• Published 31st Mar 2013
  • 2,166 Views, 64 Comments

Withered and Blooming - Soniclink137

A few days after the death of Granny Smith, the Apple Family has to pick up the pieces and using friends and family, they will attempt to overcome the bitter sadness from the loss of an Apple.

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Applejack didn’t know whether she should be happy or annoyed at her brother. On one hoof he was basically giving Caramel permission to return to the farm. Caramel had been an on and off duty farmhoof for a few years now, ever since they needed help during a Winter Wrap Up some years back. He tended to be a klutz and messed up a lot, but he continued to try his hardest and worked sometimes even harder than Applejack or Big Macintosh. And it was because of that Applejack became infatuated with him.

Though it was probably his greatest mess-up that was the reason Big Macintosh didn’t trust him. Caramel a few Hearts and Hooves days ago dated a pegasus called Wind Whistler. At that point in time Applejack had only a small emotional connection with him so it only caused her to feel a small pang of emotions that she didn’t know anything about. Though it was after they broke off Caramel and Applejack started dating which was where Applejack started realizing her feeling for him. Of course Wind Whistler still retained a bit of a fling for Caramel, and one day both Applejack and Big Macintosh caught those two kissing. Caramel constantly told the two that it was Wind Whistler that kissed him first and while Applejack eventually believed him, Big Macintosh had lost his trust in Caramel and no longer liked him to be around for more than he needed to be. That happened about six months ago and Big Macintosh still carried the grudge on his old friend.

On the other hoof Applejack didn’t feel like they needed help around on the farm. When they needed help, Applejack would stubbornly accept some help from her friends. She learned that lesson a long time ago and she still hadn’t forgot it.

However if she didn’t feel that they needed some help on the farm, then she didn’t like the fact that Big Macintosh had brought in some help. Even Caramel, though Applejack did like the fact that Big Macintosh had let him back on the farm. It was a pride thing and something Applejack needed to work on, but Applejack felt that they don’t need any help at all around the farm. She had made sure to rest up plenty and did not felt fatigued at all during the day.

But when Big Macintosh got something on his mind, he was stubborn with it until the end, and he would not accept any other option. He had the Apple Family stubbornness in him and arguing with him was a waste of time. So Applejack was going to have to deal with his stubbornness and let them work on the farm as much as she would rather do all of the work. As much as she wanted to do all the work. Because it was the only thing that was keeping her mind off of Granny Smith.

Applejack flipped over on her right side in her bed, and tried harder to fall asleep before she ended up thinking about it.


The next morning as soon as the first train into Ponyville stopped Caramel stepped off. The caramel colored earth pony had two large saddlebags to his sides that held a lot of things in it. Including a note that he caused a spike in his emotions.

Last night while he checked through the mail in his apartment in Manehatten he found a surprising letter from Big Macintosh that stated he was allowed back to help out with a few things on Sweet Apple Acres. It had been a while since he had been at Sweet Apple Acres due to a misunderstanding with an old marefriend of his, Wind Whistler, so he was glad for the chance to finally make things up to the Apple Family.

When he walked across the wooden platform and into the dirt path towards Ponyville he noticed Pinkie Pie bouncing towards the train station. The pink earth pony gave him her natural enthusiastic hello before she returned to her bouncing pursuit towards the train station. Caramel assumed that the party pony somehow knew that there was somepony new coming to Ponyville and that was why she was heading off to the train station.

Caramel walked into Ponyville and went towards the center of the town. According to Big Macintosh he got a possibly permanent job on the farm so long as he “didn’t mess around with Applejack.” So therefore he needed some lodging in Ponyville since he would be staying here for a while. Luckily Ponyville was pretty easy when it comes to lodging so all it took was a quick visit to Mayor Mare in Town Hall and a bunch of papers and Caramel got himself a small house on the edge of town right next to the path to Sweet Apple Acres. It was nice and close to Sweet Apple Acres so Caramel wouldn’t have to worry about a long walk to there.

With a deed in mouth Caramel walked towards his new home in order to get set up there before he started his job over at Sweet Apple Acres. While on his way over he happened to pass by Apple Bloom, who was walking alone and not with her two friends interestingly enough. She also looked down on something so Caramel wondered whether something happened between her and her friends, but he decided that was probably a question for Applejack. So he continued on towards his new house to move in.

Caramel got himself a usual square pale house that wasn’t really large in size, in fact it was a quite small house, but Caramel was satisfied with what he got. As he walked in he noticed it was partially furnished which was part of the deal and the reason why the house was small. All of the furniture in Caramel’s apartment in Manehatten belonged to the landowners and Caramel didn’t have the bits to buy himself some new furniture so anything he can get works. No matter how small.

Caramel left one of his saddlebags inside his apartment and keeping the other handy he took off for Sweet Apple Acres. He would have spent some time actually setting up his stuff, but he wants to redeem his broken reputation and he wouldn’t be able to do that if he was late to work on the first day of the job. So while he might end up sore and not feeling like setting up today, it would be worth it if he wanted to redeem his broken friendship with Big Mac and get closer to Applejack.

Caramel ran out of his house and on the dirt path towards Sweet Apple Acres. He passed through the white gate and saw Big Macintosh as he walked out of the house going on his own way. As they both passed by Big Macintosh stopped right next to Caramel and looked down at him with his usual stoic face.

“Ah’d recommend you be careful,” Big Macintosh said. “Y’all are on very thin ice.”

“Y-yes sir,” Caramel said.

“Good. Your first task is to fix the pig pen,” Big Mac said. “Ah’d have Apple Bloom do it but…” Big Macintosh looked over in the direction of Ponyville. “You’re in charge of it. Try not to screw up too much.”

“What’s going on around here?” Caramel asked. “I just saw Apple Bloom a few minutes ago and she didn’t look too happy.”

“It ain’t my place to explain it to you,” Big Mac said. “Y’all can ask Applejack when ya see her. If she’s in the mood ta talk.”

Big Macintosh walked away without saying another word, heading on the road strangely enough towards the Everfree Forest. What he was doing there Caramel didn’t know, but he probably had some reason for going there. If Caramel had some sort of guess, it was to visit Fluttershy.

He grabbed out a hammer and some nails and walked to the pig pen. The grayish fence around the pig pen was in somewhat of a sorry state, though it still stood and from what Caramel could see the pigs were still in the pen, lazing about on the late spring day. Caramel looked to see what he could do to fix the fence, and then started hammering in. He didn’t bring any wood with him, but this was more of a fix job then a building job which Caramel was relieved about. He was sure he would mess up if he tried building the place.

Caramel continued his work for a while and didn’t really focus on the going on’s of the farm around him. He did glance around every once in a while to see if he can catch a glance of Applejack, as he hoped to talk to her after having not seen her in six months. But any time he looked he didn’t see Applejack, probably because she was further within the orchard next to the apple trees. Caramel was sure she would end up coming back towards the house eventually anyways so he didn’t want to go out and find her and give her the wrong idea.

As Caramel hoped Applejack eventually walked from the direction of the orchard to Caramel’s left. She had her hat covering her eyes as she walked along so even though she was facing towards Caramel she didn’t see him. Of course because she was so close to Caramel, he decided that now would be a good time to get her attention and try to talk to her.

“Hay Applejack!” Caramel said, as he lifted his right forehoof up to wave at her. Unfortunetly he forgot that he still had a hammer in his mouth so when he said that it sounded more like “Hay Ahheah.” Also the hammer dropped just barely missing his left forehoof. He gave out a nervous laugh, thinking that Applejack probably thinks he was a total dork.

Applejack looked up and Caramel noticed something under her eyes glinting in the sunlight but he wasn’t able to see exactly what it was. When she saw him, she gained no smile on her face like Caramel was hoping to see on her. Instead in a businesslike manor she looked over at the fence that he just finished fixing.

“Hay Caramel,” Applejack said. “Looks like Big Macintosh set ya up on fixing that fence. And it looks like ya did a mighty fine job at it. Nice one. Now would ya see if Big Macintosh is done plowin the field, and if he isn’t then could y’all get him to? Ah hope he isn’t shirking his work just because he brought his marefriend on to the farm.” Gone was the usual friendliness of Applejack’s voice and it almost made Caramel flinch. He just realized what Big Macintosh meant when he said Applejack might not be in the mood to talk.

Something must have happened around here, Caramel speculated. First Apple Bloom is walking sadly through the streets of Ponyville, and now Applejack doesn’t have the energy and cheer she used to have. I’d also say something about Big Macintosh, but it is impossible to get anything out of him usually.

Now Caramel would normally be happy to go do what Applejack wants him to, but Applejack’s tone was unsettling him. It made him really worried about her, so instead of doing what she told him to do Caramel followed her as he hoped to get an idea of what was wrong. He was about two feet behind her, when he realized something.

If something went wrong, if something happened, if he were to screw up like he usual does, then he would miss his chance of working here and actually having a job he likes unlike in Manehatten. He would also lose his chance to be around Applejack which was something he had wanted for the past few months. All it would take was one mistake, and all this would be taken away from him. He also just got his apartment, just paid for it, and hadn’t even been in it for more than one day. If he were to screw up and lose this job he would either have to find some other job in Ponyville or move back into his old job in Manehatton which he would rather not do. So all he would need was one of his usual screw-ups and he would be faced with a lot of heck.

Those thoughts stopped Caramel’s purist of Applejack for a few minutes as he watched Applejack walk in farmhouse. But eventually he decided to continue his purist. He could easily tell that there was something wrong with Applejack and possibly the Apple Family entirely and unless he knew what was going on he would feel out of loop and if there was anything he could do to help he wouldn’t without knowing about it. So he followed Applejack into the farm house to see what was wrong.

As Caramel walked in he noticed a smell coming from the kitchen. He thought that maybe Applejack was cooking in there but when he looked in he instead noticed a yellow stallion in a brown vest and a brown hat. He seemed to be talking to somebody who spoke in a familiar high pitched voice but since it obviously wasn’t Applejack Caramel looked in a different place.

Caramel finally found Applejack in the living room. She was sitting on a midnight blue couch looking up to the left side of the room from Caramel’s point of view. She still had a look of sadness in her eyes as she was looking up yet she was avoiding tears for now. Caramel looked at her for a few seconds before getting the bravery to walk up and talk to her.

As Caramel was walking up to Applejack she noticed him and had the first word. “Caramel what are y’all doin inside?” Applejack asked. “Shouldn’t y’all be out there workin?”

“Well I would be but I saw you walking in here and you looked down,” Caramel said. “I wanted to know what’s eating you.”

“It ain’t none of your business,” Applejack said sternly. “It’s somethin that has to do the Apple Family only.”

“What happened to you Applejack?” Caramel asked. “You used to be so cheerful and friendly, and while yeah you were stubborn you always had a kind heart. Is this about what happened six months ago?” Caramel didn’t think it was, but he asked just in case Applejack and Apple Bloom have two different problems. “I told you that Wind Whistler kissed me. I wanted to evade her and I was just about to push her back when you saw me. I would never cheat on you like that.”

Applejack looked to the floor. “Ah know that. It took me a few weeks, but Ah believe ya. Big Mac still doesn’t trust ya on that, but Ah believe ya.”

“Then what is it?” Caramel asked. “Come on Applejack. You’re supposed to be the Element of Honesty, yet you’re not being honest with me. What is going on? I saw Apple Bloom on the way here and she seemed down as well. What happened here?”

“Ah…don’t like thinking about it,” Applejack said.

“Just like you don’t like remembering that your parents are gone?” Caramel asked, as he noticed the familiarity of the way Applejack was hiding it. It reminded him about how Applejack would hide the fact that her parents were gone when he first came there.

“Ah…yeah,” Applejack said.

Caramel got on the couch next to Applejack’s left and put his right hoof around her in a hug, being careful to make if comforting instead of awkward. “Applejack, if you need to talk about it I’m right here,” Caramel said.

“Thanks Caramel,” Applejack said. “Just…give me a second.”

Caramel just stood there and waited for Applejack to say something. Applejack once again looked up towards the ceiling, probably thinking about what she was going to say to Caramel and how she was going to say it. She eventually placed her hat on the couch cushion and then turned over to look at Caramel.

“A few days ago…Granny Smith…died,” Applejack said. Saying that caused the tears that were on Applejack’s face when Caramel first saw her to once again flow. She pressed her head into Caramel’s chest and he felt the slippery wet feel of her tears against his fur. He squeezed a bit more with his hoof and wrapped his second forehoof around her.

So that’s what’s going on around here, Caramel thought as he let Applejack cry into his arms. Granny Smith died. I wonder if that is the reason why Big Macintosh let me back here and why that yellow stallion is here? To help fill up the positions that Granny Smith left behind. And that’s why Apple Bloom was also walking sadly through the town. Granny Smith was like a parent figure to these guys since their parents were gone. And now she’s gone.

“I…I wish I could say something to help you,” Caramel said. “But I…don’t know what to say. I know how important Granny Smith is to you.” He heard Applejack’s muffled cries intensify. I am such a dolt, Caramel thought in response to her cries. I try and comfort her and I only make things worse. I am such a klutz. I don’t know how to comfort her. I haven’t had any of my family die yet. What could I say to her? I don’t even know how she is feeling right now. I don’t know what could possibly make Applejack cry like this when she is so strong normally.

“Listen Applejack I…” Caramel said.

“Nah it’s…alright,” Applejack said. “Caramel…I’m glad ta have ya back on the farm.”

“Well I’m…glad to be back,” Caramel said, not really expecting that. “I’ll try not mess up again and get myself kicked of the farm

“Please don’t,” Applejack said. “Ah…Ah’d like you to be around. It’ll help…me feel better about losing her.”

“I’ll be here,” Caramel said. I’m comforting her…just by being here? Well then I’m going to try and be here for as long as I can.