• Published 9th Apr 2013
  • 3,443 Views, 155 Comments

Beyond The Sea - MrPockets

An epic crossover based on the first Bioshock game starring the mane six.

  • ...

A Long Overdue Reunion

Chapter I : A Long Overdue Reunion

Celestia’s radiant sun shone down on the busy streets from a deep, azure sky. The high-class ponies below bustled about with their daily business; some carrying shopping bags between fancy stores or sitting down for lunch in one of the city's many eateries. Though the scene may have appeared chaotic, there was an underlying order to the fast pace of Equestria's capitol.

For the most part, anyway.

A white unicorn, laden with numerous rolls of paper and fabrics, galloped through the throng of citizens at a pace that could only be described as irresponsible.

“Pardon me!” Rarity shouted at an elderly couple in her path. “Coming through!” She blew past them, weaving to the left at the last second. The old stallion shook his head at the reckless display, muttering something to his wife about the lack of manners these days.

Oh! I hope I’m not too late! she thought, as she continued her hurried gait through downtown Canterlot. She turned off of Hooften Street and her destination came into view; 115 Lower Croup Avenue; the headquarters of her burgeoning fashion company.

Rarity burst through the decorative front door and into the reception area of her building, ignoring her receptionist’s concerned glare and scanning the room for the clock that she knew hung on the wall... somewhere.

There it is! She spotted the device where it always had been and read its face, then gasped in horror.

“Is everything alright, Miss Rarity?” the young receptionist asked.

“No, Amber! Nothing is alright!” Rarity shouted, speeding off towards the administration offices.

“It’s Scarlett...” Scarlett muttered to the now empty lobby.

Rarity raced down the hallways, making her way to the conference room at impressive speed for a middle-aged mare.

Ohpleaseohpleaseohplease, I’m surely not THAT late! she thought as she plowed through the conference room door with the force of an exploding sun...

...And sent her personal assistant sprawling to the floor. The designs and sketches she held flew into the air and scattered all over the cozy meeting place.

“Oh! Noisette! I... I am sososorry!” Rarity stammered breathlessly, offering a hoof and helping up the bruised pegasus.

Noisette shook her head and blinked a few times, “It’s... alright. No permanent damage done...” She inspected her cream-coloured wings, rubbing her head with a hoof, “...I hope.”

“Please tell me I’m not... I mean, is she still...?” Rarity looked around the empty room and sighed with resignation. “She’s gone, hasn’t she?”

“Well, you are 35 minutes late...” Noisette said, checking her luckily unbroken watch. “Madame ChiChi is a busy mare. She said she’d schedule another sit-down but... well, it may be awhile before she can come back. What held you up so long?”

Rarity sat heavily, still trying to catch her breath, “The meeting with the ponies from Helping Hooves ran a little longer than expected... and as I was gathering the new designs from home, I noticed a few sketches weren’t quite perfect and... oh I was sure Madam ChiChi would just love these new drafts!”

Noisette began collecting said designs off the floor. “Of course she would! This is amazing work that she’d be a fool to let pass by.”

Rarity smiled a little and used her magic to lift the rest of the papers, placing them on the round conference table.

Noisette sighed. “Don’t sweat it, once she sees them, she’ll flip her lid. Then you’ll be the one ponies need to run halfway across Canterlot to speak with.”

Rarity perked up a little. Noisette had the uncanny ability to calm her down, no matter how stressed out she may be at any given time. It was probably why she got paid double what other assistants did. That, and while the Elements of Harmony may have passed on years ago, Rarity still considered herself the most generous pony in Canterlot. Her recent work with Helping Hooves and other charities like it were testament to that—not that she felt she had to prove anything.

“Thank you, Noisette,” Rarity said, choosing not to dwell on what she considered ancient history. That was all behind her now; her fashion line was her top priority in life, not running around Equestria wielding arcane magic and saving princes in distress. “You always know just how to cheer me up.”

“That’s my job, Miss.” Noisette smiled.

Rarity straightened up with renewed optimism. “Alright then, what else do we have scheduled for today?” Even if the meeting was a bust, she could still make the most of the day.

Her PA pulled a notepad out of the sling she wore around her neck. “Well, you need to approve an upcoming supply order, the quarterly sales meeting is at five... Oh! And this came for you.” She reached back into the sling with her teeth and pulled out a letter in a bright pink envelope.

“A letter?” Rarity asked in confusion, “I wonder who it’s from?” She turned over the strangely familiar envelope over in her hooves, before spotting who the sender was on the front.

“Hey! HEY LOOK! IT’S RAINBOW DASH!!!” shouted an enthusiastic mare. A crowd had gathered outside the Wonderbolts’ Las Pegasus hub, eagerly awaiting the arrival of the infamous aerial stunt team.

“WE LOVE YOU RAINBOW DASH!” another crazed fan screamed. The air exploded with the raucous sound of praise and stomping hooves.

Rainbow Dash strolled past the thrilled ponies on the other side of a velvet barrier, soaking it all in as she made her way to the front entrance with the rest of her team. She’d been a Wonderbolt for more than five years now, yet it still filled her with great pride to be loved and admired by so many fans all across Equestria.

Feeding off the energy from the crowd, she impulsively snapped open her blue wings and took to the air like a bullet, leaving a rainbow streak behind her for the awed spectators. The spry mare sped past the tall buildings and bright lights of the party town, flying to the nearest cloud. She circled the white mass with increasing speed, encasing it in a whirling rainbow. Reforming it with well placed hoof-bumps, she brought it closer to the crowd. The ponies on the ground whooped and hollered emphatically as Dash stopped spinning, then ducked behind the cloud, which was now in the shape of a big, fluffy heart. The center of the cloud sculpture burst open a split-second later, and out like an arrow shot Rainbow Dash. With all the colors of the visible spectrum in tow, she hit the ground in a slide, spreading her wings and skidding to a stop.

Stallions, mares, colts and fillies alike erupted into a cacophony of ecstatic cheers. She smiled and waved at the wild fans and continued to the entrance. Spitfire, the team's captain, was already there holding it open and rolling her amber eyes behind a pair of sunglasses. “Nice moves, show-off.”

“Whatever,” Rainbow Dash said, posing boastfully as she entered her temporary living quarters. “You’re just jealous that I have more fans than you ever will.”

“OooOOOooo,” Soarin sang out, following the mares inside inside.

“Button it, Soarin,” Spitfire snapped at her squadmate. He promptly shut his mouth with a snicker as she turned her attention back to Dash. “So, you think you’re pretty big, huh, hot shot?”

“Well... duuuh,” Dash replied sarcastically, then, after catching the hard stare of Spitfire, added, “I mean, well duh, Ma’am.”

Spitfire smirked, removing her shades and placing them in her jacket, “Okay, how about a little bet then? I bet I have more fan mail here than you do.” The rest of the team jabbered excitedly around the mares. This sort of interaction was in no way uncommon for the competitive flyers, but it always got their attention.

Ha! You actually want to bet on that?! You’re on!” Rainbow said quickly. She received tons of mail from adoring fans. There was no way she’d lose!

“Great.” Spitfire approached the front desk of the hub and addressed its keeper. “Heya, Oats, got any letters for me?”

“Sure do, Ma’am! One moment...” The grey pony ducked under the desk, emerging seconds later with a large bundle of mail. “Here you go! I reckon there’s... oh, two to three hundred letters there.”

“That’s it!?” Rainbow exclaimed with a dismissive snort, “That’s nothing!”

“That’s more than I ever get...” Rapidfire said from the back. He was ignored by the others, as per usual.

“So, how much more do I have?” Rainbow asked Oats, a confident smirk adorning her face.

He disappeared under the desk again, then stood up with a frown. “Umm, well there’s... only... one letter for you,” he mumbled, placing the solitary envelope on the counter.

“WHAT?!” Rainbow shouted, lifting into a hover. The ten other Wonderbolts broke into a fit of laughter as she gaped open-mouthed at the pink envelope lying before her.

“Ha! I-I knew you’d forget to tell the f-fans we were coming back to Las Pegasus! Again!” Spitfire wiped a tear away and leaned against Fleetfoot to keep from collapsing from her episode of jeering laughter. "All your mail's still being sent to Trottingham!"

Rainbow Dash snapped out of her initial shock and swiped up the letter angrily. “Wh-Whatever! Laugh it up while you can, cheater!” She scowled.

They continued to laugh as she stormed off.

“Wait! Dash!” Spitfire called between her howls, “Aren’t you going to read it?”

Rainbow groaned, but glanced over at the singular envelope resting in her wing's feather's. The funky hoof-writing covering one side of it did look kind of familiar.


Applejack bucked the thick tree with her back legs, still some of the strongest in Ponyville, shaking loose apples and sending them plummeting into the bushels placed in the leafy shade. Satisfied with a job well done, she removed her cowpony hat and wiped the sweat off her brow. It was only noon, but the midsummer sun was turning the orchard into an oven.

She trotted over to a nearby fence and propped herself against it, breathing in the sweet Ponyville air. She’d take a short break, then get right back to work.

“Jackie? You out here?” She heard Harvest Moon calling from somewhere within the trees. A smile grew at hearing the silly nickname he used for her.

“Ah’m over here, Harvey!” she shouted back with her own silly nickname. A moment later, the tan unicorn came into view, his horn poking out from under a messy, blonde mane.

“...Slacking on the job I see," he joked as he neared and sidled up on the fence next to her.

“Not on your life, mister," Applejack replied back curtly.

With a grin, Harvey leaned in over the fence and kissed her deeply.

Applejack had known Harvest for six years now, and had been married to him for less than one. She was just as surprised as everypony else when she fell for the stallion, and even more so considering the fact that he was a unicorn. Not that she was a prejudiced pony or anything, she just didn’t see it coming. Nopony had. But, despite the initial doubts and fears, she followed Harvey’s advice and listened to her heart. They’d been together ever since.

She abruptly broke away from the kiss. “Woah there, gettin’ a little fresh, ain't’ ya?”

Harvest smiled sheepishly. “Well, aren't you... you know? Isn't it the right time? For family building?”

Applejack blushed. Being open was one thing, but she didn’t like talking about this sort of thing out of the privacy of her home. “Well, yea... But there’s plenty of chores to do ‘round here first!”

“I knoooow," he said with a sigh and a pout that she could see right through. He acted like he hated doing chores, but Harvest Moon was one hard worker. She wouldn’t be married to him if he wasn’t.

Applejack slugged him playfully in the shoulder. He laughed it off and they nuzzled quietly in the warm sunlight.

Behind Harvest's boyish charms was a hardworking stallion with a deep side others rarely saw. His parents were both well-known astronomers in Canterlot, but that wasn’t the life for him. He did admire the stars for their mysterious beauty and poetic intrigue, but to him, knowing too much about them would only tarnish their allure.

Suddenly, a small cough came from behind the embracing ponies. They both looked to its source... and saw a pink-maned pegasus digging a yellow hoof into the ground.

“Dangit Fluttershy, how long ya been standing there fer?” Applejack asked, breaking shyly away from her lover.

“Oh... umm sorry, I didn’t mean to interrupt...” she whispered. “H-Hi, Harvest...”

“Hello Fluttershy, how are you today?” he replied cheerfully. It had taken a while, but his wife’s timid friend had eventually warmed up to him.

“I’m fine...” Fluttershy said, “Um, I can come back later if you two are... busy.”

Applejack's blush deepened, “N-No! We were just... taking a little break, s’all.” She grinned sheepishly at her friend, then turned back to her husband. “Say, Harvey... would ya kindly find Big Macintosh and get him tah lend ya a hoof?”

“Sure thing, Jackie.” The unicorn perked up a bit. Sure he was being dismissed so the girls could chat alone, but Big Mac's help would speed up the chores... “I’ll see you later.” Harvest Moon said with a wink, making his wife blush again. Then he trotted back into the trees from whence he came, grinning the whole way.

“...I hope he didn’t think that was rude of me.” Fluttershy frowned.

“Ah'm sure he'll get over it.” Applejack replied with a sly smirk. “How’re things goin’ at the college?”

“Oh, very well!” Boasted Fluttershy, gliding delicately over to the fence, “This semesters new students are showing real progress with the animals.”

Applejack smiled. "That’s good ta hear!” What had started out as a few lessons on animal care for the community had grown over time into a full college. Students came from the far corners of Equestria to learn the art of animal care from Fluttershy and her hoof-picked professors. She had grown as a pony as well, opening up to the hordes of new faces who shared her passion for wildlife. “Any of the new students passing Squirrel 101?”

Fluttershy shook her head sadly. “It’s... a very difficult language to grasp... So many little clicks and so fast, too...”

“I’m sure they’ll get the hang of it.” Applejack said back, amidst wiping a foreleg over her brow. The sweat convinced her to make a mental note to wash up before meeting Harvey later. “So, what brings ya out to Sweet Apple Acres, ‘Shy?”

“Oh! Well... I got a strange letter in the mail this morning and I- I haven’t opened it yet. I think one was also sent to you.” Fluttershy said, making Applejack chuckle to herself. Even after all that had happened over years, it was nice to know some things stayed the same. “You... did get one too, didn't you?”

“...I haven’t checked the mailbox yet. We can go now if ya like?”

Her old friend took to the air with a smile, “That would be lovely! Thank you so much, Applejack!”

“Uh, don’t mention it?” She hopped over the fence and trotted down the path to the farmhouse with Fluttershy floating closely behind.

“So, what’s so strange about this letter?” AJ asked as they went.

“I'm not sure, it just seemed... odd. And it came in a bright pink envelope.”

“A pink envelope?” That was strange. Who would use pink envelopes? It couldn't be... Pinkie Pie?

It had been months since she had heard from the party pony. She was the last of her old group of friends to leave Ponyville, moving to Manehatten just over a year ago to start a joke shop/party supply/catering business. It was good to see her finally moved out of Mr. and Mrs. Cake’s attic, but still, watching her leave had been difficult.

The mailbox appeared in the distance by the farmhouse, the red flag on its side raised. A little anxious now, Applejack galloped up to it and opened the little door. Inside were a few bills, some mail from relatives, and in the back... was a letter in a hot pink envelope.

Fluttershy caught up with the curious mare as she pulled it out and eyed it suspiciously. If it was from Pinkie, a little caution would be wise.

“Well? Are you... going to open it?” Fluttershy squeaked.

Carefully, Applejack tore the top off with her teeth. When nothing came flying out or exploded, she removed the note inside and read it over. “It’s an invitation!” she exclaimed, reading it over quickly in her head. Her eyes widened and her jaw dropped as she finished.

“What does it say!” Fluttershy cried in an odd mix of surprise and terror.

“It's from Pinkie Pie,” Applejack said out loud with a bright smile, “Well I'll be, she... wants us all ta go out to Manehatten fer a week long get-together!”

“Oh! I simply don’t have the time!” Rarity placed the pink letter on the round table with her designs. It’s not that she didn’t want to go, at all. A week with her old friends would be splendid! Utterly sublime! Not to mention she hadn’t had a proper vacation in years...

But, it just wasn’t feasible.

“Oh come on! It’s only for a week!” Noisette protested, “I can watch over things here, what could possibly go wrong?”

Rarity leered at her PA dubiously, who returned the look with a coy grin.

“Look,” Rarity began, getting past her initial excitement, “The deadline for our Autumn clothing line is fast approaching and we’re hardly ready for it. I’m meeting with several prominent contributors to the Canterlot fashion scene this month AND, the Grand Galloping Gala is only a stone's throw away! My dress isn’t even close to being finished! I’ll be representing the whole company, I can’t be seen there wearing anything but the finest gown!”

Noisette considered all that for a moment, carefully constructing her rebuttal. “Okay then. The Autumn line is being made primarily by the design team upstairs. You can look over their work and make any changes as soon as you get back and still have plenty of time before Fall season hits. I can reschedule all your meetings and tell those snooty buggers you’re preoccupied with your charity work. They’ll eat that up and you know it. And lastly... maybe a week with your friends will provide just the inspiration you need to finish the dress?”

Rarity sat with awe written so clearly on her face a blind pony could read it. ...Wow, she’s good.

“I... I don’t know. It’s seems a little...selfish to just drop everything and leave...” Was Rarity’s counter. It was a weak one and she knew it.

Noisette rolled her eyes in a dubious fashion. “When was the last time you even saw them?”

Rarity had to pause and think about that, which was technically already enough to prove her assistant’s point.

Rainbow Dash was in Canterlot just recently, when The Wonderbolts performed... but they hadn’t actually met up with each other, so that didn’t count. The last time she was in Ponyville was before Pinkie had moved away... was it for Applejack's wedding? No, she was in Baltimare at the time, so it must have been before that. And Twilight? ...Well, she’d been on assignment all over the world for years now. Besides the occasional letter, none of them had seen her at all...

It had been too long.

So, Rarity made up her mind.

“Give me a pen," she said calmly.

Noisette squee’d in excitement as she lifted one out of her sling.

Rarity promptly took hold of it with her magic and began writing out her RSVP.

“There is NO way I’m gonna miss the show in Fillydelphia!” Rainbow Dash insisted stubbornly.

“Oh, you can, and you will,” Spitfire returned. She had followed Dash to her private room to apologize for the earlier embarrassment and found her staring at a pink letter in vacant disbelief.

No, I won’t! I’m not gonna let down my fans!” Dash shot back. Even to see my old friends...

The Wonderbolt captain glared sternly at her insubordinate flyer. “I recall a time when they were there for you, Dash. At the Academy, when you almost quit. Remember that, huh?”

Rainbow crossed her forelegs and turned away. “Go away! I’m not going and that’s THAT!” She was shouting now, mad, and the tears welling up in her eyes only fueled her anger.

“Rainbow Dash... they need you now. You’re their friend, and it’s only one show.” Spitfire said, adopting a softer tone.

She’s right and you know it, the tiny voice in Rainbow’s head said. Come on Dashie, don’t you still have your loyalty?

She sighed. Of course Spitfire and her conscious were right, it was just... why a whole week? If it was only a few days shorter, she’d be able to make the show.

Rainbow’s eyes shot open and a cunning grin spread across her face. I’ll go for a few days- then amaze my heart-broken fans by bursting into the show right at the end with a Sonic Rainboom! That'll be awesome!

She turned back to Spitfire, “I guess. Fine, I’ll go. But I’m going for them, not you.”

The fiery mare eyed her for a second, then nodded. “Glad to hear it. I was worried I’d have to stick you in the Dizz-O-Tron till you begged to go.”

They shared a laugh, for two very different reasons. Jokes on you, cheater. Rainbow thought.

She could hardly wait to see the look on her captain's face at Fillydelphia.

Sitting at the stationary in her room, Applejack hoofed a pencil back in forth. The pink invitation and a blank page sat in front of her, awaiting her reply.

Fluttershy had already rushed off giddily to inform her faculty she’d be leaving next week. Applejack, however, had continued with her chores while thinking heavily about what she was currently trying to write.

On one hoof, seeing her friends all together again would be amazing. Catching up with them for a week sounded like a dream come true... but on the other hoof; what if it was just that; a wishful dream? What if it had been too long?

They were different ponies now, no longer the young embodiments of the Elements of Harmony. That title had been abruptly passed on one day, not long after Twilight left town to study abroad. To Applejack, it felt as if her defining virtue had suddenly been stripped away, and she was depressed for days afterwards. It signified the end to an important chapter of her life, and it seemed like the only thing left to do was grow old.

Then something incredible happened. The Elements chose a new set bearers. Celestia and Luna were the original two Bearers of the Elements, and just as two had become six for Applejack and her friends, six had become three for the newest generation.

At the same age Applejack had received her Element, Apple Bloom got hers, along with Rarity’s sister Sweetie-Belle and their friend Scootaloo. Instead of elements based on individual traits, the fillyhood friends were bestowed with three pieces that made up the Element of Friendship itself.

Apple Bloom was ecstatic, even more so than she had been the day she finally received her cutie mark. The depression Applejack had been feeling was replaced by pride, and she realized that even though she was no longer the Bearer of the Element of Honesty, she would never lose her virtue.

Life went on, a few years later she met Harvest and now, her family was her life. While her friends moved away, she stayed in Ponyville with Fluttershy, taking care of the farm and Granny Smith, her ancient grandmother. She constantly asked when she was going to get some great-grandchildren and Applejack could now reply that she was working on it.

She lifted the pencil in her mouth and began writing.

“Dear Pinkie;

It is great to hear from you, and this meet-up sounds like a swell idea! But I’m afraid-”

“Jackie?” Harvest appeared in the doorway, startling her so bad she almost swallowed her writing utensil.

“Dangit Harvey! Wh-Why’d ya do that fer?!” She coughed.

“I’m sorry- It’s just, well, Big Mac sent me into town earlier and I happened to run into Fluttershy...” he said. Applejack sighed and he entered the room, catching a glimpse of the note before she could cover it. “Whatcha writing?”

“None of yer beeswax!” she snapped.

Fortunately, Harvest Moon had known AJ long enough to recognize her hostility as a product of stress and frustration. “Okay, we don’t have to talk about it," he replied calmly, trotting over to the bed and taking a seat.

“Good. Cause I don’t wanna talk about it.”

A few moments passed in uncomfortable silence. The ticking from the grandfather clock downstairs seemed to get louder and louder, quickly becoming unbearably annoying.

“Ah ain’t goin’,” Applejack finally said when she couldn’t take it any longer.

“Oh,” was her husband’s reply. Then it was quiet again, save for the noisiest clock in the world, tick-tocking away.

“Well? You gonna say somethin’?!” she snapped again.

“Seems you already made your decision. Unless- you want to talk about it?”

“Ah said I don’t... didn’t I?”

Harvest leaned back on the bed with a casual shrug and silence took over once again. Applejack twitched, unwilling to cave in and break it, no matter wha-

The doggone clock chimed, marking the hour with a series of DONGs louder than a barn falling over.

“Ah'm-! Ah'm not goin' 'cause it's been too long and they've all moved on and I don't know uhm anymore!” Applejack shouted over the infernal clamour.

Once the ringing stopped, Harvest sat up on the bed. “Feel better now?”

She caught her breath and simmered down. “Yeah... Where’d ya learn to do that?”

“I have an uncle in Canterlot who’s a psychiatrist. He says all he does is sit there and ponies spill everything just to fill the awkward silence. Then they pay him.” He chuckled.

Applejack smiled and joined him on the bed, slugging him again for the fancy doctor trick.

“I deserved that.” He wrapped his forelegs around and held her close. “So, you’re really not going?”

“We drifted apart a long time ago, Harvey.”

“That seems like a reason you should be going to me.”

“What about the family? And the farm and Granny Smith and-”

He cut her off with a soft kiss. She resisted it at first, still mad he'd gotten her to talk, but in the end it made no difference. She melted into it, shedding some of the apprehension the pink letter had caused.

The kiss ended and he gazed into her green eyes. “Look Jackie, I’m not going to tell to go or not, that’s up to you. But I will say this.” He cleared his throat for emphasis and she snorted at his false showmanship. “Those friends of yours may have moved away to start their own lives... but the kind of spark that ignites a friendship like that? It doesn't go out so easily. Even after all this time, those embers are still smoldering. You got a chance here to build that fire back up. Trust me, if you do let those coals die out, you’ll never be able to relight them.”

They continued to hold each other tight, enjoying the silence together. Even the clock downstairs seemed to tick quieter.

Applejack lifted herself off the bed and walked over to her desk. She lifted the pencil and continued writing:

But I’m afraid it might just be too much fun for this old mare to handle! Still, I’ll see you in Manehatten a week from now, and you’d better whip up some of those delicious cupcakes of yours!

Your Friend Always;


She sealed the envelope and gave her beaming stallion a genuine smile.

“Soooo... all the chores are done...” he said with a coy smile.

Applejack rolled her eyes. How can anypony go from being so sweet and poetic to... that so gosh darn fast? Maybe that’s what made him so special.

“Actually, ah think ya got one more...” she replied, closing the door to their bedroom.

Author's Note:

And so it... continues!