• Published 12th Apr 2013
  • 1,894 Views, 52 Comments

Winter's Grasp - Zman537

A eighteen year old gets sent into a freezing adventure

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A Frigid Beginning

Outside my new house, a blizzard raged with a fury I couldn't describe ever seeing before in my life. I was busy working on some projects I was given by my dick of a boss that needed to be done by the end of the week. The fucking...

But before I go off into a rant, let me introduce myself. My name is Zachary Yorkson. I’m eighteen and I’ve been living here in Nebraska for about fifteen years now, and I quite frankly, find this place to be ABSOLUTELY BORING!! One good thing about this place, is the snow and how much there is of it.

Ah... snow. You fall so gently from above, making everything cold, white...

And give me a reason to run around like a complete idiot in public.

What? Winter’s awesome. There’s no better season in existence! Fall’s a close second though.... Anyways, I was busy working on a concept drawing for some game that he was trying to make, and failing rather hard. Something involving undead people saving existence or something or other. The concept was good, but he was a complete idiot when it came to making the battle system and such actually work.

I had just finished drawing the main character’s default outfit when something broke through my window and sent the weather outside into a free-for-all in my room, scattering all my work into the windswept frenzy. “GOD DAMN- What the fuck!”

I ran up to the window and saw the fist sized hole in the glass and sighed. “Damnit... I just bought this place and now I have to fix it up even MORE! Now what the fuck caused all this?” I looked around the room and saw what looked like a glass marble about the size of an eye. “The fuck is this?”

I picked up the small sphere and saw that it actually was made of ice and was, surprisingly, indeed an eyeball. “Oooooooookay? Who the hell tossed an expertly crafted eyeball at my window? It’s a complete waste.”

I felt an increasing numbness crawl up my arm and the eye glowed before frost began to form around my hand. “WHAT THE FUCK!?” I tried to let go of the damned eye only to find my fingers were frozen in place. I pried my hand open and saw the eye was frozen to the center of my hand. “GET OFF ME YOU LITTLE-” I felt something cut into my arm and saw a slightly red snowflake fall to the ground near my feet.

The wind suddenly kicked up and smashed the last of my window and started to swirl around me, slightly lifting me off the ground. I felt many small cuts along my arms, legs and face as my body slowly froze from the extreme lack of heat. I, despite how unmanly this makes me sound, screamed like a bitch from the amount of pain I felt, and just so you know it was completely justified! I was practically being frozen alive for fuck’s sake!

When the wind dissipated my room (and all of my fucking gaming gear) were replaced by a foggy, cold, bluish grey room that seemed endless. “So..... our successor... has arrived....” I whirled around and saw a pair of glowing blue eyes staring at me. The one in my hand glowed the same blue and I backed away some.

“What the hell....”

A second pair appeared to my right and another voice that was eerily similar to the first. “Do not.... be afraid.... young one....” A third set formed to my left. “We are..... simply looking.... for one.... who can use.... our power.”

I looked between the three sets of eyes in slight fear and curiosity. “Just.... what are you?”

The eyes moved to sit in front of me and a trio of ghostly blue horses walked... er, floated forwards. “We are..... the Wendigos....and you...... are our heir.... to our might.”

I looked at them and stood. “So.... you chose me?”

Two of them collapsed into themselves and the last one looked straight at me. “No.... you were.... fortunate enough..... to have this remnant..... of us.... come into..... your possession.”

I looked at the eye again and it’s glowing started to fade. “So what now? Do I get anything from this besides an eye stuck to the palm of my hand?”

The Wendigo nodded and looked towards the ground, where an icy puddle formed at my feet. “My brothers and I...... were destroyed.....by a force...... that was...... unknown to us..... at the time....” I saw an image of a wendigo appear in the ice. “We were..... spirits.... of Ice.... and hate.....controlling the weather...... and feeding..... off of hate..... creating blizzards...... that could freeze..... entire realms....... at will.....”

I looked down at the ice and nodded. “Huh.... so by being your successor..... I get to do all of that?” I looked up at them and felt a forceful chill run down by back.

The Wendigo chuckled in it’s hollow voice. “Yes.... all the powers..... me and my brothers.... once held.... now belong..... to you....” It smiled evilly and I felt another chill run up my spine, stronger than the last. “...at a price....”

I slowly looked at him in shock. “A price?.... A PRICE!?” Damnit why is there ALWAYS A FUCKING PRICE FOR THIS KIND OF BULLSHIT!! It’s so annoying when I read stories and play games where this kind of crap happens!!

oh wait.... getting sidetracked..... need to focus on what’s happening right now.

“You will not....... be able....... to return....... to your home...... Instead.... you will awaken..... in our domain....” The Wendigo started to fade and I swear it grinned. “The more..... you use...... our power.... The stronger.... you will grow.....” The fog slowly started to swirl around me as it faded. “Farewell.....young one.... May the fates.... be on your side....”

The fog became a mass of swirling cloud that started to freeze my limbs on contact. “FUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUU-” I blacked out from the pain as the cloudy mass shot in all directions.