• Published 18th Apr 2013
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Clankers - ISKV

A collection of journals, transcripts, and interviews that show the history of how the humans returned to the surface.

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Past Equestria : First Mate Port Side, Transcript

Evenin' lad. That's an awful lotta rum yer holdin'...

Oh! Nice ta know there's some fine, distinguished gentlecolts still round'.


Ah! Nothin' like Jamareican Rum ta' wash away those days at sea eh lad!? AH! HA! HA! HA! Ha! Ha. Whooh...

Say, yer here for somethin' aren't yeh? Yeah. Yer kind' are always lookin' for something. Well...

We sea stallions have roamed the seas, fighting Leviathan, almost sinkin' in the waves higher than the mountain Canterlot sits on with her plush, soft tush! Eh lad? Ya wanna hear that story?

No? Well then my well-dressed friend how bout' a classic?

Pirates? Agh! We've had our fair share of the bloody raiders round' the western sea. Nice view. Wouldn't mind bein' marooned on an island there...

Nay? Yeh don't wanna hear bout' the pirates? Looks like yer' lookin' for an... odd... tale on the seas hmn?

Well, Captain Maelstrom, he's the one with the scar goin' down his neck, once sailed to the' Caribou Sea. Yeh, the one all the way up north, where the ice grips on the hull of the ship harder than ya can bite down on yer mother's teats! The poor buggers get frozen in the ice at the worst possible time. Now, he sends' a few of his sailors to scout the area and they come back with a chillin' tale. They find this cave, and it's toastier than a mare's snatch. So their hooves r' freezing off, and they go deeper. It gets' warmer and warmer and there's this' steam floatin' from even deeper. But it was then they found a Diamond Dog. Dead, with all of its grimy fur blasted off and... I can't believe' I'm sayin' this... it looked like the poor bastard was cooked alive. Couldn't av' been dead for longer than a day. And he wasn't alone, no... His mates were round' im', fur gone and skin redder than a spanked rear!


Ah...! That's good rum.


So they ran back to the ship, screamin' and hollerin' that they were in Dog territory. Now, Diamond Dogs don't take too kindly to intruders, and Maelstrom tried to sail back with his tail up high as fast as he could. But by then the cold had captured his ship, and he was stuck there for months.

But no matter how long they waited, no packs o' dogs ever attacked his ship. One night, a pup, ribs showin' and patches a' fur gone, stumbled by. The cabin colt took im' in, and nursed the dog back to health. They spent hours round' him, listenin' to his stories of steam-shootin' gold monsters taller than the Alpha. No spear could get through their thick hides, thicker than an elephant's! They walked slowly, heavy hoofsteps sendin' fear into his poor mother's heart. The pup barely made it out.


Tell ye' what. Look for the ship with black sails and a white star surrounded by a broken' circle. That's the Frontier Justice. It's Maelstrom's. If ya wanna talk to the dog himself, ya might need a little bit more rum.


Oh? Another one fer me? Yer too kind lad.


You're too kind...

-First Mate Port Side, Celestia's Fury.