• Member Since 5th Feb, 2012
  • offline last seen 7 hours ago



Princess Celestia has just banished her beloved sister Luna to the moon for all eternity... but eternity is a very long time, even for an immortal. Can a strange colt with a blue box help make the time pass more quickly?

Some OCs for flavor, but focuses mainly on the Princess, the Nightmare, and the good Doctor.

Chapters (13)
Comments ( 22 )

is this a rewrite? or a repost?

It's a repost from FanFiction.net. I'll also be cleaning up errors as part of the process.

This is an excellent story; the way you've succeeded in capturing the "essence" of The Doctor in equine form is superfluous. This is a fantastic effort, and I'm very much looking forward to reading more ...

Any chance you can squeeze in the greatest quote in the "new" series (From Ecclestone's Doctor) :

"Just this once, Rose ... Everybody lives - Just this once, Everybody lives!"

Thank you kindly for the compliments! And worry not, there is more to come. I've got another five or six chapters that I need to run through the editing wringer when I get a moment, to clean out errors and tighten it up a bit, then I'll be posting them here rapid-fire and getting to work on the latest installment. :)

First and great chapter

When Bastion said Mum you probably meant it as ma'am or its some ye olde english version of that? (because for me Mum/mom is the same so i imagine it as him calling her mom lol... )

A good story and thank you so much for throwing out so many of them.


I'm not sure why, but in the early days, I always figured Celestia was like the 'Queen Mum' or something like that. That's where that came from, I think, plus some Doctor Who eps where the Queen was referenced as such. :)

Love Doctor Who
Tottaly tracking this
Cant wait till you post more

I most likely have missed the boat on an announcement with this fic, but will it be continued? Please reply after April fools day, so I know I'm not being fooled.


It is going to be continued, yes. My main issue, lately, has been one of time and creative mojo. I've been bucking for promotion at my day job, and my day job is bucking right back. This, combined a smattering of seasonal allergies and illnesses over the past month, has made it difficult for me to get any traction on OiaBM, or the other two I have in the offing, "Thank You For Calling" and "Spectrum of the Sky."

Hopefully, I'll be able to relax sometime soon and get back to it.

408078 Ayto then, take your time, things turn out great that way!

This is amazing, excellent use of The Valeyard and Vashta Nerada and many other things!

That was BRILLIANT! I feel as though you captured the doctor's personality perfectly. It was a great read. :pinkiehappy:

Man, this Fiction is really under recognised. :rainbowderp: It's probably my favourite Doctor Whooves fiction. (Either this or Traveler) Are you still making this? It's been a while since it last updated. :pinkiesad2:

I'm still working on it, aye. Real life, sad to say, has been kicking me in the flank lately between working six days a week, illness, minor-crisis-of-the-week (What am I, a Star Trek episode?), and some hand-related pain issues making typing a, well, pain.

I've got the first draft of the next chapter partly written, I just need to finish it up, review the story to make sure it fits, then tidy it for presentation.

EDIT: Ideally, I'd like to get a good start on the chapter after that as well, just to make sure I minimize downtime between one and the next. Maybe I need to write a silly "palate cleanser" to get the gears turning again.

1184136 Cool, I'm just happy it's not dead. :pinkiehappy:
Can't wait to see what you have in store for us!


I should really go back and edit this, even without FIM losing whole paragraphs here and there.

I can do better than this.

2096104 I just came here to say, " I'm waiting, oh god how I'm waiting...", but now I feel the need to add that "Yeah, you really should re-write this. It wasn't the most well-written story if I remember right, but the plot was amazing. Re-writing it should help the story be much easier on the eyes." :pinkiehappy:

I imagine being well versed in Doctor Who mythology would have made it a little easier to follow along...but excellent story! Are you still planning to finish it?


I am, but there's a couple caveats to this:

1) I am strongly considering doing a "rolling rewrite" starting from Chapter One and going forward. Reading it now, it seems entirely rushed and spastic, and I can do better.

2) RL has eaten my face for the past month with one of my clients in crisis mode. This has sucked the batteries dry for the time being. I may need to do another silly "palate cleanser" to get the gears turning again.

wow, this story is much more interesting and exciting than I originally thought.
it’s a pity that it looks like I won’t know how it will end

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