• Published 4th May 2013
  • 1,916 Views, 60 Comments

Pinkie's Diet - RainbowFlash96

Finally all of those sweets have caught up with her.

  • ...

Come On Everypony, Smile, Smile, Smile

Rarity accompanied Pinkie to the hospital, while Fluttershy went to go tell her friends what had happened. Fortunately for Fluttershy, Rainbow Dash was already with Twilight at the library.

Fluttershy burst open the library's door, not worrying about what Twilight would say.

"Fluttershy! What did you do that for?" Dash yelled.

Twilight would have scolded Fluttershy if she didn't notice the tears flowing from her eyes.

"Oh my goodness, Fluttershy, what's wrong?!"

"It's Pinkie, she had a heart attack." Fluttershy whispered in between sobs.

"Oh, no! Pinkie!" Rainbow Dash yelled as she spread her wings, ready to fly full speed towards the hospital. She didn't even lift off the ground before a purple hoof stopped her.

Twilight had her own tears in her eyes, but managed to keep a firm grasp on herself, "Rainbow Dash, as much as you want to see Pinkie, you have to go and get Applejack. You're the only one that can get the news to her fast enough."

"But, Pinkie..." Rainbow argued.

Twilight placed a reassuring hoof on Dash's shoulder, "I know, but Applejack needs to know. I promise, Fluttershy, Rarity, and I will keep Pinkie safe. Now go, there's no time to waste."

Rainbow Dash was able to keep the tears from spilling over her eyes until she had left the library. However, once she left, the tears flowed uncontrollably. They were making it hard for Rainbow Dash to see, but she was able to make her way to Sweet Apple Acres.

Rainbow Dash saw Applejack out on the orchard bucking apples, and flew as fast as she could to her. She skidded to a stop, just inches away from a bewildered Applejack.

"You alright, sugarcube?"

"It's Pinkie, Applejack, she's in the hospital. She had a heart attack." Rainbow explained in between sobs.

Applejack's eyes widened and tears were beginning to form.

"Is she alright?"

"I don't know! Twilight wanted me to come and tell you."

"Okay, Rainbow, let's go."

Rainbow Dash nodded, and both her and Applejack went full speed ahead to the hospital.

Twilight, Fluttershy, and Spike arrived at the hospital not long after Rainbow Dash left to go get Applejack. When they arrived at the hospital, Rarity was waiting in the lobby for them.

"Rarity! What happened? Where is Pinkie?" Twilight asked.

To Twilight's surprise, Rarity was covered in dirt, and her hair was all out of place. There were so many tears in her eyes and flowing down her face, that one wondered if she could even see clearly.

Rarity wanted to answer her friends, but she couldn't find the words.

"Oh my gosh, Rarity, what happened to you?" Fluttershy asked.

For this, Rarity had an answer, "When Pinkie was being brought to the hospital, I knew I had to go along with her. However, there was no room in the cart, so I ran a fast as I could next to it."

Rarity took a reassuring breath then continued, "When I arrived at the hospital, Pinkie was being transported from the cart, into the building on a stretcher... They didn't make it to the hospital.

"About halfway to the hospital, Pinkie fell off of the stretcher. All of the doctors and nurses were trying to lift Pinkie back onto the stretcher. I knew if she was left outside any longer, she... she might not make it."

Twilight, Fluttershy, and Spike couldn't believe what they were hearing. Fluttershy was feeling guilty, maybe if she had gotten to Twilight sooner...

"I did the only thing I could think of at that moment," Rarity began, taking another deep breath, "I got onto the ground and tried to lift Pinkie up. I know that I am not the strongest mare, but I couldn't just stand there and do nothing."

All three of them attacked Rarity with a hug.

"Oh, Rarity, that is the most generous thing you have ever done. I'm sure Pinkie would have been so grateful." Twilight comforted.

"I'm sure anypony else would have done the same." Rarity argued.

They stayed hugging each other until most of the tears in their eyes were gone. Spike held onto Rarity just a tiny bit longer.

"Pinkie eventually made it into the hospital," Rarity continued, "but she was in very serious condition. The doctor wouldn't let me come with them into the room. I came back into the lobby to wait for you. The doctor hasn't come back since.... And I can't help but think the worse."

Fresh tears started to roll down Rarity's face. Twilight levitated a box of tissues over to Rarity who gladly took a few.

"Rarity, me of all ponies shouldn't be telling you this," Twilight said, "but you can't think of the worst possible scenario. Just try and think of all the good times we've had together... for Pinkie's sake."

Both Rarity and Fluttershy nodded in agreement. Before anypony else could say anything, however, the hospital doors burst open, and Applejack and Rainbow Dash came crashing in.

They took one look at the three of their friends hugging and crying, and assumed the worst.

Applejack took off her hat as a sign of respect, and Rainbow Dash leaned her head into Applejack, quietly sobbing.

"Ah reckon we were too late. We didn't even get ta say goodba'." Applejack concluded.

Realizing that they misunderstood, Fluttershy, Twilight, Spike, and Rarity went over and hugged their two friends.

"Applejack, Rainbow Dash, you're not too late, Pinkie is still in there. We're just waiting for the doctor to come."

Both Applejack and Rainbow Dash let out a huge sigh of relief, "Well, Ah guess we have to just wait and hope fer the best."

It was about another twenty minutes of worrying before the doctor came out. His arrival brought on a whole new wave of concern and anticipation.

Dr. Stable looked both tired and relieved. He walked up to the group of friends and gave a small sigh. He looked up from the ground and had a small smile on his face.

"Pinkie Pie gave us all quite a scare, but we were able to stabilize her. She is still unconscious at the moment, although she should wake up fairly soon. We expect her to make a full recovery."

A fresh wave of tears began to flow. But these were different, they were tears of joy.

Pinkie Pie was going to be alright.

"She is very lucky," the doctor continued, "if she had gotten here five minutes later, we might not have been able to help her."

"Can we see her?" Rainbow Dash asked.

Dr. Stable thought about it for a moment, "I suppose so, just remember to be very quiet, and careful around her."

All six friends nodded and followed the doctor into Pinkie's room.

It was just like any other hospital room, aside from the bigger bed. Pinkie was lying on the bed with an assortment of different wires hooked up to her, and numerous machines around her bed.

All of her friends gathered around the bed and just stared at their friend. They had come so close to losing her, they hadn't realized how close until just now.

"So what do we do now?" Spike asked.

"Well, Doctor Stable said that she should wake up soon, so we could wait." Twilight suggested.

"Um, if you don't mind, I'm going to wait here for her to wake up." Fluttershy said.

"Same here." Applejack said.

"As much as I need a shower, I will wait until I know for sure Pinkie will be alright." Rarity agreed.

"I'm waiting, I would never leave my friends hanging."

"I suppose that's the answer to your question, Spike." Twilight said.

The wait was not long, however, only minutes after their discussion, Pinkie began to wake up. Here eyes began to flutter, and she squinted from the sudden increase in light. When Pinkie opened her eyes, she was greeted to her friend’s faces. They were all surrounding her bed, with Spike sitting at the end of the bed.

"What happened?" Pinkie asked.

"Well, darling, you gave us all quite a scare. You had a heart attack and you're in the hospital." Rarity explained.


All of her friends nodded.

"Oh, no. I'm super duper sorry. I'm so stupid. I should have never gotten this big in the first place. I'm sorry I put you all through this."

"Pinkie, as long as you are alright, we could never be mad at you. You're our friend, and friends stick together no matter what." Twilight said.

"They sure do," Dash said, "and we're going to keep helping you. We will never give up, Pinkie."

"Thanks, girls, and you too Spike."

They all spent the next half hour talking about their new ways to help Pinkie lose weight. They came together with a less strenuous plan that would make her lose the weight more gradually.

A sudden knock on the door broke all of them from their discussion.

"Come in!" Pinkie said.

The door opened, and in walked Dr. Stable and a huge white muscular pegasus with a gold earring, and a short-cut amber colored mane.

"Snowflake? What are you doing here?" Rainbow Dash asked.

"Sorry to bother you all, but Snowflake asked me if he could speak to Pinkie Pie alone for a while." Dr. Stable explained.

All eyes looked at Pinkie for her answer.

"Sure, I guess. Girls, I'll see you later."

The five ponies, and one dragon, made their way out of the room with Dr. Stable right behind them. The door gently closed and Snowflake walked towards the bed.

"Hiya, Snowflake! What did you want to talk about?"

"Pinkie, I know how you feel. I've been there."

After getting over the initial shock of hearing the pegasus saying something other than 'YEAH', Pinkie tried to pay attention to what Snowflake had to say.

"Pinkie, you don't want to stay like this your whole life. Its not a good life for a young mare like you to have."

"I know, and I'm trying to get better, I really am."

"I know you are, Pinkie, but...," Snowflake sighed, "...I think it's better if I just tell you the whole thing."

Pinkie looked confused, "Tell me what?"

"About me, Pinkie... Have I ever told you how I got my cutie mark?"

Author's Note:

Well my new writing method started out great.

It lasted a whole two days.

Then everything went downhill. I seriously can't concentrate on something for more than like ten minutes.

It just gets me so mad, I really want to give you guys the chapters fast, but I just can't write as quickly as I would like. If I could do things the way I wanted to, I'd have a chapter out every week.

Well great now I just took up a lot of your time complaining, sorry about that, hope you liked the chapter.

And if you fave, please like!