• Published 4th Feb 2012
  • 10,937 Views, 199 Comments

New beginnings - Elementum77

First person, Human in Equestria. not-brony, not self-insert, ongoing, wonderbolts, parallel to show

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3-1: Enter Fleetfoot

Episode 3

I decided my best plan of action was probably to find a center point, so if I do end up getting lost in here, I'll have somewhere to get back too. A few minutes into the library and I eventually found what seemed to be a seating area set out in a circle. It was pretty large, one large cloud-couch around the edge, and on the inside a few tables and normal looking, well, cloud made, but normal as I could expect up here chairs.

The seating area was relatively full of various ponies either ideally chatting amongst themselves separate from the others, and the obvious larger amount reading various books. I looked around from here, it did seem that the large bookshelves all span off from this point. From here the gap between each one was narrow, probably enough space for two or three ponys to walk, as they stretched out further the gap grew wider.It seemed a little impratical, but I’me not going to question it, after all this is still way better than the libary I was use too.

Now then, it’s time to decide what exactly I should read first.I decided to check out what books the pony’s around me were reading, maybe one or two of them will have some books that I could actually use. I wasn't really surprised at what I saw, most of them were reading fiction books, it was odd though, I saw the same pony across several book coverers, she had a dull mane and a yellowish coat, though I couldn't, well wouldn't want to, get close to read the title. I don’t want to get kicked out for bothering ponies.

Giving myself more time to explore, and procrastinating the actual reason why I wanted to come here I soon found that the book shelves from the center stopped at another outer ring that seemed to cover the entire library. I guess this entire place is actually circular in the regards of it’s layout after all. The difference here was covering about half the larger outer ring was the edge of the balcony on the second floor, where I could hoofs clopping as quietly as they can along. Below was another set of shelves, the ceiling seemed to have lights in them, but they looked more like glowing rocks to be honest,

I still hadn’t found any sort of labelling to the bookshelves, and although I could work out what some of the titles meant on the books, like one about agriculture, most of them seemed to diverge into topics that had my head spinning. There was even one on the process of making a rainbow and using the rainbow to grow spices! I was having trouble distinguishing what was fiction and what actually may be real.

Eventually after following one branch of bookshelves I came to the edge of the library, which was actually a wall made out of the same glass Spitfire had in her room. It looked pretty durable, although i have yet to see any crime here, or really why someone would break into a public library, I guess it’s useful to make sure in a floating city where ponies are flying around at speeds I wouldn't dare try and reach in a car (If I had one), and actually carrying things. I wonder how many times they've dropped something on another pony, or not looked where they're going and flew straight into one of these windows..

At this point the bookshelves were pretty well spread. It would take me about thirty seconds to walk from one to the other meaning the view from the window was sort of panoramic. I could easily see myself sitting here reading a book.

“There you are! Geez why are you all the way back down here, I didn’t take you for someone who reads old weather reports!” Fleetfoot came walking up the space between the shelves looking notably annoyed. I hadn't even bothered to check what these bookshelves had, I guess it makes sense to keep the boring things out this far.

“I was just looking around, I didn't even know you were here, Sorry Fleetfoot.” I know it wasn’t exactly necessary to say sorry, but she IS the boss.

“I’ve been walking around looking for you for the better half of an hour, I saw Soarin flying through the window on the second floor and guessed that he’d dumped you. I looked over and saw you, but by time I had put my book away you vanished!” she began to chuckle lightly stopping a few feet in front of me “You know considering you can’t fly, your pretty fast on your hooves” I guess that’s one thing I’ve got going for me, though honestly I was daydreaming the majority of the time so that’s probably why.

“Well I was just taking a look around the place, It’s pretty big! The library back in my town was kinda small...” This seemed to coax and uneasy look from her. Crap what did I say?

“Manhattan's library is pretty damn big, really only second to Canterlot, and way bigger than this place..” she tilted her head. Crap, I guess I'm not that good of a liar after all. Think, think...

“Oh I didn't mean there, I meant a smaller one on the outskirts of town, it’s not very well known I think there just a small branch off for those that don’t want to walk the extra few miles...” I grinned, sweating slightly. Fleetfoot seemed to be a lot more observant that Soarin, so I wasn't sure how well I could lie to her.

“Ohh! One of the branch libraries, makes sense. You never visited the main one than?” Although her tone suggested she believed it, I had doubts that she was buying my story, any of it to be honest.

“Well I was always kept busy on the farm, you know how work heavy they are..” once more grinning slightly, I hoped that farming here was as hard as it was back home, though I wouldn't be surprised if they had some magic thing that harvested and planted everything at once.

“Yea back in Filly the farm ponies always seemed to be busy. Keeps them in great shape though.” They have a city, or a town called Filly? I assume it’s a big one else it probably wouldn't have a short name. Actually this gave me an idea..

“Filly huh? I've never been there, what’s it like?” I sat down smiling, trying to get her into a conversational mood, maybe if I started asking the questions she would lay off me for a while, plus as a bonus I actually get some information that could be useful in a conversation.

“Filly? Well other than the big buildings and the big focus on sports there isn't much else to say. You might actually do well down there playing for one of the hoofball teams since you worked on a farm” She followed suite sitting down, and then unexpectedly lances over my body. It took me a moment to figure out what she was doing, and then it clicked. I was apparently some hard working farm hand, yet if I'm right in guessing my figure also transferred over. I mean, I wasn't out of shape, but then again my university life consisted of long study nights with a load of junk food to provide the sugar. Sports was never really my area, and even if I went to the gym once or twice it’s no way going to make up for years working on a farm.

“You think? Well I’m not all that strong, I really just did the small chores like planting seeds, feeding the animals, my father was the heavy lifter”

“Makes sense, no offence dude you're not exactly an adonis” a sly smirk wrapped her face, I was getting a little worried that the entire team shared that trait “Don't worry, I'm sure Spit’s going to have you join in with the team exercises to keep you in shape, a few hundred laps around the field to warm up should get your blood flowing~” Oh god please tell me she’s joking. I guess I might have some more stamina as a pony, but depending on what she classes as a field, and how she intends for me to do those laps.

“S-sounds good....”

“Come on, I want to get back to my book and chat some more with you. I'm very excited to hear some stories about your farm life Lucid...” Well that settles it, she’s on to me and I really doubt I'm going to last long with her... I just really hope if she does find out, she will take it as good as Spit did. Which, considering the tale, I’m still amazed how calm she was about it.

Author's Note:

What are your thoughts on how the plot is turning out so far? Feel free to write down what you think might happen. Everything has already been planned out, so if anyone get's close I may add an easter egg in for later on!

GDoc: 15. Enter Fleetfoot
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