• Published 4th Apr 2013
  • 1,656 Views, 35 Comments

The Dark-Dream Pony - thesilentpony

A story of Princess Luna's personal guard, Shadow

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Sweet Beginings

The Dark-Dream Pony

“Wake up soldier.” Shining armor said kicking me slightly, I fell out of my cot onto the stone floor of the barracks, cots lined the walls along with armor and weaponry. I looked at him in full gear.

“Sorry sir.” I said standing up flustered from an early wakeup call. I looked outside, the sun was at a high noon. I was the night guard so I normally slept during the day.

“Sorry to wake you up but we are welcoming a new princess to the castle, you are required to attend, so gear up and be in the throne room in ten minutes. You meet your new princess today.”

“Yes sir.” I said nodded and he walked off with other guards.

“Always the sleeper, eh Shadow?” I sighed walking pass Night Jasper still getting geared, he was the lieutenant and a Pegasus, but that just meant he was basically the captain of the night guard even though I held higher rank. We more or less just protected Princess Celestia while she slept, what little that she did have. Rising the moon was considerably hard for her to do, for some unknown reason she always shed a single tear whenever she did it.

I went over to the armor stacks and got dressed in my black and golden edged armor hiding my black abyssal cutie mark, which didn’t stand out against my dark coat. I was one of the few which had a dark talent, mine was in forbidden magic, life magic, trading one’s own life force for excessive power which would make even dragons flee in fear. Only Princess Celestia and myself knew of my talent.

“You sleep just as much as me Night Jasper.” He smiled showing a dark shield cutie mark. He was expert in offensive defense, able to turn things such as Shining Armor’s shield into an energy weapon of sorts like a sword, or arrow. Which in turn made Shining Armor and Night Jasper a deadly force if they ever worked together.

“At least I wake up the first time, you always sleep so heavily. I swear you wouldn’t wake up if a dragon roared next to you.” He put on his helmet, the last piece. “Anyway hurry up, I don’t know who this new princess is, so don’t be late.”

“I won’t.” He rushed out of the barracks and I sighed sliding on a hoof guard, then wiping sleep from my eyes as I put on my helmet completing my armor.

I jogged lightly going to the throne room, every guard was standing in rows along the red royal carpet, marble pillars stood perfectly polished.

Night Jasper pulled me next to him seeing me just a bit late, the doors opened. I lazily looked down as everyone stood at attention. We had done this enough times I had gotten lazy, and I honestly didn’t care. I had been around Princess Celestia long enough not to care for formalities unless face to face, which was rare since I only was awake while she slept.

“Pay attention soldier.” Shining Armor said to my left, and I paused realizing I was right near the throne in the front row, and every pony could see me clear as day not caring. I swallowed looking at Princess Celestia smiling with her beautiful smile.

“Tired?” She asked.


“It’s quite alright, actually you are just the pony I was looking for, I want you to personally meet Princess Luna.” I looked at her and paused, she was beyond words. Rather it was her blackened blue mane, or just her flowing night hair, I was speechless. She was far from what I had expected, the little I had expect though.

“Yes?” I asked sounding more like an idiot than I dared realize.

“You will from now on be her personal guard, tend to her needs and do as she says.”

“Yes princess.”

“She stays up at the night time, so you will have to perform the same duties as my normal guards.”

“Then who will protect you during the night?”

“WE SHALL!” Princes Luna said with a fierce voice making everyone around her rather uneasy, flinching a little, but I showed not a hint of doubt, for it was not fear I felt. I had been cheated Shining Armor’s position as captain of the guard because of his engagement to Princess Cadance and my dark skill. Which meant I was now going to be able to protect a princess of my own, a true honor for any guard.

“Yes my princess.” I said kneeling, then standing back up.

“Wonderful.” Princess Celestia said with a smile, they went up to the throne.

“ALL HAIL PRINCESS CELESTIA AND PRINCESS LUNA!” Shining Armor commanded and every pony kneeled down.

“Those of the night guard, and the three of the day guard, come forward,” Princess Celestia said, and six of us including Night Jasper and myself went to the front. “From now on you will be in charge of my sister’s safety. Night Jasper, Shadow and Onyx, you will be her personal guard while she is awake, and you three will be her daytime guard while she sleeps during the day.”

“Yes my princess.” We all said.

“Now please show Luna to her bed chamber, I am sure my sister is tired.” I nodded and I moved to the head without pause as we walked down the row of guards. Had it not been for the fact that they were clearly uneased by her presence, I was sure many of them would be jealous, few received the honor of personal princess guard.

We walked for a ways and stopped at a room. I opened the door using my magic and walking inside first, looking around with a quick glance. Princess Luna walked in after me and looked around her bedchamber.

“Oh I have missed beds.” She ran over jumping on the bed rather joyfully.

“Princess do you require anything?” She looked at me.

“Extra pillows, and some paint to block out the light.”

“Are you hungry or thirsty?”


“I will be back shortly.” I walked out of the room and Onyx closed the door. “I will go fetch the paint and pillows.” They nodded and I turned to the other three. “Once she sleeps you are to relieve them of their posts, is that clear?” They nodded. I went pass them finding a maid cleaning a window.

“Sir.” She said bowing slightly.

“Princess Luna requires pillows, bring ten large to her room.” She looked nervous by this. “Did you not hear me?”

“No, I will have them brought to the room right away.”

“I told you, not someone else, leave them by the door.” She nodded running. I walked a while going to the supply room picking up a paint can and a brush with magic. I went back to the room and pillows were stacked on the floor making me frown. “I hate maids.” I mumbled under my breath, picking the pillows up as well with my magic. Night Jasper opened the door letting me pass, closing the door behind me.

“Oh good.” She tried to take the pillows with her magic, but paused for a moment making them fall to the ground. “Such strong magic.” She said standing up and coming close to me.

“My magic is the strongest of the royal guard.”

“You must be quite powerful for you to be able to make me pause.”

“May I start painting?”

“Yes.” She arranged the pillows as I went over opening all the windows inward. I started to paint on the outside of the windows leaving star holes in the paint. She looked at the windows smiling a breath taking smile. “Nice work guard.”

“Thank you Princess Luna, I will be posted outside your door if you require anything, once you sleep though, I will be relieved and the other guards will be outside your door. Should your require anything, day guards will be posted.”

“Very well.” I went outside and looked at the day guards. This was likely going to be the longest time we would be together only seeing each other at guard changes. I smiled at them and they rolled their eyes.

“I told you that one day you would have my job, I just didn’t expect it to be during the day.” I chuckled a little at them.

“Yeah well now you can stop under cutting Shining armor, get over it.”

“I will once I’m captain, as unlikely as that is.” A snap in my head marked her going to sleep. “Onyx, Night Jasper she has fallen asleep, we are relieved of command.” We all went back to the barracks and I jumped onto my bed still in my armor.

“You’ll wake up badly if you sleep with your armor on.” I grunted.

“Fine.” I shook off my armor laying it next to me. “And have your armor painted, we are the night guard for Celestia sake.”

“You mean Princess Luna’s sake.” Onyx joked and we chuckled.

“Sleep well.” I mumbled falling into my blackened sleep. I slept without dreams, and it quite enjoyed it.

Author's Note:

edited to the best I am able, shouldn't have any reading flaws, grammar oh the other hand is not my skill