• Published 6th Apr 2013
  • 3,023 Views, 64 Comments

True Capitalist Ponies: The Melting Pot of Magic - Generaal

The tale about how Celestia's tests for the "Brony Colonization & Placement project" didn't work out as planned

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10. Oh, you just shut up in the chatroom!

Ghost knew he had to come up with some sort of plan on how to deal with the situation. He couldn’t go to the authorities, because they would only make his life harder or perhaps even restrain him from leaving the village. He knew the princesses would make sure of that.

And Ghost knew that if he stayed any longer in the village, the pink menace would come to him and make him as fruity as possible. Ghost shivered at the thought.

Luckily though, the pink menance along with Tara Strong and the rest of the club were out of town for a while so that gave Ghost and the others the opportunity to leave before anyone could stop them. They had bigger issues to deal with. So Ghost went to Twilight’s library – after having heard from Suspicious Tumbleweed that is was a library – and dug through several books talking about opening up portals to other realities.

Finally he found something of interest. "Talking Otherwordly Crystals" it was called. Legend had it that, whoever wished while touching it, would be send to another universe. This might be my ticket home, Ghost thought.

Because he needed the book, he took it with him. Wait, he lend it of course. Without telling anyone, but hey, then the librarian just had to be at her post!

No you stupid fruit bowl reader, I’m not a thief! I’m a capitalist! Capitalists can’t be thieves!

Preparations went easier than anyone had expected. Suspicious Tumbleweed managed to get a large cart so supplies for a few days and some camping material could be put in there. All in all it took them two hours to prepare. The Engineer of course would be the one to pull the cart, as Ghost had ordered him to do.

“na-a-aa-aaah!” the Engineer objected. “tja-tja-ka-a!”

“No objections, Engineer!” Ghostler objected. “It is in part of your contract that you would take care of the equipment!”

“Tja-ka? Nja-ag-a-a-a!”

“O, yeah, that’s right. I fired you. ” Ghost said. He put a hoof to his chin. After a few seconds of thought, he came to an inspiring conclusion. “Ah, well, you’re hired again! Now get moving, Engineer! I want to be at home so I can go straight to Sixth Street!”

“Tka-ga-a-a!” Engineer pointed with his head.

“What…” Ghost mumbled, seeing how Asho was sitting on the cart, together with Equestrian Citizen’s daughter. “Get off from there, you stupid fruit bowls!”

The children did as they were ordered to, and the caravan could finally leave. It was not a very strange sight for the citizens of Ponyville to see a group leave with a large cart full of supplies, but some of them were wandering why the new ponies were leaving so early – and why Derpy Hooves decided to go along with them.

Ghost didn’t mind. He just wanted to get out of the fruitiest place of all.

“Hey, mateys!” a pony near the town border shouted. “It is going to rain tonight! You may want to stay here for a while!”

Ghost ignored the guy, and so did the others. A good capitalist would never be feared of a little rain. That depends of course what kind of rain it was. If it were to be raining Sarah Pailin’s or something of that nature, it would be something else entirely.

The group that went out was composed of Ghost, the Engineer, Suspicious Tumbleweed, Equestrian Citizen and his daughter Becky, Karasz Kun and his beloved Derpy Hooves and then there was Asho. Asho, Becky and – how could he be forgotten – the dog Navy Husky were up front, The youth these days… Ghost thought.

The first destination they had in mind was Manehattan, where it is said that was a crystal connecting universes together. Hopefully, there they would find a way to get back home.

As they went forward, the group slowed down a bit. The rhythmic sounds of their hooves made Ghost half mad, but he didn’t want to show that to the others. After all, he was the symbol of kindness and prosperity.

“Ghost…” he heard Suspicious Tumbleweed say. “Can we have a break? I’ve got to pee.”

Ghost mumbled half under his breath that it was alright, and summoned the group to stop. Hopefully she’s done soon. I want my beer on Sixth Street!

John Conquest looked up. The sky has begun to become more filled with clouds. So there are the few drops of water that that horse was talking about…

Ghost didn’t mind a bit of rain. He worked in the rain! Rain is good for a man! Maybe not for a fruit bowl pony, but I don't give a shit about them either. He just wanted to get out of here as soon as possible. He looked through the group and noted that some of them seemed to be getting tired, especially the Engineer. Can that lazy idiot not just work properly for a moment without screwing up? Do I really have to do everything myself?! Before you know it SOMEONE may try to perform a coup on my authority again… I never trusted this guy.

“I’m done!” Suspicious Tumbleweed said as she came out of the bushes. She then looked at Asho. “Good boy, Asho!”

Ashhole didn’t peek. At least he did that right… Ghost noted.

It slowly began to rain. Ghost didn’t mind it, but some of the group got a bit irritated by it. Stupid fruit bowls…

That path the group was taking ran through the mountains. To the right side it went uphill and there was a forest. To the left there was a cliff with a river below, with more forest on the other side of the river. Although the water was calm, nobody seemed to have the idea to take a bath in it.

The rain started to intensify, but the group kept going. Staying on the road to Manehattan. Perhaps I should’ve looked on the map for a hotel or something… Ghost wondered. Nah, that would probably be full of Alabama Black Snakes not giving a crap about their dignity. Of course I’m not racist, but those Snakes are bad…

“Ghost…” Equestrian Citizen said.

…and then there is this brother-from-another-mother, Ghost thought. “What the hell do you want?!”

“Ma nigga, it looks bad shit dawg, I think we should camp somewhere.”

“And then let everything get wet? Screw you ponie… people!” Ghost managed to correct himself. “We need to get to Manehattan, even if it is the last thing I do!”

“Ow….” Becky said. “Can’t we really camp somewhere? I’m tired…”

“Yeah, Ghost!” Asho nodded, agreeing with her.

But the capitalist was as hard as a rock. “NO!” was his simple answer.

The two then came over to Ghost, stood in front of him and started using the puppy dog-eyes trick on him.

“I’m a tough capitalist, dearest children,” Ghost stated. “You can try it on me all you want, I’m not going to bend just because you two start acting like the talking horses you are.”

“Uh… you’re a talking horse, to,” Suspicious Tumbleweed reminded him.

“Shut up!” Ghost said.

“Well ma niggah, you look kinda horsey…” Equestrian Citizen said with a smirk.

“Oh, will you please shut up!” Ghost said, getting irritated. “No matter what the sun and the moon did and what they will do to me in the future, I will always be myself! John Conquest, king of Sixth Street - ”
“10 year old Mexican boy-ass”, Asho corrected him.
“-guardian of America, defeater of the Junkyard America, mortal enemy of Communism - ”
“Yeaaah niggaa that’s the way!” Equestrian Citizen shouted out.
“-and I don’t know about you horseys, but I won’t go quietly! And I won’t let this socialists, and I won’t let these communists take over my country - ”

All of a sudden, the ground began to rumble. Everypony became quiet and noticed the pathway was giving in, deciding to fall into the river. It turned out the rain was too heavy after all.

“Everypony! Run!” Suspicious Tumbleweed said.

The Engineer made weird sound and somehow was very energetic again, and brought himself to safety. Becky, Equestrian Citizen, Suspicious Tumbleweed and the dog were also able to do so.

Asho, however, was nailed to the ground out of fright. He wasn't able to move. He just stood there. “Asho!” Suspicious yelled. “Run!”

When it seemed like he was going to fall into the water, Ghost didn’t hesitate and stepped in. He grabbed the young foal with his forelegs and tossed him away, sending him stumbling towards the others.

Ghost himself, however, was now standing on ground that was giving in. he floundered, but he fell together with the land into the river.

With a loud sound, he fell into the water. He heard his fellow capitalists yell after him, but he wasn’t a swimmer. He was sinking helplessly to the bottom, his life flashing before his eyes. He saw his grandma beating his dog, he saw his son interact with Alabama Snakes and his wife leaving when he had just had a rage towards here. And then it became black.

Author's Note:

O dearie me! Already 4 months since the last update! I'm sorry folks, but hey, I now have more time for an update.

And right now you might be wondering: what will happen in next chapter? That is a totally legit query, but I'm not going to spoil that one for you.

Also, if you're still reading this fanfic, please give me a heads-up. It would be weird anyway to continue writing a fanfic no one reads. Cheers!