• Published 5th Apr 2013
  • 8,997 Views, 659 Comments

The Royal Ponyville Orchestra - Distaff Pope

Octavia has finally been promoted to first chair, unfortunately for her, that chair is in the new (and as of yet unformed) Royal Ponyville Orchestra. Can Octavia lead the new orchestra to greatness? Probably not.

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Day 12

This morning was, well, I don’t want to say it was a good morning, as good mornings simply do not exist in Ponyville, but it was pleasant. The first sensation I felt upon waking was the warmth of Vinyl’s body pressed against mine, and I luxuriated in the feeling of her pressed against me. As much as I would have enjoyed spending the entire day next to her, I did have quite a bit of writing to do, and so I wormed my way out of Vinyl's grasp as quietly and stealthily as I could, and went about my morning routine, which I have described extensively in other entries.

As I started writing down the events of the last two days, I caught myself whistling some half-remembered song, and smiling wistfully. What in Equestria is wrong with me?

Hours of writing, humming, and smiling idiotically later, I heard a knock on my door, “Come in,” I said, quickly regaining my composure while still focusing on my journal.

“Hey,” Vinyl said as she walked in, “I think that was the first time you invited me to come into your room. I mean, the first time you invited me in when you were kind of clear-headed.”

I nodded my head at that, quickly grasping her meaning and recalling the morning of my very first hangover. Finding my roommate passed out in my bed had struck as completely mortifying at the time, but in hindsight, perhaps I had been overreacting slightly. “Yes, I suppose it is,” I said, turning to smile at her. “Did you just get up?” I asked.

She nodded, “Pretty much, I mean, I woke up, saw that you were gone, and figured you were either back in your room or out on some official orchestra business.” Vinyl looked at the book that was in front of me, “What are you writing?”

“It’s nothing, really,” I said, “Just adding the events of the last few days to my journal.”

“Cool,” she said, moving to sit on my bed, “So what else did you do after you got up? Haven’t done anymore house cleaning have you?”

I shook my head, “I’ve just been writing.”

“Oh.” Vinyl furrowed her brow in thought, “So did you just get up?”

“No, I’ve been up for the past several hours, but the past few days were rather hectic, and there were several important events I had to discuss in-depth.”

“Really?” She asked, arching an eyebrow, “How long are these journal entries?”

“Well, yesterday’s entry is currently at about thirty pages, but I suspect I will write at least five more pages describing the ‘hootenanny’ and the aftermath thereof, while Sunday was a moderately shorter twenty-eight pages.”

“That… That’s insane,” Vinyl said, “You wrote almost sixty pages describing what happened to you during the last two days? My journal entries barely make it to two paragraphs.”

“I know,” I said, turning to smile at her, “I have read quite a few of them.”

“Right, so… do you just really like journaling then?”

“It’s funny,” I said, putting my quill down and moving to sit next to her on my bed, “I started off loathing it, but my therapist thought it would be a good idea and since he was the main thing standing between me and potential jail time, I decided to oblige him.”

“Wait,” Vinyl interjected, “What is that about going to jail?”

“Well,” I said, working to keep my face somewhat even, “You remember how I had a negative reaction upon meeting Pinkie Pie after first moving here?”

"Understatement," she said, nodding.

“And you remember why I was so upset with her, correct?”

“Yeah, cause she kind of crashed the two biggest gigs in your life and then hired me to DJ the royal wedding.”

Oh Vinyl, if you weren’t my marefriend I would have absolutely throttled the life out of you for saying that. I was still sorely tempted to, but somehow my less felonious nature managed to prevail. “That is… correct,” I said after calming myself somewhat, “Well, after that, just thinking about the pink pony who seemed determined to ruin my career was enough to enrage me, so when I saw a pegasus that looked almost exactly like her… I might have chased her with the intent of using my cello as an improvised melee weapon. Obviously, I wasn’t in my right mind as I would never dream of doing anything that might damage my cello, but the courts were less than convinced and said I could either go see a court-appointed psychiatrist for one year or spend six months in jail. I opted for the therapy.”

“Wow, Pinkie really did a number on you didn’t she?”

I simply nodded, “In hindsight, it’s funny how much I hated a mare I had never properly met. How I had convinced myself that she was determined to ruin my life in some capacity. Then after I meet her, she turns out not to have a single malicious bone in her body. In hindsight, the whole thing makes me feel rather foalish,” I said, lowering my head in shame.

“Hey, hey, it’s fine Tavi. I mean, the attempted assault isn’t fine, but I get why you would be upset. You just need to figure out a healthier way to express said anger. Preferably something that doesn’t end in court-appointed therapy.”

“Agreed,” I said, allowing myself to lean against my roommate, “Anyways, after our sessions had concluded, the daily journaling had become such a force of habit that I didn’t feel right if I skipped it. In many ways, I find the act of writing to possess an almost meditative quality that allows me to calm down and see the day’s events in a fresh light.”

“Yeah, okay,” Vinyl said, nodding her head, “Still, do you really need to write like… sixty pages of stuff to cover two days? Why not just write down a few quick thoughts?”

“Because, Vinyl, I like being thorough in my writing, it allows me to keep a detailed record of the minutiae of my life for future reference, while also allowing me to reappraise the events of the previous day.”

“Fine, I get it, kind of,” Vinyl said, moving to nuzzle my neck, “But you can take a break from your writing for a little while right?”

I smiled, “I suppose I could be persuaded to. What did you have in mind?”

“Well,” she started, “Remember a week ago when you said you would help organize my DJing stuff sometime?”

I nodded, quickly seeing where this idea was going.

“I was thinking that since we don’t really have any big plans for today that it might be fun to do it together.”

“I assume that by ‘we’ you mean mostly me?” I said.

Vinyl nodded, “Yeah, I mean, I will do some of the grunt work, but I don’t really have a head for organizing stuff like you do.”

“Very well,” I said, “But you owe me for this.”

“Of course,” Vinyl said, “How in Equestria will I ever repay you? Ooh! Maybe I could clean your room sometime.”

“Absolutely not, I’ve seen your room and I would prefer to have you as much removed from the cleaning process as possible.”

“Okay, then what did you have in mind.”

I tapped my chin with my forehoof in thought for a few seconds, “A date, and I mean a proper date, with formal dress, a wonderful meal, and of course, the pleasure of your company.”

“Yeah, I think I can do that. When?”

“After we have organized your room, of course.” I got up on my hooves and headed towards Vinyl’s DJing room. As soon as I entered, I saw Vinyl’s bulging cabinet, packed with every record known to ponykind, if her previous claims were to be believed.

“Alright, Vinyl, I suppose the first thing we should do is open your cabinet and take inventory.”

“But… you’ve seen what is inside there right? It is just… filled with stuff.”

“I am aware of that,” I said, “But our goal is to make the cabinet be ‘not filled with stuff,’ and to do that we need to empty it and take inventory.”

“You’re going to have me open the cabinet though, aren’t you?”

I nodded my head, remembering the avalanche of records that came out the last time she opened it.

Vinyl sighed, muttering under her breath as she approached the cabinet. Taking several steps back, her horn began to glow and the cabinet’s latch was enveloped by her magical energies. The instant Vinyl managed to undo the lock, the doors flew open and a wave of records poured out of the cabinet, quickly burying Vinyl.

“You might need to invest in some more storage space,” I said, offering my hoof to her as she struggled to make her way out of her record collection.

“You think?”

I let out a sigh, “I assume this town has some sort of hardware store?”

Vinyl nodded. “Alright then, go there, buy some shelves and nails, and get back here. I will start work on organizing your rather considerable record collection.”

“Largest in Equestria,” she said, grinning happily as I helped pull her out of her record pile.

"Yes, well, while you are out I will start sorting through it," I looked over the mountain of albums, "If I am very lucky, I will be done by the time you get back."

Vinyl laughed as she walked out of the room, "I am sure it won't take you that long."

As promised, her record collection was quite extensive, and more than a few albums were completely unknown to me, although considering that I don't keep up with modern music, that fact was hardly surprising

The stacks of albums grew taller and taller, until I had to stand on my hind legs just to be able to add to the stack. Thankfully, Vinyl came home before too much longer and I decided I could focus on building the shelves while she worked on sorting.

“Did you find everything we needed?” I asked as she came back in to the room.

“Yeah, pretty much, I mean, I kind of got lost in the hardware store, so sorry if I kept you waiting for too long."

I smiled as I moved to pick up the supplies. “It's fine, I just finished sorting out all your records. The big stack is techno music, and I need you to go through and pick out the one hundred records you use the most in your concerts or performances or whatever you call your gigs."

"I usually just go with gigs," she said, nodding. Vinyl moved to sit down next to me and the shortest stack of albums started floating around us. A few records were set aside and the rest returned to the stack. I had been thinking that the job would take her an hour or so, instead it looked like she would probably be done with her task before I could get the first shelf up.

Still, I had promised Vinyl I would help her organize her room, and I intended to do so. Even if my help was almost wholly irrelevant. Several minutes later, I was about to start work nailing the first support in when Vinyl declared that she was ‘done.’

“What do you mean you are done?” I asked, as I started hammering in the first nail.

“I mean, I am done. I picked out my hundred favorite records like you asked.”

“But, it hasn’t even been five minutes.” I said as I finished hammering the first nail in and started trying to grasp the second nail in my hooves.

Vinyl gestured to her horn, “Yeah, but… you know, unicorn magic. Here, let me help you with that.” Before I could form an adequate response, she had wrapped her magic around both the nail and my hammer.

“I can handle it myself,” I said, wrenching the hammer away from her.

“But it will take you, like, an hour to finish putting those shelves up, and I can do it in less than ten minutes.”

“And you don’t think I am aware of that Vinyl? You don’t think I am aware of the fact that one unicorn can do the work of ten earth ponies without breaking a sweat? Believe me, I have been aware of that since I decided to become a musician. Most orchestras wouldn’t even consider hiring me because I lacked an academy education, and we both know that you have to be a unicorn to get an academy education. The only reason I was able to get my job with the Canterlot orchestra was because they occasionally hold open auditions to look out for new talent and I had to play twice as well as every other unicorn that auditioned to get hired.”

Objectively, I knew that it wasn’t Vinyl’s fault that Equestrian society was prejudiced in favor of unicorns, and I knew that she hadn’t intended to upset me, but unfortunately for her, she had managed to tap into a lifetime of pent-up frustration that had just been waiting for a chance to surface.

“And even then, most ponies treated me like some sort of novelty act, because obviously an earth pony could never learn to play a musical instrument properly." I changed my voice to mimic those of my detractors, "Yes, an earth pony might become proficient at a given musical instrument, but only a unicorn can display true mastery."

"But I did! I played my cello better than anypony else, and Canterlot was finally beginning to recognize that before your little pink friend managed to derail my career and get me sent here.” I slammed the hammer down on the ground in my anger, no longer particularly concerned about building a shelf.

My body shook with barely repressed rage as Vinyl moved to wrap her forelegs around me. "Hey, hey, it's alright," she said, "I didn't know it was such a big issue with you. If you want to take an hour nailing up that shelf, then that is fine with me." She kissed my cheek, "And I know you are a great cellist, and one day soon the rest of Equestria will wake up and realize that as well."

I smiled slightly at that, feeling my anger dissipate. "Thank you, and I am sorry for getting so upset with you, it's just, I am tired of being seen as inherently inferior to unicorns because I worked my flank off to achieve my mastery of the cello, and all I want is to have some recognition for it as opposed to being shunted off to Ponyville, so seeing how easy unicorn magic makes everything, well, it still has a bit of an effect on me."

Vinyl nodded, “Yeah, I kind of get it, I mean, as a unicorn, you don’t really think about how easy magic makes everything. To me, using my levitation magic to sort through all those albums just seemed like the simplest way of doing things, while for you, it must have made all that hard work you put in seem shallow and meaningless and call into question your very usefulness as a pony.”

I facehoofed, “As always Vinyl, you manage to surmise the problem with the least amount of tact possible. Remind me again why we are dating?”

“Because I am one of the few ponies in Equestria who will put up with your craziness and you are drawn to my flippant sensibilities.”

“Yes, well, I suppose your lack of tact is just part of your charm.” I moved to plant a kiss on my roommate’s cheek.

“Also,” Vinyl said as I pulled away from her, “You are just about as sweet as possible when you aren’t having a mental breakdown, so that is kind of nice.”

I couldn’t help but laugh, “It will be even better when I can go an entire day without freaking out about something.”

Vinyl tried to stifle her laugh, “You know I love you Tavi, but I kind of don’t think that’s possible.”

“Wait, what was that first thing?” I asked.

“I don’t think that’s possible,” she said.

“No, the bit before that, something about you loving me,” I said.

“Huh, nope, don’t really recall anything like that, you must be hearing things Tavi.”

Vinyl had definitely mentioned the word love, and a part of me wanted to press the issue, in fact, a very large part of me wanted to, but at the same time, thinking about the resulting conversation terrified me. Yes, I greatly enjoyed Vinyl’s company, and spending time with her almost always improved my mood. She was the first mare who genuinely cared about me, and even when I was at my absolute lowest, she did everything she could to help me, and I knew that no matter what the future held, Vinyl would be there to help me through it.

But on the other hoof, we had only known each other for eleven days and been dating for three. That seemed just a touch too fast to be proper. Then again, my more sentimental side responded, during those past eleven days, we had been living together and spent almost every waking minute with each other. The fact that we didn’t hate each other was unusual, and the fact that we actually liked each other was even more miraculous.

My mind chased itself about while Vinyl stared at me, the look of concern on her face growing with every passing second, “Are you okay Tavi, you’ve kind of just been staring off into space for the last minute.”

I shook my head, quickly coming out of my reverie, “My apologies Vinyl, your comment just got me thinking about our relationship.”

“Yeah,” she looked at me and tilted hear head, “Did you come up with anything?”

“Maybe,” I said, sitting down, “I realized that I am really very fond of you, to the point that I might classify my affection as ‘love,’ but I am really not sure.”

Vinyl let out a sigh, “Tavi, I am sorry if I freaked you out, you know how I can just say things without thinking about it, and I didn’t mean to freak you out, so let’s just pretend it never happened.”

“Did you mean it?” I said, looking at my marefriend.

“What do you mean did I mean it? Mean what?”

I rested my bad hoof against my forehead and furrowed my brow, “You said that you loved me earlier, and I am asking if you meant it.”

“Oh, well, yeah,” Vinyl said, rubbing the back of her neck, “I mean, of course, you are my best friend.”

If the matter hadn’t been so serious, I would have relished the opportunity to see my roommate squirm. Instead, it only managed to increase my annoyance.

“You know that’s not what I meant,” I said, “You are being intentionally evasive, and coming from you, that is rather unexpected.”

“I am not,” she said, “It’s just that… well, maybe…”

As the previous entries can attest, I am not the best mare when it comes to understanding social situations. My usual modus operandi when dealing with the unexpected consists of me alienating everypony around me and shoving my hoof so far down my mouth I run the risk of devouring myself. Still, at that moment, seeing the fear in my roommate’s eyes, I understood. I understood the feelings of doubt and worry that were, at the moment, consuming the most important mare in my life. A part of her wished to open up with me, but at the same time, she worried that doing so would inadvertently offend me and damage our relationship, or perhaps I was just projecting, and the truth was substantially different.

Either way, that theory informed my next action, my incredibly idiotic action. “I love you too,” I said, “I know we have only known each other for a few weeks and only been dating properly for a couple of days, but during that time, you’ve managed to become the most important pony in my life. A part of my mind is always thinking about you, and the time I spend with you is always my favorite part of the day. And it’s not just that you make me happy, you help me even when I am at my lowest point. Like yesterday, when I was having one of my mental breakdowns, you didn’t abandon me or reprimand me, you held me until I was able to regain my composure and assured me that everything was going to be alright. Actually, that was when I first knew I loved you; I just… didn’t want to say anything because I thought it might be too soon.”

Vinyl tilted her head and stared at me, and my newly found confidence began to evaporate. “Anyways, I’ve probably made a complete foal out of myself now, and if I’ve gone and shoved my hoof in my mouth, I’m really very sorry. In hindsight, my declaration of love was really quite improper and—”

Before I could say any more, Vinyl had brought her hoof up to my mouth and silenced me, “Tavi, what you just said was absolutely perfect, don’t ruin it with a bunch of half-felt apologies.”

She rested her head against my neck, careful not to poke me with her horn, “I love you, as well, it’s just, I don’t think I ever told anypony that before, and… I don’t know.”

I laughed and wrapped my forehooves around her, “Careful Vinyl, you are starting to sound like me.”

“Celestia forbid that happens, I don’t think Equestria could handle two of you,” Vinyl said, returning the laugh, “I wanted to tell you though, it’s just, when I thought of what might happen if you didn’t feel the same way, I started freaking out.”

I couldn’t resist the urge to smile, “Well then, it’s a good thing you are dating one of the few mares in Equestria who is very well versed in pointless anxiety attacks.”

The two of us stood there for several moments, resting our heads against each other. I reveled in the sensation of my partner’s fur against mine, as my nose drank in her scent. Just as I thought the moment couldn’t get any better, I felt a light kiss placed upon my neck, and I quickly moved to return the favor. Her coat left a slight minty taste in my mouth, and I was eager to experience it again. Another kiss quickly followed the first, and soon enough we were lost in the other’s presence, every thought and act bent towards experiencing the other in the fullest. Our bodies moved towards each other, our forelegs bound us tightly together, and our heart’s beat in rhythm. For us, the outside universe ceased to exist and…

And after that, events became deeply personal, and I feel no need to leave them here so that anypony can peruse them at their leisure. Suffice it to say, the two of us spent the remainder of the day (and a majority of the night) laying in Vinyl’s DJtorium, amongst the piles of scattered records and sound equipment, lost in the other’s company. Apparently, one can, in fact, have a good day in Ponyville.