• Published 27th Mar 2013
  • 1,017 Views, 21 Comments

I want one too. - tony3xx4

Spike, like the cutie mark crusaders, wants a cutie mark too.

  • ...

Chapter 1: Friendship and Unity

There was once legend of an ancient dragon by the name of Halben. Halben was greater at fire breathing than any dragon before. One day, he suddenly woke up with a strange mark on his side that resembled a ball of fire. He went to the wisest of dragons, and yet, all he got were stumped scholars. Deciding to suck up his pride, he went to princess Celestia, who had the answer of what this odd symbol meant. "This is an odd occurrence, but I think you have a cutie mark!"

He wasn't sure what to say of this. Did it mean he was part pony? He did eventually find out that back in his ancestors, he had a great grandmother who was a pony. Eventually he did embrace this as a gre- "SPIKE!"

The small purple dragon turned to Twilight sparkle, and exhaled loudly. "What is it? I was reading something." Spike was obviously annoyed from the disturbance.

"I've been trying to call you for about five minutes! I need help with restocking books." She peered over his shoulder to look at the book he was reading. "Huh? I've never seen that book here before. where did you find it?" She raised an eyebrow in suspicion.

"Oh this? I found it buried between another secret door." They started to walk over to the bookshelf where he found it. "I just pressed this button and there it was!"

"Hey, do you mind if I read that while you restock the shelves?" She started to levitate the book from his hands.

Spike quickly jumped up to the floating book. "Hey! So your plan is to just read while you put a small baby dragon to work?"

"I'll give you five jewel if you restock the shelves." He jumped off the book, and ran over to the empty bookshelves with piles of books next to them.


After Twilight read the book, she called Spike from the other room. He came in almost in the blink of an eye. "I just finished! Now, about our little deal." He greedily threw his hand in front of her, waiting for a good meal.

"Hold on. I have some important news for you!" She went over to her desk, leaving the small dragon upset, and confused.

He walked over to her. "Come on! I did all the work while you just sat in dreamland reading the book that I was reading, and now you tell me there is important news! And now here I am, with no jewels, and no important news." The dragon sighed in disappointment.

Twilight jumped from her desk. "Spike! send this to princess Celestia!" She was obviously excited.

"Not until you tell me the big news, or give me jewels!" He turned his back on her, and headed upstairs.

Realizing how cold she has been to the small dragon, she went upstairs to find him sulking in his small bed. "Spike, I'm sorry. I have ten jewels right here for your hard work." She dropped ten jewels consisting of rubies, diamonds, and sapphires. Spike jumped off the bed from hearing the sound of his favorite gems dropping to the floor. "And about the big news, I'll tell you if you send the letter." She smiled sweetly at the dragon who was already prepared to eat to his hearts content.

He chewed one of the rubies, and grabbed the note. "Alright." He breathed fire on the letter sending it to the princess. About three minutes later, a piece of paper came out of Spike's breath.

Twilight began reading the letter. Her jaw dropped, while she was reading. "B-But that means!" She regained her composure, and walked towards a worried Spike. "Spike, I have amazing news!"

Spike looked up at her. "What is it already?!" He was still very exhausted, and now very anxious to learn of this amazing news Twilight would not shut up about.

"Do you remember that dragon with the cutie mark? Well it turns out, you have an ancestor who was a pony. do you know what this means?"

He started to think for a second when it came to him. "One of my parents were a pony!"

Twilight slapped her face with her hoof. "No Spike, it means you can get a cutie mark!"

Spikes jaw dropped to the ground. "Really? I can get a cutie mark!?" He smiled and started to jump around Twilight. "I can't believe it! This is the best day of my life!"

After a few minutes, he stopped jumping. "But wait. If dragons like me are supposed to get a cutie mark, where's mine?"

Twilight stared at Spike. "Well, it takes time."

Spike stared at her, now a bit depressed. "But I don't want to wait!"

Twilight started to remember those exact words coming from a filly that also wanted a cutie mark. She turned to the small dragon with a grin. "Hey Spike. I just so happen to know of a group that specializes in getting ponies their cutie marks."

Spike stared at her. He frowned and pointed out a small detail. "Notice you said ponies. I'm clearly a dragon."

Twilight giggled and wrapped her hoof around Spike. "Spike, I'm sure they wouldn't mind a dragon in the group."

Spike still looked upset. "Yeah, but dragons don't normally get a cutie mark. They won't believe me."

Twilight started to stand up. "That's true, but they will believe me. Come on, lets go!"

They exited the library, and headed towards the Cutie Mark Crusader's tree house. Throughout the whole walk, Spike saw that everypony in town had a cutie mark. He started to get confident that with help, he too would get his cutie mark.

They arrived at the Cutie Mark Crusader's tree house. They climbed up the ladder to find a meeting was just starting. Twilight and Spike came through the door just as Apple Bloom started to take role call. "Wait! do you have room for one more?"

The fillies looked at them confused. "Well who's missing their cutie mark?" Scootaloo flew by the two at the door in search of another pony. "I don't see anypony!"

Spike blushed with embarrassment. "Well, actually, I'm missing my cutie mark."

All three started laughing hysterically. "Uh, Spike. I don't think you're suppose ta' get a cutie mark." Apple Bloom was just barely able to speak.

Twilight started to search her saddlebag and grabbed a book with her mouth and planted it in front of the still laughing Ponies. "Here girls. Read this."

They all gathered around the book and started to flip through the pages. "Wow! A dragon can get their cutie mark?!" Sweetie Belle started to walk towards Spike. "Well how do we know that you have a pony relative?"

Twilight searched through her saddlebag again, and brought out the note from Celestia which said that Spike had a pony relative. "So can you help him?"

They gathered in a circle and started to whisper in a tone that neither Spike or Twilight could hear. They emerged and Apple Bloom stepped in front of Spike. "Do you swear to Celestia, that you will help your fellow crusaders, as they help ya too?"

Spike shook his head up and down. "I swear to Celestia!"

Scootaloo and Sweetie Belle came up behind Apple Bloom as they spoke in perfect unity. "Then we welcome you to...THE CUTIE MARK CRUSADERS!" Everyone in the room cheered for the new (and unexpected) member of the Cutie Mark Crusaders.