• Published 10th Apr 2013
  • 899 Views, 29 Comments

All the Time in the World - twow443

Dinky's past, present and future hangs in the balance as she fights to preserve Equestria's timeline.

  • ...

Time to Inform

11 years in the past- Derpy Hooves's home]

“Uhh.” I slowly rolled over, finding myself in almost complete darkness. I blinked hard and rubbed my eyes. “Must of passed out...”

With a jolt, I jerked upward, the memories of what had happened rushing into my head. “Oh, crap! I have to get out of here!” I thought.

My closet wasn't very big, in fact it was the same size as it had been before I had used my magic. “I need to try to get this hollowed out or something.” I thought with a smirk. Carefully, I pressed my hooves to the closet door and pushed it open.

The door slowly swung open, and I do mean slowly. I couldn't remember how old my closet doors were, and I didn't want to wake up what I assumed was my younger self by having the doors creak.

When I finally had the doors open about three feet, I laid myself flat and slowly snuck out the door. I was careful to keep my body as close to the ground as possible. I pushed the closet door shut, wincing a little when I heard the click.

“One obstacle down.” I thought, glancing toward the bedroom door. “One to go.”

My mom's routine throughout the day was...not planned. I assumed that she wasn't working now because of me, so I couldn't count on her being out of the house. “Dang, there goes that plan.” I said softly. “If I can't get out that way...” My gaze fell on the window. “I'll have to make another.”

I crawled over to the window and gasped. “No way.” There was a tree by my window that I would use to climb in my room. I had fooled my friends a few times when we had been playing hide and seek. But as I looked outside, my tree was gone. In disbelief, I opened the window and looked down. I saw a small tree sprout in a patch of soil, way below me.

“Great.” I whispered. “Well, if I had needed more proof that I was in the past...” I froze when I heard banging from downstairs. I heard a stirring from the crib and fell flat.

“No more time to waste in here. I gotta move!” I concentrated on the dresser in the corner. It was a four-door dresser and was made out of wood. “I think we keep the sheets in the bottom drawer...” I shut my eyes and tried to summon my internal magic. Feeling the rush of energy I opened my eyes and focused on the dresser. “Don't want to time-travel again, no idea where I'll end up.”

As I continued to channel my energy, I was able to force the lower drawer to open up. I carefully lifted two sheets out and floated them towards me. When they were close enough to touch, I dropped them and shut the drawer.

“Alright, that's one part done.” I thought. “Can't stop though, gotta keep moving.”

I snatched the sheets up and tied one sheet to the other. Carefully, I reached outside while holding one of the sheets and tied the corner to the window. I flung the sheets out the window and allowed myself a grim smile as I tugged on the first sheet.

“If this works as I hope it does...” I thought, then flinched as I heard banging again, but it was coming closer! “Mom's coming to check on the younger me!” Not giving myself time to think, I stepped out onto the window ledge and grabbed the sheet with both hooves. Then I jumped off of the ledge.

I slid down the sheet without any major problem until I hit the knot where the two sheets connected. When I hit it, the force of the pull yanked the window above me shut. I was relieved that had worked, until the force had also unraveled the knot that I had connected to the window. “Ahhhh!” I yelled as I fell, slamming into the ground with the sheets covering me.

I was fortunate that I had only fallen from the first floor, if I had fell from the second, I would have probably broken something. I pulled the sheets off of me and groaned. “I need to get paid for this.” I said, wincing.

I pushed the sheets into the bushes that was by the house, making sure to hide them well. I took another look at my home. “I'll be back here...I hope.” I said. Then I turned and dashed away.

11 years in the past-Ponyville

If I had to tell you one of the weirdest things about being in the past, it was knowing how everything was going to take place in the future.

As I finally reached Ponyville Square, I had to stop for a minute and take in the sights. “Wow, this is really weird.” I said. I knew that was a major understatement.

For one, everypony looked...younger. That was a given, seeing how I was eleven or so years in the past, but it was still a major shock. The buildings looked a bit newer, which was impressive considering how they usually looked very, very nice.

I kept walking until I came across Sugarcube Corner. “Pinkie Pie!” I thought. “Maybe she can help.” I dashed inside the store.

The inside looked like it had just been cleaned. The floors were really shiny, the walls didn't have anything on them, it was just really nice. I walked in there, exploring the room with my eyes when I heard a voice say, “Welcome to Sugarcube Corner, honey.”

I turned to see Mrs. Cake standing there, and I almost didn't recognize her. She was smaller and a lighter shade of blue, if you can imagine that. I stood there with my mouth open for a minute. Fortunately, she thought I was just staring at the many sweets. “Don't be shy, there's plenty of choices!”

I shook my head, snapping myself of my little trance. “Sorry, I spaced out for a moment.”

Mrs. Cake simply smiled and shook her head. “That's quite alright. Can I help?”

“Where's Pink-” I instantly slammed my hooves over my mouth.

“Is something wrong, dear?” Mrs. Cake asked, a worried expression on her face.

“Stupid, stupid!” I berated myself. “No, everything's fine! I, uh, I think I left my money somewhere that's not here! Gotta go grab it!” I turned and dashed out of the shop. I wasn't sure where I was headed, but I continued to run anyway.

11 years in the past-Ponyville Park

I never knew that I had a vast amount of stamina, or maybe it was just adrenaline. Either way, I ran until I felt like I was going to drop. When I finally stopped, I saw that I was in the park.

Gasping, I almost crawled over to a bench, collapsing on it when I reached one. I took a few minutes to breathe, and then a wave of anger and sadness washed over me.

“What did I almost do?” I said to myself. “I could have messed up everything. I don't belong here...” I lowered my head as I started to get to the point of crying.

Until I felt a hoof on my shoulder. I didn't move for fear of angering whoever was there. Or maybe they'd think I was asleep or dead and I could get a chance to run away. Or maybe I could use my magic to escape! Eyes shut tight, I started to channel my magic...

“I wouldn't do that just yet, little one.” A voice floated from above me. “You don't know where you'll end up.”

I couldn't believe what I was hearing. Did this pony know about my powers? I shut my magic off and refused to move. “Won't you look at me?” The voice said again. I would have ignored it, but the voice sounded really friendly. And I didn't have much of any other choice, so I looked up. And gasped.

Sitting next to me was a beautiful gray mare. I saw a rather long horn on her head and when I tilted my head I saw...wings?! She was an alicorn?

She smiled at me as I visibly shivered. “Don't worry, I'm not going to harm you.”

“Who...who are you?” I stammered out.

“If I tell you, are you going to believe me?” She asked. I nodded, my head shaking. “Very well. I am the Princess of time, Drifting Time.”

“Princess of time?” My poor head was being thrown for a loop.

She smiled at me. “Yes. I've been keeping an eye on you for a little while now, Dinky.”

“An eye...Wait!” I jumped. “How do you know who I am?”

She pointed at my cutie mark. “The same way I know how you received that. I helped you earn it.

I held my head in my hooves for a moment. “I'm sorry Princess, but I'm confused.”

Drifting Time stood up and held out a hoof. “Walk with me. I have a lot to tell you in a short time.”

I grabbed her hoof and pulled myself upright. I looked at the princess and sighed. “Alright. Shall we go then?”

The princess nodded and started walking, with me following her closely.

11 years in the past-Ponyville

The two of us walked in silence for a while until Princess Drifting decided to spark the conversation. “Dinky, you asked me before how I knew your name.”

“Yeah.” I said.

She smiled at me. “For many years now, I've been looking for a pony with a rare magical aura. As you well know, all ponies have natural auras that allow them to interact with the world. Do you know the three major types?”

I nodded. “Pegasi can fly, earth ponies are strong and unicorns can use magic.”

“Correct.” She said. “We're going to focus on the unicorns for a little bit. All unicorns can use all types of magic. The reason that most unicorns don't know or do that is because...?”

I knew this one. “Unicorns all have one type of magic that they excel at!”

“Correct again.” She said with a smile. “For example, the two unicorns that are Elements now. Rarity and Twilight Sparkle. I believe?

“That's right.” I said.

“Rarity's natural affinity is gems, and Twilight has a rare aura as well. Magic itself.” The princess said calmly. “She will be able to preform the most powerful spells like they were her own.”

I slightly frowned. “What does this have to do with me?”

The princess pointed at me. “That mark on your flank.” I turned to look at my clock. “They reason that I brought up the topic about magical affinity is this. Equestria has existed for a long time in its time-stream. And in that time, there has only been two ponies with the natural affinity for time magic that includes the ability to time-travel. You, and my old student. There's been other ponies with time related cutie marks, but that clock is my sign.”

“So, what does that mean?” I asked, visible confused.

I saw a shadow cross over the princess's face. We sat on a bench in the square of the town. “Dinky, I need your help. The reason that I know your name is because I went through your time stream, your time of being alive. And I'll be honest with you, we need to help each other.”

I stared at the princess. “Please explain yourself. I don't understand.”

The princess sighed. “My old student, Shifting Wind was the other pony with the ability to time-travel. This is a very rare and dangerous ability. I knew that I needed to train him personally, so I did.” The princess turned her face away, but I still saw a tear run down her face. “When he had finally mastered time, I thought he would be responsible, help me maintain the timeline. But he betrayed me and tried to wipe me from existence.”

“How did it all end?” I asked softly.

“A long time in the future, near the end of time is when we fought.” The princess said. “I almost lost, but I managed to seal him away and cast him into the past.”

I rubbed my head. “If he's sealed, then what do you need me for?”

“Because I made a major mistake.” She admitted. “I sent him back into the past, yes. But I threw him into your time.”

My eyes widened. “Oh, no.”

She nodded. “And he's been found by somepony. If I remember him well, he will use them. Trick them into using his power to manipulate the timeline and damage it. And if he can successfully damage it enough, then he'll have the power to erase me.”

I looked down as she continued. “Dinky, I'm sorry. I wish that I could have prevented this from happening, that you would be able to live normally. But I really need your help.”

“What if...I say no?” I whispered.

“Then I will send you home.” I looked up. The princess was looking at me with a completely straight face. “I will not lie, this will be dangerous. I don't know what kind of pony has my old student's magic. I do not want you to do this if you think that you aren't able to. I refuse to be the cause of your pain or death.”

I thought for a moment. “So, it's my choice?”

“Completely.” She said.

I thought hard. I knew that it would be dangerous, but I had always wanted to go on a type of adventure. And I could always just come home, right? I looked up at the princess and nodded. “I'll help you.”

The princess smiled and caught me in a hug. “Oh, thank you!” She released me. “Now, here's what you need to do. You know Twilight Sparkle, correct?”

I nodded. “Yes.”

“Good.” She said. “Dinky, your aura is special for a very important reason. Not only can you time-travel, your body is capable of mastering the five arts of time.”

I tilted my head. “Five arts?”

She nodded. “Yes. The five arts are slowing, pausing, rewinding, speeding up and recording time.”

“Wow.” I said. “And I can use all of them?”

“Well, not exactly.” She said. “You have to find the pony that does and learn from them before your body will naturally unlock that ability for you.” She looked into my eyes. “Dinky, you have a unnaturally large magical reserve because of the time magic. I'm telling you this because using time magic can and will take a lot out of you. I won't be able to talk to you for a while, so let me give you a gift and some advice, if you will take it.”

I nodded. “I will.”

“Good.” She leaned down and touched the tip of her horn to mine. A searing hot flash rushed through my body, but gone just as fast. “Wha-?”

“That was a magical gift to enhance your senses.” The princess said. “Now if you concentrate, you will always know what time you are in, but it will be from your original time. Try now.”

I closed my eyes. Almost instantly, the answer rushed into my brain. “We're eleven years from when I should be, right?”

“Correct.” The princess smiled. “Also, you will always know how the timeline is supposed to be. I gave that gift to my old student...”

“Don't worry, Princess.” I said. “I can handle it.”

“I believe you. Before you go, I have a couple of rules and some advice.” She said. “For one, if you are in the past, do not change it. Time can be like dominoes, if you change one thing, the rest can fall. And also, be careful if you change something in the future and go even farther in the future, because the same principle applies there.

“Alright!” I said.

“Also, watch your mana carefully. You might have an unusual amount, but it will drain quickly if you aren't careful. And as for my advice, you can be creative with time, like to go into the past to see something when it was fixed or vice-versa. Don't be afraid to be creative.”

“I won't. Is there anything else that will help me?” I asked.

“Yes. Do you have any close friends, ones that you will trust with your closest secret?” She asked.

My mind instantly flashed to the Crusaders, but more notably to Sweetie Belle. Even though I had tried to just stay in the background, she was the one that got me to branch out more. And we had shared many secrets together. If there was anypony I trusted, it had to be her. I nodded. “Yes, my friend Sweetie Belle.”

“Dinky, you can ask her to help you.” The princess said. “But I need to warn you, her life will be changed as well. Before you tell her about this, make absolutely sure that it's worth the cost. Because I can tell you now that this won't be easy.”

“I will.” I said seriously. “Oh, and Princess?”

“Yes?” She responded.

“What do I say about this?” I pointed to my cutie mark.

“The truth. Say that it's related to time. I wouldn't show anything off until you've learned slowing magic. I don't think that someponies need to know about the fact that you can change the past.”

I giggled. “Yeah.”

Princess Drifting stood up, prompting me to do the same. “Remember, you need to find and master the five arts of time. Do not engage whoever has my old student's power until you do. Your mana will grow as you do.”

“Yes, Princess.” I said.

“And Dinky.” The princess reached down and wrapped me in a hug. “The best of luck to you. I'll see you again, in another time.”

“Count on it.” I said.

The princess stepped back, her horn lighting up. I felt my horn lighting up as well. “Remember, to time-travel, focus on the time, and connect it with your core.” She said. “Do it now!”

In my minds-eye, I pictured home. Then, I projected the illusion of flipping it forward eleven times until I saw it. I gasped. “That's my home.”

“Now, connect it with magic and cast the spell.” The princess said. “And I will see you again.”

My horn lit up brighter and flashed. Instantly the world started to melt away as I found myself in the purple void again, clocks floating all around me. “So, this must be the timeline.” I thought to myself. I felt my time closing in so I waited until the last second, and cut the spell. In a bright flash, the timeline was gone.

Present Day-Home of Derpy Hooves

“Heh.” I said to myself as I laid on my floor. I looked around, seeing that my walls weren't pink, they were green and purple. Two of my favorite colors. “I...I did it.” A wave of exhaustion fell over me. I looked at my clock that was still on the ground and saw that it was nine o clock. “I must have overshot.” I said.

Wearily, I walked over and climbed into my bed. “Tomorrow, everything changes.” I thought. I could have blamed it on not thinking, or being too rash, or maybe I really did want to help save the timeline. Whatever it was, it happened, and tomorrow I was going to see if I really wanted to make this choice.

I slightly smiled to myself as I let slumber overtake me. “And...so it begins.”