• Published 5th Apr 2013
  • 635 Views, 164 Comments

Ever After - Mixer

The sequel to the Mixer Chronicles

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Chrysalis dragged along the badly wounded form of Shining Armor. Dhanthas and Grape Vine limped along behind their leaders while Dark Flame pulled Flicker and Word Smith behind him. Neither of the injured shades looked good.

“Hey, you two still alive back there?” Dhanthas called back. Flicker gave a weak moan in response, while Word Smith made no sound.

"Silence!" Chrysalis hissed. The changeling queen had fear written across her face. The shades could guess why; it had far less to do with the ponies they were fleeing. Rather, it was who they were fleeing to.

Dark Flame stopped dragging the silent form of Word Smith, leaving behind his body while the others continued their retreat.


They had come so close to finishing it. But Chaotic's team had to pull out before the regrouping shades and changelings fell back to their leaders. Even then they still lost John, and Lightning Strike was badly wounded.

“They’re gone,” Chaotic huffed, looking back. "All of them." The other members of the strike squad stopped to catch their breath. They had been running and fighting almost all day, and all of them needed a reprieve.

“Yeah, but I wonder how the others did,” Lightning Shaker said.

“Well, the airship looks whole. It's moving towards the bay,” Solid Gear said.

“Then that’s where we’re going,” Chaotic said.


Near the docks of the city, its remaining defenders were waiting for a small boat to reach the shore. The larger ships in the bay continued firing at the retreating army, the bombardment slowly fading as the boat neared the docks.

When the boat did finally reach shore, the defenders could see on it three distinct forms. One of them, a captain judging by his hat, was a griffon. The next was a blue pegasus with another hat, this one red with a feather sticking right out of the top. The last was a purplish mare with an aqua mane, an eyepatch, and a red bandana.

“Ahoy there! Looks like you ponies managed to keep yerselves in one piece,” the captain called out as he took to the air, landing on the docks while the pegasus and earth pony anchored the boat.

“And who are you?” Elyl asked the gray griffon.

“Name’s captain Hookfang. But you can just call me Hook,” he said, bowing and flourishing his hat. "Everyone else does."

"Captain Hook... Hey! Haven't I heard that name somewhere?" a random pony cried out. They went largely ignored.

“Well, Hook, I have to thank you for arriving when you did. Otherwise, I don’t think we would have made it,” Elyl said gratefully.

“Well, don’t you worry about that just yet," the griffon said. "The flotilla is on its way to lend you a wing and a claw,” Hook said.

“The flotilla?” Elyl asked.

“Aye! Some fifty vagrant vessels, all sent here to aid you,” Hook said, putting his arm around Elyl and motioning with his claw across the horizon. "We're just here to negotiate the terms."

"Terms? For what?" Elyl asked. The captain grinned, dropping his arm from around the pony.

"The payment we'll receive for protecting yer fine city, of course," he said. The ponies about Elyl stiffened. Van Hoover wasn't a rich city to begin with, and they needed all the money they had for repairs. Elyl thought fast.

“I take it you’re one for theatrics, Hook," he said, putting a hoof up on the much taller griffon's shoulder.

“You got me there,” Hook agreed.

“Well, when I’m not defending cities, I’m a magician,” Elyl said. He turned the griffon around, and the two began walking away from the gathering crowd of onlookers.

“Then you can appreciate a good performance,” Hook pointed out. "Never met a magician that could resist the spotlight."

“Well, I think you just did," Elyl snapped. "If these other forty-seven ships exist, where are they? If they were sent to help us, then why would only three ships actually participate in the fighting?" Elyl grinned madly, the stress of the day showing plainly on his face. "I take it that there is no 'flotilla'?" The captain sighed.

“Ah, no. We’re the only ships that happened upon the news about the attack, and so we came to help. Maybe get some coin while we’re at it,” Hook admitted.

“Then three ships is all you have?” Elyl asked, settling back down.

“Aye, three fine vessels, each filled with loyal crew. And if what we hear is true, then we could get paid rather handsomely to help defend this city,” Hook said.

“Just like a pirate to always be thinking about bits,” Dawn Buckler said, walking with Evening Rose’s help up to them.

“And who is yer friend here?” Hook asked Elyl.

“Hook, this is Dawn Buckler. He was in charge of the city defense. Dawn Buckler, this is Captain Hook,” Elyl said, introducing them.

“Well mister Buckler, nice to meet ya,” Hook said, extending a claw.

“Your help is appreciated,” Dwan Buckler mumbled, not returning the gesture.

“You know mate, you’d draw more flies with honey than vinegar. Isn’t that right Violet?” Hook said, turning towards his companions. The other two pirates had been patiently waiting nearby.

“Right-o,” the purple mare said, saluting to Hook.

“Quidem” Dostiyevsky, the blue pegasus said.

“What?” Elyl asked the blue pegasus.

“Ah, you see, our friend here throws some ancient word into his speech every now and again,” Hook said. The captain leaved in to loudly whisper, "Bit wrong in the head, we thinks."

“Strange,” Elyl said.

“Aw, Dovsky’s alright,” Violet said, patting the pegasus.

“I told you that I don’t like being called qui name,” he replied.

“But your full name sounds like gibberish,” Violet complained. The pegasus just sighed.

“Now that introductions are out of the way, perhaps we can discuss something about our pay?” Hook asked. "What with the enemy routed..."

“We’re not done here yet,” Dawn Buckler said.

“I’d say that we are. The shades are retreating, we survived, and the city is still standing,” Elyl said. A building in the distance came crashing down, the walls riddled with holes from cannonballs. "Relatively."

“So, does this mean we can celebrate?” Violet asked.

“Aye. I reckon the city is safe, and these ponies look a little down,” Hook said.

“Did somepony say celebrate?” a gray unicorn mare with a neon green mane asked.

“It seems that we will be celebrating,” Elyl said. Dawn Buckler just grumbled as the pirates began to mill about, spreading the news that there would be a celebration. There were mixed feelings about a celebration after such heavy losses, but everypony agreed that it was well deserved.

One of the defenders, a blue pegasus called Thunder Blur, was setting up a dj station with Neon Fire when Chaotic and his team returned.

“What’s going on?” Soulless asked as a blue pegasus shuffled by, holding a keg of some beverage.

“It appears that they are preparing to celebrate,” Chaotic Note said.

“How can they be celebrating? We lost a lot of ponies,” Solid Gear complained.

“Chaotic! Over here,” Elyl called to the squad. They followed the voice until they found their leader, standing beside a large griffon. The griffon seemed to be in a heated debate with a purple mare.

“Elyl, what’s going on?” Lightning Shaker was the first to ask. "Why aren't we preparing for another attack?"

"This griffon and his pirates routed them," Elyl explained. "And now they’re throwing us a party." Soulless groaned at the utterance of the word ‘party’.

“Ah, Elyl. These friends of yours?” Hook asked, turning away from his argument. The mare had left.

“Yes, actually. Everypony, meet Captain Hook. He is the one who decided to help us,” Elyl said. The griffon extended a claw.

“Good to meet ya. I hope you lads’ll try some of Violet’s hard cider. She brews the best stuff on the sea,” Hook said, chuckling. The squad murmured back their greetings, Chaotic the only one of them to actually shake the griffon's claw.

“I’ll explain more of what happened when we’re done,” Elyl said.

“For now, enjoy yerselves. It’s not often we get a chance to throw a party,” Hook threw in, ambling away. The squad slowly dispersed among the griffons and ponies, except for Soulless. For him the words ‘party’ and ‘enjoy’ rarely went together.

On board the Lunar Guard airship, the remaining guards had patched themselves up, and were mourning for their lost brethren. Silence prevailed upon the deck for the first time that day.

Once they were done, one of the guards detached from the rest and approached Quicksilver.

“Um, sir, what are your orders?” she asked Quicksilver.

“Huh?” he asked, still in grief over the death of his many friends.

“Since Vigilant is dead, that makes you the new head of the Lunar Guard, sir,” she said. Quicksilver looked at at her, his glasses still broken, eyes still rimmed with tears.

“We’re going to give them a proper burial,” he said. The guard nodded slowly, then motioned for Quicksilver to look over the side of the airship.

“It looks like that will be hard, given the fact that the others appear to be getting ready for a celebration,” she said.

“How can they celebrate at a time like this?” he questioned, almost disgusted.

“Well, we did win the battle,” the mare said. Quicksilver sighed.

“Ok, take us down. I want a word with Dawn Buckler and Elyl.”

“Right away,” she said, going to the helm. A short time later, the airship was moored at the docks alongside the pirate's. The Lunar Guard were debarking, several of them carrying the veiled bodies of their fallen comrades. Elyl was the first to meet them.

“Quicksilver, where is Vigilant?” he asked the sorrowful pony.

“Dead,” Quicksilver said dully.

“I’m sorry to hear that...” Elyl said.

“I wish to give our fallen a proper burial, then return to Canterlot,” Quicksilver said. "Requesting permission to leave."

“Well, with our reinforcements, I’m sure that you can go back without worry,” Elyl said. "Permission granted."

“Thank you,” Quicksilver said, rejoining the other guards. Soulless saw the somber guards, and walked over to join them.

“What do you want?” Quicksilver asked.

“To give you a hoof,” Soulless said.

“We don’t need any help,” Quicksilver said. "The dead don't struggle that much."

“I meant with what you’re going through,” Soulless said.

“And how would you know what I’m going through?” Quicksilver shot back. Soulless recoiled slightly at the venom in the words.

“Sorry I asked," he said. Quicksilver simply walked away from the dark unicorn.

“Hey Soulless,” Solid Gear called. The unicorn turned and saw that The Knights of the Everfree, along with Violet Runner, had made their way to the airship.

“What?” he called back.

“We heard that the airship was damaged so we came to take a look,” Violet Runner said. "We could use your help."

“And we’re also here to help Quicksilver, Lightning Shaker added.
It took Soulless a few seconds to find what was off about her. Her...

“Weren’t you a stallion the last time I saw you?!” he questioned.

“It’s complicated,” Lightning said.

“I'd assume so,” Soulless said.

“Well, we better go have a look at that ship,” Solid gear said, wanting to get out of the rather awkward conversation.

“Right...” Violet Runner said.

“If you must know, I was cursed, and now every night, I become a mare. Happy?” Lightning said.

“I don’t think I want to know about that,” Soulless said.

“You don’t,” Dream Dasher said.


Pinkamena crept through the underbrush, an evil smile on her face as she approached Van Hoover.

“How can you just crash a party like this?” she asked herself, listening to the distant sounds of the ponies starting the festivities.

“You know how. And besides, they didn’t invite you,” she said.

Herself stayed silent in agreement.

“Here comes Pinkie...”


After giving their fallen a proper burial, Quicksilver and the Lunar Guard were preparing to leave.

“What’s this?” Quicksilver asked as a mare ran up to him with a letter.

“The princess want’s you to bring Violet Runner and Solid Gear back with you,” the mare said.

“Alright,” Quicksilver said. Solid Gear and Violet Runner had been working to repair the cannon on the airship, and were still hanging around it.

“It looks like the princess wants you two to go to Canterlot,” Quicksilver said.

“Really?” Violet Runner asked.

“Yeah, so get ready,” Quicksilver said. "Make any goodbyes that you need to, pack anything you wish. We leave in thirty minutes." They nodded and went off to make their own preparations. They didn't take long.

As the airship passed over her, Pinkie looked up, but she didn’t sense the one she was looking for aboard it and dismissed it. Back at the party, Thunder Blur and Neon Fire were playing the music for the celebration while the pirates drank all the booze, and the defenders tried to forget about the terrible battle that day.

Soulless was staying sober, keeping on the outskirts of the party. Chaotic walked up to him, levitating a mug of cider.

“Aren’t you going to enjoy yourself?” Chaotic asked. "I don't think I've seen you touch one mug."

“I’m good,” Soulless said flatly. "And i think I'm going to need a clear mind for this."

"For what?" Chaotic asked. A scream from the crowd pulled their attention and the music died off. Swords were hastily pulled from their sheathes, and a rough circle formed around where a mare was standing over the bleeding form of a griffon.

“That,” Soulless said.

“Here’s Pinkie!” the mare cried as she went for another pirate. Her sword thudded into one of the nearby griffons, and the melee broke loose.

“Hey! Who’s breaking up my party!?” Violet yelled from across the crowd as Pinkamena tore through ponies and griffons alike. The pink shade was letting her senses guide her, and the terrible path she cut was slowly winding towards Violet.

Soulless teleported in front of the purple mare to keep her from joining the pile of bodies that was building up around the insane pony.

“Stay back,” he growled. Chaotic joined Soulless the terrible mare finally cut through to them. She had lost her sword sometime in the fighting, embedded in a dead pony.

“Oh, I haven’t seen you in awhile Souly,” Pinkamena said as she unsheathed another one, this time pulling an axe out with it.

“Let’s kill her and get this over with,” Soulless said, extending his two blades. Chaotic used an earth enchantment to harden his skin, keeping him from being cut.

“Yay! This is fun!” Pinkamena said as she and Soulless engaged in a deadly dance of steel. Sparks flew as her blade connected with his. Chaotic tried to sneak in an attack while she was occupied, but found her axe somehow waiting for him.

“How can she fight this hard?” Chaotic asked, deflecting the ax by the handle. "It's like their are two of her!"

“She’s Pinkie,” Soulless said. "There kind of is."

“This is fun. Fun! Fun! Fun!” she giggled with glee, each iteration of the word accompanied with the sound of steel on steel as she swung her weapons at Soulless. As she was spinning around for another slash, a guard from the crowd tried to join in. She instantly reversed her momentum mid swing and brought her axe up against his throat, sending him slumping to the ground, an axe where his head should be.

Soulless took this chance to try and slice her throat while she was turned around, but she flashed her sword up behind her, grabbing a dagger from on of her chest sheaths. She twirled back around, trying to slice him open. Soulless teleported away, just moments before the blade would have bit into him.

So instead she flipped the dagger around and threw it at Violet. Chaotic caught the projectile with his magic, letting it drop harmlessly to the ground.

“Aw you’re no fun, using your magic like that,” Pinkamena said, her face still bent in a wicked grin. She pulled the same dagger from the same sheath, throwing it at him this time.

“What the?” Chaotic cried as he dodged the spinning blade.

“That's why we have to kill her now,” Soulless said. Pinkamena put her sword in her mouth and brandished two daggers in each of her front hooves, growling.

Elyl picked up a crossbow and fired it at the demonic pony. She turned to face the bolt, and cut it in half with a flick of the sword, leaving two halves to spin off harmlessly. Chaotic charged back in to keep her from attacking Elyl.

Soulless teleported to the pile of bodies as Chaotic tried to keep the crazed pony busy.

“What are you doing?” he cried as Soulless checked each one of them for signs of life. When he seemed to find one that did, he jabbed his blade into him, and the gem on his blade started to glow. He then put away his off hand blade and his original blade extended, its growth making it of equal length to Pinkamena’s sword.

“Ooh,” she said, kicking Chaotic away. Soulless swung the blade at Pinkamena, and she tried to block, but the shining metal went right through the steel and continued on through her. She dropped her weapons and tumbled backwards, clutching where the blade had connected with her chest.

“What was that?” Chaotic asked.

“Soul cutter,” Soulless said. Pinkamena pulled her last two daggers and threw them at Violet before jumping up and sprinting away. Chaotic caught these just like before, but hurled them after Pinkamena. She turned, caught one, and ducked under the other. And as suddenly as she had appeared, she disappeared back into the underbrush.

“Well, that was interesting,” Elyl said.

“Who was that?’ Violet asked, visibly shaken.

“Pinkamena Diane Pie,” Soulless replied. “Also known as Pinkie Pie, and old bearer of the element of laughter.”

“Then why was she trying to kill me?” Violet asked.

“Surely you don’t have to ask,” Soulless said. "It's rather obvious."

“I think we do,” Elyl said. The black unicorn shrugged.

“She attacked you because you’re the next element of laughter,” he said.

“What?” the collective exclamation went up from all in earshot.


The next morning and miles away, the Lunar Guard airship was approaching Canterlot.

“I wonder what the princess could want with us?” Violet Runner asked as the royal city drew closer.

“I don’t know,’ Solid Gear said.

“Well, we’ll find out soon, because she’s waiting for us in the hangar,” Quicksilver said. The airship approached the side of the mountain, and a small portion of it opened up, allowing them to fly the airship inside. Once docked, the Lunar Guard and the asked for ponies got off the airship and approached Twilight, who was waiting impatiently for them.

“Quicksilver, I need you to refuel the airship as soon as possible,” the alicorn said.

“Yes princess,” he replied before going off to talk with the maintenance crew.

“And you two, follow me,” she said. They quickly fell into step behind her.

“If you don’t mind my asking, Princess, why did you call for us,” Violet Runner asked.

“Because, I know about your mechanical expertise,” she said. The two ponies looked at each other quizzically.

“What?” Solid Gear asked. Twilight reached a door in the side of the cavern.

“Few ponies outside of the castle even know about what I’m about to show you,” she said. “I want both of you to keep this a secret until your work is complete,” she said.

“Whoa, what are we getting into?” Solid whispered to Violet Runner.

Twilight opened the door and the first thing the two ponies saw was the mechanical golem leaned up against the wall, its left leg on a workbench and it’s left arm missing.

Breeze looked up from doing some work on a new connecting rod and noticed the three of them standing in the door.

“Why’d you bring them here?” he asked, turning back to his work.

“To help you rebuild Colossus,” Twilight said. Flit stuck his head out from behind the golem, covered in grease and soot.

“So, you actually decided to help?” he asked bitterly.

“What’s going on up there?” Treble called from the downstairs, where he and Cotton Candy had taken up temporary residence.

“Nothing important,” Flit called back.

“Now Flit,” Twilight said.

“I think he’s a little justified right now,” Breeze said, not looking up from his work.

“What did you do?” Violet Runner asked Twilight.

“She told us to disassemble him,” Breeze said, pointing to the golem.

“And put us under house arrest,” Flit added.

“All because we saved the two ponies living in our basement,” Breeze finished.

“I’ll leave you two to get settled in,” Twilight said, pushing Violet Runner and Solid Gear into the room, closing the door behind them. They could hear the click of her hooves against the floor as she sped away.

“So, uh, who are you?” Solid gear asked.

“Divergent Breeze,” Breeze said, looking up from his desk. “And that’s Flit,” he said, pointing to the changeling who was now cleaning himself up.

“Hey,” Flit said, wiping his face.

“So what is this thing?” Violet Runner asked, walking up to Colossus.

“Hi's name is Colossus. He got damaged killing a dragon,” Breeze said.

“This thing killed a dragon?” Violet asked, looking at Breeze.

“Yes,” the golem said, his eye flickering into life. Violet jumped back, startled.

“It talks?” Solid Gear asked.

“Yes, I do talk,” the golem said.

“If it weren't for him, most of us in here wouldn't be alive right now,” Breeze said.

“Yeah, he saved me from the shade of Rainbow Dash,” Flit said.

"And us from Rarity," Candy said from below.

“So, uh, what are you going to do with him?” Solid Gear asked, looking over the golem intently.

“We were going to fix him, but it took us weeks to build him, and that was when we could move around freely. Now we’re stuck here, fixing with what we have, which isn’t much,” Breeze said.

“So... can we help?” she asked.

“You think you can handle it?” Flit asked. "He's pretty complex."

“Did you notice my leg by chance?” she retorted.

“And I’ve had lots of experience with machines,” Violet Runner said.

“I think that they can help,” the golem said. Breeze shrugged.

“Alright. After all, it is you we’re fixing,” he said.

“But how are we going to fix him without parts?” Flit asked.

“I have a workshop with plenty of parts,” Violet Runner said.

“Really?” Breeze asked.

“Yeah, it’s actually not far from Canterlot, and I can have whatever you need shipped in within a day,” Violet Runner said.

“Well, what are we waiting for? Let’s get to it,” Solid gear said, going over to the back of the golem.

“Such enthusiasm,” Mixer said as Solid Gear peered into the back of the mechanical marvel.

“Wow, you two built all this?” she asked, amazed by the complexity of the golem, despite all the damaged parts.

“We had a little help, but yeah,” Breeze said.

“So what parts would you need that you don’t have?” Violet runner asked.

“You might want to write this down...” Breeze said.


On the outskirts of Ponyville, a lone form moved carefully towards the Everfree forest, carrying a satchel and wearing a cloak. The form stopped near the edge of the forest and pulled back her hood, revealing a gray mohawk streaked with blue.

The zebra gave the forest air a sniff before pulling her hood back up and continuing slowly into the dark woods. She slowly made her way through the forest, following the smell of the herbs she was searching for.

When she reached where the fragrant odor was coming from, she crouched down and carefully collected the flowers that she needed.

“Hmm, what’s this?” she said out loud as a rank smell filled the clearing. She pulled her hood back and swung her head from side to side, listening for any sign of movement. Soon a growling sound came from in front of her. The sound of Timberwolves.

“Timberwolves here? Why are you so near?” she asked, roughly facing the source of the sound. She held out a hoof to make sure that they weren’t right in front of her.

The zebra's blue eyes stared unseeingly in front of her as the timberwolves approached her. Despite her lack of sight, she seemed unfazed by the vicious predators that were slowly advancing upon her.

“Ah, I know what I’ll do. I have just the thing for you,” she said, pulling out a small branch from her satchel. The stick had red leaves and had a strong smell to it. She snapped it and a strong sweet smell filled the clearing.

The timberwolves immediately stopped growling, and sat down on the ground, whimpering like a bunch of puppies.

“That’s better. Now tell me what’s the matter?” she asked them. They continued whimpering, communicating to the zebra what they were doing.

“Hmm, a mare you say? Well, for now, just go away,” the zebra said, waving the timberwolves off. They all slipped out of clearing, leaving the zebra alone.

“Hmm, if there’s a mare looking for me, then should I be in the Everfree?” she asked out loud. Shrugging, she decided to head deeper into the forest, searching for more herbs essential to her medicines. It was not long until she heard the sounds of wings beating, and something large landing near her.

“What now?” she asked out loud. A manticore landed near her and began growling.

“A manticore and timberwolves all in the same day? Things just don’t seem to be going my way,” the zebra said calmly. The manticore grabbed the zebra and flew away with her. She finally showed some signs of fear, mostly about not being firmly on the ground.

She felt dizzy as the air rushed past her, indicating that wherever the manticore was taking her, it was flying rather fast. When it finally slowed down and dropped her, the zebra fell over clumsily as she hit the ground.

“You found her!” Fluttershy said, surprised as the manticore dropped the zebra. Angel pushed himself away from the tree he was leaning against and hopped over to the blind zebra.

“Are you alright?” Fluttershy asked, as her target lay on the ground.

“Who’s there?” the zebra asked. Angel, who was ready to bring this helpless zebra to Darkstar tapped him foot in impatience.

“Oh, alright,” Fluttershy said.

“What?” the zebra asked, confused as to who the mare was talking to. The manticore grabbed her, and it and Fluttershy and began flying towards the Crystal Empire.


Darkstar was looking out to the south from the balcony in the Crystal Empire palace. Off on the horizon, he could see the remnants of his army.

“Incompetent fools!” he spat, walking back to his throne. There was a slight breeze that blew through the throne room, and in it’s wake, Luna stood in the threshold of the balcony.

“Mother,” Darkstar said coldly, slowly turning to face her.

“Oh, Shooting Star...” Luna said sadly, approaching her son.

“I’m Darkstar now,” he snapped smacking Luna’s hoof away.

“Your father would be sad to hear that,” Luna said. Darkstar laughed.

“My father... He used to hold this throne,” Darkstar said.

“You’re right, I did,” Sombra said, appearing from the throne itself. Darkstar spun around to face him.

“So what, have you both come to try and stop me?” he growled, turning his head between Sombra and Luna.

“No, Star. We want you to continue this, for you own good,” Luna said.

“What?” he asked, bewildered.

“We both were once evil,” Luna said, remembering back to long ago, when she became Nightmare Moon.

“And only through our actions did we end up living happy lives,” Sombra finished.

“How so?” Darkstar asked.

“Because, once the Elements of Harmony were used on us we were able to live peaceful lives,” Luna said. "Our failures shaped us."

“Except you don’t realize that I will not fail as you two did. I already have one of the bearers, and I can kill him at a moment’s notice, preventing the Elements of Harmony from ever being used,” Darkstar said.

“Don’t make us fight you,” Sombra said.

“We don’t want to hurt you,” Luna added.

“Unfortunately, I don’t have the same qualms,” Darkstar said, lashing out at her with a tendril of darkness. It struck her across the face, leaving a dark line behind. Luna put a hoof to her face and felt it start to bleed.

“How dare you?” Sombra questioned angrily, fire starting to burn in his eyes.

“Easily,” Darkstar said, lashing out at his father. Sombra created a crystal shield that stopped the black tendril. He melted into the floor, reappearing from the crystal in front of Luna.

Sombra glared at Darkstar as he melted the both of them into the crystal, disappearing from the throne room.

“Yes, run!” Darkstar called after them. "I won't listen to your lies!"

“We’ll be back,” Sombra’s voice rang around the throne room.


Darkstar jolted awake. Blackness surrounded him. His own. Taking comfort in it, the dark alicorn sighed. He couldn't afford to sleep now, couldn't afford those two poisoning his thoughts. With a sigh, he fell back onto his throne, waiting for Shining and Chrysalis to report.

Author's Note:

There's really nothing left to say here, expect that I can't wait to get the next one back from my editor.