• Published 10th Apr 2013
  • 438 Views, 0 Comments

Things Better Left Unsaid - sqarishoctagon

Sombra's downfall and the disappearance of the Crystal Empire, from the side of the Royal Sisters.

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Things Better Left Unsaid

His forked tongue slithered back into his mouth, as he awaited a reply from the regal forms before him. To his delight, they remained silent. A smile grew across the King's face, as he began speaking again.

“So, miladies… Do you have an answer?” King Sombra’s rough voice filled the room, causing Princess Celestia to shift uncomfortably. “Or perhaps you require more time to decide?”

Princess Luna looked down at the King. He was a dark grey color, a far cry from the original white crystal many years ago. His mane had also gone from silver to a jet black. Sombra’s eyes bothered the Princesses even more, however. His irises had now turned red. The pupils had sharpened, and had gone vertical, much like a predator’s. Despite this, it wasn't his appearance that caused Princess Celestia to hesitate. Her sister answered on her behalf.

“We require more time to… Consider your offer, King Sombra.” Princess Luna's voice echoed through the chamber, causing Sombra to flinch ever so slightly. Nonetheless, he nodded and turned to leave.

“Very well, miladies," Sombra said with a bow. "I expect an answer soon, however.” With that, he left, and the gilded doors of Castle Everfree’s Throne Room slid shut behind him.

Princess Celestia visibly relaxed as the Royal Guard filtered in from the hidden side rooms. They began preparing for the normal court, as Luna turned to her sister.

“That was most… Unexpected, was it not, sister?” This time, her voice did not reverberate through the hall.

“It was vile…” Celestia’s eyes narrowed at the thought of Sombra’s request. Her eyes had not left the door. “How can he possibly justify arriving with such a bold request?”

“We do not think that he will press the issue further,” Luna stated, as the pair’s hoof-maidens came into view. The small group began grooming the sisters again, in preparation for the standard court.

“How can thou know that, sister?”

“We know that his dreams are filled with fire. His arrival here was little more than a formality.”

“And yet, he comes to so boldly request that I be his Queen…” Celestia shuddered at the thought.

“He dost not expect thou to accept. He only wishes to hold our judgement.”

Celestia’s eyes narrowed. “We have already made our judgement.”

Luna nodded carefully, and the pair straightened up. The Royal Court had begun.


Court had progressed in its usual, dreary way, dragging on endlessly. Its conclusion only brought joy as the Royal Sisters bounded out into the private gardens, abandoning their aides, hoof-maidens, and guards inside.

The private gardens were walled off by a large hedge growth, that blocked all noises from within and outside of the garden. It was filled with the Royal Sisters’ favorite plants and animals, and was tended by the best caretakers in Equestria. At its center, there was a large clearing that allowed the Sisters room to play.

To the distress of the Royal Seamstress, they scampered about for a few minutes in full dress, releasing the pent-up energy that had accumulated during Court. The pair chased each other around the courtyard with glee, as their attendants dispersed, leaving the sisters alone.

Soon, however, Celestia settled down, her expression filled with thought. Luna trotted over to her.

“What is wrong?” She asked, concerned. “Dost thou not like our game?”

“Nay, sister, I enjoyed our game. However, I cannot enjoy our game now with Sombra’s request so fresh in mind. It was most disturbing.”

“I cannot understand why,” replied Luna. “There are many a colt within our Kingdom who would request you for marriage, and you would turn them down without a second thought.”

Celestia’s expression darkened. “You know why that is.”

Luna paused, and nodded sadly. After a moment’s hesitation, she tried again. “Perhaps. But I still cannot understand why Sombra takes so much of your attention.”

“Do you know what he has been doing?” Celestia asked, as she began pacing.

Luna shook her head. “Unfortunately not, sister. My attention has been otherwise directed, with the unification of Saddle Arabia.”

Celestia nodded, and continued. “There are rumors that surround him and his Crystal Empire. I know not if they are based in truth, however.”

“Then should he not be granted the benefit of doubt?”

Celestia looked at her sister doubtfully. “It was you who stated that his dreams were filled with fire,” she said simply. “That alone is enough for us to question his motives.” Her sister began pacing with her, as Celestia elaborated. “There are rumors of labor camps within the Crystal Empire. Ponies are made to work in the mines within the camps.”

“Labor camps?” Luna paused. “Perhaps they are there to give ponies work. After all, the Crystal Empire has been struggling as of late.”

“We wish it were so, sister. However, there is more to the whispers. Of the ponies that go, only few return.” Celestia’s expression hardened. “The mines have run dry, and yet they still dig. We know not what he searches for, but it comes at great cost. If these rumors are true, it is our duty to intervene.”

If they are true, sister." Luna clarified. "You cannot accuse ponies with rumors and whispers. That only serves to break other ponies’ trust in you.”

“But we must do something!” Celestia rounded on her sister, who remained resolute.

“If you wish to stand against Sombra, you cannot do it based upon a rumor,” Luna insisted.

“Then what would you suggest?” Celestia asked in irritation.

“We visit,” said Luna simply. Her sister looked dumbfounded, but her expression quickly darkened again.

“No. We cannot.”


Celestia shivered, thinking back to Sombra’s request. “It would give him reason to pursue me further.”

Luna looked at her sister curiously. “Thou are afraid of him?”

“Yes. Even now, his want for greater power chips away at his mind. Did thou not see it?”

“… Perhaps we sent a false message in standing by while Sombra took power,” replied Luna.

“It was our mistake…” Celestia’s expression hardened. “One that we will not make again.”

“But you’ve yet to confirm your suspicions,” Luna said, reminding her sister not to jump to conclusions.

“We may yet.” Celestia's thoughts turned to the Crystal Empire, and the degenerating mind of its King.


Captain Crossguard of the Everfree Royal Guard stood still as the chariot made its final approach towards the Crystal Empire. The Royal Sisters had only visited the Empire once, when the last true Crystal King ruled. They had not returned since Sombra’s coup. Though Equestria believed that the Sisters were simply too busy, Crossguard knew otherwise.

Celestia and Luna had done everything in her power to make sure that they couldn’t visit. They’d shifted appointments, moved visits, and even scheduled banquets to avoid meeting Sombra. Eventually, however, Sombra came to them. Whatever had exchanged between the two had left Celestia uncomfortable, to say the least.

In nearly twenty-five years of service, Crossguard had never seen a pony upset her Princesses quite like Sombra had. Thus, when Crossguard had been approached to visit the Crystal Empire, she’d been more than happy to take it up.

Now, as the Ambassador Chariot landed, Crossguard could see why the Sisters avoided Sombra’s Crystal Empire.

"Captain?" She looked up at the sound of her title. One of the unicorns, Lieutenant Iron Shod was looking at her. "What happened here?"

"I haven't the slightest... It's all dead." Crossguard leaned over the edge of the chariot, and examined the land in detail. "Nothing is growing, within, or outside of the Empire."

"Such a thing should be impossible. Unicorn or not, one pony can't kill an entire empire." The other unicorn guard, Sergeant Ember spoke up, shifting nervously.

"Impossible or not, Sombra managed to do it." Replied Crossguard. Before they could reply, she waved a hoof. "We're here. Complete silence from now on. We are here merely to observe, and report back to the Princesses. Understood?"

The other guards nodded, and the chariot touched down in the courtyard under the Crystal Palace. Crossguard hopped off, accompanied by the other two guards. The two pegasi unhooked themselves from the chariot, and joined their Captain. No words were exchanged as the team moved up to the courtyard underneath Sombra’s palace. After a few minutes of waiting, a group of Crystal Ponies emerged from one of the columns of the palace and greeted them.

“Welcome, Captain Crossguard, to the Crystal Empire,” the leader, a small blue mare, stepped forward to greet the Royal Guards. “I am Sapphire, your guide within the Empire.”

Crossguard nodded in return. “Well met,” she said. “We are here on the Royal Sisters’ behalf.” She fell silent, carefully judging the Crystal Ponies’ reaction. There was the slightest hint of fear from one in the rear of the group, but the rest remained expressionless.

“Of course, Captain. If you would please follow me…” Sapphire stepped back, allowing the team of Royal Guards into the Palace proper. When their backs were turned, one of the Crystal Ponies broke off from the group, and made their way to another part of the Palace. Drowning out the tour, Crossguard began to take a closer look at her surroundings.

The Crystal Palace was now a massive black crystal castle jutting up from the ground. It was rough and uneven, as if it had just been placed there without a second thought. Through the windows, Crossguard could see that the various buildings within the Empire shared a similar construction. Unlike the clean, glimmering structures that Crossguard had seen during the Princesses’ last visit, they were now blackened, and surrounded with sharp spikes rising from the ground.

The streets remained empty, save for the occasional Crystal Soldier patrol. Crossguard’s eyes narrowed as she examined one such patrol from her vantage point in the Palace.

They look… Scared. Terrified, even. Crossguard looked up at her guides, examining their expressions more closely. Their eyes seemed to dart from place to place. Some of their gazes settled on the shadows, whereas others shifted nervously in the company.

So do they. Why?

As the group climbed higher into the Palace, Crossguard discreetly signaled the rest of her team to be on the ready. There was little need, though, as the Palace remained empty. There was no evidence of servants, caretakers or even guards. The group spiraled up the empty Palace, as the guides showed them various rooms, filled with treasures from the kingdom.

He stuffs his castle full of treasures, while his ponies starve in the mines… Crossguard noted that several of the treasures appeared to be magical artifacts. They weren't allowed to stray in those rooms for long. Soon, the rushed tour finally came to a rest in a corridor before two massive doors.

“His highness wishes to speak with you, Captain Crossguard,” said Sapphire, who was now slightly out of breath. “Would you like to see him now? Or perhaps after dinner?”

Crossguard shook her head. “We will see him now, thank you.”

Sapphire nodded, and turned to open the doors. As she did so, Crossguard nodded to one of her team, who immediately set off. Before the Crystal Ponies could react, another one of the Royal Guards spoke.

“He needed to… Take a break, as it was,” said Steel Shield, nodding. “He’ll be back soon.”

Uncertain, the ponies led the Guards into the throne room, where Sombra himself awaited them. Though it had only been a matter of weeks since Crossguard last saw him, Sombra had managed to change.

His coat had somehow turned a darker shade of black, as did his mane and tail. Sombra’s eyes were now a sickly glowing green. His horn was now cruelly curved, like an Arabian scimitar. However, Crossguard did her best not be be unnerved by the King’s radical change in appearance.

“King Sombra,” she said slowly, bowing before him. The rest of the Guard followed suit. “We’ve come in place of Princesses Celestia and Luna.”

The King leaned forward, almost shivering in anticipation, and flinched. Crossguard barely had time to react as Sombra shot a blackened bolt of magic at the group. Jet-black crystals shot up from the ground, trapping the three other guards. Crossguard had barely escaped, rolling to the side and out of the way. Seeing this, Sombra smiled.

Crossguard froze. Fangs. Those are fangs!

Sombra shivered again, and calmed himself enough to talk.

“What do you think of my new tricks?” He asked, hesitating between each word.

“Let them go!” Crossguard roared, taking a stand between him, and her comrades.

“I shall, once I’m finished…” Sombra turned his attention to the crystal mounds that trapped the other three guards. Almost immediately, screams erupted from each one. Sombra chuckled at this, and returned his attention to Crossguard.

“Let them go!” Screamed Crossguard, throwing her weight against the crystal mounds. The mound cracked slightly, but held. It was one of the few times she cursed her luck at being the only earth pony in the Royal Guard.

No.” Sombra growled, as shards of crystals fastened Crossguard’s hooves to the ground. She strained against them, as the screams of her team echoed around her.

Sombra finally rose from his throne, and stepped down to Crossguard’s level. “I’ve a surprise for your Princesses…”

Around her, the crystal mounds began to crackle with a deep purple glow. They quickly intensified, until they were finally too bright to look at. Without warning, they darkened, silencing the soldiers within. Horrified, Crossguard looked at Sombra, who had his eyes closed, in an almost relaxed manner. She gasped as Sombra reopened them.

His eyes now emitted an impossible purple smoke from their corners, rising away from his face. He smiled, and Crossguard stared at his now elongated fangs. Before she could react, Sombra was upon her.


Princesses Celestia and Luna exchanged glances as the pegasus guard before them finished retelling his story. Lieutenant Arrowhead had come flying out of the north like a bolt of lightning, stopping only for the throne room doors to open. He finished his tale in a fit of coughing, brought on by the speed of his journey. As various medical ponies rushed to his aid, the Royal Sisters retired to their courtyard, disturbed by these newest developments.

“Thou were right,” said Luna, solemnly.

“Of course I was,” replied Celestia. Luna looked at her sister curiously, and continued.

“Now the question remains: what are we to do?”

“I— I’m not sure…” Celestia said, trailing off into silence. Luna’s glance turned into a glare.

“Thou hast spoken so much of ‘intervention’ against Sombra, though thou hast yet to arrive with a plan?”

“I need time to—”

“—The time for planning has passed. We know not what has befallen our Captain, and yet thou hast no plan to speak of!” Luna said, her voice rising in volume. Celestia took a deep breath before replying.

“I do have a plan, but we must act soon.”

"We must act now!" Luna stated, looking into her sister's eyes. Celestia was the first to break the gaze, looking into the distance of the garden.

"Then we can. Just us, this time," she said quietly.

"No." Luna was not satisfied. “We would not have won against Discord, had the ponies of Equestria not aided us.”

Celestia cringed, remembering the nearly ruinous results of their first stand against the God of Chaos. Celestia had made a severe underestimation of Discord, one that had almost cost her the Elements of Harmony, and more importantly, her sister. Thanks to the timely intervention of the Equestrian Army, she was able to save Luna, and recover the Elements of Harmony. Only then were they able to finally stop the mad tyrant.

“I know,” said Celestia firmly. “But we now have control over the Elements of Harmony. We can use those—”

Luna silenced her sister with a wave of her hoof. “No! We cannot use those! They are too dangerous against one such as Sombra. His only lust is for greater power, and those would most certainly grant it!”

“Then how should we fight him?” Celestia retaliated. “Lieutenant Arrowhead saw it with his own eyes: Sombra’s power has corrupted the very nature of the Crystal Empire! How can we stop that without the Elements?”

“Through reason,” stated Luna, firmly. She stomped her forehoof as if to drive home the point. “There was no reason for us — you — to freeze Discord in stone! The Elements of Harmony should not be our first move. Sombra can still be saved, if we are patient.”

Celestia’s eyes narrowed, but she calmed down. “Very well. We shall go to him,” she said. Luna nodded, but was interrupted by her next words, “but, we shall bring the Elements, should things sour out of our favor.”


The next few days were a flurry of activity for the Royal Sisters. The Acting Captain, Arrowhead, had marshaled the forces of Equestria for a march to the Crystal Empire. The army was to be the last resort against Sombra, should the Royal Sisters fail to stop Sombra’s rise to power. Nonetheless, their entire Empire stood at the ready.

As the day drew nearer, the Sisters spent more and more time apart. At first, it was subtle, with less words being exchanged at Court, but the gap grew until Luna left early one Court session. Once it was over, Celestia went to find her sister, spotting her in the private garden.

“What has happened?” She asked, approaching her sister. Luna looked up, frowning.

“Whatever do you mean?”

“Thou abandoned me to the mercy of the Lords and Ladies,” said Celestia, jokingly. Luna’s frown broke into a light smile.

"I know. I am sorry, sister."

"Then what is it that troubles you?" Asked Celestia, gently. She moved behind her sister, awaiting an answer.

"I do not feel comfortable bringing the Elements of Harmony. Discord's magic corrupted them, and —"

"— Nearly cost us, I know... And I am terribly sorry for my lapse. However, we've proven their worth time and again." Celestia paused, piecing her thoughts together. "I just cannot imagine losing you again. That is why we need them."

Luna nodded understandingly. "Very well. But they shall only be used in a last stand against Sombra."

The pair retreated into the Castle to prepare for their confrontation with Sombra.


The next morning, the pair began preparing for their departure to the Crystal Empire. They were now thoroughly concerned, due to the fact the Captain and her team had not reported leaving the Crystal Empire. Thus, there was a full compliment of Royal Guards accompanying the Sisters to the Crystal Empire.

Each Sister wore their respective Elements of Harmony, in readiness against Sombra’s apparent growth in power. Luna however, doubted they would be needed. She glanced at her sister as the Royal Chariot raced through the air. Celesta’s face was set in grim determination, as were her guards’. Luna swallowed, and turned to face the Empire.

As the Crystal Empire came into view, it quickly became apparent that Sombra’s obsession had turned inwards. Save for the occasional chain-gang, the streets were still deserted. Now, however, the homes on nearly every street appeared in various stages of neglect. Some merely appeared abandoned, where others had been completely shattered. The arctic snow had begun piling up in places, hiding the wide avenues of the Empire from view. The temperature had also noticeably dropped. Whatever magic that remained after Sombra's coup that had protected the Empire had now all but dissipated.

In the distance, more mines could be seen, with ponies picking their way into and out of them. They deposited whatever crystal they had into a large, overflowing quarry. The crystals in it had not been delivered to the Palace in some time, causing a large pile of crystal shards to build up in the quarry. The ponies outside of the mines did not look up as the Royal Chariot passed overhead.

Celestia nodded to her nearest guards, who immediately took flight. They began to release the chain-gangs within sight, before moving off into the mines. Luna did likewise, as her guards began searching the streets for ponies. Upon reaching the Palace, the chariot had been emptied of all of its guards, save Captain Arrowhead.

As the chariot came to a stop, the doors under the Palace burst open, and several servants came running out, screaming in terror. They took no heed of the Princesses, as they darted for the nearest shelter. A roar from the Palace silenced the immediate area. The Princesses and the Captain froze in response, their eyes riveted on the doors.

“Captain?” Whispered Celestia, careful not to take her eyes away from the door.

“Yes, milady?”


Arrowhead's expression hardened, as he turned to protest. “Milady, I won’t—”

“—That wasn’t a request, Captain.” Hearing the hardened edge in her voice, Arrowhead looked up. Neither princess moved as he did so.

“I— I’m sorry?”

Go,” said Luna, firmly. Arrowhead shook his head with uncertainty, but began walking towards the city.

“Very well…” He swallowed, taking one last look at the Princesses, before galloping off towards his team. “The best of luck, miladies.”

...To carry out the word of my Princesses without question, and to the best of my ability...

Arrowhead shook his head at the words of the Oath in frustration, but he didn’t dare disobey it. Behind him, the Princesses slowly began making their way into the castle.

The growls emanated from somewhere below the castle, though the Sisters couldn’t find a way down. Instead, the sounds lead the Sisters to the throne room of the Palace.

It had been completely wrecked. The throne itself, despite having been made from a single block of crystal, was shattered. In its place, there was a single black spike, whose shadow seemed to open a stairway within the castle. The Sisters carefully made their way around the room, mindful not to touch the blackened shards of crystal that were now scattered about the place.

“What happened?” Asked Luna, voicing the very question that was on Celestia’s mind.

“I do not know. He must have gone mad,” Celestia replied, examining the stairway that had been revealed by the shadow of the large crystal. “Shall we go down?”

A growl emanated from the stairway before Luna could answer. It steadily grew louder, until Sombra himself finally emerged from the pit. The Sisters recoiled, as he unsteadily fired a black beam of magic at the crystal. He gasped as it receded into the ground. The stairway vanished from sight, and Sombra turned to face Celestia and Luna.

“He— hello, your highnesses…” He gasped, almost as if speech was painful. Nonetheless, he smiled.

Sombra’s fangs were now too large to fit within his mouth. His horn was now tipped in red, as if from overuse of magic. He also wore a cloak, as well as several pieces of armor. Celestia was the first to respond.

“What have thou done!?” She shouted, her horn flaring gold in response. Across the room, Luna matched her stance, her horn flaring blue.

“What… Have Idone?” Sombra’s smile never faltered. “I have found power… Within these crystals!”

“It has corrupted thou! It has destroyed thine empire!” Said Luna. Sombra turned to her.

“O— of course… It was an… Unintentional consequence. But now, you see… I— I have you right where I need you…” Despite his slow speech, Sombra was quick.

He lunged at Luna, firing off a sick, black bolt of magic at her. She countered it, and Celestia fired off her own at Sombra. It hit him square in the chest, but he didn’t flinch. Instead, he roared, and smashed his hooves into the ground, causing a rapid growth of crystals to form around the Sisters. Celestia managed to take off, but Luna was too slow. She cried out as the dome of crystals slammed shut above her head.


The night was calm and cool, and Equestria was at rest. Luna looked down at the scene with confusion, wondering how she’d gotten there. Below her, was a view of Castle Everfree’s private garden.

It had been wrecked, along with several other sections of the Castle. Luna spotted Celestia in one of the wrecked rooms, trying to piece together what had happened. Before she could call out, though, another mare entered her vision.

She was tall, almost as tall as Princess Celestia. However, unlike Celestia, she was a jet-black. Her mane flowed almost violently, filled with an iridescent view of the stars. Her eyes were like those of a viper’s, darting about, as if searching for something. She was also armored.

Luna’s breath caught as she finally saw the markings on the mare’s armor.

Even now, Princess Celestia emerged from the castle, her mane also flickering in the Solar Wind. She was terrified. Celestia galloped to meet the mare in the garden. Her advance was cut short, as the black mare’s words stung the Princess.
Nightmare Moon’s words stunned Luna as she looked down at the scene.

The jet-black Alicorn paced around Celestia, as if mocking her. Celestia appeared to meet the insults with her own words, as if to calm her down. Finally, the black Alicorn pounced.

They fought for several seconds, until Celestia broke off the attack. They stepped back, breathing heavily, and taking stock of their injuries. The clamor had risen the alarm, as several Royal Guards came rushing into the courtyard. The Alicorn quickly halted them, locking them out of the ruined garden. Celestia began to plead again with the other Alicorn.

Her pleas were met with insults, and Nightmare Moon attacked again.


Celestia knew immediately that something had gone wrong. She twisted in midair, and saw that Luna had not escaped the King’s onslaught. Furious, she dived into the King, and sent him flying. Without pause, she turned her attention the the dome of crystals that encased her sister.

“Luna?!” Celestia paced the outside of the dome, awaiting an answer. “Luna?!”

“Sh— she won’t answer… She can’t hear you.” Sombra rose to his feet, and grinned again. Celestia rounded on him.

“What are thou doing to her!?”

“I— I’m simply showing her what is to be…” He said slowly, as he began pacing the room. Celestia matched his steps.

“Let her go!” Celestia jumped at the King, only to be fended off by several crystals flowing out of the ground. As Celestia fell backwards, Sombra’s horn crackled, and the crystals surrounding Luna began to glow. Screams emanated from the crystal outcrop, echoing around the chamber. Celestia rushed to the dome.

“I shall find a way out, I promise!” She shouted at the crystals. Sombra laughed, as she fired bolt after bolt at the structure.

“You... Won’t!” Sombra shouted, seizing Celestia’s attention. The screaming quieted as well. “If— if you release her, the entire Empire will vanish!”

“That’s impossible…” Stated Celestia, reflexively.

“I… I’ve done the impossible… These were the final st— steps…” Sombra grinned. “S— so… I suggest you do as I say…”

"What?" Celestia paused as Sombra's smile grew.

"You... You heard me..."

Celestia shouted, and was about to charge Sombra when his horn lit up once again. The crystals lit up in response, causing her to stop dead.

"You— you'll do as I say!" The crystals glowed brighter. Celestia's eyes widened in response, and she backed away.

"Stop! I— Celestia shivered. “Fine, just please let her go! I’ll do whatever you want!” She cried, desperate to save her sister.

“Good. Leave.” Celestia stopped dead. “I— I said: Leave!”


“… Fine…” Sombra sneered at the Princess, as his horn began to crackle. The glow from crystals intensified, and Luna began to scream. Celestia’s heart pounded, as she stared at the mound, frozen in place. Her eyes darted around, searching for the source of Sombra's magic.


Luna stared in horror as the Nightmare Moon tore into Celestia. The Royal Guards, determined as they were, could not get anywhere near enough to aid the Princess. They could only watch in shock as Celestia was battered by whatever remained of her sister. Eventually, the onslaught stopped, and Celestia stood, weakly. She continued pleading with the Alicorn, trying to make amends, but the other Alicorn wouldn’t have it.

One final blow sent Celestia flying into the stone wall, and Nightmare Moon continued pacing the garden. Luna looked at her sister, willing her to get up and fight for her, for Luna.

She didn’t.

Instead, Celestia’s horn began to glow, and the air surrounding her shimmered. The Elements of Harmony winked into existence around her, and immediately began glowing. However, it wasn't the iridescent glow she had come to associate with the Elements. Now, it was a sick, blackened glow, sparking with a malice Luna had seen only once before.

Before Nightmare Moon could react, Celestia fired a beam of the most powerful magic known at what was formerly her sister. Nightmare Moon screamed in terror, as the beam enveloped her, and began to close in. The wind howled as the beam began closing on her form. Several seconds passed, and the rush finally died down. Nightmare Moon had vanished. Celestia collapsed where she stood, sobbing hard. The Elements fell to the ground, to be gathered up by the Royal Guards, who had finally gained entrance to the garden.

As they surrounded her and tended to her injuries, Celestia looked up at the moon, and to the shadow that now graced its features. Tears streamed down her face, as she collapsed once again, sobs raking her form.


Celestia gasped, as the source of Sombra’s magic suddenly clicked. She quickly steeled herself, and delved into her mind, searching for the darkest thoughts with which to power her magic.

Her horn began to crackle with an ugly purple lightning, as sick green globes of magic began to irradiate off of her horn. As the magic reached its peak, Celestia released it at the mound of crystal encasing Luna. It burst apart, releasing Luna in a scattering of crystal shards.

Celestia sighed in relief, but it was short lived. The sisters were interrupted by Sombra’s cackling.

“S— so you figured it out…” He gasped, stumbling towards them. “F— fine by me.”

Before they could react, the King began focusing all of his magic into the surrounding crystals. They began to glow, and the entire Palace began to shake. The Sisters stared as Sombra began to rise up on a massive slab of crystal that had begun to grow out of the floor.

“Celestia!” She glanced around the room, and her gaze settled on Luna, who called her name again.

“Celestia! Now!” Breathless, she nodded, and the Elements of Harmony that she wielded began to glow. Luna did similarly, as Sombra laughed.

“Those… Those relics can’t stop me! I— I’m beyond the magic of such petty origin!” He shouted, over the growing noise of the Palace, and the roaring wind of the Elements.

After an eternity, twin beams of pure magic shot from each Sister, into the crystal that Sombra was standing upon. It shattered, causing Sombra to fall. Yet another pair of beams hit Sombra himself.

Unlike Discord, Sombra fought. He struggled against the magic, trying to turn it back against the Princesses. The crystals that had begun to take over his body shattered, causing his very flesh to turn to smoke. He roared in pain, as the very crystals upon which his life depended began to tear him apart. Sombra had been disintegrated into smoke.

The Sisters watched as he swirled around the throne room, roaring in rage and pain. They exchanged glances, and entrapped him within a sphere of magic. As they did so, Luna glanced out of one of the windows, and gasped.

The Crystal Empire was vanishing before her very eyes, as the snow and ice had begun reclaiming what had been lost. The scattered buildings were rapidly dissolving into the air, leaving behind a barren patch of earth that was quickly overtaken with snow.


“I saw it!” Celestia grunted as Sombra fought against his bonds. “We need someplace for him!”

Luna spotted a glacier rapidly advancing from the north. “There! We shall entrap him within the ice!”

Celestia nodded, and they fled the throne room. The pair soared toward the glacier, even as the Palace shuddered and vanished behind them in a flurry of snow and ice. The Crystal Empire had vanished, without a trace.

They quickly touched down on the glacier, opening a crevasse within the ice as they did so. Celestia began lowering Sombra into the ice, as Luna started reciting a curse.

Thine usurped seat of power

Hath proven naught but how you cower

Vanished be your stolen empire,

‘till these lands be alight with fire.

Stay now in your tomb of ice

Ere the return of good, and Light!

The glacier sealed over, locking Sombra within the ice. Celestia rushed over to Luna, grabbing her in a hug. Luna gasped, laughing despite the cold.

“Oh, Luna! What did he do!?” Celestia stepped back, allowing her room to breathe. “Did he hurt you?!”

“Nay, sister,” replied Luna. She stretched, as if to prove her point.

“What then? I heard screaming!”

“Those were naught but his tricks. He did not hurt me.”

Celestia examined her sister, worried. “What happened?”

“He— he showed me things…” Said Luna, slowly. Celestia stepped closer again.

“What sorts of things?” She asked cautiously.

“… Things better left unsaid.”

Celestia nodded, deciding not to press the subject, and moved close to her sister again. They finally shared a break, looking at the barren landscape that had once played host to a thriving Empire.


“Captain Arrowhead?” Celestia called, as she waited in the throne room for Luna, and the beginning of the Court.

“Yes, milady?” The Captain stood before her, awaiting her command.

“Hast thou recovered all members of the Guard?”

“Yes, milady. The Empire only seemed to take those who had been born in it. Our soldiers were untouched.” Celestia nodded.

“And what of our fallen?”

“They will be home soon. The last of the Guard in the north will bring them home.”

Celestia nodded again, and was about to respond when she was interrupted by Princess Luna’s arrival.

“Are there signs of the Empire returning?” She asked, as she took her throne.

“Unfortunately not, milady. There’s no telling how long the Empire has been banished for. It may return within a fortnight, or not at all.”

Celestia shook her head at the news, and dismissed the Captain. She looked at her sister, and smiled. Luna however, did not return it, but mentioned for the throne room doors to open. The soldiers at the door hesitated, until Celestia nodded.


Court passed without incident, but neither sister noticed. Luna had not said a word to anypony, unless it was absolutely necessary, while Celestia's thoughts were occupied by the now missing Crystal Empire. As per the norm, they retired to the garden after court had ended. Today, however, they did not play, as Luna posed a question for Celestia.

"Sister, how did you release me from the crystals?" She asked, her brow furrowed in thought.

"Magic," Celestia answered, simply. A small smile appeared on her face, as she readied for a chase. There was not one forthcoming.

"That cannot be true. Our magic had no effect against Sombra's." Luna paced the garden, her thoughts clearly elsewhere. "That was no ordinary magic he used..."

Celestia paused, thinking back to her actions in Sombra's throne room. "I had to find the source of his magic."


"It fed off a pony's greatest fears, and their darkest thoughts." Celestia looked away, unwilling to elaborate. She didn't have to, as Luna looked at her darkly.

"Nightmare Moon?" Luna asked, her tone darkening.

Celestia swallowed, and shuffled her hooves. "How did you know?"

Luna ignored the question. "Well?"

"... Yes," she said quietly, not meeting her sister's gaze.

"And then what?" She pressured Celestia further.

"I— I..." Celestia jumped forward, suddenly. "That isn't important!"

"Yes, it is!" Shouted Luna, furiously. Her eyes began to water as she remembered her visions in Sombra's throne room. "What did thou do?!"

Celestia stepped back, worried. "I— I didn't do anything! I just needed something to stop Sombra!"

"And then what?!"

"That was it!" Celestia stood her ground, trying to calm her sister. "I destroyed the crystals with Sombra's magic," she said, her tone calming down. Luna, however, did not.

"Thou wouldn't have done anything!" She shouted, tears welling up further.

"What?" Celestia stared, confused.

"Thou heard me! Thou wouldn't have done anything to stop that!"

"What!? Luna, I— I saved thou from Discord! Why would I neglect thou?" Celestia stopped, seeing the tears fall from her sister's eyes. She approached her, reaching out with a hoof. "Luna!?"

"Leave me!" Luna pushed her away, letting her tears fall. "Thou would have done nothing to save me from the Nightmare!"

"Luna, I would stop at nothing to save thou! Thou know this!" Celestia pleaded, finally realizing what Luna feared most. Her voice softened, as she tried to get her sister to see reason. "Thou said it in the Crystal Empire: Sombra works on deception." She said firmly, putting her hoof down. "What is there to fear?"

"I— I just wanted to know..." She began quietly, ceasing her rant. "She can't— I don't want her to—"

"— Sister, she will never return. Thou have nothing to fear." Luna swallowed hard, and allowed Celestia to wipe away her tears. "Nightmare Moon cannot hurt you."

Celestia guided her sister out of the garden, and back into the Castle. As she did so, Luna could not help but reflect on what Sombra had shown her. Nightmare Moon still haunted her, as there was no way Sombra could have known.

That doesn't make her words any less true, she thought, as she watched her sister, and her subjects. They bowed in the presence of the Solar Princess, but their eyes seemed to glide over Luna. She was taken aback, having never noticed it before. It is like they can't even see me...

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