• Published 5th Feb 2012
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Tales of Equestria: Accord to Discord - Julian McQueen

One thousand years before the fateful Summer Sun Celebration that changed everything, before Equestr

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So we burst into colors.

Years passed, and Discord soon felt comfortable in his surroundings. He truly felt like one of the members of Equestria, if not his new family. He, Celestia, and Luna played every day. One day would consist of playing Hide-and-Go Seek in the royal gardens, while another would be spent helping the head of the royal cooks, Fancy Feast, create exquisite recipes for them to eat and enjoy. That is, if they tasted good.

Those days were pure bliss, and every night, Discord would find Celestia sneaking into his bedroom through a nearby window, and they would either talk, or sleep together huddled under the covers. Now, before any thoughts are thought of, Celestia and Discord were still innocent fillies at the time, so the concept of mating didn’t cross any of their minds until they were much, much older. Yes, those days were nothing but nonstop, playful bliss.

There was only one incident that placed a damping note on those halcyon days, and it involved not only Celestia, but her sister Luna too.

About four years had passed since Discord was adopted into the royal family, and the three fillies were now older and wiser, if not taller. However, their wisdom was currently only used for developing more creative ways to play.

Celestia and Discord ran through the Royal Gardens of the Canterlot palace, the shorter Luna chasing vigorously behind, desperate to catch up. “Tia! Discord! Wait!” She cried out, almost tripping over a patch of grass.

Celestia turned to glance at her sister and motioned for Discord to stop. The duo halted and waited for the azure filly to catch up. Out of breath, Luna waved a hoof towards her sister, as if to tell her something, but her breaths were too strained for her to talk.

“I guess we’ll just have to switch to ‘galloping’ from now on.” Discord joked, resulting in a cute giggle to emit from Celestia. Luna however, merely shot a dark look at Discord, and the dracoequus’ smile faded. Discord knew that Luna was jealous that she had to share her sister with somepony else. Solstice even knew it, and he had hoped that over the years, Luna would grow fonder of her brother. However, in all that time, not once had she shown any sign that her amnesty towards Discord had lifted. Every time she interacted with the dracoequus, all he received was a cold shoulder, along with a rather hateful stare.

Brushing it off, Discord turned to Celestia, asking what it was that she wanted to show them. The pink Alicorn smirked, and gestured a hoof towards a strange looking rock in the distance. However, upon closer examination, Luna and Discord discovered that it was actually a small play-castle, crafted entirely out of smooth, white stone. It was handcrafted and big enough for four people, and looked very much like a traditional castle in design, complete with a small table, three chairs, and a small toy chest.

“It’s a playhouse.” Celestia explained proudly. “I thought it would be appropriate for the three of us to have our very own house!” Luna gave a wide smile and hopped up and down repeatedly. “Do you mean like our own family?” She cried.

Celestia smiled. “Yes, I do.” She then put a hoof to her chin, pondering for a moment. “Okay. Do you both want to play ‘House’, or ‘Princess vs. Nightmare’?”

Luna stopped jumping and gave a puzzled look. “What’s ‘house’?” She asked.

Celestia smiled. “It’s where we’re our own family, like you said before.” She pointed a hoof to Luna. “You’re the baby.” Celestia then pointed to herself. “I’m the mommy.” Finally, Celestia walked over and tapped Discord on the snout with her hoof. “And Discord is the daddy.

Somehow, Discord seemed to like the sound of those words.

Unfortunately, Luna scrunched up her nose as she shook her head. “N-No, I don’t wanna play that. Let’s play ‘Princess vs. Nightmare’ instead!”


Luna ran towards Celesta, who stood firm and focused, only to stop as a dracoequus intercepted the two of them.

“I shall protect my princess!” Discord shouted, pushing Luna to the ground. The azure Alicorn sat up, sulking.

“Hey…” She said quietly. “That’s not fair.”

However, her remarks were ignored as Discord walked up and bowed before Celestia. “The monster is slain; peace has been restored to the Empire of Celestia.” He spoke proudly. Celestia walked up and embraced the young dracoequus.

“My hero!” She spoke in a mock-swooning voice, hugging Discord. “I shall now give you your reward.” The pink Alicorn walked into the play-castle and opened a toy chest inside the castle. She dug in the chest for a few seconds before walking back out and running towards the palace.

“I think I left it inside. I’ll be right back!”

Discord sighed as he watched Celestia leave. There was just something about her that made him happy every time he saw her. He turned as he felt a light tapping on his shoulder, only to see Luna staring daggers at him.

“Next time, I get to be the knight!” Luna hissed at Discord, who flinched at the emphasis Luna gave on the “I”.

Discord shrugged. “That’s up to Celestia to decide. She is the leader, so she gives the orders.”

Luna’s eyes narrowed out of frustration and jealousy. “I just do not understand why she made YOU the knight. You are much more suited to being the monster."

That word, “monster”, strangely bothered Discord, but he simply brushing it off.

As Luna turned away from him, Discord suddenly spoke up. “In all honesty, I always thought you liked being the monst-“

Celestia was still in her room when she heard the loud cry burst through her open window. Realizing it was Discord’s voice, she immediately raced back outside to see Discord, who was sitting on his plot and covering his snout with both of his hands. As she approached the crying dracoequus, however, Luna ran up to Celestia with a panicked expression, talking a mile a minute.

“Wait Tia! I am sorry I did not meant to hit him he just said something that made me so mad so I bucked him in the face please do not tell mother and father please!”

Celestia ignored her sister and walked closer to Discord, only to see blood was now dripping from his hands. She felt her stomach lurch slightly at the sight of the blood. But despite her nervousness, she calmly turned to her sister. “Luna, go find Miss Goldheart. She’ll know what to do.”

Luna protested. “B-But what if Father-“

“Luna, you need to find Miss Goldheart. Discord’s hurt badly.”

“But Tia…”


Tia attempted to speak again, but only let out a slight whimper as she ran into the palace. Celestia walked closer to Discord, who was now lying on the ground, sniffling. Celestia sat next to him and laid her head on his back.

“T-Tia?” She heard a slight muffled voice almost a second later.

“Yes, it’s me. It’s okay, don’t worry. Luna’s going to get Miss Goldheart.” She felt the dracoequus shiver under her chin.

“It… Its hurts. My face… Luna, she…” Discord slowly lifted his face and looked at Tia, who winced at what she saw. One of his large fangs was missing, knocked out by the force of Luna’s kick. The portion of his upper lip that was above the missing fan was split; the rest of his lip was now swelling from the blunt force. His eyes were reddened from crying. What did anypony expect? He was young and was hurt badly. His cheeks were damp with a mixture of tears and blood, which gave his head-fur a repulsive brown color. Discord twisted his face in pain and gave out a set of choked sobs as Celestia noticed Nurse Goldheart, Solstice, and Equinox running towards the two. She began to get up and approach them, only to be stopped by Discord grapping one of her forelegs with a bloodied paw.

“Please. D-Don’t leave me… I’m s-scared.”

Celestia paused for a second before kneeling back down, consoling Discord as the others approached.

The next two hours were nothing but utter chaos as Nurse Goldheart tended to Discord’s wounds. Of course, Luna was scolded very harshly for causing the predicament, despite her protests, and it ended with the young Alicorn running into her room, sobbing.

Celestia felt bad about her sister being punished so harshly, but it only took a look at the dark red blotch on her forehoof to remember why she was punished in the first place.

“He did it again! Just what kind of leader is Solstice?!”

Starswirl stomped his hoof in reaction to his student’s outburst. “Oblivion! Control your anger. You will not talk about the Prince in such a manner!”

Oblivion scowled at his master’s words. He was right, it was undignified to talk so crudely about the ruler of Equestria, but Oblivion thought he had every right to do such. “But master,” Oblivion protested, “He does not seem to be acting as a respectable ruler of Equestria. He speaks like a peasant, he never uses the Element of Leadership you gave him, and he let a… a… BEAST live in his palace as if he his own colt. I believe Prince Solstice has gone mad!”

Starswirl shook his head. “He is not insane, Oblivion. He is quite the opposite, showing to the people that he is a benevolent, tolerant, and kind leader. But I believe that is not the reason you are angry today, is it?”

Oblivion paused before speaking, his cheeks flushed with anger. “He won’t even attempt and conquer the other provinces, even though Equestria has the forces to do such. All he does is ask for treaties and appeasement letters to be applied in the provinces. What could prevent Sol- PRINCE Solstice from controlling the entire Faustian Continent?”

Starswirl sighed in frustration; Clover the Clever wasn’t as difficult to teach as Oblivion was. At least she was patient and understanding. “Perhaps Prince Solstice doesn’t wish to control the other provinces.”
Starswirl said, turning to a banner on the wall that bore the Equestrian royal banner, a golden sun that lied in the gap of a silver crescent moon. He looked at Oblivion. “Oblivion, what is the motto of Equestria?”

Oblivion sighed at the question he, along with almost everypony in Equestria, knew by heart: “Forgive and Forget, Love and Tolerance, Harmony is Magic.”

Starswirl smiled. “There is your answer. Prince Solstice does not want complete control; he wants Harmony, along with the other provinces. That is what makes him a true leader, because he unites the provinces not by Equestria’s banner, but by the banners of all the provinces.” Starswirl began heading towards his bed chambers. “Rest well, my faithful student. I hope this lesson has provided great insight for you.”

Oblivion smiled in agreement, Starswirl’s lesson did grant him insight on something. And that insight was that his teacher was completely wrong, and that Equestria deserved a better leader. But who could be a better leader that the mighty Alicorn Solstice?

Perhaps Starswirl, or better yet, Oblivion himself. But how could he surpass Solstice. Surely, Oblivion knew that despite Solstice’s incompetent leadership skills, he was almost invincible with the Element of Leadership on his side.

But then again, there were other Elements aside from Leadership…

Oblivion looked over at the pedestal that contained the Six Elements of Harmony. As he looked at the multicolored jewels, he remembered a poem that Princess Equinox has written about the Elements of Harmony, and a single line of text stood out in his mind.

“…And Might makes it all complete…”

More years passed, and although Discord had lost one of his teeth, he gained a stronger relationship with Celestia. The two were inseparable ever since the incident and they spent it mainly pulling pranks on the royal guards and the staff.

“Ready ‘Celly’? Watch this.” Discord said, winding up a toy rat with his hands as the two hid inside Fancy Feast’s kitchen. The unicorn was preparing the soy-based stock for the family’s dinner tonight, and was known in all of Equestria as having the best skills when preparing soup, as well as an exceptionally large fear of rodents. The wind-up toy didn’t even last a second on the kitchen floor before being smashed and thrown around by Fancy Feast, and both Discord and Celestia crept away snickering, thinking that they would get away scot-free with their plan.

And they did, until mealtime came around, and Solstice found a small brass gear in his spoon.

Eventually, Celestia, Luna, and Discord all became old and tall enough to start going to school, and before they knew it, trio had began taking classes at the Canterlot Royal Academy. According to their father, they would be under the tutelage of the kingdom of Equestria’s royal magician and headmaster of the Academy, Starswirl the Bearded. He would be teaching them all about the magic of Equestria, as well as the Elements of Harmony, a powerful new tool Solstice said was what the Prince hoped will bring peace to the Faustian Continent.

The weeks went on as Starswirl began teaching Celestia, Luna, and Discord, as well as the prefects of the Academy on the various types of magic and how they worked. Every night, the students would have to learn one spell as homework, and they would be punished with no lunch if they failed to do such.

“To learn magic is to understand the very center of our world.” Starswirl lectured one day, annoyed by the amount of lazy prefects who didn’t bother learning much about magic. “If one is to understand their world, they will be able to utilize their skills and become greater in the end.” Of course, there were many a time that Discord, Luna, and even Celestia had to spend a day without a lunch, but by the tenth week they already had learned the basics of magic give or take a few things.

Discord ran out of the training room with an ecstatic grin on his face. He had spent two hours after the class ended practicing conjuration magic, and he finally did it! What was even better though, was the fact that not only was it a conjuration spell, but a spell he had created himself. “Won’t Celestia and Master Starswirl be proud over what I made!” Discord thought to himself as he ran into the academy’s courtyard, a small patch of grass and small trees surrounded by doors that led into various corridors of the Academy. He immediately caught sight of Celestia, and ran towards her.

He stopped halfway when he saw her talking to a rather bulky looking Pegasus with a sky-blue coat, rainbow mane, and a cutie mark of a cloud with an explosion on it. Celestia noticed Discord first and smiled at his presence.
“Oh, Discord! So good to see you, this is Cloud Popper, he’s from Cloudsdale.” The Pegasus turned to face Discord and gave a shocked expression at the dracoequus’ appearance.

“Wha…” He stammered, unable to identify the creature before him. As Discord approached Celestia, Cloud Popper stood out of his way, his expression now a mix of confusion and slight disgust. “W-What are you?”
Discord looked at Cloud Popper as if the Pegasus had spoken a bizarre language. Something about the way he asked that question bothered him. “What are you talking about?” But before either of them spoke, Celestia stepped between them.

“This is Discord.” Celestia said proudly. “He’s my brother.”

Silence fell as Discord watched the words soak into the blue pegasus for what seemed like hours. Then he noticed as the pony’s body rapidly spasmed, then his snout crinkled as what sounded like a balloon deflating slowly escaped from his mouth, his eyes narrowed and began watering, and finally Cloud Popper burst into a harsh, strong laughter. “BWA-HA-HA-HA! HE-He’s your BROTHER?! That is the biggest lord of horseapples I’ve ever heard in my life!”

Celestia glared at the Pegasus as he began recovering. “How’s that even possible?” Cloud Popper asked in a slight giggle. “Your father decided to be friendly to ALL the provinces?”

Discord flinched as he heard muttering round him. A quick glance was all he needed to realize that the three of them were now making a scene, and were surrounded by other students at the academy.

It was then did Discord realize that there was probably going to be a fight, and that he was going to be part of it.