received a bludgeon like blow which broke his neck, killing him instantly.

The Princess’ eyes flashed iridescent green as she looked down at the confused and momentarily stunned Griffon assassin lying on the floor, “I also would like to thank you for providing your services as scapegoat for me. It will help to keep the eyes of the wary pointed outward, rather than here within!” The Princess picked up one of the dead royal guard’s pikes and shoved it mercilessly into the Griffon assassin’s chest, puncturing his heart. As blood began to pool on the floor, the imposter Princess Cadence was satisfied; the scene was set. All that was needed was an excellent performance on her part.

“Now then,” she looked into a nearby mirror at her own reflection, “Panicked anguish.” Ready to face the music, the fake Princess Cadence produced a blood curdling scream and began to cry in hysterical terror as she ran out of the room. Her wonderful husband to be would see to consoling her, giving her his sweet, delicious love. Any strange or out of character behavior she exhibited later could be dismissed as post traumatic stress. Of course the wedding had to be put off a month longer until late April, but she obviously had to go through therapy for the horror she had experienced, and her loving fiancé would be right beside her through every step of it. That was exactly where she wanted him; right within feeding distance.

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