• Published 28th Mar 2013
  • 2,500 Views, 35 Comments

Ever on the Edge - Nonsanity

Trust is everything to an immortal ruler. There is a reason why Equestria has no queen.

  • ...

(Possible Start to a Longer Story)


Stepping Off

(first scene only - more may be possible if there is both interest and inspiration)

Path stood in the middle of the office—her office—and slowly turned in a circle. Every object here was saturated with memories, and as her gaze touched each one, she remembered.

She remembered visiting her grandmother as a foal—of being afraid of the carved spirit masks and enthralled by the rare minerals collection. She remembered working with her grandmother on school projects, using her small but unique library to do research. She remembered approaching her grandmother to ask for her backing in—

A misguided attempt to "make a difference" in Equestrian politics. A small half-smile lifted the corner of Path's mouth as she remembered how obvious it was to her that the veto was a good idea—until she came to speak with her grandmother.

I knew so little back then—and I thought I knew it all.

She walked across the room towards the large, cluttered desk. Now I know how much I don't know. Path wasn't sure when the change in her thinking had taken place, but her outlook had gone from simplistic confidence to complex anxiety. She learned that really knowing what was going on in the world was a great way to keep yourself up at night.

Path sat down on the stool behind the desk. My stool. My desk. It's going to take me a long time to get my head to accept those facts.

She again looked around the cluttered office, with its cabinets of curios and collections, its tall shelves of rare books and scrolls from every land and kingdom known, and the myriad paintings and carvings and art of all kinds decorating every bit of wall and ceiling—and some of the floor. My mind is going to balk at claiming Grandmother's possessions. I'm going to have to struggle to "own" each and every item separately—despite what the will said.

For now, Path was resigned to work here, but she thought that most of the room's contents would forever belong to her grandmother, Kindred Path.

Why did you have to leave me so soon, Grandmother? I know these last few weeks you kept saying that there was nothing more for you to teach me, but I still learned amazing things from you nonetheless. How much more did you have to teach that is now forever lost?

And how much more will I have to figure out for myself before I can be the advisor that Celestia needs? That she deserves?

Path looked down at the unfurled scroll she had tossed onto the desk earlier.

Especially since you made me Celestia's advisor already, whether I think I can do the job or not.

She picked up the scroll and gazed at the royal seal that adorned it, frozen in red wax.

If I had known what I was getting myself into, I never would have agreed to be your apprentice.


Comments ( 9 )

Hmm... so something is working in the background with Path. Well then I look forward seeing where you will take this.

2347756 Twilight gives orders quite well when the situation calls for it, something we see as early as Swarm of the Century and Winter Wrap Up. I'm sure she'll grow into the role quite well given time. She loves to organize and certainly has a bossy streak :twilightblush:

As for building up resentment, I'm sure Twilight will make some enemies in her time as Princess. It'll be interesting to see if/how the writers deal with this natural part of being a leader. Look at Barack Obama. Before he became president he was almost unilaterally loved by anyone even remotely Democrat. Now he's controversial even amongst his own party and has gone back on several of his old policy decisions that made him popular to begin with. :unsuresweetie:

And as to you making a new story, it'd be cool if she was an adviser to one of the newer Princesses like Cadence or Twi, instead. Lots of tension there.

First of all, love what you've written here. Lots of promise if you do decide to expand this even further. But then again I'm a West Wing/political thriller junkie.

More to the point, and this is probably a bit presumptuous but I think that you know that you have more that you want to say on this. Everything about that second chapter hinting that there's more to come just bubbles with the ideas I suspect you to be turning over in your head even as I type this. I hope I'm not wrong, and that you decide to throw yourself into this because I'd love to see the results


I do like the idea of this continuing.

Huh, well I think that this is the first political commentary I've ever read.

It is. But then, half the senate—and half the population if the senate is truly representative—will not be happy with her choice. That's the point of the discussion. Over time, that sort of resentment could easily grow to threaten Celestia's rule, even if only over centuries. For this reason, I suggest that she chooses to only exert her influence through more subtle ways.

Here's another reminder to write more ;)

Love your stuff and I'm in the mood for a good political piece!

I’ve been using this year’s NaNoWriMo event to spur me into writing more, with the goal of finishing a story. It’s at 39,000 words, so a finished product can’t be TOO far off... :)

It’s not a continuation of this story, but thanks for reminding me of this one. That alone has put the spark of another idea in my head on where to take this, but... one story at a time or I’ll never get any done! :)

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