• Published 6th Apr 2013
  • 9,131 Views, 320 Comments

Twily's Back - Rough_Draft

Twilight's age spell test goes terribly wrong. Thank Celestia she has Fluttershy and Pinkie Pie to look after her!

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Support Your Local Alicorn

Eighteen – Support Your Local Alicorn

“Okay,” Spike said. He held the scroll up to his mouth and looked around the room. “I’m gonna send it now.”

They were all gathered in the living room: Twilight, Spike, and their five closest friends. Time Turner stood at the periphery, fiddling with his circadian hourglass. He looked over at Spike and nodded.

The dragon took a deep breath and exhaled a long spout of green fire. The letter in his hand dissolved into a cascade of sparks.

Everypony held their breath as they looked at Twilight.

She gave them all a smile. “It’ll work, guys. Trust me.”

Time Turner bent low as he examined his hourglass. “Hmm. No reaction yet.”

“I guess the Princess is just busy,” Applejack suggested and shrugged. “Don’t mean it won’t work, though.”

Rainbow Dash stamped her hooves impatiently. “I can’t stand this! Twilight, do you have a Daring Do novel handy? I gotta do something besides wait!”

Twilight smirked. “You’re gonna read a whole book while we wait?”

“I’ve already read all of them! I’ll speed-read this one! Five minutes flat!”

Before she could respond, Spike felt a rumble in his stomach. A green fireball worked its way out of his throat and a new scroll appeared in the air.

Pinkie Pie bounced around him anxiously. “C’mon! What’s it say? What’s it say?”

Spike unrolled the letter and held it over to Twilight. She grabbed it in her hooves and read.

The room was silent except for a soft hiss in the background.

That was the sound of the sand flow changing inside the circadian hourglass, returning to its normal speed.

Dear Twilight Sparkle,

I am pleased with your decision to sponsor a public works project in Ponyville. As Princess, it shows that you are ready to be responsible for your fellow citizens and consider their interests.

While a free-range zoo is not unheard of in Equestria, there has never been a combination zoo-and-library before. I look forward to seeing how you and Fluttershy will bring this project forward, and I am pleased that you wish to enlist the help of our new griffin friends in its construction.

Princess Celestia

P.S. I hope that you have fully recovered from your age spell and that you’ll consult with me first before attempting one again.

“Really, Twilight?” Rainbow Dash crossed her forelegs. “Does Ponyville need another library?”

“It’s more than just a library.” Twilight looked around at her friends. “I got to thinking about our weekly Pony Pet Playdates. We all have a cuddly friend we like to spend time with and I wanted to share that love with all of Ponyville. And imagine if we could get exotic animals to show up at the zoo! Then we could lend a book about them to anypony who wanted one!”

“Er, it sounds… lovely!” Rarity answered. She glanced nervously at Applejack, then muttered, “Though somepony would have preferred a school for modeling…”

“You do realize,” Applejack commented, “that a whole bunch of griffins in town means we both get a lotta new customers?”

Rarity’s jaw dropped. “I… oh, my. Oh, Twilight, this is the best idea you’ve ever had!”

Twilight clapped her hooves together with glee. “I knew you guys would like it. Especially you, Flutter—” She paused and looked around. “Fluttershy? Where’d you go—?”

She was suddenly tackled from the side as Fluttershy swooped down and threw her forelegs around Twilight. They executed an awkward barrel roll and landed hard on the couch.

“Thank you, thank you, thank you!” Fluttershy cheered. “This is going to be wonderful!”

“Hnngh, you’re…” Twilight gasped for air in her friend’s grip. “You’re welcome, dear…!”

The joy in the room died when somepony knocked hard on the front door. Spike went out to answer it, leaving the others in the room to shuffle around and exchanged worried looks.

When Spike came back in, three griffins were following him. The first Twilight recognized as Prince Gregory, still wearing his royal attire. Behind him was his old retainer Geoffrey. The last to enter was a fairly large griffin, the biggest Twilight had ever seen. He seemed as tall as Princess Celestia and broad-chested like a stallion. But instead of fine clothing, this griffin wore a dark gray breastplate and a red-plumed helm.

“Your Highness,” Geoffrey announced in a low, subservient tone, “m-may I present His Royal Highness Prince Gregory a-and His Majesty King Gareth Basileus of Chimaera.”

Twilight quickly waved at her friends to line up behind her. Then she led them in a courtly bow. “Your Graces, we’re honored by your visit—”

“Egads, look at them!” Gareth bellowed. He leaned onto his son’s shoulder. “They’re like walking pieces of candy! Hard to believe Celestia came outta their stock!”

“Father, please.” Gregory turned and smiled at Twilight. “Forgive me, Princess. We’ve just been informed about the new arrangements between your people and mine. The Ponyville Menagerie is quite a remarkable concept.” He demurely tapped his breast with a talon. “I’d be happy to donate a griffin-born beehive once it’s finished.”

Twilight grinned. “That would be wonderful, Your Grace.”

“‘That would be wonderful!’” Gareth replied mockingly. “What do you ponies know about hard work, eh? What do you know about labor? About sacrifice?” He jabbed a talon at his breastplate. “I’ve led my people through more winters than all the books in your library! I’d never let any proud griffin soil himself with the likes of you soft-hearts!”

“Excuse me, Your Worshipfulness!” Before Twilight could stop her, Rainbow Dash had flown up into the griffin king’s face. “We’re a lot tougher than we look! How many dragons and changelings have you faced lately?”

Gareth stared at her. Then he laughed and threw an arm around her shoulders. “Now that’s the spirit! I like this one just fine!”

Rainbow Dash looked back at her friends, pleading with her eyes. “Okay…”

“Your Grace,” said Twilight, “we are just as strong as the griffins, I assure you. By getting ponies and griffins to build this menagerie together, we’ll strengthen the ties between our countries for the better.”

When Gareth didn’t answer, Gregory puffed out his chest. “Father, need I remind you that these ponies you see here are the same heroes who vanquished Discord and Queen Chrysalis? Their valor is accounted for, and so is the strength of their fellow ponies.”

“Hah! There’s not a pony alive that can match the speed and strength of a true griffin!”

Gregory smiled. “Prove it, then. Put griffins side-by-side with ponies. If they’re as weak as you say, then surely all of Ponyville will bow down in awe of our clan’s might.”

“Are you doubting your own flock, my boy?”

“Only its resolve. What’s one summer building a menagerie compared to the entire nation of Equestria paying homage to our race?” Gregory spread his wings and reared up. “For Chimaera!”

“For Chimaera!” Gareth echoed, mirroring the gesture. He smiled. “Aye, that’ll do it. But don’t go thinking your fancy words will get you out of every stitch of trouble.”

“I’m sure they won’t, Father.” Gregory cocked his head and covertly winked at Twilight.

Gareth looked Twilight over with a critical eye. Then he reached up and removed his helm. “And I suppose you’ll need us to do all the heavy lifting, Your Highness?”

Twilight decided to take a cue from Gregory. She looked over at her hoof with a bored expression. “Well, only if your griffins are up for the job of flying with pegasi…”

“That they will!” Gareth declared and held out his claw. Twilight shook it and smiled back.

This was going to be an interesting summer.

Six Months Later

“Fillies and colts, I declare the Ponyville Menagerie open!”

Ponies stamped their hooves and griffins screeched as the ribbon over the entrance was cut. Twilight quickly flew to the side as the crowd surged forward.

It really was quite a sight. Beneath the dome was an elaborate network of pastures, artificial ponds, and towering trees. Birds and bees, bears and manticores, sea serpents and hippos—all living together under the same roof. And courtesy of Twilight’s library, there were pamphlets and books arranged on shelves outside each collection, all cross-indexed according to genus and phylum.

Twilight flew around the menagerie on her own, savoring everything. She felt very proud whenever she saw a young filly pick up a pamphlet and start reading.

A whisper of flapping wings caught her attention. Twilight looked up and smiled when she saw Fluttershy approaching with a hoof-full of acorns.

“Almost all the animals are fed,” the pegasus announced. “I just have to give the squirrels their lunch.” She gave a tiny squeal of delight. “Oh, I can’t believe this is finally happening! It’s like a dream come true, Twilight!”

“Well, I couldn’t have done it without you.” Twilight looked out at the excited ponies and griffins below. “And I don’t suppose it would have ever happened if I hadn’t tried an age spell on myself. But I remembered what I liked as a filly and that’s really why I wanted to build this place as Princess.” She put her hoof around Fluttershy’s shoulder. “For ponies like me and you.”

Fluttershy nodded. “Well, I should go.”

“Wait. Will you come over to the library for dinner tonight?”

“Are you sure?” Fluttershy looked around, terrified of who might be watching. “I-I thought you’d be busy.”

“I’ve been busy for six months straight.” Twilight leaned into her and sighed. “Now I just want one night with my special somepony.”

Fluttershy blushed. “I’ll be there.”

Twilight gave her a quick peck on the cheek. “See you then.”

As her beloved flew off, Twilight soared down toward the giraffe exhibit, where a pair of the creatures were munching on leaves. She landed beside a group of wide-eyed fillies, who looked up at her in awe.

“Hi, guys! Did you know that giraffes can grow up to twenty feet tall?” Twilight waved her hoof at the majestic creatures. “I remember when I was your age when I first learned about them. Although it seems like only a few weeks that I was your age, but that’s a story for another time…”

Author's Note:

Congratulations. You've made it to the final chapter. Was it worth it? I sure hope so, though I apologize for how rushed it might feel. I appreciate any feedback on how complete or drawn out the ending might feel to the original premise. Every constructive comment helps me write better, and you guys are a great audience!

Comments ( 33 )

This was a rather enjoyable story. While I first started reading for the diapers and ageplay, after it moved on from that, I was surprised by how well you handled everything you decided to write about. I anxiously awaited each chapter release. And the TwiShy pairing is just adorable as well :3
All in all 10/10

I loved this story, I normally don't like ones that involve shipping but your story but I definitely liked how you handled it.
I give you a ten out of ten moustaches.

Awwwww, no more chapters? :fluttercry: I wanted to see Twily and Flutters at the wedding.

Forget their wedding! After Rarity's comment about the aesthetics of their colors, I want to see their foals!

Ja, this was good. The original starting concept was adorable. And then it became something else. I came for the Whooves, stayed for the story. 11/10.

*imagines* OMG they'd be so adorable! squee~ :pinkiehappy:

2608006 There's always hope for a sequel... :twilightsheepish:

Well this was surely a good story, I'd re-read this if given the chance. :twilightsmile:

How could I not have given this a like before. And I had given it a Favorite. There must have been some problem on the servers:twilightangry2:.

My like and fav were well deserved though I might have liked read a bit more about twilight as a foal but that's just my preference.

And I would really like to see sequel to this.

nice ending for a good story

2608371 Yes please! :pinkiehappy: (oh, that is, if you want...:yay:)

2608371 Oh yes a sequel does sound nice. :twilightsmile::heart::yay:

If ever you get bored one day, you should write a more serious version of this story (I don't mean clop:rainbowlaugh::facehoof:).
Like, say for instance, the cure was something much more... tangible, and extremely located. Then they have to take filly Twilight with them to the ends of the earth (not literally, this isn't Austraeoh, after all. :rainbowlaugh::rainbowlaugh:), all the while she begins regressing more and more, until when they finally find the cure they've been desperately searching for, she's almost completely regressed. They administer the cure, whatever shape it may hold, hoping beyond hope that they made it in time... that's when you insert the cliffhanger and continue in a sequel, which will consist of the journey home and Twilight's realization that the spell was a trap set up by a foreign kingdom in an attempt to usurp her new power. Sounds good, no? :yay::raritywink:

2609706 I would like to write a more adventurous story in the future. While it might not be a retread of this tale, your comments have given me food for thought. Thanks! :yay:

Of course? Why else would I be here, if not to provide feedback for good stories such as this? Keep up the good work, and you better let me know if you get indigestion from the mind-food I've given you. I've got antacids for that.:rainbowlaugh:

In all honesty, let me know if you come up with something new. I'd like to help, if I may be so bold. :raritywink:

It was an okay story and I'm glad I read it. I don't think I have any motivation to keep it in my favorites to read again though. Good luck on your future stories.

3201084 Sad to say, but it's not a real song. I made it up on the fly to give Pinkie something to sing. But I'm glad you like it! :twilightsmile:

It was great and know I want cake

If there was a downside, it would be that I feel Twilight's confessions scene was somewhat underwhelming. Other than that, I loved this story. The pacing felt just fine to me, it was very well thought out, adorable as all heck, and with quite a fair amount of humor!

I like how you handled the Griffons, Twilight's Library-Zoo was an excellent idea, and I just can't say no to TwiShy :twilightsmile::heart::yay:

3628369 Well thank you for reading it! I'm glad you like it.

3628699 If you love TwiShy and reasons to squee, then I fully recommend you look at my current story "Beauty, Books, and Butterflies." New chapter just went up! :raritywink:

*Read in Australian accent*(for weird unkown reason) My favourite character was prince Gregory.

one thing you could have done was spaced out the time it took to build the menagerie, shown ponies and griffins struggling to get along a few times, griffins being surpsied by certain ponies and, of course, king Gareth having to admit he was wrong.

you also could have shown more of twi and fluttershy having intamite moments during the buildings or in the evenings after. maybe them sleeping in the same house a few nights cos one was too tired from the work day to get back to theirs, that kinda thing.

still, the ending is good, if a little rushed, and i didn't feel as sad as i did at the end that it was the end. though more twishy moments woulda been good.

maybe even the two going on a few dates

4008537 I agree about the ending, but I feel like the way I rushed it was my motivation for eventually writing my current TwiShy story Beauty, Books, and Butterflies.

Thanks for all the comments and thanks for reading! I'm glad you enjoyed it! :twilightsmile:

4919794 Hey, to each his own. :pinkiehappy:

4920122 I suppose. It's at least better then Twilestia, as that's downright pedophilia. But still, what POSSIBLE sign have they shown you that they MIGHT be lez? They're just FRIENDS!! WHY CAN NO-ONE THESE DAYS UNDERSTAND THAT SOMETIMES PEOPLE ARE JUST FRIENDS!!!

4946769 Yes, sometimes friends are just friends. However, audiences are always free to interpret the source material however they like. If they see something dark or political or romantic in the subtext, that's their call, not the author's.

I mean, when you think about it, that's kinda the whole point of fanfiction. :twilightsmile:

4947682 Confound you and your stupid logic!

5357988 Honestly? I don't even remember why. Probably I just wrote her in pajamas to seem cuter.

I assume that giraffes and other large animals are as intelligent as ponies so I can't shake the feeling that the giraffes get to go home every night and paid every week

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