• Published 30th Mar 2013
  • 2,072 Views, 238 Comments

Galaxia's Equestria - pchn00

Queen Galaxia has returned and remade Equestria in her image. The ponies need a hero! They need...Discord? The reformed draconequus must collect the Elements of Harmony with the help of his young niece in order to return a fallen friend.

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Chapter 6: Infiltration Specialists

Chapter 6: Infiltration Specialists

As the trio disembarked the stallions were dismayed to find soldiers of Galaxia nearly everywhere they looked. Heavily armed and armored ponies stood at rigid attention at nearly every street corner. With a gentle frown Fancy Pants lifted Jubilant magically and settled her on his back.

She immediately moved to get down but he turned his head to look her in the eye. “No nonsense Jubilant. It’s dangerous here and you have to stay close do you understand? I don’t want to have to tell Rarity you misbehaved.”

This worked to instantly cow any mischievous intentions she may have had. “Yes sir.”

Discord rolled his eyes. “Why can’t she behave like that for me?”

His fellow stallion took in the dusty town quietly. The native Appleloosians scurried from building to building fearfully, heads low and avoiding eye contact with not only the guards but one another. “Not quite what I expected.”

Rather boldly Fancy Pants strode up to the nearest guard. “Terribly sorry to disturb you gentlecolts but why the military presence?”

The imposing guard ponies exchanged a brief look before focusing on the noble. “A bit far from home aren’t you sir?”

With an affable grin Fancy shrugged. “My daughter has a fascination with the ‘wild west’ and I thought Appleloosa close enough to Canterlot we could make a little trip of seeing it.”

Jubilant punctuated his statement by waving cheerfully.

The guards seemed to accept his reasoning and both visibly relaxed. “Word is the resistance is operating somewhere in the desert nearby. Her divine majesty has ordered us to turn the town upside down until we find evidence one way or the other.”

Fancy Pants nodded thoughtfully. “I see. Are we in any danger? Should we depart?”

The talkative guard shrugged. “I don’t think so sir. Nopony’d be dumb enough to pull something with this many soldiers in town. Just don’t go wandering down any back alleys or leaving the town borders. We can’t guarantee your safety if you do.”

“Drat. She had her heart set on meeting some buffalo too. Ah, well better safe than sorry eh? I’ll leave you gents to your work.” With a disarming grin Fancy returned to Discord’s side. “Sounds as though things have gotten a trifle more complicated.”

Discord seemed unbothered. “Only a little. These block heads are easy enough to work around. Come on let’s get to the orchard. I’m sure we’ll find Applejack there.”

Jubilant was practically bouncing on Fancy Pants’ back in excitement. “I can’t wait to see Miss Applejack again.”

“Just remember why we’re hearing Surprise. We need her element of honesty.” At her uncle’s unusually stern tone Jubilant did calm somewhat.

The orchard was simple enough to find, a large grove of apple trees stood out a bit in the desert surroundings. Jubilant’s ears perked at the familiar sounds of hooves bucking trees and she leapt from Fancy’s back darting ahead in anticipation of seeing Applejack. Discord lifted a hoof stopping Fancy from calling her back.

The little filly bounded between the trees but pulled up short as she found the pony bucking. It was a stallion. His yellow coat and orange mane were almost the opposite of Applejacks, but he wore the same kind of hat and had her green eyes. He blinked in surprise at the sudden appearance of a unicorn filly.

“Well howdy there lil lady. Are ya lost?”

She shook her head. “Nope! Well…I don’t THINK so. Is Miss Applejack here?”

Now his eyebrows rose further. “Y’all a friend’a Applejack’s? She’s just down the way a bit further. How d’ya know my cousin?”

“I used to help her during apple bucking season!” She beamed proudly.

“That so? Lotta unicorns do farm work back east?”

Jubilant shrugged. “I don’t think so. I lived in Ponyville though and wanted to earn my own bits!”

The stallion chuckled at that. “Well that’s mighty mature fer such a little filly. G’on an find my cuz. Sure she’d be happy t’see a friendly face.”

With a big grin for the nice stallion Jubilant pranced her way further into the grove. Again she picked up the sound of a pony bucking trees and this time it was indeed the mare she sought. “Miss Applejack!”

Applejack looked more surprised to see her than the stallion did. “Surprise? What in tarnation are y’all doin in Appleloosa?”

“Well we’re here to see you!”

Tipping her hat back the mare stared down at the smiling filly. “We?”

“Uh huh! Me and Mister Fancy Pants and Uncle D!”

Warring emotions flared within Applejack. She knew Fancy Pants; he was a good sort who bought a lot of product from her. Practically kept the farm afloat. On the other hoof she was also familiar with Jubilant Surprise’s Uncle D, and not a big fan. Normally she could read a pony like a book and tell if they were lying to her or not. With that one though she got nothing. And when she got nothing from a pony she got uneasy around them.

“Izzat so? Long way just fer a visit ain’t it?”

“Now Applejack! There’s no such thing as too long a distance to cross to visit an old friend!”

A sour look flashed across her face before the farm pony stifled it as Jubilant’s uncle trotted up. She spied Fancy Pants in the distance talking to her cousin Braeburn. “D. Pleasure t’see ya again.”

He chuckled good naturedly. “You’re getting better at lying m’dear.”

She snorted softly and turned back to her work. “Wanna tell me why yer draggin' Miss Pie’s filly out t’the desert?”

“I do as a matter of fact! Just not out here in this awful heat. Any chance you could take a break? Believe it or not it’s genuinely important.”

The unusually earnest tone in his voice gave her pause. She’d always known him to be a mooch and a lay about off his sister Pinkamina. The most activity she’d ever seen out of him was when he’d tear around Ponyville causing trouble with his niece. “…s’pose Ah could take a few minutes t’chat. But just a few.”

“Of course. That should be plenty. Lead the way hm?”

With a nod Applejack trotted toward her cousins small, (but expanding thanks to her younger sister’s talents) house. Jubilant rushed ahead to excitedly greet Applebloom. The young mare was pleasantly surprised but her smile dimmed to a snort as she spied her sister coming. With a shrug to D Applejack nudged the door open. “She’s still a mite sore on account’a me buckin’ her in the face and stuffin’ her in a barrel.”

With a heavy sigh Discord shook his head. “It’s so hard to tell what’ll set off young ponies these days.”

Despite her distrust of him Applejack couldn’t help but bark a quick laugh. “S’pose that’s true. Getcha somethin’ t’drink?”

“Just a glass of water, if it’s no imposition.”

“Wouldn’ta offered if it were.” She made her way to the kitchen, returning with the requested glass. Jubilant was still outside with Applebloom so she didn’t bother with one for her. She knew the two were close enough to be considered friends. Despite the age gap her younger sister always had a soft spot for the filly.

Guzzling the water in one go Discord set the glass aside. “I’m here on a bit of important business Applejack.”

Eyebrow raised she seated herself across from him. “Didn’ know ya got up t’any sorta business at all there D.”

Now it was his turn to laugh. “You’ve got me there! I suppose I’m not the work horse you are but I’m serious when I say what I’m here for is important.”

“Well don’t keep me in suspense then. What exactly d’y’all want?”

She flinched as his horn began to glow, then leaned in curiously as a large case appeared on the table. He flung the clasp open and opened the lid to reveal the collected elements. ”Huh. Well those look like…uh…” She blinked a moment. “…th’necklace granny left me. It part’a some collection er somethin’? Cause that necklace’s been in th’family fer years.”

Smiling strangely Discord gave a nod. “Yes I imagine it must have great sentimental value. Fancy Pants and I are trying to complete the set however.”

Immediately Applejack frowned. “Fer what? T’stick em in some high falutin’ rich ponies house or some nonsense?”

He shrugged. “Sort of. The Canterlot museum of art and history offers a lot of bits for old knick knacks like these. The kind of bits that could pay for a life time’s worth of sunshine on an apple farm say?”

Now he had her interest. “…so what exactly are y’offerin’?”

“Just what it sounded like. You give me your necklace to add to the set, and I give you a fair split of the profits.”

“An I’m just s’posed t’take yer word for it?”

Discord chuckled. “Of course not, I know I have something of a reputation. It’s what Fancy Pants is here for. He’s providing an initial payment. Say five thousand bits is fair? Once we complete the set and get paid by the museum we’ll send another ten along.”

Applejack rocked back as if he’d bucked her right in the face. “F-five thousand bits now an…an TEN later? That necklace o’granny’s is REALLY worth that much?!”

He shrugged. “When the set is complete you could say it’s priceless. So do we have a deal?”

The mare was torn. On the one hand the necklace was an heirloom from her beloved and departed grandmother. On the other D was offering her enough bits to provide good weather and more than a few comforts around home for her family. In the end the decision was an easy one. She trotted to her room and returned with the element of honesty in tow. “Ah wanna hear from Mister Fancy about this b’fore Ah hand it over.”

With a grin Discord snapped the case shut. “I’ll fetch him myself if you’ll wait just a moment?”

At her nod he was out the door heading for the orchard. Applejack set the necklace by the case stepping outside. Jubilant was regaling Applebloom with the story of saving Applejack from the pegasus soldiers. Her younger sister shot her a quick look that wasn’t quite as venom filled as it had been the last couple weeks. Of course Applejack had told her the story herself but the younger mare had a hard time believing it.

Maybe she’d finally start forgiving her? With a sigh Applejack turned toward the orchard removing her hat respectfully as the Lord Fancy Pants approached. “Afternoon sir. An a pleasure t’see ya again.”

He wore that charmingly disarming smile that made Applejack more than once entertain flights of fancy about a noble unicorn stallion falling in love with an earth pony farmer. “A genuine pleasure to see you again as well Miss Applejack! D has already informed you of our proposed arrangement?”

Replacing her hat she moved up the porch and held the door for him. “Yes sir. Sounds right agreeable t’me Ah just wanted t’make sure it weren’t one of D’s song an dance numbers.”

With a hearty chuckle Fancy Pants set his saddlebags on the floor drawing a very tell-tale metallic clink from them. “I assure you he’s quite on the ‘up and up’ as they say. Five thousand bits now for your necklace and another ten when the collection is safely in the museum.”

With a low whistle she planted her haunches on the floor. “What in tarnation makes these things so darn valuable? If y’don’t mind me askin?”

Fancy shrugged using his magic to levitate the agreed upon sum onto the table by the case. “Oh you know how the nobility can get. Something old and shiny and they take an unusual interest in it. A bit silly if you ask me but any excuse to get out of the city and have a little excitement is reason enough for me. Plus I’m never against investing money to make a few extra bits. I was sorry to hear about your farm by the way. That zap apple jam of yours paid for more than a few improvements to several earth pony cities.”

Applejack studied Fancy quietly. He was definitely lying about the necklaces but not about his donations to needy members of her tribe. He wasn’t telling her the real reason he wanted her heirloom but she doubted it was for anything sinister. Maybe his wife didn’t approve or something? She’d only met Lady Rarity once but she definitely came off as something of a fuss bucket. “Well…Ah s’pose that’s good t’hear. An Braeburn’ll definitely be happy t’hear our money troubles ain’t gonna trouble us again.”

Hesitantly the lord snapped open the case and very gingerly lifted the element of honesty, setting it in one of the two remaining resting places. Applejack watched the care he gave it with a raised brow but assumed it was because they were so valuable. “Indeed. My offer still stands by the way. I’d be happy to sponsor Sweet Apple Acres personally. I’ll see to the weather finances in exchange for a controlling interest in the farms business ventures.”

It was an offer he’d made many times in the past, and one Applejack was now wishing she hadn’t been too stubborn to accept. “Well…that might be a mite difficult. Ah may have bucked our pegasus liaison in th’face when she came t’kick me off th’farm. Only reason Ah ain’t dead is cause’a Surprise out there savin mah hide.”

Glancing over his shoulder he could see the filly tossing her uncles’ hat to Applebloom in a game of keep away that seemed to be getting under Discord’s skin. “She is a remarkable pony is she not?”

“She’s certainly an odd one Ah’ll give ya that. How’d y’all git mixed up with D an her anyway?”

“Ah. Well Rarity and I adopted her. We’ve been raising her since the seekers took her to Canterlot.”

“Huh. Well good t’know she’s in good hooves. No offense but Ah don’t much care fer alotta th’Canterlot ponies.”

Leaning in conspiratorially Fancy dropped his voice. “Between you and I, I don’t either.”

This drew a laugh from Applejack now. “How long you folks in town?”

Snapping the case shut Fancy Pants rested it next to himself on the floor. “A few days I think. I promised Jubilant she could see some of the town. We might take a foray into the desert and see if we can’t meet a buffalo or two.”

“That filly loves t’stick her nose places it don’t b’long. Ah’d love t’offer y’all a room here but we’re already squeezed in tight til AB finished her add on. Though Ah c’n put in a good word down at th’inn for ya.”

Smiling that smile that sent all the mares hearts aflutter he hefted his bags back onto his back and waved D over. “That would be lovely Miss Applejack. Perhaps we could sit down to dinner together hm? My treat.”

She snorted softly as D cantered in and with his magic made the case go…wherever he magics things to. “Nonsense. Y’all’ll have dinner here with us. Home cooked meal is th’least Ah can do after y’all just spent so much t’get a silly necklace.”

“Well we shall certainly look forward to it! Would you mind very much guiding us to the inn? I’d like to check in and drop my bags off.”

“Oh! Sure thing. Follow me.” Applejack set an easy pace through the town doing her best to ignore the imposing soldiers everywhere. The visiting trio in tow she led them to what was likely the only inn in town. After a few quick words with the proprietor she gave the group a quick goodbye leaving them to get settled in.

“Didja get it? Didja didja!?” Jubilant bounced from bed to bed focus flipping from her uncle to Fancy Pants.

“We did indeed. Though I’m curious how you intend to obtain the element of loyalty.” Fancy Pants carefully laid out their luggage.

Discord smiled. “Tonight we’re going to meet up with some friends of mine. They’ve got that handled; in fact the final element may even be waiting for us when we arrive.”


Lyra was not happy. The leather armor of a pegasus soldier fit uncomfortably tight about her body. If she wore clothes at all they were usually large silken gowns she needed to have on for performances. Nor was she happy at just how high she was currently flying. She’d been practicing with her new wings for two solid weeks now but she’d never flown so high.

She looked to her companion; the slate gray stallion was dressed in officer’s armor. His blue green mane slicked back and ruby colored eyes glinted playfully as he noted her discomfort. She knew this wasn’t his true form. She was quite surprised to learn her flight instructor had been a changeling. Though once she got to know him, Tak had proven to be a pretty fun guy. “Scared’a heights kid?”

The unicorn turned pegasus shot the stallion a glare. “I’m a unicorn thank-you-very-much! We don’t belong in the air!”

He chuckled. “Well today you’re a pegasus. My official aide-de-camp in fact! So shape up private Minty Fresh.”

Lyra did a double take as he suddenly lost his thick city accent and affected a martial sounding stern tone. “Well forgive me for only having wings for two weeks. You’re SURE the princess’ charm bracelet isn’t going to…poof me back anytime soon?”

“Yes I’m sure. It’s alicorn magic kid. You won’t change back until you want to.” Her guide flapped a bit harder picking up more speed. He’d been her tutor in flight down in the underground hideout the resistance was using and she’d come to like the odd fellow.

“So how’d a changeling hook up with the resistance anyway? I don’t think you ever told me.” She kept her gaze locked solidly on his flanks, studiously ignoring how far down the ground was.

He slowed to match Lyra’s slower pace. “My queens insisted we pitch in. So here we are.”

She frowned in confusion. “Queens? You have more than one?”

“Oh uh, wives I guess you’d call them.” He chuckled. “Though they both ACT like royalty that’s for sure. Though one’s technically a princess so I guess that’s not far off.”

“Have I met them? And how can somepony TECHNICALLY be a princess?”

He shrugged. “Umbra’s adopted, her mother was queen of those spider folk you saw scurrying around down there. Trixie’s always studying with her mysterious study buddy in the old frozen castle.”

“So you’re the head of a herd. Of pony mares.”

“Love’s pretty crazy huh? Got some good stories though. If we live through this we’ll have to grab a drink.”

With a snicker Lyra poked his side. “Don’t get any funny ideas Casanova. I’m only interested in mares.”

With a flare of harsh green light the gray stallion was replaced with a gray mare. Lyra’s wings faltered in mid-flap as the now female Tak shot her a wink. “I can do mare cutie.”

The bard recovered quickly as stuck close to her side. “You’re not going in like THAT are you?”

Tak shrugged and adjusted her armor. “Why not? Sides that Rainbow Dash looked like she played for your team anyway. Maybe I can use my feminine charm to woo the element away from her.”

The fortress city of Cloudsdale was coming into view and a few patrols were out. They received curious looks but Tak was in officer’s armor so they were left alone. “I still don’t get what’s so important about this necklace.”

“Me either but the princess wants it bad. And she made Umbra want it bad. Which means I want it bad. So here we are. Get your game face on kid. Slip up and our wings are clipped.”

Lyra swallowed down her nerves and dipped into a descent after her ‘commanding officer’.


Neither Discord nor Fancy Pants got any sleep, only little Jubilant Surprise slept soundly in the shared inn room. “Should we wake her?”

Discord made sure the door was locked and stuffed some pillows to give the appearance of ponies in the bed. “If we’re not here when she wakes up she’s going to go berserk looking for us.”

“Mm. I suppose that’s true.” Gently Fancy Pants lifted Jubilant onto his back. “How do we get to your…friends?”

“Why, with magic of course!” Fancy barely had enough time to blink as Discord’s horn flared to life and all three ponies vanished in a flash. When they reappeared the stallion staggered a bit as his hooves sank into soft sand.

“I say a bit of warning next time hm?”

Discord chuckled watching the unicorn fuss with his mane and jacket. “My sincerest apologies! We shouldn’t be too far from resistance HQ.”

Jubilant let out a particularly loud snore drawing a grin from both stallions. “Once she gets to sleep she stays asleep that’s for sure.” Fancy shifted her to settle more solidly on his back.

“True enough, getting her to bed is the hard part.” The conversation ended as Discord set a brisk pace across the sandy desert ground. The night was brightly lit by the moon overhead allowing Fancy Pants to see some distance all around. Mostly what he saw was sand, sand, and more sand. Far in the distance he could make out the lights of Appleloosa.

“Quite the teleport.”

Smiling smugly Discord brushed at an imagined wrinkle on his own suit jacket. “It’s nothing really. Half my power still packs quite the punch.”

“Mm. I was wondering where the other half got to?”

“I merged the amulet holding it with Jubilant’s magic.”

Now Fancy looked slightly alarmed. “It’s my understanding your magic has a corruptive influence.”

“It would for most. But a foal has too much innocence to get turned to the dark side of the force.” Of course Fancy Pants simply stared blankly at the reference. “…she would have thought that was funny.”

“I’ve seen Star Wars; I just don’t find your antics very amusing. I suppose you planned all this from the very beginning then?”

“I did! Though I can’t take all the credit I’m afraid.”

“Oh? Who else was in on this little plan?”

Discord didn’t respond. He stopped before a seemingly blank rock face. “Hmm…I forget this week’s password. Ah well!” With a jaunty grin he trotted ahead pushing his way through the stone that was rippling like water. “Keep up Fancy Pants!”

Hesitating briefly the other stallion charged ahead wishing to get through the liquefied stone as quickly as possible. It felt like running through pudding…or what he imagined it would feel like. He was met with only slight resistance staggering forward as he exited the other side. He had to adjust his monocle to make sure what he was seeing was real.

A huge chamber sprawled out before him, dozens of tunnels branching out in every direction imaginable. Small lanterns holding some kind of luminescent larva lit the way. Ponies of all three tribes were coming and going, though primarily earth ponies. The real surprise came from the other occupants. Massive spiders the size of a full grown pony skittered here and there. They smoothly transitioned to walls or ceilings to make room for a passing pony, who seemed completely at ease among the giant arachnids.

“D…what are they?”

“The spiderkin of course! Long lost underground civilization. Most don’t speak equestrian alas but they seem nice enough. They’re queen can be a real hoot. Anyway we’re not here to see them! Let’s get going.” He set out down one of the tunnels at a brisk trot.

Jubilant had miraculously not stirred yet. Fancy certainly didn’t like the idea of chasing the energetic filly through the caves filled with giant spiders. He matched his guide’s pace as he was led down a myriad of twists and turns. “How far do these tunnels reach exactly?”

“Mmm. Last time I was here they’d just gotten halfway to Ponyville. The queen’s web originates beneath the crystal mountain valley.”

“That’s weeks away by hoof, this is rather incredible.”

“Well the spiderkin are good diggers. They’ve really stepped up during all this, if not for them the whole resistance would be squished by now I’m sure. Ah here we are!”

Fancy gasped softly. It was another large chamber though the residents were quite familiar, though no less surprising. Princess Cadence herself was standing before a large table of stone, Prince Shining Armor at her side. Her brow was furrowed as she examined a large collection of maps.

“I just don’t know Shining. Of course we have to do something for the empire soon, Sombra is working the crystal ponies to death then that horrid creature is raising them to keep working. But the Crystal Empire is protected by his golems now. Everypony in the resistance couldn’t get through.”

Shining Armor opened his mouth to replay but nodded toward the newcomers as they stepped in. Cadence had a…mixed expression at seeing Discord. “D it’s…lovely to see you again of course. And is that Fancy Pants? It’s been so long!”

“Yes I believe the Crystal Fair just before all this…unpleasant business occurred. It’s good to see you of course princess.” Dipping into a courtly bow he gave her a clear view of the sleeping filly on his back.

She sucked in her breath softly. “Is that her?”

Discord lifted Jubilant from Fancy’s back resting her on the table. Her mouth fell open and she loosed a spectacular snore. “In the glorious flesh.”

Cadence giggled softly. “Oh but she’s so cute. I can see her in there though. And so much of Pinkie too. They love each other so deeply…” She was smiling warmly toward the end bit.

Fancy Pants stepped forward. “I don’t wish to seem contrary, and I dearly miss our departed friend but…why her? Why go to all this trouble to bring her of all ponies back to life? Surely there are greater warriors or mages to overthrow the queen?”

“Because Jubilant Surprise is important. Important to everything.”

Fancy turned to the new speaker. An earth pony in a rather impressive brown leather jacket, collared shirt and tie beneath stepped forward. A large pair of goggles sat on his head holding back his shaggy brown mane. Fancy could barely make out an hourglass cutie mark on his flank. The newcomer spoke in a quick excited tone with an obvious Trottingham accent.

“I don’t believe we’ve met mister…”

“It’s Doctor actually! And no I don’t believe we’ve met! And I must say it’s certainly a pleasure to meet YOU sir! The first one to arrive too. Well aside from Miss Heartstrings of course but D here hasn’t quite sorted her head yet so I’d say you count as the first.” He finished shaking Fancy Pants’ hoof vigorously.

Smiling shakily Fancy reclaimed his hoof. “You were saying Jubilant is important? Important to what?”

“Why to Equestria! To Earth! To everypony and everybody. What happened five years ago…shouldn’t have happened. HE was supposed to arrive and together they would have overpowered the queen before her power had fully come back to her.”

Discord snorted at that. “Or so he says.”

“So I say indeed! And since he was too lazy to get off his rump and do his job…” (this drew an indignant ‘hey!’ from Discord) “It falls to us to set things right.”

“So you really believe she can defeat the queen?”

“What? All by herself? Don’t be ridiculous.”

Cadence finally stepped forward. “Excuse me? I sent two of our best agents to Cloudsdale specifically because YOU told me she could dethrone her!”

“Oh ah, well I may have exaggerated a tiny bit. She can’t single hoofedly do it of course but trust me, everything will make sense soon! Now if you’ll excuse me I have to tend to my assistant. Really just great to meet you Fancy Pants.”

Fancy stared after the strangest pony he’d ever met as he retreated down another tunnel. Finally he turned to Discord. “And I thought YOU were odd.”

With an indifferent shrug Discord cantered after the departing doctor. Cadence offered a wan smile. “I Know we’re something of an eccentric bunch, but desperate times and all that.”

With a shake of his head Fancy settled neat to the princess, resting Jubilant between his forelegs. “I’ve left my wife behind in Canterlot to drag our adopted filly to the desert in the hopes that she’s a fragment of my deceased alien friend from another world so that we can resurrect her fully. You don’t have to explain the concept of desperation to me your highness.”

“You don’t believe D’s plan will work?”

Fancy Pants stared down at the slumbering Jubilant Surprise for a moment. “I don’t know what I believe. Until a few days ago I believed I was a happily married nobleman doing what he could to help the downtrodden masses. Now I’m told I’m to bear one of the elements of harmony and wield unimaginable magic’s.”

Cadence looked troubled but she had to nod. “Yes I suppose you must be troubled. Why don’t you get some rest? Hopefully Tak and Lyra return soon with the last element, and then we can find out if all this was for nothing or not.”

Bowing his head Fancy Pants allowed his fatigue to show. “That would be lovely your highness thank you. It sounds as if I have a busy few days ahead.”

“Indeed. Sleep well Fancy Pants.” One of the ponies at her side led the stallion to a small side chamber where a surprisingly comfortable bed of moss waited. With a chuckle at the novelty of it all he settled down resting Jubilant against his side.

“Well I always did enjoy roughing it…”


Lyra’s eyes darted back and forth frantically. “I can’t believe you did that!” She hissed under her breath to the mare at her side.

Tak just smirked. “Oh c’mon it was hilarious. Imagine the look on their faces when they see we dumped all that liquid rainbow in their rations.”

Barely able to hide a smile of her own Lyra snorted. “We’re supposed to be finding Rainbow Dash.”

With a soft sigh Tak collected herself. “Alright, alright. I heard a few of the recruits talking about a mare who spends her nights muzzle deep in a mug down at this dive called the Leaky Mug. Let’s go check it out.”

Having gotten no better leads herself Lyra followed Tak along the cloud city’s streets. It was definitely weird, walking on clouds. It felt like her hooves would fall through any second. It was slightly springy, with just a little bit of give but of course she never slipped through.

The disguised changeling seemed to know exactly where she was going as she led the way. Beneath the initial layer of cloud was an inner city housing all manner of eateries, shops, and residences. They descended further until the clouds became heavy and gray. Their destination soon in sight.

The Leaky Mug had patches of cloud stuff constantly flitting away only to be replaced by the proprietor at the end of the night. The sounds of a brawl could be heard all the way down the street and both spies reared up in surprise as a pegasus stallion was bucked right through the wall only to skid to a stop at their hooves.

Exchanging wary glances the pair entered. Their quarry wasn’t hard to spot. Private Rainbow Dash’s mane and tail were very striking and even after not having seen her in five years Tak was unlikely to forget them. Though the private looked like she’d seen better days.

Dash had heavy bags under her eyes, while her mane and coat were more shaggy and disheveled than usual. Judging by the angle of the exit hole from which the stallion was bucked it would seem the private was his attacker. Though the bar pony didn’t bat an eye, just poured her another drink.

Tak approached calmly. “Quite a kick.”

The already intoxicated mare snorted and was about to shoot a sharp retort her way before she blinked at the officers armor Tak wore. Dash tried to choke the snort back and ended up choking herself much to the changeling’s amusement. “You alright there private?”

With a particularly big hack and an equally big draw from her mug Rainbow Dash nodded. “Jus’ great sir. Ma’am. Sir ma’am. M’on leave til next week.”

Chuckling Tak raised her hooves. “I’m not here about your off duty conduct private. I was hoping we could talk. Privately.”

Now Dash narrowed her eyes. “M’fine. Don’t need any more head shrinker ponies telling me I shouldn’t feel bad or whatever anymore. M’fit for duty.”

“Oh? Well good. I’m trying to assemble and elite squad for high profile missions. Only looking for the best of the best.”

Rainbow Dash’s natural impulse for showing off was pricked a bit at this. “…oh yeah?” She deflated just as quickly. “Well that’s not me. Haven’t you seen my record?”

Tak hadn’t but there was no reason to tell HER that. She could guess what was bugging the pegasus anyway. “I know you’re the fastest flier in Cloudsdale. I need speed, agility, and stealth. You definitely fit the first two. I’m not looking for thugs to shake down ponies for tribute.”

About to protest at the phrasing, Rainbow found she couldn’t. “…really?”

“Really.” This was the hard part. Getting the poor mare’s hopes up then having to dash them, but the mission came first. “Got somewhere private we can talk?”

“Sure.” She was perking up. “Sure! Yeah c’mon my place isn’t too far from here.”

With a jerk of her head toward Lyra, Tak fell into step beside Rainbow Dash. “I’m Lieutenant Sunny Days. This is my aide Minty Fresh.”

“Nice to meet you both! I’m uh, Private Rainbow Dash. But I guess you know that.”

Lyra was shooting Tak a glare for using the embarrassingly stupid cover name she had most certainly NOT agreed upon. “Sure do!”

Looking like she hadn’t smiled so much in weeks Rainbow Dash led them up a short flight of stairs to an apartment building in the lower district. She let them in. “Uh go ahead and grab a seat wherever guys! I think I got some cider or somehtin’ around here.” She hastily brushed off the sofa for her guests.

“Oh no need for a drink we just want to talk.”

Before she could turn back around Tak touched her heart with her magic, plucking the image of her love from her. With a flare of green the pegasus mare was gone and a well build pegasus stallion remained.
Dash’s eyes widened. “S-sergeant Soarin? What’re you doing here? Where’d…” Her wings flared. “You’re…what? A changeling or something!?”

“Or something.” Rainbow Dash felt a wave of magic wash over her, and in a flash all her anger dissipated…leaving warm fuzziness in its wake. She was smiling goofily soon.

“So, Dashie. D’you mind if I call you Dashie, private?”

Feeling a blush form Rainbow Dash shook her head. “N-no sir. Sergeant.”

Tak smiled. “When it’s just us, call me Soarin.”

“O-ok Soarin.”

“So Dashie, I need your help with something important.”

Eyes wide Rainbow Dash leaned forward. “Anything…”

“I’m looking for a necklace. It’s really important. Gold with a red lightning bolt gem in the center?”

Grinning now Rainbow Dash vanished down the hall with a blaze of color, returning just as fast with the necklace in her mouth. She wasted no time laying it before Tak. “No prob!”

“Thanks so much Dashie. Now I need you to do one more thing.”

The bewitched mare nodded vigorously. “Of course.”

“Sleep.” Tak’s eyes flared as Dash felt herself slump to the floor.

Lyra watched the whole exchange silently. “Pretty handy trick.”

With a scowl Tak let the Soarin disguise vanish as he reverted back into the pegasus mare officer. “Maybe but I feel dirty after using it.” She flicked the element of loyalty to Lyra who slipped it into her saddlebag. “Especially on a nice pony like her. She won’t remember much when she wakes up at least.”

“Well we got what we came for. Let’s just get outta here huh? I want my hooves back on the ground.”

Smirking Tak lead the way back up and out. “Sound just like Umbra now. She hates heights.”


Archmagister Twilight Sparkle made her way down the ancient stairs of the old library. She could already hear her study partner pacing outside the door. She was always so impatient. Though Twilight could hardly blame her, it was pretty cold outside the library.

Reaching the bottom of the stairs she undid the arcane seals on the door swinging them open. The mare on the other side burst in shivering heavily and sending snow all over the floor. “Well it’s about time! Trixie thought you’d forgotten her!”

Allowing one of her rare smiles to find her face Twilight just shook her head. “Trixie I don’t think anypony who’s met you could ever forget it.”

Choosing to accept that as a compliment rather than an insult Trixie shut the doors behind herself, and followed Twilight up to Clover the Clever's old library. They had magic to make.