• Published 9th Apr 2013
  • 1,144 Views, 19 Comments

Ladies and Horses - Lolsternater

A tale of two farmers and their encounter with a group of magical horses and a group of women who shouldn't be women.

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Chapter five - The wrath of the eldest

The engine of the loud vehicle shuddered to a stop and the doors slammed shut as the driver and passenger exit, the latter of which still holding his nose.

"Right!" Demanded Kasey, "Where are these 'pony girls' you keep going on about. They need to experience a true kiwi welcome!"

Taylor was right on her heels as she stormed up to the house. In her mind, she was under the belief that some dirty whores or some lot had tried to take down her boys for some cheap fun, before skipping through the house for valuables and hitting the road. Well, like hell she'd just let the buggers waltz in like that!

Taylor tried to think quickly on a way to calm his older adopted sister. "Wait, let's not jump to conclusions here, maybe they were brain-"

"Oh don't give me that shit. Aren't you the damn one who immediately believed them? Then INVITED them INTO the house? These kind of blokes are worse than vampires!"

There was no stopping her now. She kicked at the door, sending it flying off its hinges, and stormed onto the deck living space. There sat six shocked and terrified women, now dressed in some old fashioned dresses, and one man who was holding his head in his hands and muttering. "Goddammitwhydidshehavetoshowupnowofall-"

"Alrighty ladies! Just what kind of balls have you got to try and scam my lads, eh?!" Her posture, hands on hips with feet far apart to appear far larger, not that it was needed considering she was a good six and a half feet big, and long blonde hair which faded a few shades towards orange at the tips, and her voice powered seemly by a god sent the ladies scurrying once again into a corner.

Tom stood suddenly, forcing his chair to go scrapping backwards and drawing the attention towards him. "Now, just wait a bloody sec! I know you think you own us or something-"

"Until you two hit twenty, I consider I do own you."

"Eighteen is legally an adult, not twenty. Anyway! We can make our own bloody choices and such! This is a hell'of'a lot bigger than you think it is, so just calm your sh-"

Tom stopped, quickly bringing his hands to cover his mouth. Kasey's eyes slid down to slits, slowly digging away every little piece of momentum Tom had gathered. Taylor, standing behind her, slowly started to back away.

"Did you- no, of course you didn't. You wouldn't want to swear in front of your older sister, now would you?" Kasey made loud, heavy footsteps towards Tom, edging him backwards till he hit the railing of the deck. Kasey was on him now, leaning right over him so much that he struggled not to fall off the edge.

The six ladies in the corner just watched in wonder, unable to move as they were terrified of the force and power of this new entity. It slightly reminded them of their first encounter with a certain lunar princess.

"Well, Mister adult? Gonna use some big words and stand up to your sis? Or are you just gonna pussy out?" Her smirk spread across her face, the joy of tormenting her law-relatives an absolute joy, especially with such a captive audience.

"W-well- we have- ah-"

"Ya have what?"


Kasey stared right into Tom's soul, peering for any and all fibs and tales.



Their they stood. The six ladies, the two brothers, and a very pissed sister; all outside the stable. The two brothers entered first as they were followed by the ladies, Kasey coming up behind to ensure none tried to make a break for it. Still, two of the groups managed to find the time now to chat amongst themselves.

"Proof? Proof of what?" Twilight questioned. "And what does the female mean by us using them? This isn't looking good at all."

"Yeah, I know what you mean." Agreed Rainbow Dash, head hanging low as if all the energy she once had had been sapped, plus extra. "I can't even stand up to her. There's something about her that makes you want to, ya know, give up. If she wasn't a hu- humun, I could've sworn she was Luna's and Celestia's long lost sis or something."

The others gave slight nods to confirm they all felt the same. None were liking this situation. It had started off bad and only got worse. "This is no fun at all." Pointed out Pinkie Pie, her body seemingly as deflated as her hair.

Ahead, the boys were having their own conversation.

"Hey, Tom," Taylor poked his brother on the arm to ensure his attention, "Are we really showing them this? Yea, it proves it's them, but how are we gonna deal with the emotional aftermath?"

Tom just shrugged. "To be honest, dealing with that is better than the alternative. They're real, so they won't know how to deal with this world. Letting Kasey kick them out would only end badly for them, and we would never be able to forgive ourselves."

Kasey remained quiet at the back, watching them silently chat. Finally, they came to the stable they wanted. Tom opened the door and stepped in first, everyone else following after. What they saw shocked them all.

Their standing on her lonesome, was Fluttershys pony form.

"You- you weren't kidding," was all Kasey managed to get out.

The ladies reaction was pure silence, letting the sudden turn of the situation sink in.

The brothers simply stood, dumbfounded, unsure what to do. Finally, after what seemed like an hour, Taylor faced his brother and spoke loudly accidentally for all present to hear: "Tom, where the hell are the other five?"

Author's Note:

Woo! Cliffhanger! I've always wanted to pull off a perfect one of these! Anyway, I'm glad I got this done. Whew, I've been writing a hell'of'a lot more than usual lately, and I'm damn proud! See you guys again soon!

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