• Published 6th Apr 2013
  • 890 Views, 71 Comments

Order-naries: Redux - CTVulpin

The Order-naries are back in Equestria and quickly find themselves embroiled in a disturbingly familiar adventure alongside some VERY disturbingly familiar faces.

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Chapter 13: Invasion

The next morning, Ash staggered out of the Lirin looking like he’d been dragged behind a stage coach, and he found Soul Mage, Gold Heart, Gale, the Element Bearers wearing their Elements, and Spike all waiting for him outside. “Where’s the party?” he said with a groan, running a hoof through his wilder-than-normal mane.

“Are you ok?” Heart, Fluttershy, and Rarity all asked at once.

“Nothing broken,” Ash answered, “but I had some unwanted guests last night. The Chaotic Gems are gone.”

“That’s not good,” Soul said grimly. “We’ve got enough trouble as it is without the Bipersonality Team getting mad at us for losing those things. Who took them?”

“I didn’t see them,” Ash said, “but PC detected a unicorn and earth pony nearby while I was getting walloped by invisible ghost fists. The thieves are the Bipersonality Team themselves.”

“Huh,” Applejack said, barely surprised. “Guess that explains why they weren’t in the barn this mornin’. They scampered off an’ covered their tracks.”

“Don’t be so quick to give up AJ,” Ash began, but Spike cut him off.

“We’ve got much bigger problems right now,” the dragon said, pointing to the distant form of Canterlot Castle. Ash craned his neck around and saw a large, shifting, shadowy something hovering just above the castle.

“That’s the Changeling swarm,” Twilight explained before Ash could ask. “Princess Luna sensed them approaching some time before dawn, but couldn’t identify them until they already too close to get a barrier up around the city. There’s something different about them, but the letter the Princesses sent to me wasn’t clear on how. All that’s important is that we get there now and help with the defense. Can you teleport us, Ash? I’d prefer to save my strength for the fight, if that’s ok with you.”

“Twilight,” Ash said, “after two years in a magical environment like Equestria with no maintenance, all my way-points have undoubtedly degraded away to nothing. But I still might be able to serve. PC,” he called over his shoulder, “estimated time to fly to Canterlot at maximum speed, now.”

Calculating,” PC responded. “Assuming we are not intercepted, fifteen minutes. Should I prepare for take-off, sirrah?

“Is that acceptable Twilight?” Ash asked. Twilight frowned as she looked up at Canterlot, and after a moment’s thought she nodded. “All aboard then,” Ash ordered, whirling about and running inside the Lirin. “PC, start the engines.”

“Fifteen minutes, huh?” Rainbow asked as everypony, except for Spike, filed in after Ash. “Not even I can do that. I’ll believe it when I see it.”

“This thing can cross a galaxy in a matter of months,” Ash said, heading for the cockpit. “Everyone find a comfortable spot. It wasn’t designed with ponies in mind, but it should be accommodating enough for a short trip.” Gale and Twilight went to join Ash in the cockpit while everypony else tried with moderate success to fit onto the seats in the main cabin and get the harnesses on.

“This ain’t too bad actually,” Applejack noted.

“Speak for yourself,” Rainbow said, shifting uncomfortably. “My wings don’t fit right. And don’t think I won’t be timing the flight, Ash,” she added in a louder voice.

“I assumed you would be,” Ash called back. “PC, set the course, bring all scanners to bear on Canterlot, and get us moving.” The computer acknowledged the command with a rising tone, and the ship’s hatch rose up to the closed position as the entire craft began shaking lightly with the effort of lifting off. It turned around toward its destination and accelerated quickly, breaking the sound barrier just outside of Ponyville.

“You can fly faster than sound unassisted, Dash,” Soul said conversationally once the ship reached top speed and the pressure of acceleration lifted from everypony. “Yet you can’t make it to Canterlot in fifteen minutes?”

“Doing a Sonic Rainboom is one thing, Soul,” Dash said. “Keeping that speed up by myself long enough to travel that far is something else entirely. I’d probably catch on fire or lose all my feathers and hair from the wind.”

“Fair enough,” Soul said.

Up in the cockpit, Twilight and Ash were having a conversation of their own. “When you say the ship can cross a galaxy in months, you weren’t exaggerating, were you?” Twilight asked.

“Exaggeration is too much like lying for my taste,” Ash answered. “The Shadowstar Empire spans hundreds of star systems and is constantly trying to expand into dozens more. Even the least advanced active participant in that war on either side has the capability of faster-than-light travel. The journey between Taryn and the edge of Empire would actually be a matter of weeks for most spacecraft I’m familiar with. The Lirin is a mere long-range transport though, and I was flying pretty much blind with frequent stops to look around when I fled the Empire, so it took me longer.”

“I’ll gladly take your word for it,” Twilight said. “My astronomy studies have given me theoretical knowledge of how vast the universe beyond Equestria could be, but I can’t actually imagine distances that vast, seeing as I’ve never left this planet.”

“Eh…” Gale and Ash both said, giving the lavender alicorn a look.

“B-besides Valden,” Twilight corrected, blushing, “but that hardly counts, since it’s a different universe entirely. I’ve never been out among the stars. To be able to study them up close and observe how Princess Luna’s magic affects them, that would be a dream…” She trailed off as her thoughts took a different turn. “Something’s different about the Changelings,” she said in a more sober tone. “Something that made it much harder to identify them. What if it’s one of the Gems?”

“That would be just our luck,” Gale said. “Which ones are left again? Pearl, Ruby, and Amethyst, right?”

Ash nodded grimly. “Of course, our bothersome AWOL doppelgangers have the other four, so we can’t even consider those accounted for, really. Twilight, if, once we get a good look at the Changeling army, we discover that they don’t have a Gem augmenting their forces and my team’s abilities aren’t strictly needed, would you mind the four of us taking off to hunt down the Bipersonality Team?”

“I’d feel better with the four of you at our side,” Twilight answered, “but if it comes down to just a contest between Queen Chrysalis and the Elements of Harmony, feel free to take off without us.”

“So be it.”

About ten minutes into the flight, the Lirin began to slow and PC announced that the army of Changelings, which had now begun to establish footholds in Canterlot, was in range of the ship’s scanners. Everyone waited on edge as the computer processed the data, and Ash’s horn and magic-enhancing necklace glowed faintly in preparation to cast a defensive shield around the ship at a moment’s notice. “Analysis complete,” PC reported at last. “The invading force could be classified as Changelings, but that is based solely on their physical appearance. They display none of their previously recorded abilities or strategies. The latent and active magic within the swarm consists 98% of Dark elemental energy, with negligible traces of all other elements, insufficient to register as a distinct pattern or signature.

“That much Dark energy in one place can only mean one thing,” Ash said.

“The Gem of Darkness,” Twilight concluded darkly.

“Any indication of the Gem’s location?” Gale asked.

The Dark element is too prevalent to allow identification of the point of origin or core at this moment,” PC answered. “Regarding the defenders, Canterlot Castle remains untouched, the Royal Guard appear to have mobilized in full force to force the Changelings to land in only select parts of the city, and something of Chaotic origin has covered the commercial sector.” The view-screen turned on to display an impenetrable-looking pink cloud sitting over part of Canterlot, from which boots, boxing gloves, giant bells, and green lightning leaped out to knock about any Changeling that got too close. A battalion of Guards-ponies were lined up at the base of the cloud, facing outward and attacking Changelings as well.

“Oh, I bet that’s Discord’s doing,” Pinkie said, having unstrapped herself from her seat to come up and take a look. “Thing’s’ll be really strange in there, I bet, but I also bet no place will be safer except for where the Princesses will be.”

“Ok then,” Ash said, sliding out of his chair. “Twilight, if PC finds a clear space, can you teleport us down without getting too tired?”

“At this distance, it’ll be a piece of cake,” Twilight answered confidently. “Try for the castle gardens, if possible please, PC.”

“Follow her instructions, PC,” Ash said, and then gently pushed Pinkie’s head aside so he could poke his own into the main cabin and started giving orders. “On your feet everypony, and get ready for insertion. Priority one is reach Celestia or Luna and coordinate with them. Priority two is take down any Changelings that try and get in our way. PC, once the ship’s empty, execute withdrawal maneuvers, rally point: Ponyville square.”

“Withdrawal maneuvers?” Rainbow Dash asked.

“It means PC takes the Lirin away from the warzone,” Gale answered over Ash’s head. “Can somepony be a pal and get my Gel launcher out of the cargo hold? It’s in the locker on the left with the big latch.”

“I got it,” Applejack, being the closest to the stern, said.

There was some difficulty, and a few trodden-upon hooves and tails, involved in getting everypony out of their harnesses and grouped together in the confines of the Lirin’s main cabin because, as Ash had noted, the ship hadn’t been designed with quadrupeds in mind and ten ponies made for a real crowd between the seats. Applejack was left standing at one end with Gale’s gel-launcher sitting loosely on her back while Gale was stuck at the other end between Ash and Pinkie. Twilight squeezed her way into the middle and started channeling her magic into mass-teleporation, keeping her eyes closed to maintain concentration on the mental image of her destination. As the spell began to form bubbles of magenta light around each pony, an alarm sounded from the cockpit, followed by a sudden jolt that knocked everypony off their feet.

We’re under attack,” PC reported before anyone could yell for an explanation. “A detachment of Changelings is headed for the ship and casting waves of dark magic at us.

“Hold steady!” Ash shouted. “I’m putting up a shield.” His horn flared briefly, but the light just fizzled out. “Gah, really? Not enough free threads?!” Another attack hit the ship, and this time some of the energy entered the cabin and broke against Twilight’s teleportation spell.

“Ngh,” the alicorn grunted, trying to compensate for the interference. “Almost there…” More black energy poured in through the hull, and all at once the Lirin started to spin uncontrollably as Twilight’s spell finished with a bright flare of magenta light.

Danger, danger. Retreating!” Under PC’s near-infallible control, the ship broke out of its spin, righted itself, and flew away from Canterlot, leaving its attackers far behind. Were it capable of such an action and emotion, the computer would have heaved a sigh of relief as the Changelings turned back to rejoin the invasion. Evidently the creatures considered driving off those who might come to Canterlot’s aid a sufficient strategy. Convinced that no further attacks were forthcoming, PC turned its attention to the ship’s interior and discovered something. “One life-form detected on board,” it said aloud, getting the attention of the dazed orange earth pony sprawled across a couple of seats along the starboard side. “Please identify yourself by name.

“Huh?” Applejack asked.

State your name,” PC repeated, patiently monotone.

“Don’t ya already know it?” AJ asked, rubbing her head. She looked around and realized she was still on the ship, alone save for the seemingly disembodied, emotionless voice. “What in tarnation am Ah still doin’ here?”

Please state your name,

“Applejack!” AJ snapped, extra miffed because she didn’t have anything to glare at. “Ah’m Applejack, ya ornery squawk-box!”

Voice print matched to life-signs,” PC said dispassionately. “Emergency command profile created. Since all authorized users are presently unavailable, convenience and security allows me to fully respond to your questions and commands until such time as I can be returned to Carmilla deGrange, Ash, or the M’Dale twins, in order of precedence.

“Slow down,” AJ said, finally managing to get to her feet. “Let me get this straight: you had me tell you mah name just so y’all could talk ta me?”

Yes,” PC relied. “I can give you a full explanation as to why-

“Save it,” Applejack said, waving a hoof impatiently. “What the hay happened, and why wasn’t Ah telly-ported like the rest?”

Your guess is as good as my hypothesis,” PC said. “I do not know all the factors involved, but there is a probability that the answer lies with the Gel launcher you were carrying.”

Applejack blinked in confusion as she tried to decipher PC’s words, and once she figured it out she went over to where the launcher had fallen in the confusion. The cannon itself had a few dents in it, but the entire contraption seemed to have held together well enough. AJ examined it from every angle, and then partially by accident figured out how to open the ammo case. One of the compartments was filled with blue Shock Gel, but the others were empty except for some beige powder that clung to the earth pony’s hoof when she poked it. “Shouldn’t there be that Magebane magic-eatin’ stuff in here?” she wondered.

There should,” PC confirmed. “Hypothesis verified: interference from the Changeling attack caused the Magebane to react to the portion of Twilight’s teleportation spell that should have affected you. Magebane, as you succinctly put it, ‘eats’ active magic, ergo you were not teleported.

“Well shoot, if that ain’t just what we needed,” Applejack drawled. “And you, do ya hafta talk so fancy? You’re about as confusing as Twilight after an all-day research project.”

Your colloquialisms are not easy to decipher either, Applejack,” PC said. “Nevertheless, we have both proven capable of making ourselves understood, so there is no need to change our language.

Now I understand why Ash is always arguin’ with this thing, Applejack thought. She made her way into the cockpit and found the head-mounted computer underneath one of the seats. She picked it up and set it on the control panel. “Great,” she said, “now, how’s about you take me to mah friends, PC?”

That will be difficult,” PC said. “Locating them may be difficult, as they’ve likely moved from their arrival point. Traveling to them will be dangerous, as the Lirin possesses no defenses of its own. I have instructions to keep the ship safe, and flying into the battle between the Dark Changelings and Canterlot’s defenders would place it at extreme risk. This is complicated by your earth pony nature, lacking wings or magical ability to transport yourself quickly while the Lirin remains at a safe distance.

“If you’re leading up to a ‘no,’ I’ll tell you right now I ain’t accepting that answer,” AJ said firmly. “I may be an earth pony, but I’m the Element of Honesty too. Twilight and the others need me ta be at full strength. What’s more important, protectin’ this ship or saving th’ day?”

Protecting the Lirin,” PC said bluntly. “Should it be destroyed, the Order-naries cannot return home. I have my orders, and I must fulfill them. I cannot be made to feel guilty about that.

“Why you!” AJ growled, raising a hoof threateningly over PC.

Question, Applejack: could you pilot this ship if I were to go offline due to being stepped on?” AJ’s hoof wavered, and then she stomped it down hard on the floor with a frustrated grunt. She stormed off into the main cabin, muttering under her breath, but PC caught most of the words. “I am aware of my frustrating tendencies,” it said. “It is a common error among organics to forget I lack true emotions that can be manipulated. Computer logic is all I can employ, and while I can accurately predict many things, I can’t truly initiate a new idea on my own.

“It ain’t ‘new ideas’ we’ve got problems with,” Applejack snapped, “it’s… Wait just a minute here.” She pondered, and smirked when an idea came to her. “PC,” she said smugly, “what exactly did Ash say about getting’ the ship away from Canterlot?”

To quote: ‘PC, once the ship’s empty, execute withdrawal maneuvers, rally point: Ponyville square,’” the computer said, executing a perfect recreation of Ash’s voice, much to Applejack’s amazement.

“Ok,” she said once she got over her wonder, “he said ‘once the ship’s empty,’ meanin’ ya couldn’t leave until everypony was gone, right?”


“Well,” AJ said, smugly, “Ah’m still here; the ship ain’t empty yet, so y’all can’t withdraw to Ponyville yet. You git me to mah friends right now, PC, or I’ll hafta tell Ash you disobeyed an order.”

Threats are unnecessary,” PC droned. “I can and will dispute orders that seem illogical, foolhardy, or contradictory, but I never disobey. Before I comply, be aware of these facts: we are essentially defenseless, the ship has already suffered some damage, and it may not be feasible to drop you exactly where the Element Bearers are located.

“Well, as long as you can get me into Canterlot and pointed in the right direction, I can probably make do,” Applejack said. “That suit you?”

It suits me fine, Applejack,” PC said. “Beginning scan for: Ash’s magic signature, Spiriter energy, Twilight Sparkle’s magic signature-

“I don’t need all them details,” Applejack said. “Just tell me when ya find ‘em.”

As you will.” The computer worked for a while, much longer than Applejack was comfortable with. It had only been a few minutes since everypony had teleported away, and they’d surely be sticking together. To Applejack’s mind, that meant they’d be like a big spotlight shining through the darkness, something you couldn’t help but spot almost immediately. When PC finally finished, the report came with the slightest hint of hesitation in its monotonous synthesized voice. “It appears there were more complications with Twilight’s spell than previously thought,” it said. “The signatures I sought are scattered throughout the city, and I cannot sense Rainbow Dash, Fluttershy, Gale, or Pinkie Pie at this distance. What’s more, I’ve detected Spiriter energy in two separate locations. Heart and Soul have been split up.”

“That’s bad, ain’t it?” Applejack asked.

It could also be good,” PC answered. “Depending entirely on who or what stands between them. Where should I attempt to insert you?

“Uh, I’d say wherever I’m needed the most,” Applejack said. “I don’t have the foggiest notion where that is though.”

I’ll begin calculating immediately,” PC said, bringing the ship around and flying toward Canterlot at a cautious speed.