• Published 10th Apr 2013
  • 1,308 Views, 17 Comments

G.N.D: A My Little Dashie Sequel - Nibrudly

When your child leaves and starts living their own life and you’re back to living by yourself, how can you fill the void they left behind?

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Waking Up


I go to flail my foreleg at the alarm clock, but something’s off. I can’t lift it. I can’t lift my other appendages either. What did I do last night? I doubt Dad would have let me cheat and have alcohol a year early. I hope it’s not a virus or something like that. The last thing I need is Dad to think of taking me to the hospital.

And just as this thought enters my mind I open my eyes and just stare in horror, the irony of my location not lost on me. I’m in a hospital room with the heart monitor going and I can feel a tube in my left nostril. I still can’t do anything except shift my head! What happened? Where am I?! Did somebody find out about me? Is this a government testing facility?! Calm down Dash, keep your head in the game now! If it was a government facility, I’d have security on me 24/7. Since the door is wide open and I’m not restrained, I can assume this is just a normal hospital. So why am I paralyzed?

I go to try and lift my foreleg again; still no results. Then I try moving it back and forth, I get some response there. So I’m just really, really weak; not drugged. Okay, so I’m not being held here against my will, good. Why am I in here? Dad would know…where is he? If I’m in the hospital he’d be by my side the whole time. Maybe he went out to get coffee, yeah, that’s what it is. I decide to call for him.

“Pops?! Hey Pops, are you there?!”

I get no response.

“Dad?! Dad, can you hear me?!

Still nothing, this isn’t good. I need to get out of here! I just need someone to help me get out. Maybe I could pull one of those “Magical moments”…like E.T. Yeah, that’s my best bet!


I can hear a thump across the hallway. I can’t really see anything with my head in this position; my eyes will go anywhere but forward. Soon I hear a shrill voice in the hallway.


Everypony? Wait…I know that voice. Twilight? Is there a TV on somewhere?

To my surprise, a small band of five ponies crowd into my room and start fussing at me. My eyes dart back and forth as I look at them all. How is this happening?!

“Oh, thank goodness you’re all right, we’ve been-“

“You gave us quite a scare, sugarcube.”

“DASHIE! You’re finally awake! We’ve been waiting like, FOREV-“

“Look over here, dear! Do you recognize me? It’s-“

“Rainbow! Are-are you okay?”

What the heck-what the heck-WHAT THE HECK?! Where’d they come from?! What’s going on?! What’re they doing here? What am I doing here?! Where’s Dad!?


They all back off and I’m left staring at the ceiling. This is ridiculous.

“Will somebody fix my head so I can look at you all?!”

One of them hits a button and the bed raises my head into an upright position. There they all are, my “friends.” Haven’t seen any of them for fifteen years and poof, they’re in front of me. Now why are they here? And why am I in the hospital? And where’s Dad? He would know what’s going…oh, right.

“Are you okay Rainbow?”

“Oh yeah, just peachy, Twilight.”

“That’s good, you remember. Do remember everypony else?”

“Only by name. We only just met yesterday, right?”

“Uh, sort of.” She has a sheepish look on her face.

“Sort of?” Before I can inquire further, three more ponies enter the room. One in some funky robes, another in a lab coat and the third is wearing her tiara. While everypony else manages to make a little bow, I just manage to nod my head in Princess Celestia’s direction.

“Good Morning, Rainbow Dash. I trust you are feeling better?”

“Sort of, your highness. I’m a little out of place at the moment.”

“Wait, does that mean you’re the one from Earth?” The lab coat speaks up.

“Uh, yeah. Why wouldn’t I be?”

“Oh, no reason, it’s just we weren’t sure which one of you would pop up.”

Which one would pop up? What’s he talking about?

“Do pardon my colleague’s behavior,” the robed one breaks in, “He isn’t the most tactful of ponies. Don’t interrupt her highness, Blot!”

“My apologies, Princess. I’m still tired and I seem to have forgotten my manners.”

“None taken, Dr. Blot. Now then ‘Dashie,’ I’m sure you are rather confused about what is going on, yes?”

I just answer with a nod.

“Then I’ll leave you in the capable hooves of Headmaster Magus, Dr. Blot, and your friends. I hope you feel better, my little pony.” And with that she was out of the room. As soon as she left, everyone started saying a million different things at me. At this point, I didn’t want all this noise and attention. I just wanted some time alone where I could gather my thoughts.

“Excuse me?” None of them could hear me.

“Excuse me.” They still didn’t respond.

“WOULD YOU SHUT THE HECK UP?!” Now that got them quiet.

“I know you all have stuff you want to talk about, but is there any way you could give me a break? You know, for like an hour or two?”

“I’m afraid we have to run some tests and make sure yo-” before the doctor could speak another word, Fluttershy spoke up.

“She said she needs some time. I know you’re concerned doctor, but she’s the patient and she knows what she wants. So, um, if you don’t mind, could you wait for awhile before you start? Please?”

Oh, the look on Dr. Blot’s face. I wasn’t surprised; she got more outgoing further into the series. Not completely, but she knew when to take charge. She came over to my bed and gave me a hug.

“It’s nice to have you back, Rainbow.”

“Thanks, Fluttershy. You know, for doing that.”

She gave a smile and made her way out, going faster as she passed in front of Dr. Blot. The rest of my friends followed her example and they gave me hugs and “welcome backs’.” With a thoroughly peeved expression, both Magus and Blot left the room; they were probably really pissed. But at that moment, I didn’t really care. All I could think of was Dad, and I didn’t like it. I know it was impossible not to think of him, but it just came back in droves at me. I could just picture him in the living room right now, hopefully reading my letter. Then I began to think about how he would just mope around the house, wishing I was still there.

I tried to picture him moving on, like I know he would, but I just couldn’t stop thinking of him just living there depressed for the rest of his life. I tried to think of him with a hobby, but I knew that was crap. I tried to think of him getting promoted and getting a better job, but I couldn’t see him just working the depression away. So then I thought of him with a family. That he had met a woman and they had a kid, and how happy he would be. But then I pictured the album and my letter just gathering dust on a shelf as he forgot about me, after which I just lost it.

It certainly wasn’t bawling, but my muzzle was getting damper by the minute. I managed to turn on my side, away from the door. No matter which way I went, I couldn’t be happy. Either Dad couldn’t get over me or he completely forgot I existed. And while I would be okay with the latter, it didn’t keep it from hurting any less. I know he’d never do that to me, but it could happen. Then it dawned on me: Dad was going to die. I know everybody dies and I know my dad isn’t immortal, but just the thought of him passing away without me there to comfort him tore at me. And the worst part was I was going so much faster than him. By the time a month was gone, he could be in a nursing home somewhere…if I was lucky.

I just let it flow and took it easy for awhile. I had plenty of time to take it all in and come to terms. I don’t know how audible my crying was, but I’m sure it was loud enough for someone to hear. Sure enough, I could hear the clip-clopping of hooves coming my way. I felt someone put a hoof on my shoulder.

“I thought I said I wanted to be alone.”

“My apologies Miss Dash, I know you wanted more time, but it has been an hour. And I just can’t stand to let a mare cry all alone. You don’t know how agonizing it’s been for all of us, camped outside the door listening to you.” As soon as he said it, I heard the door slam shut in response.

“What do you care, Blot?” I wiped my nose as I turned my head so we were face-to-face.

“You’re a patient; your mental well-being is my top priority.”

“Yeah, well thanks for the concern but I don’t need it. I’m fine.”

“Miss Dash, uh, can I call you Dashie?” I gave a nod, “Thank you; now you wouldn’t believe how many times I have heard the phrase ‘I’m fine,’ whenever tears are shed. Really now, fifteen years of living with your dad and you make the decision to leave in only a few hours? You expect me to believe you don’t have some problems with that?”

“Don’t you think that’s rather personal?” Just like I’ve seen them on TV; they have no sense of boundaries.

“I’m a doctor miss, even worse; I’m a psychologist.” He cracked a big smile, “I do it only to help you.”

“Well I don’t need your help.”

“Dashie,” He put his hoof back on my shoulder, “you’re not helping anyone keeping it to yourself. Now think about it, you have a trained professional who wants to help you and isn’t asking for a single bit in return. I know plenty of ponies who would jump at that opportunity.”

“Well yeah, but why should I tell you anything? I could talk to my friends about this.”

“Yes, and I think that would be a good idea. But just how much are you going to share with them? I know your type: strong, determined, at times stubborn; all excellent leadership capabilities, a veritable rock for all. And that rock can’t crumble, can it? Can’t be any cracks at all, or everything would fall apart, right?”

Dang it…why’d he have to be a shrink?

“Dashie, pretending the cracks aren’t there isn’t going to make them go away. And acknowledging the cracks are there doesn’t make the rock any weaker. In fact, once you know they’re there, it makes it easier to fill them in.”

While he had a point, I didn’t really care. But then again, I had to learn to live here; maybe this would help me make the transition.

“I just want to help you fill in the cracks, that’s all. So can you help me, help you?”

Seeing as how he wasn’t going to quit and this was probably for the best, I figured “What the heck?”

“Fine. Go ahead and do your thing.”

“Good, good.” He pulled up a chair and began his questioning, “Now tell me honestly, how are you feeling?”

“Bad, really bad.”

“And why is that?”

“I’m having trouble letting go.”

“Well that’s perfectly normal in a situation like this. And really, you don’t have to totally forget him to make this work. But go ahead and tell me why it’s hard.”

“I can’t stop thinking about how I left him behind.”

“Do you wish he came with you?” It was almost creepy just how intently he was listening.

“Of course, but I know that’s not possible.”

“And why is that?”

“For one thing, Dad really likes his meat. I don’t think he could take it in a place where we’re all vegetarians.” That got a laugh from Blot. “Second, I don’t think he’d be okay with being here. I know he’d be doing it for me, but he’d be a human among ponies. He’d probably get homesick and lonely too; even though I’d be there. Plus, Celestia said it wouldn’t work out.”

“I see, I see.” He stroked his little tuft of beard. “Still, you’d have liked more time to say goodbye, yes?”

“Heck yes. I would have loved to have had more time, or at least a week’s notice.” There was a bit of a pause before the doctor continued.

“Tell me Dashie, do you feel prepared to reintegrate? You know, with your life here and all that?”

I thought I was, but I couldn’t remember a single thing about my life prior to getting sent to Earth. “No…I don’t. Why is that? I thought Twilight was supposed to restore my memory.”

“Ah, yes. There were complications.”

Come again? “What kind of complications?”

“I wasn’t there to see it myself, but apparently you had a traumatic episode after Twilight reintegrated your memories.” I was amazed at how calm he was, “After that it got complicated.”

What? “How?”

“To put it simply, you split. Then when you went into a coma-no idea why that happened-and you were brought here. You came in Rainbow Dash and woke up Dashie.”

What?! “Coma?!”

“Yes, for two weeks. In that time, we’ve run some tests and concluded Twilight’s spell should have worked. So whatever it is, it’s something in your head.”

“How long have I been here?”

“The hospital? I just told you, two wee…OH! You mean since you returned? A grand total of four weeks.”

This was a sick, twisted joke. It had to be. “A month?! I’VE BEEN HERE FOR A MONTH?!”


I could hear a constant thumping from the other side of the door. Somebody was probably banging their head. And they had good reason to!

A month! I’ve been here for a month! Dad’s an old man by now, if he lived to be old, that is. Dang it! He’s been living the rest of his life and I’ve just slept it away! How could I do something like this?

“I apologize; I was going to break it to you gently.”

“Oh, really? Wonderful job there, Doc! Great to hear I just slept about thirty years away of my Dad’s life!”

“That’s not your fault, Dashie. This is something we have never seen before; you can hardly blame yourself for this. Calm down and try to let it sink in.”

“Shut up.” Why was I talking to him? I knew nothing about him, what good was he?

“Okay, I deserved that. But if you really want to get back in the game you have to deal with this.”

And with that I forced myself to cool off. He was just doing his job and I was just being given the facts, which was kinder than leaving me in the dark. After a few minutes, I felt level-headed enough to continue. “How? How could I have just done this?”

“It’s very complicated and I’d only make it more confusing at this point. How about I stop talking and let you go back to your alone time, and then we’ll talk later, ‘kay?”


“Good. Now if you’ll excuse me, I’m about to be flayed alive.”

I would have chuckled at that comment under normal circumstances, but I had some pretty heavy stuff on my mind. Almost thirty years I’ve been gone…How was Dad doing? Was he still there? Did I really sleep through all of it?


As he had expected, Ink Blot was met by harsh remarks.

“Smooth Doc, real smooth.”

“Don’t think I don’t feel like an idiot, Miss Applejack. I didn’t mean for it to slip like that.”

“Well, it did. I’m sorry you were in that position, Doctor.”

“Not your fault Miss Sparkle, she was going to find out eventually and she was going to react no matter how she was told or who told her. Not to mention, I’m the idiot who insisted I be the one to break the news to her.”

As everyone stood there in the narrow hallway, Twilight tried to move things along. “So what now, Dr. Blot?”

“I believe now would be an excellent time to discuss how to proceed. Upstairs, everypony!”

Everypony was pleased to hear that as they made their way to the more spacious conference room a few floors above their current location. As everypony took their places around the table, Blot gave his diagnosis.

“Alright, at the moment, were she under better circumstances, I’m sure she would have had much more natural recovery. However, with that shocker I’m afraid it has become much more difficult and will take much longer for her to cope and adjust.”

“Then what do you suggest?” Magus was hardly in a cheerful mood, much less a forgiving one. He was finding it harder and harder to understand just why they were still listening, when Blot only seemed to be making things worse.

His colleague replied with the straightest face, “Honestly? I would send her back home.”

“WHAT?! Blot, you do realize you would be jeopardizing the safety of Equestria!?”

“I didn’t say it was a necessarily a good idea, Magus; nor a rational one. However, if the safety of Equestria is our top priority, then this would be the quickest way to get the bearer of loyalty back to normal.”

“And how do you figure that?” Magus began to wonder if it was merely sleep deprivation or if Blot had flipped his lid. That had to be the only reason why he was seriously suggesting this.

“Well there’s that time difference which would provide us with a sizable buffer, and allowing the her time to actually process and resolve her issues will go a long way in helping her become more ready to merge. The mind is a fragile thing and I’m just trying to find the safest route for us to take. Dashie is not Rainbow and I’m not entirely sure that in her current state, Dashie could fill the role. Unless they merge, I’m certain she wouldn’t be able to use her Element; at least not for a long while.”

“You are being utterly ridiculous! You’re supposed to be the head of your team and yet you-“

“Enough!” All eyes turned towards Celestia, Magus kept his mouth from uttering another syllable. With order restored, Celestia conferred with the doctor.

“Dr. Blot, are you certain this would be a good idea? You aren’t just feeling sympathy for her situation?”

“Your highness, I have treated dozens upon dozens of ponies and have provided well over three hundred hours of grief counseling over the course of twenty years. Also, I have taken all the ramifications into account-including those of my learned colleague-and have considered every alternative. Based on what I just saw and heard in that room, this is our best bet. Otherwise, we could possibly be waiting years for Dashie to be mentally stable enough to perform her duties. Until she has her Equestrian memories back, I am uncomfortable with having her reintegrate into our society.”

“So you think taking her back to her father would actually make it easier for her to leave?”

“I honestly don’t know. She’s afraid that he could already be dead over there, so I’m not sure she would even be able to see him again. But, and I know this will sound horrible, a tombstone would grant her more closure than just living here and speculating. However, I’m betting he’s still alive and well, and he’s probably lived a good life. I’m sure that once she sees that he got on well despite her absence, it will take a load off of her mind.”

“And you are absolutely sure this is our best course of action?”

“I can give no guarantees, your highness; only an educated-albeit very educated-guess.”

“There! You see? We’re staking national security on a guess! Isn’t that unbelievably irresponsible your highness?

Magus was shocked to see the determined look in the eye of his ruler.

“Oh, you can’t be serious.”

“Magus, I have one of my Elements of Harmony out of commission. And ever since the failed Changeling Invasion, it has been made all too apparent I’m not as powerful as I believed myself to be. Unless every Element is capable, our kingdom could always be in a state of great danger. I do not like to say this, I do not like being inadequate; but that is what recent events have shown. So, for the safety of our kingdom, along with Dr. Blot’s professional opinion, I agree that she should go back and finish her business.”

“Apologies your Highness, but are you absolutely sure you’re thinking clearly?” While others would have feared expulsion or other forms of punishment from a remark of this nature, Magus had a long standing relationship with the Princess. His blunt honesty was a vital resource for Celestia, and he knew it. However, he was tactful enough to only use it in friendly company; he wouldn’t dare talk to her like this in public.

“Magus, if I had known we would have these complications, I would have granted her more time in the first place. And who knows what could happen in the years it would take her to recover? Besides, I doubt we shall be gone for too long.”

“We?” A look of surprise went between the five mares gathered at the table. Magus could only stare in absolute shock, Blot doubly so.

“Yes. Earth can be a dangerous place and I cannot risk the safety of Dashie, my student or the other bearers. I would also like to check and see how things have changed on Earth since the last time I actually visited. So, Magus, if you are done objecting, you are dismissed and can return to your duties at the academy.”

With a heavy sigh, Magus capitulated. However, it didn’t stop him from trying to change her mind with one last try. “If this is what you wish then I shall comply, your Highness. I still think it’s a bad idea.”

“Duly noted; good day, Headmaster Magus.”

“Good day, your highness.” As he made his way towards the door, he turned to Twilight. “It was a pleasure to work with you, my former pupil.”

“The feeling is mutual.” All present gave a wave as Magus made his way out.

“Are we still on for chess on Thursday, Magus?” Blot called out with a smirk on his face.

“So long as you bring the board. And for goodness sake, try not to do anything else foolish.”

“An outstanding pony of repute such as I?” With a final roll of his eyes, Magus left the room.

“If it is alright with you, your highness, I’d like to have a small respite to figure out how to proceed once you are finished with your trip.”

“Go right ahead Doctor, thank you for your assistance.”

With a swift bow, Blot was out the door and soon behind Magus, their bickering and subsequent laughter filling the hallway.

As soon as the two scholars were gone, Twilight addressed her Teacher.

“So you’re really serious about taking her back?”

“I am, my faithful student. And if you don’t mind, I would like to inform Dashie myself. Why don’t you and your friends run along and pack. We may be there for a while.”

She couldn’t help but smile as she replied, “As you wish, Princess.”


It was a good hour before there was a knock at my door. By now I had been able to at least digest the situation, even though I wasn’t pleased with it.

“Come on in.” To my surprise it wasn’t Dr. Blot who opened the door, but Celestia.

“Princess! What are you-” She cut me off before I could finish the question.

“I have come to inform you that after much deliberation, we have decided the best course of action would be to take you back to Earth.”

Was she joking? She couldn’t be serious.

“I’m sorry, say that one more time?”

“It is clear that due to unforeseen complications, I was too hasty in having you return. While I am unable to turn back time and go back to that day, I am able to take you back so you may see how your father is doing now.”

Oh my gosh, she was. “But Princess, what about the Elements? I have to be here for that right?”

“To be honest Dashie, you are not the Rainbow Dash I have come to know. I am sure in time you could fill her spot, but you would never be the same as her. Rainbow is my bearer of loyalty, and I doubt you could do the same while conflicted about your choice. Not to mention, you would never have the same relationship with your friends from that point on. And that is something I must retain.”

My mind started racing at this possibility, but I couldn’t go back there. I couldn’t let her put thousands of ponies at risk just to make me feel better.

“You don’t know that. I’m sure that I’d get used to being here in time.”

“And how long would that take? Months, years? I’m not as powerful as I thought, Dashie. The Elements of Harmony are my only assurance that my kingdom is safe. And unless every bearer is in top condition, my kingdom is always at possible risk. So the sooner you are back to being whole, the sooner I can rest easier at night. However, you must know that national security is not my only motive behind this decision.”

“It’s not?” That was interesting.

“No, there’s more. It is convenient that this is a safety concern, but that excuse is only to keep the politicians off my back. In reality, this is but one of many tough decisions I have made during my reign, and I cannot help but feel guilty for everything that has happened to you.”

She was the ruler; she had to make those tough decisions. I didn’t warrant special treatment. “I’m sure it’s not your fault for sending me there, Princess.”

“Perhaps, but it is my fault that you made your decision in haste, thereby causing you a great deal of stress, discomfort and confusion upon your return. This is my way to make amends to you, in some small portion; but I still have ample reason aside for that to return to Earth.”

If she had more than guilt, I certainly couldn’t guess what it was. “What is it?”

“The last time I visited Earth, I was hard-pressed to find anyone who was able to stay generous, compassionate or retain the smallest inkling of real integrity, much less remain that way for fifteen years. That’s why I find it miraculous you came out relatively unscathed. Your father is one of the few humans I have met that seemed to genuinely act out of love, rather than convenience. I would like to talk to him and understand why he acted as he did, and for such a long time. However,”

And then she made the strangest face. It was still one of the straightest I’ve seen, but it felt like there was something behind it. Especially in her eyes, they seemed different now.

“While it interests me a great deal, and while it is vital that the bearer of loyalty can fulfill her role, I have agreed to this decision primarily so you can have the goodbye you deserve.”

“The goodbye I deserve” That’s exactly why I didn’t want to go back. Because the goodbye I deserved was staying there until Dad was in the ground and I had time to grieve. “But what if I don’t want to come back? What if I want to stay for a long time?”

“I’m sure that Luna could keep watch over the kingdom for a few days. By that time, I’m sure you will have become more open to returning to Equestria. And we could always give you some time alone if your friends are unable to stay the whole time.”

This was unbelievable. “So you’re serious? I’m really going home?”

“We leave first thing tomorrow morning. I understand that time is working against us, but I require time to make arrangements and you need to recover from your coma. Have a good day and a pleasant evening my little pony, soon you shall embrace your father again.”

I gave the biggest smile I could as she turned around and walked out the door. “Yeah…”

I hope.