• Published 24th Apr 2013
  • 7,871 Views, 501 Comments

Transformers Armada: Starscream's Requiem - Legofan

Unicron awakens, threatening Cybertron's existence. Galvatron refuses to see the truth, however, and Starscream sacrifices himself to unite the warring factions. But instead of death, Starscream is gifted with continued life in a new land.

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Chapter 7: Departure

Starscream glided down towards the trio of changelings, landing softly a few feet in front of them and covering the remaining distance on foot. The changeling that stood in the center was unfamiliar, being above average in height and with a stocky build. To either side of the one in the center were the guards that had been absent that morning. He regarded the familiar changelings with a nod as the center one spoke.

“The Queen has us investigating the source of what sounded like a large explosion.” His voice was husky and had an excessive amount of buzz to it. “You wouldn't happen to be responsible for it, would you?”

“If you’re talking about the sonic boom, then yes, I was responsible,” Starscream admitted. “There’s no damage, though; everything’s fine.”

“Very well,” acknowledged the large changeling. “That was all we needed; we’ll report this to the Queen and leave you alone.”

The changelings turned to return to the Hive, but Starscream stopped them before they could leave. “If you’re going to report this directly to the Queen, would you mind bringing me along? I need to discuss some things with her.”

“We weren’t going to go to her directly, but I suppose it can be arranged.” The changeling continued towards the Hive’s entrance, and Starscream followed.

As had become a tendency during his time with the changelings, he and his companions traversed the twisting halls in silence, aside from the echo of their light trodding throughout the vacant tunnels. At least, the changeling’s steps were light, but they didn’t weigh a few tons, now, did they? Regardless, the relative quiet gave Starscream the room he needed to think.

With the ability to fly returned to him, it was now his job to depart northward to Equestria, the land of the ponies, where he was to meet with the kingdom’s highest authority and speak a good case for the changelings, who had destroyed at least one entire civilization and had been directly hostile towards them. Needless to say, Starscream’s mood soured as he considered his chances of success.

He was brought back to reality by loud knocking. The lead changeling was the one doing so, knocking on a large door carved into the tunnel’s side. It was about a foot taller than most of the other doors he had seen in the Hive, and just as plain. Just from its height, he could hazard a guess as to the room’s occupant.

Confirming his suspicion, the door was enveloped in a green aura and pulled open, revealing a slightly disheveled Chrysalis. She shot Starscream a nasty look, saying to his changeling escort, “Thank you. You are dismissed.” In unison, they bowed and took their leave. “Come in,” she beckoned once the two were alone, heading back into her room for him to follow.

He stepped in and looked about, taking in her room and finding it surprisingly...lacking. Whether out of humility or out of necessity, her room was adorned with the same furnishings as other residential rooms. His attention returned to Chrysalis as he heard her thud against the stone slab she called a bed. Curiously, she was still giving him a dirty look.

“You’ve caused me quite the bit of trouble,” she mumbled in explanation. Starscream perked up. “I wanted to talk to you, but you had run off, then you did that sonic boom thing; that caused a stir. You’ve also postponed my sleep for some time. I may be the most powerful changeling, but that doesn’t mean I’m powerful all the time.” Her eyelids began drooping as she resisted the urge to sleep.

“My apologies,” said Starscream, as he stepped towards her and seated himself on the floor a respectable distance from her. “You sounded like Galvatron for a second, there,” he joked, “but then you said ‘not powerful all the time’, and...” He trailed off, seeing that the humor had been lost. Coughing awkwardly into his hoof, he continued. “Apologies again. Um, as you’re evidently tired, and I don’t want to cause you more pain than I have to, I’ll make this quick. I believe I’m ready to depart for Equestria.”

The effect of the news was immediate. Her half closed eyes shot open, and she sat up, bringing her face uncomfortably close to his. “Really?” she asked excitedly. Retreating from his personal space, she set herself on her haunches. “That’s wonderful news, Starscream!” she said, straining to refrain from getting rowdy in her excitement. “When were you hoping to leave?”

“As soon as possible,” he answered. “Immediately, if that’s the case.”

“Unfortunately, it’s not, as you have no idea where you’re going.”

Chrysalis scooted towards the foot of the slab, using her magic to pry open a footlocker that was there and rummage through it. Eventually, she pulled a scroll out of it, promptly returning to her original spot and pulling it open. On the scroll was a map of Equestria, as indicated by the title across the top reading ‘Map of Equestria’.

“We’re somewhere down here,” Chrysalis announced, pointing to a section at the bottom of the map labeled ‘The Badlands’. The map, however, showed only the northmost portion of it before being cut off. “Canterlot is up here,” she said, this time pointing to a small image of a mountain with a castle protruding from its side near the center of the map. “This map is not to scale, sadly, so I can’t give you precise distances, but I can tell you the path used by us when we went to invade Canterlot.

“From the Hive’s entrance, you go north until you reach the Macintosh Hills. This mountain range acts as the border between Equestria and the Badlands, so you can’t miss it.” Starscream nodded. “Now, from wherever you intercept the mountains, follow them west, until the range ends. There’ll be a river not too much farther west, which will have a lone mountain on the opposite bank.”

“Got it so far,” Starscream confirmed.

“Alright, this is the part that’s tricky. From the mountains peak at night, you should be able to see a lot of stars. The brightest one in the sky hovers directly over Canterlot; it has some name, but I’m no astronomer, and I’ve forgotten. Make a beeline towards that star and you should find Canterlot mountain rather simply. Got all that?”

“I did, but I would still like a map for reference.”

“Take this one,” Chrysalis offered. “I don’t need it.” Starscream, however, made no move to take it, staring intently at it instead. After of couple of seconds, Chrysalis annoyedly waved it in his face. “Hello? Equus to Starscream?”

Looking back to her, Starscream said, “I’ve scanned the map; I should be set to go.” She cocked a brow, but didn’t argue, rolling the map back up and placing it back into her footlocker. “Is there anything else I should know or bring before I go?”

Chrysalis hummed thoughtfully for a few seconds. “There’s nothing more you need to bring,” she concluded, “and anything you’ll need to know I can tell you as we head for the exit.” She hopped off the bed and headed towards the door, which had not been closed when they had entered earlier. Starscream followed behind her, closing the door behind him as he exited.

They began retracing the path the escort had taken to bring Starscream to Chrysalis. “So the ponies look a lot like us,” the Queen began, “or rather, we look like them. Just without the holes. Simply knowing that’ll help you to know when you’ve found one. For the most part, ponies are all about happiness and friendship. So long as you’re not hostile, they won’t do anything hostile either, despite the fact that you’re an alien.”

“Are all sentient species on this planet so freely accepting of unknown species?” Starscream asked sarcastically, though the sarcasm was lost.

“Pretty much. There is a lot of sentient life on this planet, after all, and even the wildlife has a high amount of sentiency. Of course, there are limitations; as long as you don’t mention wanting to conquer the world during your first meeting, then you’ll be fine.”

That’s an oddly specific example.

She turned to him and regarded him with a serious expression. “On that note, I would advise that you not mention your affiliation with us immediately upon coming into contact with them. I doubt they would want any association with us or anyling who supports us. And most certainly reserve the knowledge of the reason of your visit for Celestia only. I can count on her to not immediately attack you once you mention it.”

“I will do that,” he said unsurely. Honestly, saying that ponies were all about happiness and friendship, then immediately saying that they were highly volatile was a bit conflicting. “Thanks for the advice.”

If there was any trepidation in Starscream’s voice, it was either not caught or was ignored, as Chrysalis made no comment about his awkward response. That marked the end of their conversation, and they continued in silence.

A few minutes after that found them in tunnels unfamiliar to Starscream, but they were nearly identical to the Hive’s other tunnels. However much he had enjoyed the company of the changelings, he couldn’t deny that a change of scenery would be great.

Finally, several minutes later, the two of them climbed another ramp to the surface. “That way is north,” Chrysalis informed as she pointed her hoof in that direction. Looking in the indicated direction, Starscream saw, predictably, nothing of interest. “Good luck,” she told him as he took his first steps northward.

He wanted to put some distance between himself and Chrysalis so that any emissions from his thrusters, such as heat and sound, wouldn’t bother Chrysalis too much. “Wait,” she called over the rising sounds of his thrusters, and he sighed, silencing them. He looked up to see her approaching him. Hurry up, he snapped mentally, I want to get going as soon-

Chrysalis’ hooves were suddenly wrapped around his neck in a tight hug, silencing his internal rambling. “I can’t thank you enough for doing this,” she spoke softly. “Come back safely, and preferably with good news.”

“Uh...you’re welcome,” he said as he fumbled to return the gesture. Something felt right about being there, held in the embrace of someone who cared for his well-being. The scenery could have been a little less desolate, but Starscream wasn’t about to complain about something so trivial. Smiling, he replied, “I’ll be back.”

Without another word, the two released each other. Chrysalis stepped away from Starscream, giving him room to engage his thrusters. Effortlessly, his body was elevated several feet off the ground. As he forged ahead northward, he decided to give Chrysalis one last surprise. Though she couldn’t see his face, he smirked nonetheless as he issued a long neglected command.

There was a flurry of activity as servos and actuators strived to accomplish the system command. His T-cog ground into action, and a jet occupied the space that had been occupied by a pony not a second prior. He imagined that Chrysalis’ expression was one of shock, and he chuckled at the mental image. If his mouth functioned in his current mode, he’d have been grinning even more.