• Published 31st Mar 2013
  • 767 Views, 10 Comments

A Boundless Rivalry - Chris-Cross13

Looks like Trixie wasn't Twilight's only rival...

  • ...

Darkness On The Horizon

"So let's get our stories straight." Christian said calmly as they walked up the steps of the castle.

"Fine. How are we gonna explain it AJ?" Dash nudged.

"Twilight was dueling Supernova and hit us by accident. She then stomped off in rage because she lost."

"I thought we were going to lie!" Dash exclaims.

"Brilliant girls, asking the Element of Truth to lie." Christian starts clapping slowly. "Bravo. Real impressive." The other sneer at him. "Well anyway we explain it, I think Twilight is a little..."

"Done for?" Vague finishes.

"Pretty much." Christian confirmed as he stopped at the castle doors. He firmly put his hands on the doors and instantly they swung open, revealing the luxurious castle throne room. As the group approached the opposite end, Celestia emerged from upstairs, with a VERY stern and grim look on her face. Christian looked at the others very worryingly. They looked back the same way. He gulped nervously as Celestia sat down in her throne for an explanation.

"Uhh... Celestia, We... umm... we have a problem."

Celestia nodded agreeingly. "Indeed we do. So, what do you attend to do about it?"

Christian was shaking at little. He honestly didn't want to send Twilight to the dungeon or anything, but she did entice Supernova... Well, sort of. "Well, I think we have no other choice but to punish Twilight." Celestia raised a brow at the answer. "But, I don't think sending her to the dungeon is appropriate." The others smiled at Christian's friendly gesture. Celestia on the other hand, had a completely perplexed look on her face.

"What are you talking about? That has nothing to do with the black hole!"

Christian and the others sighed in relief. Twilight wasn't going to the dungeon, finally a happy ending! They thought. But then their faces went completely white when they remembered the last part of Celestia's answer.

"Did she just say black hole?! Because I think she just said black hole!" Vague announced. Christian and the others pivoted their heads toward the alicorn, waiting for her word on the subject. Celestia sighed.

"Yes, I said black hole. I was hoping you knew about it. We need some sort of..."

"AHHHHHHH!" The five screamed at the top of their lungs at the news. Christian covered his ears at the deafening sound. He painfully turned toward Vague, who was simply rubbing his forehoof against his coat to shine it. Christian peered at one of Vague's orange ears to spot an ear plug. After Christian's outburst, Vague must have started carrying them around to prevent from going deaf again. The screaming finally started to die down, with Pinkie leading the booming choir to a slowed silence.

"What's a black hole?" She asked confused in her normal manner. The others nodded in agreement. Christian rolled his eyes and faced plamed.

"Seriously?! No, seriously?! You don't know what a... Then what was the point of..." Christian can't make head or tail of that performance of sheer stupidity. "Celestia, please explain before a blood vessel breaks in my head!"

"Actually, let me explain!" A familiar voice said from the staircase. They all looked up to see Supernova standing there. As quick as a flash, Supernova shot at portal and warped in front of the group. The five were shocked at his presence... and a little disgruntled.

"What are YOU doing here?!" Rarity demanded rudely. Supernova became cross at the insolence of the proper unicorn.

"Saving Equestria. Thank you very much!" He responded. He turned toward Celestia slowly. "Celestia, my chalkboard please." Celestia's horn glowed vibrantly as a black chalkboard instantly appeared in the room. The others cocked their heads at the board. It was full of formulas and scientific nonsense; x's, percentages, decimals, pi, it was like Supernova copied down everything Einstein ever thought into one place. Supernova took out a pointer and started tapping on the board. The group sat down in front of him and started to listen intently.

"So, as you see here, The star: EQ-876 has just ended it's life cycle. Now due to the star's mass, which is 1,000 times greater than your Earth sun, a supermassive black hole has formed. This makes it grow when ever it takes in mass. Now, I have been able to calculate the trajectory using the Quantum Field Theory and..."

Christian yawned softly as he listen to the rant of scientific whatever. He wearily turned toward the rest of the group. Pinkie was facedown on the floor sleeping, Dash and Vague were snoring loudly next to each other, and Rarity was forcing her eyes open as best as she could with clothespins. He turned toward his left to see Fluttershy and Applejack still listening carefully. He shrugged and turned back toward the informative unicorn.

"...So as you can see, the black hole is expanding with every little bit of mass that it consumes. I estimate that within the hour, Equestria will reach the hole's event horizon line and... become spaghettified."

"Hmm... Interesting. Now, can ya explain it in english?!" Applejack yelled.

Christian sighed. "A hole that acts like a really, really, really, powerful vacuum from space is going to grow to Equestria and make the planet and everything in it become very thin and make every tiny bit of everything explode slowly and painfully."

Applejack blinked momentarily. "Oh, is that all?"

"Is that all?! Is that all you have to say?!" Spike shouted.

"Well how am I supposed to react to that?" AJ replied.

"Can we stop with the obvious references and focus?!" Christian yelled, waking up the others who alertly turned toward Supernova.

"Ugh, I think I spaced out for a second. What goes on?" Vague asked lazily.

"Black hole destroying Equestria." Christian blatantly put Supernova's long winded speech.

"Actually, that's not all." Supernova spoke up.

"What do you mean?" Celestia asked anxiously.

"Well, you see, the main portal gate in the town square acts like as it should: a gateway across the galaxy." Supernova explained.


"Well, once the black hole destroys Equestria, it will use the portal as a tunnel to Earth."

"So what you're saying is, Earth is also doomed?!" Christian shouted.


Christian grew wide eyed as he imagined the incident taking place. An enormous black hole consuming the U.S, China, Europe, everywhere! And it would be on his head. He could hear the painful screams now. Christian shook his head and snapped out of his glazed over look and took action.

"Is there a way to stop it?"

Supernova nodded. "Yes, we need that book you gave me at Twilight's library. In it, there is a complex spell to turn the expanding black hole into a shrinking white hole, reversing the effects and restoring order. But we have to do the spell soon, because if the black hole is too close, the spell will have no effect. So, give me the book." He motioned an outstretched hoof.

"You had it remember? After I gave it to you, you put it in your saddle pack thing." Christian states.

"Well as you can see, it's not on me!"

"Well then where is it?!" Christian yelled.


The others started to panic. Without that book, they were toast. Everyone started searching for the book around the castle, but to no avail. Dash thought for a minute and flashbacked to the magic duel. She remembers Supernova waiting for Twilight to attack and then she saw him through something light blue at the wall.

"I know where it is!" She yelled.


"Sugarcube Corner! Nova threw it down before he dueled Twilight!"

"Wait, Supernova dueled Twilight?!" Celestia gasped.

"To be fair PC, Twilight did entice Nova... more or less." Christian said as he rubbed the back of his neck.

"We'll deal with that later. Right now, all of you get to Sugarcube Corner and find that book!" Celestia boomed. The group nodded. Supernova cast an enormous portal on the floor of the castle. They all instinctively jumped in at the same time. Instantly, they appeared at the front door Sugarcube Corner. Everyone looked around the bakery, searching for a glimpse of light blue. After a few minutes they all meet back in the front.

"Anything?" Supernova said worryingly. The rest of them shook their heads. Supernova kicked the ground in failure. "Curses! Somepony most have thought it was trash and threw it out! Without that book, it's hopeless! Bye bye Equestria! See ya Earth!" As Supernova ranted on about his failure, something caught Christian's eye over by the left side of the bakery. He went over to inspect it, and was shocked at what he found.

"Guys! Tracks! Over here!" He yelled as he motioned the others to move to his location. They rushed over to see a group of four hoof prints leading away from a patch of grass that was flatter than the surrounding area. "I bet if we follow these tracks, we'll find the book!" Christian started to quickly dash after the trail. "C'mon! The black hole could come at any second! Let's go!" The others quickly went after him. Christian raced as fast as he could, looking down and following the prints, until he crashed into the object that the prints ended at. "Well that was painfu..." Christian could not finish his sentence, as the others knocked into him without noticing that he stopped.

"Hey, watch it!" Dash yelled.

"Sorry. Anyway the trail ends here. At... Oh dear sweet Celestia..." He pointed to the building a few feet from where they were. The moment the others saw who's building it was, shock washed onto all of their faces. Christian and Supernova both exchanged the same look of disdain and anger. The others frowned disapprovingly at what was in front of them: Twilight's Library. They couldn't believe it, even Christian, whose mouth was slightly agape at the sight. Supernova gritted his teeth as he muttered under his breath:

"Twilight, you stupid little mare."