• Published 21st Sep 2011
  • 12,519 Views, 883 Comments

Flutterheart - lilinuyasha

Trey is an average band director in Ponyville. He's not looking for love, but it falls into his lap.

  • ...

First Introductions

“Trey, I just...” she said, looking away from me.

“What?” I asked. She was terribly shy. I admired that about her. I put my arm around her and pulled her tight, letting her know I cared. “You can talk to me. It’s just us.”

“Trey, I...” she said, stopping, unsure whether to say something or not. I wasn’t exactly sure what she was getting at.

“You what? Please, tell me...”

“Trey, I...I love you.” she said, looking up at me with those beautiful blue eyes. I’d never received that kind of affection before. I exhaled, smiling, unsure what to say. “I knew I shouldn’t have told you...” she said, looking away.

“Hey...” I said. “I’m not the kind of guy that just tells people things.” I tilted her face towards me, looking deep into her. “I show them.” I’d never been one to take risks, especially where mares were concerned. I’d always been very cautious, but this time, I put away all doubts and leaned in close, letting our faces slowly come together...

Trey woke up just before things got interesting. That was a common occurrence for him. He hardly dreamt, but when he did, he never got anywhere good. All he had were his daydreams about his perfect pony. He shrugged it off and got ready for the day. It was his first day in Ponyville as the new Band Director for the local high school. Music had always been his passion and he was looking forward to spending the day teaching the kids about music and applying it to the real world.

Of course, since it was his first day, the local party pony, Pinkie Pie, as he learned she was called, threw him a “Welcome to Ponyville” party after the school day was done. Trey, though a bit of an introvert, decided to go anyway.

“Welcome to Ponyville! Oh, oh, I’m so excited! I love seeing new faces around here! I have a feeling we’re gonna be GREAT friends!!! Well, enjoy the party! See ya!” she said. Trey found her spontaneity amusing, though he may have just been thinking diplomatically. Trey, not exactly sure how to act in social situations in large parties, stuck to his normal routine, meandering about aimlessly, eating because it was the only thing he knew how to do. Eventually, several ponies came up and introduced themselves.

“Hey, I’m Rainbow Dash. You seem like a pretty cool guy. Pegasus? Red and black mane? AWESOME!” said one of the multicolored ponies. Rainbow Dash was certainly an appropriate name for her.

“Well howdy, there, stranger! My name’s Applejack. I run the apple farm ‘round these parts. If you ever need any apples or apple accessories, feel free to give a shout!” said another. She seemed like a nice one.

“Hey there. My name’s Twilight Sparkle.” said one of the darker maned ponies. “I kinda live in the library. So, if you ever need any books on music theory, I’m bound to have one!” she said.

“Well hello there, darling!” said one of the whitest ponies he’d ever seen. Darling? It must be her thing. “My name’s Rarity. I’m sure I was mentioned at some point. Anyways, I’m in charge of Carousel Boutique, where everything is chic, unique, and magnifique! If you require any formal attire, I’m sure I can fix something up for such a handsome colt. Ta-ta!” she said, turning off to join 5 other ponies, 4 of which had introduced themselves earlier. He didn’t exactly understand why she called him handsome. He’d never been called that before. Trey took a closer look at the group. Another tan pegasus with pink hair hung near the back of that group, hardly contributing. She must have been very shy. Trey liked shy. He watched the group occasionally, drifting in and out of assorted conversations with other ponies. Eventually, the tan one left the group to get some punch. Trey trotted over there, getting some himself, setting him next to the pony. Trey, the shorter distance, got there first. He poured himself a glass, and waited until she got to the table.

“Oh, I just poured this one. You can have it.” he said, handing her the punch. She looked at him, unsure what to do, before shrinking her body and looking down at the ground. He set the punch on the table next to her. He was used to awkward silences, but it was different being on the opposite end.

“I’m sure you heard my name. But I’m Trey. What’s your name?” he said, smiling at her. She kept looking down at the ground, muttering something. “Sorry, I’m a bit deaf in one of my ears. Could you repeat that?”

“My name is flutter...” she said, before getting really soft and inaudible. Trey, not wanting to make this worse than it was, decided to simply respond with a “Pleasure meeting you!” Flutter whatever-it-was looked at him and nodded. She then took the punch and smiled awkwardly at him, before trotting off to join her other friends. Trey kept a watch on her out of the corner of his eye. He noticed that she looked back in his direction before disappearing into the crowd.

“So, have you met everypony?”

Trey looked around, trying to locate the source of the voice.

“Down here.”

Trey looked down to see a small, baby dragon.

“The name’s Spike. You’re Trey?” Trey nodded. “So, you met Twilight. She’s the smart one of the bunch, with the most magical abilities ever. Then there’s Rarity, a total knockout! Er...uh...yeah. Then there’s Applejack, a hard working friendly pony, and then Rainbow Dash, the coolest pony of them all. Then there’s Pinkie Pie. She’s very...random. But she’s pretty funny, too.”

“What’s the other one? I couldn’t hear the last part of her name...”

“Oh, that’s Fluttershy.” said Spike. “She’s very shy, especially around new people.” Fluttershy seemed like an appropriate name for her. “Just ignore her shyness and you’ll be fine.”

“Sounds good. Thanks, Spike.”

“No prob, colt. I’m always at the library with Twilight, so if you need anything, I’ll be there.”

“Sounds good. Thanks!” said Trey, as Spike went to hang out elsewhere.

Eventually, the party died down and most of the ponies left. Twilight, Fluttershy, Rarity, Applejack, Rainbow Dash, and Pinkie Pie hung back to talk.

“So what brings you to Ponyville?” asked Twilight. The others nodded, inquiring for details.

“Well, I did a lot of work in Canterlot with the Royal Music Society, personally composing for Celestia.” Twilight caught a gleam of recognition and enjoyment out of hearing that, for some reason. “Eventually, I got a job offer from Ponyville High, offering me a bandmaster position. I’d always wanted to direct a Marching Band, so I informed Celestia that I needed to move on. And, well...here I am, in all my glory. Bit of a let down, if you ask me.”

“But won’t being in the sun for that long make you sweaty and icky?” asked Rarity.

“Yeah, but I think the things you can get out of Marching Band far outweigh the sweat and hardwork. Besides, I enjoy being outside, sweating from work. The marching field is my home, and there’s nothing I would trade about it.” Rarity showed a small look of confusion. She didn’t seem to like being dirty.

“So you don’t mind working with some of them rascals?” asked Applejack.

“Nah. Kids are the future. Besides, Marching Band just isn’t fun with adults who have nothing to learn.”

“Um...” started Fluttershy before Pinkie Pie interrupted.

“So are you having fun yet? Do you like the ponies here? Do ya, Do ya? Because we like you! You seem cool! I think we should definitely hang out sometime!”

Trey, overloaded by all that talking simply did his default action and smiled at her, motioning a simple “Yes”.

“Well anyways, girls, we’d better let him get some sleep. He’s got school in the morning.” said Twilight, asserting her unofficial role as leader of the pack. They all left, Fluttershy last.

“Oh, Fluttershy?” said Trey. She turned to look at him.


“Did you have something you wanted to ask earlier?”

Fluttershy showed a sudden snap of recognition as she remembered that she didn’t get to ask her question.

“Um...no...not really...it wasn’t important...”she said shyly, looking back down at the ground.

“Alright then. Have a good night. I look forward to seeing you again.”

She looked at him and smiled happily. “That would be nice...if that’s ok with you...”

“Anytime.” he said, smiling at her. With that, Fluttershy trotted home, and Trey closed his door, retreating to bed. As he closed his eyes, laying there, he feel asleep once again to his favorite images of spending time with a special somepony, letting his fitful flights of fancy carry him away to happiness as he slept.