• Published 5th Feb 2012
  • 7,019 Views, 98 Comments

Daring Do and the Legend of the Ruby Knight - Novel Idea

the adventurous filly Daring Do is at it again, chasing the legend of The Ruby Knight

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Chapter 4- The Living City

Chapter 4

The Living City

Daring Do stood anxiously in the crow’s nest on the “Merry Crystal”; the skies were clear and blue as the galleon cleaved the pristine sea almost entering reach of the city, Calimare. In the early morning glory the metropolis of the sands looked like a glistening golden crown, with its golden plated buildings and marble walls reflecting the fresh light breaking on the horizon. None of the stories that Daring had heard, however, could prepare her for what she was about to witness.

An hour passed and the sun was just about to catch its stride as the ship weighed anchor in the harbour, the sail uneventful except for some unsavory winds which slowed her progress slightly.

“Daring!” Groggy called in his thick accent, the earth pony bellowing to the Pegasus sitting in the nest. “Ye better take t’ flight lass, or you’ll miss the show!” he called spreading an arching hoof towards the city, encompassing all in its gesture; Daring needed little encouragement to take off now that they had arrived at their destination.

With a flap of her wings the mare jumped off the nest, plummeting down to just above the deck before arching out of her nose dive at the last second; releasing a violent holler of excitement she rocketed herself off into the sky.

The air above Calimare was rich with the living scent of a city about to awaken to a new day: there was the slight tang of food cooking wafting up from chimneys, the gentle breeze of pollen on the winds and an infinitesimal under taste of dust being pushed off the desert floor. From half a mile above the city it looked reminiscent to an organ instead of a construction of buildings and streets; the center with its gold plated castles and thrones, the seats of the guild masters, spreading out from that “heart” was arteries of streets and buildings which glistened in the orange light of the dawn, the slums and ghetto’s near the harbour spreading out like small roots or veins.

This alone was enough to leave starry-eyed Daring Do awestruck; witnessing the ponies flood those arteries like blood and cells to begin the long day of work begin what could be only referred to as the resurrection of Calimare would leave the heroine without words of description for hours.

Calimare opened up to the flying Pegasus who was circling the city above, and the city quite literally came to life. Puffs of violent steam shot up from generators powering on, flaps from the merchant stalls in the market flapped out and closed with a thunderous beat as the owners began the ritualistic opening of their stores. From her spot above it was as if vessels where opening and closing allowing more and more blood to spill through, the steam lifted her higher and Daring allowed it momentary control of her body; the howl of an early morning train coming to life matching the vicious, unpony cry of an eagle. Turning her head sharply, eyes opened wide, Daring witnessed the black and silver blur just as it cut past her; with wings of long thick the gryphon sliced through the sky as if resistance was imaginary.

Daring watched in awe as it leapt down from roof to roof, delivering parcels with speed and skill that Daring could never dream of mastering though in that one moment the brazen mare truly found herself wishing to have the time to try. All of that, all of her conscious thought faded away; the view of the city coming to life, the scent had already assaulted her with its consuming onslaught, now it was the sound.

The flaps on the stands ricocheted up thunder to the heavens upon which Daring found herself soaring, the steam whistles set off a cyclone of sound which moved the Pegasus almost as much as their hot air had. Then it was nothing but the roar of hooves and voices; the true heart of the city had come to life as its citizens began the long day of barter and trade for another day. It was, as Daring would later describe it, the must utter and perfect chaos that she had ever had the pleasure of experiencing. Every sense was being manipulated simultaneously as steam clouds rose to the arid atmosphere, and the building flaps creaked and shook away the dust of a hard night’s work.

With the ginger step of a pony not wanting to move Daring forced her seemingly endless circling to end and land down on the roof of a marble house; three stories tall, just a few “arteries” from the very golden heart. With the regretful sigh of a lover forced to part with its object of lust she focused herself inwardly to try and push away the thunderous sounds. So deep in thought was Daring that her sense of touch was greatly unguarded (and on top of a building in the center of a city could one blame her for being careless?) for she almost did not notice the gentle intrusive wait in her pack until the last possible second.

It happened like the snap of lightning, Daring had her back straight up and her left fore-hoof wrapped around the neck of whomever had thought it would be a good idea to try and steal from her. The contents of her bag spilt from the ponies mouth as he (it was in fact a he, Daring would find) found himself being choked rather mercilessly; her map and compass as well as some of her note pads and her small collection of pens spilling onto the flat white roof.

The stallion squirmed beneath her leg for a moment before letting out a squeal, “Oi, le’ go you filthy sow!” he barked at her, almost being rewarded with a sharp hoof into the face by a rather annoyed Daring. He couldn’t have been more than five years old, quick glance at his flank revealed it bare; a child who had yet to discover who he was. His coat was dirt riddled sea green his eyes a dark brown and hair of a salty grey. Daring considered what best to do before giving a sigh and letting go of the little thief who pulled away quickly, survival instincts kicking in.

Ignoring the child she re-packed her bags keeping her violet eyes off of him until she had put everything away; turning to stare the young foal down. He flinched back, those brown eyes looking for an escape route that wouldn’t involve the phrase “jump and hope you don’t break anything”. Swallowing deep he prepared himself for the worst.

“Next time don’t get caught. The next pony may not be so forgiving.” Daring said her eyes never leaving the little cut-saddle. He stared right back at her almost accepting her challenge; with a shift of his right leg he dropped a smoke ball that was used by all the children who ran the streets of Calimare. A flick of his hoof sent it at Daring at which point it exploded in a violent plume of grey smoke flooding into the sky in a mushroom cloud with tendrils going off in all sorts of directions like a smoke based firework; filling Daring’s lungs causing her to cough rather roughly. “Little…” Coughing harder she swung out at the child who had turned around and slid down a water drainage pipe to the ground bellow; sticking out his tongue he called up to her.

“Not like you had anything valuable on you anyway! HAG!” he bellowed and was lost into the crowd leaving a chagrinned Daring sputtering at the bit; her eyes tearing through the crowd as she jumped down to ground level, cushioning her fall with her wings. Unfortunately the little thief was nowhere to be scene.

Literally fuming with rage Daring took off muttering beneath her breath, wanting to go talk to Groggy about her next course of action before heading out into the desert; knowing roughly how far north she would need to go before approaching the general area of the tomb.

Flying over the city now that the beast had entered pull swing was almost as mesmerizing as watching the seemingly immortal construct come to life in the early hours of the morning. Streams of ponies and creatures of every kind were moving about in a flurry of activity that kept Daring more than occupied until she returned to the “Merry Crystal”, to the salty smile of Groggy.

Landing swiftly Daring was about to speak to the salty-seapony when his thick raucous laughter poisoned the air.

“HA! Got yourself tagged already? You waste no time at all do you Daring?” he hollered standing on his hind legs to hold his stomach, attempting to stop the laughter.

“Tagged? What are you talking about?” Daring said suddenly very self-aware, wondering if the little punk from earlier had stuck something to her. Doing a quick spin on the spot attempting to see her backside for anything that may be marring her coat or the vest, which Daring always wore when in the field.

“It’s a smoke bomb!” The old stallion joked, wiping a tear from his eyes. “It leaves a faint blur on the coat so that the other kids will know what sort of target you are.” He eyed her slyly as if he knew a lot more than he was letting on. Sidling up beside the orange mare he gave her a sharp nudge. “So what was it? Quick reflexes or no loot.” He teased her harshly, chuckling away a swing from her hoof.

Daring was flushed sharply, embarrassed that others would know that she had “no loot” as her pirate companion had so delighted in informing her. The conversation did serve a reaffirming purpose in Daring though; Groggy would most assuredly know somepony who could help Daring cross the desert. It was easy for the mare who had grown up in Canterlot and spent her time adventuring all over the world to forget that Groggy, a friend that had been with her for almost a decade now was born on these harsh, living streets. For a moment she considered the child who had attempted to rob her much closely, if that child was able to survive he may one day end up sailing the seas much like Groggy did now… a far better fate than what would await him if he remained in Calimare.

“That aside,” Daring said, recovering from the jest at her expense; some of the crew chuckling along with their captain’s infectious laughter. “I need somepony to help me get to the northern forest.” She informed her friend who had turned away for a moment to answer a question posed to him by a shady looking brown stallion with a long, silver mane; his cutie mark looked like black bandages wrapped around a smothered sun.

“The forest?” Groggy asked after a pause, turning sharply. “Now what fool-hardy treasure has you going that far out of your way?” he asked, genuinely interested.

If there was one pony in this wide, wide world of Equestria that Daring felt she could trust it was Groggy and she figured it was a good a time as any to cut him in. Leaning in she whispered to him softly.

“The Ruby Knight.” She said, the glee unmasked in her voice.

Instantaneously the atmosphere between the old friends changed in a way that Daring had never experienced before. Groggy tightened completely, each muscle along his strong weathered form tensing like a gun ready to shoot. There was an uncharacteristically deep swallow and a shifting of his one uncovered eye. Leaning down he grabbed a hold of his flask and took a deep, almost bottomless swig before looking up to his first-mate aboard the ship. With a sharp shake of his head he delivered an order soundlessly before tossing a leg around Daring leading her away.

“Daring… do you realize what you’ve gotten yourself into.” He whispered as he pulled her along one of the streets, the curiosity coursing through her veins preventing Daring from fighting back.

“A suspiciously delicious mystery it seems.” She said with all of her cockiness thrown into the words.

Groggy shook his head and hobbled along, almost dragging his peg leg as they moved just beyond the market cutting through the swath of ponies like a ship splitting the seas.

“You’re in way over your head lass…” he said as they pulled up into an alley which had a young filly sitting up against a garbage bag; a double take thankfully showed that she was alive just in a level near comatose. It was hard to tell where the garbage ended and her coat began. “You going after this alone…?”

“I’ve never needed someone to hold my hoof before have I?” Daring barked, affronted; stopping on the spot and pulling Groggy to a full stop. “What’s this all about Groggy?”

“Listen, kid.” Groggy said looking up and down the alley, nopony was there except the comatose filly, his one eye boring into her for a moment before he deemed the visage as fact. “I promised your parents I’d look out for you after the last time I sailed with them. I can’t have you going out there alone.”

Daring swallowed deeply, Groggy had never mentioned her parents before. Her mother was a novelist who wrote mystery stories about a group of fillies and colts who would journey throughout their town solving the mysteries that the adult’s wouldn’t…and her father was an archeologist much like she was, an adventurer bent on revealing all the mysteries of the past. She was always aware that Groggy had known her parents, she had in fact met him on a letter which was left in their will when they were declared M.I.A., she had never asked and she had never expected him to tell.

“Do my parents have something to do with this suit of armour.” She asked suddenly on the offensive. “And what do you mean look out for me? Did my parents come here too? What were they doing? What happened to the—“ she ranted before his hoof cut her off by wedging itself firmly inside of her mouth.

“I don’t have, nor am I goin’ to answer all of that.” Groggy said giving his shoulders a roll and leaning back against the cold white wall which was currently hidden from the heat of the sun. “I’ll help you get there Daring, but you have to promise you come back, treasure or not.” He said dangerously, a tone that Daring had only ever hear Groggy use twice: once when a ship under the R.E.N. (Royal Equestrian Navy) had attempted to board the “Merry Crystal” after doing a number to her hull with cannon fire, and the other when a member of his crew had turned traitor and injured a fellow crewmate. It was the dark voice of a stallion who had lived in a dark world, the kind of voice that wasn’t afraid of physical violence… the kind of voice that had shared words with death.

Taking a deep breathe Daring became overly conscious of how exposed she was trapped in a tight alley with his hoof against her shoulder. Staring him down and not giving an inch in this struggle.

Pressure built up against her where his hoof was placed. “Promise. If it gets to hard Daring, that you’ll run.”

“I’ve never been the running kind.” Daring bit back pushing against the older leg finding that its age did nothing to rob it of its once brilliant strength.

“This time ye don’ have a choice.” Groggy said, looking into her. “I’ll get you there, and the friend I’ll get to do it will keep a close eye on ye’, he’ll help if ye need it. But if the going gets tough you need to run. Do you understand me?”

Daring considered every possible route and every possible action, in the end there was only one action that ensured that she would be able to go on towards the goal without being delayed. “You have my word Groggy.” She promised, feeling the immediate release of her shoulder beneath his hoof. Wiping away sweat from his brow he looked down the alley again before turning away and dragging her along again.

Daring followed silently considering why her companion had gone through such a sudden personality, finding no logical reason behind it, not without knowing what her parents had told him before they disappeared.

Travelling through the hot crowded streets took the two ponies almost an hour and a half before arriving, silently at their destination. It was an oddly shaped building dotting one of the small ghettos like slums that Daring had witnessed from the air, it had three visible stories, the upper half of the building arching out in an oddly rectangular way , arching over the street.

Going up to a wide, circular marble door Groggy turned and gave it a sharp tap two times with his wooden peg. After a three minute pause a circle within the door revealed itself by splitting away at the center revealing the brilliant amber eye, the pupil slit in a reptilian manner.

“We who keep the key…” a masculine voice from inside said in a deeply flavoured accent.

“Must protect the lock.” Groggy said, another pause and the small hole shut itself up roughly. After another two minutes steam released from invisible vents near the roof of the house, and the energy being released swung the heavy portal up into the wall clearing the way for Daring and Groggy to enter.

Once inside Daring was rewarded with a dimly lit (by candles) room filled to the rafters with book shelves, scrolls scattered here and there with odd pieces of what appeared to be desert cult tools, effigies to beings who’s legends Daring could only begin to guess were scattered across the room with abandon.

The stallion who had let them in was dressed completely in black wraps, a turban tight upon his head revealing only that one eye, his mouth and neck wrapped in tight bandages. Holding out his hoof to Groggy the pressed them together for a long moment before words were spoken.

“Welcome home, shield.”

“It is always peaceful within the sword.”

They nodded as they spoke in unison, some code to which Daring had no idea of but was gradually becoming more and more intrigued by. This simple treasure hunt was quickly becoming a rich journey filled with what Daring loved best: Mystery.

“Daring, this is Desert Storm, a long-time friend of mine and a pony who helped your parents when they were here. If anypony in Calimare can be trusted to take you to where you want to go its him…” Groggy said turning to leave, as if his job was done, leaving more questions than answers.

“Groggy…?” Daring started to ask, confused; having thought that Groggy would be accompanying her.

“Desert… Take Daring to the northern forest and keep her safe for me. Daring don’t forget your promise.” He said before leaving the door rolling shut behind him.

Turning to Desert now that the two of them were alone Daring put herself on edge, Groggy’s word or not she had to be sure she was well protected.

“Don’t worry Daring Do.” Desert Storm said in that deep voice, turning from her towards a set of stairs; she noticed that to the right of the stairwell was a bedroll with a thick pillow resting at the head. “I’m not going to ask you what you’re doing, or where you’re going. Get some sleep, we will be leaving the moment the moon comes into the sky.” Leaving her alone the mysteriously garbed stallion disappeared up the stairs.

Considering her options Daring sighed and decided that she would need her rest any way. Groggy had made her make a promise and had brought her here hoping to fulfill that promise. Desert wouldn’t harm her while she slept, of that she was sure. Storing her belongings within the pillow she laid her head down and allowed the day’s events to loop until she fell into a fitful slumber.


Desert Storm silently, as if making sound would mean the end of the world, treaded past the sleeping Daring. The mare beneath him looked at peace and at the same time concentrated; undoubtedly running through scenarios of the day’s events with which he was sure must have been quite exciting.

Going to his door the fully covered pony hit a number of switched and opened a third, larger portal which resided within the door.

“Did you get it?” he whispered, his voice sliding through the marble as if it wasn’t there. The small colt with the sea green coat looked out across the busy street making sure that nopony had followed him here from the “family’s” hideout.

“Ye’ I got it, ye got my payment?” the small boy said leaning against the door nonchalantly trying not to draw attention to himself.

Desert dropped a thick, flawlessly cut garnet gem out of the window from a fold in his robe, which the child quickly put into a small pouch that was halfway up his right leg, pulling from inside it the notepad he had stolen from Daring early in the morning.

“Pleasure doing business with you.” Desert said shutting the door, leaving the colt to his own devices.

Walking away, Current Tides allowed himself to fully appreciate the weight of the gem in his pouch considering how to get rid of the jewel quick before somepony got their eyes on it or somepony came looking for what he suspected was a stolen piece of merchandise. All the colt was sure of was that he had made a lot of money from a wealthy client and it was now time to get on with some rewards to help make his hellish life on the street a little more comfortable, the gem in his pouch could easily buy some furniture for the family’s “house”.

Inside of the house Desert Storm, with a horn that nopony could see under his turban lifted the notepad before his eyes, using his unicorn magic to flip through the pages taking all of its information in.

Every detail that Daring had recorded on the Legend of the Ruby Knight resting just at his hoof tips.