• Published 12th Apr 2013
  • 2,290 Views, 151 Comments

Beneath the Mask - TheDrunkenJinjo

One man's journey towards realizing that not everything is as it seems. Not even himself.

  • ...

Chapter 12 - Prone to Headaches

Braxton and Rainbow Dash charged at each other and were moments away from colliding when a shimmering purple barrier manifested in front of each of them. Braxton and Dash’s eyes widened in surprise and they skidded to a halt before impacting with their respective obstructions, and watched as the walls grew in size until they were encased in matching twin domes of glowing purple light.

“What the hell is this?” Braxton said, extremely confused.

“Hey, what’s the big idea?! What’s going on here?!” Rainbow asked more aggressively, albeit just as perplexed.

“Please, stop it! Both of you!!” They heard Twilight shout from the library doorway. The two combatants turned to see her standing there, along with the other mares and Spike. Twilight’s horn was aglow with her signature purple aura, and tears were streaming down her cheeks. Fluttershy and Pinkie Pie were crying as well, with the latter’s mane now completely deflated and hanging limply on the sides of her head. Applejack, however, wore an expression of stoic calmness, similar to the one her brother usually had, and Rarity simply stared at the two with a furrowed brow and a deep frown.

“Please stop fighting!” Twilight begged, “What are you accomplishing by doing this?!”

“I’m accomplishing kicking this thing’s flank up and down the streets of Ponyville!! Now let me outta here!” Rainbow shouted while trying, and failing, to break through Twilight’s bubble shield.

“Look around you, Rainbow! Everypony in town has been watching you two fight like animals!” Twilight pointed out.

Rainbow stopped struggling and did as Twilight instructed. She and Braxton looked behind themselves to see that, indeed, almost every single mare, stallion, colt, and filly on the streets in front of the library were staring at the scene they had made. Some even had their heads peeking out of the doorways and windows of their homes and shops to get a better view of the action. Now that the fight had died down, however, most of them began to go back to what they were doing previously while only giving the scene an occasional cursory glance.

As the ponies around town returned to their business, Braxton suddenly became distinctly aware of something soaking into the glove on his right hand. Before he even looked down at it, he instantly knew what it was. Dash’s blood ran down his knuckles in rivulets and dripped to form a tiny puddle on the ground near his feet. Braxton couldn’t help but grimace a little at the sight.

“It’s senseless for you two to be at each other’s throats like this! Rainbow Dash, what would the Princess say if she saw you, the Element of Loyalty, acting so violently towards somepony else?!” Twilight berated, her tears giving way to anger.

Rainbow’s face twisted into a look of anger. “Me?! I was just trying to protect you guys! Look at this!” She pointed to her broken nose, “You saw the way that thing attacked me! What about him, huh?!” Rainbow jabbed a hoof at Braxton, who was still looking down at his bloodied fist.

“Don’t be ridiculous, Rainbow! Braxton ain’t no threat! Fluttershy said it herself! ‘Sides, if I recall correctly, y’all was the one that jumped on him first.” Applejack stated.

Rainbow glared at Applejack incredulously. “Whatever, AJ! Just remember, when this thing turns on you all and tries to hurt somepony, don’t say I didn’t warn you!” Dash said, crossing her forearms.

“Twilight.” Braxton said, interrupting Rainbow’s tirade, “Do you mind if I go back inside? I need to wash my hands.” Without looking at them, Braxton raised his bloody fist to prove his point. The ponies visibly cringed at the sight and a couple of them, including Rainbow Dash, gagged and turned away. However, Fluttershy had the worst reaction, as her eyes rolled upwards and she fainted right on the spot.

Twilight choked down some bile with a hard swallow and said, “...U-Uh, I don’t think that’s a good idea. If I release you two, who’s to say you won’t just start fighting again?” Braxton raised his head and turned to look her dead in the eyes.

“So just release me, then. That way there won’t be an issue, right?” He asked calmly. Twilight still hesitated and shifted her eyes to the right in order to break away from his gaze. Braxton sighed when he saw the unicorn’s averseness to the idea. “Look, if you’re really that unsure about it then have one or two of your friends follow me inside so that you know there isn’t any funny business. Either way, I need to clean up soon. All of this blood is starting to soak into my gloves.” Braxton said in an eerily nonchalant voice.

His tone was not lost on the ponies by the door. A small shiver ran up their collective spines and Twilight shuffled on her hooves indecisively. After about a minute of contemplation, she turned to her friends and whispered, “Applejack, Pinkie Pie, go inside with Braxton and show him the way to the bathroom. Make sure nothing gets out of hoof, alright?” Twilight looked over at Fluttershy’s prone form and sighed. “Also, take Fluttershy with you so that she can tend to his injuries when she wakes up.” She added.

Applejack nodded and said, “Sure thing, Twi. We’ll keep an eye on him for ya.” The orange mare then hoisted Fluttershy onto her back with ease and trotted inside, with a still flat-maned Pinkie Pie following close behind.

“Rarity, Spike, we’ll stay out here with Rainbow Dash and try to calm her down.” Twilight addressed her remaining companions. They both gave nods of confirmation and Twilight returned her attention to Braxton. “Okay Braxton, I’m going to drop the shield so that you can go and, er... clean up. Pinkie and Applejack will show you where the bathroom is.” Twilight said as she lowered the magic dome surrounding Braxton.

“WHAT?!?!” Rainbow shouted in shock. “Twi, you can’t be serious! You’re just gonna let that thing walk?! What about me?!” Rainbow said as she gave her shield another hard buck.

“Like I said Rainbow, I can’t let both of you go right now or you’re liable to start fighting again. Also, Pinkie and AJ will be inside, too. There’s nothing to worry about, trust me.” Twilight said confidently.

Rainbow clearly still didn’t like it, but had little choice but to abide by her friends judgement. Dash plopped down on her haunches and grumbled out something along the lines of a consent as Braxton’s shield came down completely. As Braxton walked by Dash gave him the nastiest evil eye glare that she could muster, but the effect was lost as he kept his eyes pointed forwards at the library doorway.

“Thanks, Twi.” Braxton mumbled as he walked past them and through the doorway. Twilight nodded and, accompanied by Rarity and Spike, walked over to Dash’s bubble to try and talk her down.


Applejack carried Fluttershy over to the couch and laid her down on it gently with the help of Pinkie Pie. As they waited for her to come to, the two earth ponies heard steps coming from the doorway and turned to see Braxton entering. He walked over and glanced at Fluttershy’s sleeping form for a moment before addressing Pinkie and AJ.

“Do either of you girls know where the bathroom is?” He asked evenly.

Applejack nodded and pointed to the staircase. “Up the stairs, pardner. It’ll be the second door on your left.” She said. Braxton nodded and went up the stairway. He found the bathroom easily enough and entered, closing and locking the door behind him.

After she heard the bathroom door click shut, Applejack looked over to find Pinkie Pie sat on her haunches and staring intently at the stairs. She walked over and put an orange hoof on Pinkie’s shoulder, seemingly startling the party mare.

“Hey, sugarcube. Got somethin’ on your mind?” Applejack asked quietly.

Pinkie shook her head. “Nope. Why would you think that, AJ?” She said without facing Applejack. Pinkie tried to pull off her usual cheerful tone, but Applejack had no trouble seeing right through it.

The farm pony chuckled. “Heh. Your a terrible liar, Pinks. Almost as bad as me. It’s obvious ta' me that your upset ‘bout somethin’. Plus, your hair kinda gives it away.” Applejack said, gesturing to Pinkie’s flat mane.

Pinkie lifted a hoof and ran it through her straight locks. Now realizing how she looked, Pinkie chuckled mirthlessly. “Oh, yeah. I guess it kind of does, huh?” Pinkie said in a more somber tone. She lowered her hoof and continued to stare at the steps.

It wasn’t hard for Applejack to put two and two together. “...Does it got somethin’ ta' do with Braxton?” She asked. Pinkie tensed up slightly and Applejack knew she had hit the nail on the head.

Pinkie’s shoulders sagged and she finally turned to face Applejack. Her eyes were still a little red and puffy from the crying she had done outside, and dried tear streaks stained her ever-so-slightly darker pink fur.

“Yeah, it does.” Pinkie admitted. She then went strangely quiet for a second or two as she contemplated how to say what was on her mind. “...Applejack, can I ask you something?” Pinkie said, looking directly into Applejack green eyes.

“Anythin’, sugarcube.” Applejack said with a serious expression.

Pinkie Pie sighed deeply and glanced back at the stairs. “...Does Braxie seem a little...I-I don’t know...off to you?” She asked quietly.

Applejack’s face took on a deadpan expression. “Pinkie, Braxton is basically a six-foot tall, furless, talkin’ alien monkey that we all ran into in the Everfree Forest. Ah think callin’ him off is kind of an understatement.” She said.

Pinkie giggled in her usual cheerful manner, but quickly returned to being serious. “No, that’s not what I mean.” Pinkie said with a small shake of her head, “I mean off as in...oh, how can I put this? Umm...his laugh.” She said, looking back at Applejack.

AJ arched an eyebrow questioningly. “His laugh? Ah reckon it’s a mite goofy soundin’, but it ain’t that strange. What’s wrong with it?” She asked.

“Well, I’ve actually been thinking about it for a while. Ever since I heard him laugh that first time in the forest. Back then it sounded mostly fine, but every time after that it’s been...really weird. Almost like it was forced or something.” Pinkie explained.

Applejack thought it over for a minute. Had Braxton been forcing laughter? It sure didn’t sound like it to her. Applejack put her hoof on Pinkie’s shoulder again and said, “Listen, sugarcube. D’ya think that ya... might be just hearin’ things? Maybe over-thinkin’ a little? Ah mean, Ah can spot a faker a mile away, and Braxton’s laugh seemed mighty genuine ta me.” Applejack said.

Pinkie’s ears drooped and she looked at the floor. “I don’t know, AJ. Maybe I am just over-thinking things.” She said doubtfully.

Applejack hated to see her friend so downtrodden, and looked around the room to find something to change the subject with. She noticed that the library had become a little messy again after Braxton and Dash’s scuffle.

“Hey, Pinkie. The library’s gotten ta be a tad dirty again. What say you and me do Twi a favor and clean up while we wait fer Fluttershy ta wake up?” Applejack suggested.

Pinkie perked up a little and smiled. “Sure, AJ. Let’s get to work.” She said as she stood back up. Applejack nodded firmly and went over to one side of the room, while Pinkie went to the other, and the two mares set about their task.


Braxton closed the bathroom door and instantly spotted the sink. Trudging over to it, Braxton set the faucet to hot and removed his gloves. He washed them and his hands until they were completely free of blood, and then dried them with a nearby towel. Braxton sat the gloves on the counter and took a look at himself in the mirror, and balked at what he saw.

He looked like a wreck. His face had a hoof-shaped bruise directly on his right cheek and, just as he thought, another dark bruise had begun to form just under his left eye. The corner of his mouth had a trickle of dried blood running down it, and he could see that he had a small cut on his bottom lip as well.

Braxton sighed at his reflection and cupped his hands under the running faucet. He splashed the water on his face and scrubbed off any dirt and blood he had seen. He dried his face and looked back in the mirror to find that he did look better, but not by much. The bruises were still there, but at least now they were clean.

He saw that his clothes did not fare much better than his face. His shirt and pants had patches of dirt on them, as well as his coat, which also had a long rip on the sleeve. As he patted the grime off of his clothes, Braxton noticed something.

Despite the injuries done to his face, his body looked and felt perfectly fine. A little sore from the recent exertion, but otherwise nothing at all. This instantly struck him as strange. He had been hit multiple times in the torso at high speeds by Rainbow Dash, so he knew that he should at least have some bruises, if not internal bleeding or broken bones.

Braxton finished patting himself down and looked in the mirror once more. His clothes were now somewhat dirt free and his face was moderately presentable, with the exception of the huge shiner, of course. Braxton briefly thought about taking a shower as well, but decided against it so not to possibly risk overstepping his bounds in Twilight’s home.

Almost without thinking about it, Braxton found himself reaching a hand into his coat pocket and pulling out his pocket-watch. He held it up to eye level and admired the gold trimming as it glinted in the light, becoming lost in the sea of thoughts and memories that the keepsake represented.

Finally surfacing from his daydreams, Braxton sighed as he studied the watch. “...Sure has been one hell of a day so far, huh?” He asked aloud. The watch didn’t respond, not that Braxton expected it to, but he always found the lack of a response somehow comforting.

Braxton returned the watch to his pocket, strapped on his gloves, and went to leave the bathroom. As soon as he wrapped his fingers around the handle, however, Braxton felt a sharp pain in the back of his head. His eyes widened and soon his entire head was throbbing with pain, as if someone had stabbed it with a thousand needles simultaneously.

He released the door handle and gripped his aching head with both hands. Braxton muffled a cry and fell to his knees, the pain becoming far too intense to even stay standing. Braxton felt his breathing becoming more labored and saw darkness begin to creep on the edges of his vision. He wrenched his eyes shut and clenched his teeth, drawing every ounce of his willpower to avoid passing out on the bathroom tile.

Eventually, the aching began to slowly subside until it had all but vanished, with the only evidence of it being a dull throb. Braxton opened his eyes to find that his vision had cleared completely and his breathing, while still slightly ragged, was no longer a harsh wheeze. Braxton put a hand on the door to steady himself as he stood back up.

‘What the fuck was that?! It felt just like what happened in the forest...only about ten times worse! What’s happening to me...?’ Braxton wondered as he leaned on the bathroom door. He spotted a medicine cabinet across the room and quickly walked over to it.

“Maybe Twi has some aspirin or something.” Braxton said as he opened the cabinet. He searched it and only found one thing matching what he was looking for. He reached in and grabbed a large blue bottle with a very strange label. “What the...? Rainbow Tylenol? ...That doesn’t sound healthy. Wait, why the shit can I read this one?!” Braxton exclaimed, highly confused. He scanned the cabinet again to make sure that this was the only option.

Unfortunately, it was, if only because he couldn't read any other bottle. Braxton sighed and looked at the bottle again. “Ugh, whatever. Better than nothin’.” Braxton shrugged. He popped two pills in his mouth, swallowed and returned the medicine to the cabinet. Now sufficiently drugged, he opened the bathroom door and walked out, hoping that episode he just had would be the last.


Twilight. Rarity, and Spike stood in front of Rainbow Dash’s bubble while the captive sat on her haunches, forelegs folded in irritation. None of them said anything for a moment, the outsiders had their eyes pinned to Rainbow’s nose, which was still trickling a little blood.

“Rainbow Dash, your nose is broken.” Twilight helpfully pointed out.

Rainbow half-lidded her eyes in bemusement. “No, really? Great deduction there, Brainiac.” She said snarkily.

Twilight rolled her eyes at the testy pegasus as her horn lit up for a spell. “This is going to hurt for a moment, Dash.” Twilight said.

Rainbow only had time to raise an eyebrow before her muzzle took on Twilight’s purple aura. Suddenly, Dash felt her bones shift with a loud *CRACK* and she instantly reeled backwards in pain.

“AUUUGGGHHH!!!!” Dash screamed as she rolled on the ground in agony. As the pain ebbed away, Dash stood up and glared at Twilight. “OW! What the heck was that for?!” She said, flaring her wings in anger.

“I fixed your nose for you. Not entirely, mind you, as the spell only works so well. It’ll still be sore for a couple of days, but at least now you won’t have to go to the hospital.” Twilight informed.

Dash lifted a hoof to her muzzle to find that it was indeed no longer broken. “Hey! Awesome! My nose is better! Thanks, Twi, I--! ...U-Ugh...” Dash trailed off as she removed her hoof to find that some blood had clung to it.

Twilight noticed Rainbow’s disgust. “We’ll let you go get cleaned up in a minute Rainbow, but first we have to talk to you.” She said.

“Talk? About what?” Dash asked, forgetting about her bloody hoof for the moment.

“I’ll just cut to the chase. We want to know why you hold so much animosity towards Braxton.” Twilight said.

“Uh...ani-what now?” Rainbow asked, confused.

“How come you don’t like the big guy?” Spike spoke in simpler terms.

Rainbow Dash’s confused look turned into an irritated scowl. “Oh. That thing.” Rainbow said with as much venom as she could muster.

“Rainbow Dash, Braxton is not a thing! He has been nothing but a gentlecolt since we met him in the forest!” Rarity exclaimed.

“A gentlecolt?! He broke my nose! And earlier he insulted my mane!” Rainbow reminded them.

“While I will admit that was perhaps a little uncalled for, you are not innocent either. All day I have heard you do nothing but insult and belittle him! Anypony would have plenty of reason to get angry after that.” Rarity said.

Twilight spoke up next. “Rarity’s right, Rainbow. Name one other thing Braxton has done to earn the way you’ve been treating him.” She challenged.

Rainbow opened her mouth but stopped short. She tried and tried to think of something, but came up blank every time. She was put on the spot with no way out, and her friends stares were not helping. Finally, she let out a loud groan of resignation and threw her hooves up.

“Okay, fine! I can’t think of anything! Happy now?! But I still don’t trust it!” Dash said as she crossed her forelegs again.

“Why in Equestria not, Rainbow Dash?! He saved my little sister, for Celestia’s sake!” Rarity stated, becoming rather angry.

Rainbow walked over to the shield wall and narrowed her eyes at the white unicorn. “Can you prove that it did that? Were you there? Did you see it?” Rainbow interrogated.

“W-Well, no, but--”

“Exactly!” Rainbow exclaimed, “You didn’t! It may not have done anything for me to not trust it, but it hasn’t done anything to earn my trust either! It’s gotta do something big to prove that it’s trustworthy. Until then, nothing doing!” She said with finality.

Twilight, Rarity, and Spike exchanged contemplative looks for a moment, racking their brains for a way around Rainbow’s stubbornness. Finally, Twilight sighed in an exasperated fashion. “Fine, Rainbow, think whatever you want. Just promise me that you’ll stop getting on Braxton’s case all the time. I don’t want to have to break up another fight between you two.” Twilight said.

Rainbow was about to object, but from the look on Twilight’s face she realized this was an argument she wouldn’t be winning. Rainbow sighed and muttered something along the lines of an agreement. Satisfied, Twilight lowered the shield and said, “Good. Now go and get cleaned up, Rainbow. All of that blood is kinda gross.” Rainbow nodded and flew back into the library, with her three friends not far behind.


Braxton closed the bathroom door and began to descend the steps back into the living room when he noticed a certain blue pegasus round the corner. As soon as Dash saw him, her face contorted into a scowl, and Braxton returned with one of his own. As they passed each other, Dash turned her nose up at Braxton with a huff and, as an added insult, her prismatic tail slapped him across the face as she fluttered past.

Braxton let out a growl of annoyance and turned to say something, but was cut off by the bathroom door slamming shut. “Tsk. Yeah, fuck you, too.” He mumbled under his breath, and he finished making his way down the stairs. He looked around to find Applejack and a normal, poofy-maned Pinkie straightening up the library, Fluttershy still unconscious on the couch, and Twilight, Spike, and Rarity entering through the library doorway.

Twilight quickly used her magic to fix the door that had been blown off its hinges in the fight and turned to see Braxton over by the stairs. “Braxton! Are you alright?” She asked worriedly, seeing the bruises on his face.

Braxton waved a hand dismissively. “Well, I’ve been better, but it’s not too bad.” He assured her.

“Are you sure?” Twilight asked, “I just patched up Rainbow Dash with my magic. I could do the same for your bruises!” She began to light up her horn.

“NO!” Braxton shouted. Thoughts of what her magic did to his phone flashed in Braxton’s head, and he was none too keen on the idea of having it applied to his face. Braxton quickly realized he had acquired the attention of every conscious pony in the room and he blushed shyly. “Uh...I-I mean, no, thank you, Twilight. I-It’s just a bruise and a black eye. All I need is some ice and the swelling will go down on its own.” He said, hoping she would buy it.

Thankfully, she did. The light dimmed from her horn and she said, “Okay, if you say so. There should be a spare ice pack I keep on hoof in the freezer.” Twilight pointed a hoof to the kitchen. Braxton thanked her and made his way over to the freezer, finding the ice pack with relative ease.

He sat on the couch next to Fluttershy’s prone body and put the ice pack over his left eye, wincing a little at the coldness of it. Braxton tilted his head back to look at the ceiling and sighed deeply as he contemplated what he would do next.

“Something troubling you, darling?” He heard a sophisticated voice say, drawing him out of his thoughts. He looked down to find the four mares and Spike staring up at him. Braxton leaned forward and sighed again.

“Not really. Just thinking, mostly.” Braxton said.

“About what, sugarcube?”Applejack inquired.

“...I was thinking that... maybe it would be best if I left.” Braxton admitted.

The ponies reeled back in shock at Braxton’s statement. “Left?!” Twilight repeated, “Why would you leave?”

Braxton shrugged. “Look, it’s clear that me and Dash aren’t going to be getting along any time soon. And I don’t want to somehow drive a wedge between you all by constantly fighting with her. She’s obviously not going anywhere, so I guess that means I have to.” He explained with a flat tone.

“Absolutely not!” Rarity exclaimed, “I expressly forbid it! Think about what you are saying, Braxton. You are the only one of your kind here! You have no home, no money, no job, and you don’t know anypony outside of us! How will you survive?” Rarity said, hoping to talk sense into him.

“Listen, I appreciate your concern, Rarity, but I’ve been traveling for over ten years. You don’t think I’ve been to places full of people I don’t know, languages I can’t speak, and things I don’t understand? Of course I have, but I always find a way. And I will here, too.” Braxton declared.

The ponies wore deep frowns as they racked their brains to think of something, anything, that would convince him to stay. It almost seemed hopeless, until a loud burp interrupted their brainstorm.

They all turned to see a green lick of fire escape Spike’s mouth and quickly transform into a scroll wrapped in red ribbon. Twilight caught the scroll with her magic, unwrapped it and read the contents to herself. Her eyes widened gradually as she read until they reached the last word, and she lowered the paper and turned to address the room.

“It’s a letter from the Princess. She’s very interested in meeting Braxton as soon as possible.” Twilight swallowed nervously before saying the last part.

“A chariot will be here within the hour.”

Author's Note:

Yeah, turns out I kinda built up that hype last chapter for nothing. Sorry about that. But, hey! At least it got you pumped, and that's what matters, right? ...Right?

Anyway, don't forget to comment, rate, and subscribe (Or your regional equivalent thereof)! Bye!