• Published 13th Apr 2013
  • 933 Views, 24 Comments

New Equestria: The Harmony Age - Roguewire

Long ago, ponies migrated to a far away galaxy through a wormhole, which trapped them within. Follow the adventures and trials of six intrepid ponies who have risen to a league above all else, and who dodge danger and intrigue with their every step.

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Chapter 8

To say that he was surprised was reasonable. To say that he was underprepared was not entirely accurate. To say that he was unhappy was a dire understatement.

Flare was furious.

He had convinced quite a gaggle of miscreants to come along with him. They were the generic pirates and all-encompassing scum who were looking for a quick credit and the cheaply-gained jolt of ill-gotten adrenalin. It was a complete mistake to let them take the opening shots.

That outpost was not owned by Harmony but by Lai Dai Protection Services. Why else would Harmony’s hot-shot Pegasus be followed by a Protection Services Tengu? They had routed the collection of ships that he had picked up, and as soon as he had to physically interfere with the fight he was ambushed by a group of ponies from SilentStorm.

Villasen was just one jump over from the Korasen system, where he was now floating in his capsule. He counted himself as fortunate that by now he had not been chased down by their freelance dogs.

He called his boss. Video calls would be useless for a capsuleer, who was floating in a sealed capsule of ectoplasmic goo. This call was audio-only.

The connection required a minute or so.

“Executive office,” came the highly nasal voice of his boss’s secretary. It was a voice that made Flare’s bile rise. Of all of the many ponies, griffins and assorted intelligent creatures that his corporation owned and employed, one of, if not his least favorite his boss’s secretary.

“It’s Flare,” he spoke through ground teeth. “I need to talk to Scelus.”

“Mister Sceleris is unavailable right now,” she spoke with condescension, adding emphasis on the “mister” as if to chide Flare for informality. “He is on a business call at this time. Call back later.”

Everypony in the know understood that the secretary of Scelus Sceleris used the business call excuse when he was occupied with whatever depraved self-indulgent vice he was enjoying at that hour. He really did not care whatever or whomever Scelus was in, Flare needed to talk to him right this minute.

“I need to talk to Scelus right bucking now. If I have to come down there in my capsule and buck his door in myself, I’m bucking you through it.”

There was a minute of silence on the other end of the phone. Sceleus’ secretary was not intimidated by Flare; nopony could intimidate Scelus’ secretary, not even Scelus himself.

“Transferring you to Scelus,” she spoke, and her nauseatingly nasal voice was replaced with the slow, soft tones of a synthesized alto saxophone playing a jazz tune.

A telephone receiver was picked up.

“Flare, what happened?”

Scelus’ voice said everything: some poor pony was the subject of a highly sadistic pastime that Flare was interrupting, and that this call has better be very important.

“Get a bunch of local pirates, you said. Offer them some bits for blowing up a Harmony starbase, then off them, you said. Two problems. One, that starbase wasn’t owned by Harmony, it was a Lai Dai starbase. Two, parasprites are smarter than Black Rise pirates!” Flare let his anger seethe through his words. He was an angry pony by nature, and Scelus, who had worked with him for years, knew better than to dike his ocean of bile.

“Did they send a response?” Scelus asked.

“Two ships. One of Harmony’s, one of Lai Dai’s,” Flare answered. “Harmony sent a mare with a Stabber. Easy target, scrapped the thing in one shot. A Tengu was with her. Yes, I know; how did Lai Dai Protection Services get a bucking Tengu? Well, they sent one with her. Those idiot pirates were too eager to get some action out of one of the most sophisticated ships in the galaxy.”

“And then?” Scelus continued.

“SilentStorm is what happened,” Flare spat, “A bunch of hotshot noponies who don’t have enough on their hooves to try and stay out of somepony else’s business.”

There was a pause on the other end.

“I presume that your Naga is now everywhere?” Scelus asked.

Flare accessed his NEOCOM, and composed an email to Scelus. He enclosed within the email his Naga’s killmail, a document sent to both members of a conflict about whose ship was blown up by whom and how much in the hole that pony was.

“There’s the killmail,” Flare spoke as he sent the email to Scelus. “Now get somepony over here to Korasen. I’m in a pod and I don’t need to come home the fast way.”

“I’ll send Quera to get you, but we will need to get our cynosural pilots into position. We’ll need a few hours to move you around. Now, if we are done here, I have business to continue,” Scelus finished with a mix of authority and impatience.

“We’re done.” Flare ended the connection.

Somepony was about to turn from the subject of Scleus’ depravity to the subject of Scelus’ fury in nothing flat. Flare felt absolutely nothing about it; it was better somepony else than him.

Now he had to wait. In a capsule. In the middle of space.



The Ishukone Watch Assembly Plant orbiting over Daras III was the only space station in the entire Daras System, and its presence at a system of low-security directly adjacent to high-security space made it a haven for traders, explorers, arms dealers and pirates alike. It was SilentStorm that kept them all in line.

SilentStorm owned a considerable amount of office space on the station, which they had converted into a clubhouse for its pilots. The only space which had real corporate office use was in the rear.

The entire SilentStorm clubhouse was decorated with multicolor balloons, streamers and confetti. There was a large cake which was assumed to have enough for at least one piece per pony in attendance. While Pinkie Pie would have opted for pin-the-tail-on-the-dragon, the SilentStorm pilots had set up several ping-pong tables for games of ciderpong. The capsule-shaped piñata did, however, inspire plenty of mirth.

There was a great deal of life to the Fluttershy-saved-somepony-who-could-have-died-in-a-fireball party. Aside from Harmony and SilentStorm, the latter invited more ponies that they were friendly with, and Karita had come to the party on the promise of meeting Silent Storm himself.

An hour or so into the party, things were looking successful. A few ponies had gathered near the ciderpong tables, where they were treated to Rainbow Dash repeatedly forcing the unfortunate unicorn on the other side to drink cup after cup of cider. Rarity had wandered off with a few socialite-seeming capsuleers, and Applejack and Fluttershy had melted into the party.

Twilight Sparkle passed the booth which was occupied by Short Wave, the unicorn electronic countermeasure extraordinaire of SilentStorm. His hooves danced across a turntable, and a pair of small but powerful speakers blared airy electronic melodies loud enough to be at the forefront of one's ears.

The party was a light break from corporate activities, but Twilight had a pressing matter to attend to: the destruction of Rarity's Retriever, as well as the possibility of the event being corporate sabotage. After perusing the killmail from the Naga kill and a Manticore destroyed in Villasen, Twilight discovered a connection to the two events that stuck out like a sore hoof.

As she searched for Rarity, she trotted past a cluster of ponies that she recognized as Pinkie Pie's Firbolg pilots and SilentStorm's premier interceptor pilot, Rose Red. The attractive Earth pony made whispered something inaudible into the ear of the younger Pegasus pilot, eliciting plenty of teasing laughter when his wings unfurled and his face turned as red as an apple. Suddenly the red and pink mare was physically dragging him toward a side room to the sound of teasing in Gallentean from his squadronmates.

Twilight found Pinkie Pie dancing energetically to the party's music. She knew that if there was a pony who would be in the midst of celebration and still accurately pinpoint who was where, it was Pinkie Pie.

"Pinkie Pie, have you seen Rarity anywhere?" she asked over the music.

"Oh yeah, she went to Roc's room. It's too bad that she isn't a party pony like everypony else here is! Oh wait, there's Fluttershy!" Pinkie Pie zipped away with that. At least Twilight got it out of her before she bolted away.

Still, Twilight questioned what Pinkie Pie considered enjoying a party; an intoxicated unicorn stumbling away from the ciderpong tables, SilentStorm's cynosural pilot burying his face into a small pile of Exile, occasional sounds of sensuality emanating from a side room. Despite these all being side effects of inviting all of SilentStorm and friends to a Pinkie Pie party, it still was not Twilight Sparkle's kind of party.

A door in the back of the clubhouse opened for Twilight, and after trotting through it closed behind her, muffling the electronic music in the party room. The thumping of the bass beat was still audible through the door, muffled as it was.

A silver-maned Earth Pony with thick glasses came out of a door in the hallway. An insulated mug of steaming liquid was held in a hoof.

"Twilight Sparkle," she spoke, "I didn't expect to see you here."

"Hello, Silverfin. Everypony came. I need to talk to Rarity, have you seen her anywhere?"

"Rarity went in back with Karita and Rocardo, and whatever young female he is paying to be his escort tonight," Silverfin said with a hint of annoyance. "Don't even get me started about the party. I'm trying to reinvent a Paladin, and everypony in the corp decided to turn on some loud music, snort some potent narcotics, get wasted, and wake up in the morning with neither any recollection of the night before nor clothing."

She took a sip from her mug. Twilight could see that Silverfin's eyes were bloodshot, and her ear twitched like it did when she drank too much coffee.

"Should you tone down the coffee a bit? You're all bloodshot," Twilight said with friendly concern.

"Nah, I need it to focus. I can't focus with the music coming through the walls. It's Amarrian dark roast, special preserve. The Deacon knows where to get this stuff. Good horseapples," Silverfin spoke with the focus of a pony who was only awake because of the coffee. She offered the mug toward Twilight. "Want a mug?"

"No thanks, but maybe later," Twilight said as she continued to trot past Silverfin.

"Suit yourself, just don't stay too long. If this party goes any longer I'm going to start shooting."

As Silverfin retreated back into the room she came in from and as Twilight continued down the hallway, she passed through a second automatic door. As it closed behind her, all sound from the other side of the door fell silent. The only sounds to accompany her through the hallway were her own hoof beats on the carpeting of the floor and from the door to her left.

The door was stained wood with an emerald-colored frosted glass window dominating the upper half. A brass doorknob was decorated with twisting engravings and set with crystal in its center. There was a sound of muffled conversation emanating through the door.

Twilight telekinetically twisted the doorknob and opened the door, stepping into the room that was frequented by one griffon in particular.

The room looked like an old-fashioned smoking lounge from a time long gone by. One wall featured a stocked liquor bar, the bottles catching the soft light coming from the shelves. Oak paneling skirted the walls of the room, and many oil paintings of various scenes in New Equestria hung on the green felt of the walls like one would see in an art museum; landscapes, works of architecture, ships and famous ponies and griffons. Another wall was lined with bookshelves filled with books which, much to Twilight's amazement on her first venture into the lounge, were genuine books containing far more than articles on space travel and other infomorphological studies on capsuleers. A large copper model of a Rokh-class battleship rested on a pedestal; to the side was a crystal case containing dozens of medals and commendations of Caldari origin.

Rarity easily stuck out in the room, her off-white coat and regrowing indigo mane and tail contrasting against the dark brown panel of the walls and emerald velvet carpet. Reclining on a sapphire-blue chaisé lounge, she was accompanied in the room by three other seated individuals.

Karita was at the party after being invited by Pinkie Pie, but she retreated directly to the rear offices upon entering the SilentStorm clubhouse. Rather than lose herself in the stupor that was the party room of the clubhouse, she instead chose to personally acquaint herself with a Pegasus that was somewhat of a celebrity in the Malariya Constellation.

A dark blue Pegasus with an unkempt mane and a tail of many hues of blue sat in an attentive but stoic posture. Silent Storm was the CEO of the namesake corporation, and beneath his calm exterior was a natural-born killer ready to take flight. His flanks were criss-crossed with lightning bolts, the tattoos hiding his cutie mark, which Twilight herself had never seen before.

"So after doing away with the pirates blocking the stargate, I turned to leave when I spotted a cargo container floating among the wreckage. I scanned the container to determine its contents and was surprised to find life signs within. By curiosity I retrieved the container and opened it personally when I returned, and who would have known that the zebra within would become our most proficient stealth bomber pilot?" The gruff and aged, yet highly cultured voice of the room's fourth occupant spoke to the other three.

Rocardo was an aged, grizzled male griffon who frequented the posh lounge in SilentStorm's offices. He wore a robe that the ultra-rich tended to don while relaxing in front of a fireplace, and held a considerably large pipe in the talons of one hand. The aged Caldari Navy veteran was an icon in stereotypical imagery of old and retired military officers with nothing left to do but sit, drink and reminisce.

"The lesson to be learned is that there is a potential for greatness in all beings of New Equestria, and well as the potential for unbelievable incompetence. I should cite the Empire's Prince Blueblood."

"Oh, do not get me started!" Rarity interjected as she levitated a snifter of amber liquid. "That stallion is most likely the most egregious, snobbiest, least gentlecoltly oaf to ever enter the Amarr court of nobility. It is a wonder that he ever rose to any sort of stature whatsoever!" She punctuated her statement with a sip of her drink.

"Mostly because he is the nephew of the Empress, which puts him as next in line for the heir of House Celestia," Twilight spoke in an agreeing tone, showing her equal distaste for the Amarr noblestallion.

“Ah, Miss Sparkle,” Rocardo greeter her cordially, “have you come to join our soirée away from that noise outside? Care for a drink as well?”

“Maybe just a coffee, thank you,” Twilight replied as she sat across from Rarity on a very comfortable cushion.

Rocardo left his large plush seat and moved to the bar, upon which was also a coffee pot filled with a deep-brown steaming brew.

“I hope that you don’t mind a less bitter Matari cut of coffee. That rocket fuel that Silverfin drinks is bad for the digestive tract, as well as one’s heard,” he spoke as he poured Twilight a cup. “Rarity was telling us of the encounter she had the other day with a Naga. Mining barges do not hold up to warships very well.”

“That is actually the reason why I am here,” Twilight explained as she levitated the cup from Rocardo’s talons. “I did some digging and some double-checking, and I think there is a connection between the other day and today. I analyzed the killmails from Rarity’s Retriever and Silent Storm’s Naga kill, and I found that the Nagas were actually the same one.”

She took a sip of her coffee. “There was something else that I noticed. Rarity, there were stealth bombers following the Naga that attacked you, right? Karita, there were stealth bombers among the frigates that attacked you in Villasen, correct?”

Both capsuleers nodded.

“Again, same ships and same pilots. But, they were from a different corporation than the Naga that attacked us, which means that I’m going to have to have a talk with a certain unicorn.” She let that last part come out particularly maliciously, and took a sip of her coffee.


“No, Pinkie Pie, really, it’s fine,” Fluttershy meekly protested as Pinkie Pie gently but firmly pushed her toward the conversing Firbolg pilots. “You don’t have to introduce me.”

“Really, I insist!” Pinkie Pie replied. “After all, we threw this party because of you, and I’m sure that Captain Rafale would love to meet you!”

Some more gentle pushing brought the two ponies face-to-face with Pinkie Pie’s pilots.

“Hey, everypony! I’d like you to meet Fluttershy! Fluttershy, this is Captain Rafale, Captain Tonnerre, and their wingponies Glace, Saule, who you rescued, Érable, and where is Oie?”

“Oh, Oie went to get some air. He should be somewhere by the atrium,” spoke the pale-amber Pegasus among them.

“I’ve got to find him! He shouldn’t be missing a great party!” Pinkie Pie exclaimed as she shot for the door of the office, complete with a sound similar to a bullet ricochet.

Fluttershy bashfully dragged her hoof at the steel floor, unsure how to begin conversation with the fighter pilots.

“He’s not really at the atrium,” spoke the same Pegasus. “Rose Red dragged Oie into one of the side rooms for a bit of her own brand of fun. We probably won’t see them for the rest of the night, and we just bought you some time. Pinkie Pie can be quite overbearing at times.”

“Oh, thank you, um…” Fluttershy stammered quietly, barely audible over the party.

He took her hoof and shook it cordially. “Captain Rafale. Once again I cannot thank you enough for saving Lieutenant Saule’s life. All of my pilots are one-of-a-kind, and to lose even a single one of them is an irreparable tragedy.”

The grey Earth Pony—Saule—stepped forward.

“Fluttershy, I cannot thank you enough for rescuing me. Capsuleers have a reputation for a complete disregard for the lives of others, but you are truly different.”

“Thanks,” Fluttershy replied meekly. “I just want to help as many ponies as I can. That’s why I became a capsuleer.”

“Yes, I heard that you were a member of the Sisters of FAUST for a time, is that correct?” Rafale inquired.

Fluttershy nodded. The Sisters of FAUST was an organization that, not unlike the Amarr, held Princess Celestia to have a divine nature. They were also the primary humanitarian organization in the entire galaxy. With an influence that stretched from end to end of New Eden, they brought food, medicine and aid to as many ponies as they possibly could.

The grey-blue Pegasus, Glaice, looked at a wristwatch near the end of his hoof. It’s holographic display came to life as he raised it to his eyes.

“Oie has been in there a long time,” he commented with a sly grin just forming.

“Yes, but he is a very charming young stallion. I’m sure he could charm any mare he wanted to,” the great Earth Pony, Captain Tonnerre, replied to Glaice’s speech.

“Well,” Glaice spoke with smugness, “I’m sure that with the moves that he knows he can get legions of mares following him around.”

“Glaice,” Saule quickly interjected, “wherever he learned those moves it certainly was not from a letch like you.”

Before Glaice could fire back what Fluttershy was sure would have been a witty comeback, a loud snort projected from the grape-purple Unicorn pilot, followed by roaring laughter. She rolled onto her back from the intensity of her laughing fit, broken intermittently by mirthful shouting in Gallentean.

Rafale turned to Fluttershy. “That’s our Érable. Just about anything gets her going after a few ciders, and nothing gets her going like ribbing at Glaice.”

Glaice turned to Rafale and spoke defensively in Gallentean, only for Rafale’s reply to send the rest of them into bouts of laughter and Érable into an even harder fit of laughter.

As much as she would have enjoyed their company, Fluttershy’s Gallentean was terrible when she did not have access to a universal translator, and she slipped away quietly. Maybe she could talk to them again, but for now there was a different pony she was searching for.


Four hours later, Twilight Sparkle stood waiting in an alley in a lower-level commercial block on the Moon 15 station of Kakakela VI. The Kakakela System, while in one of the fringes of the Lonetrek region, was a system that bustled with activity. Being only a few jumps away from the Jita system, the largest trading center in the galaxy, Kakakela saw many pilots and ships come and go.

She had come there to meet a very specific pony that she knew was partly involved with the recent attacks on her friends, even if it was by association only.

Twilight wore a camouflage poncho of many shades of grey. Accompanying this was a baggy jumpsuit and a mask that mid her face and altered her voice. Her aim was to be as anonymous as possible, to avoid alerting the pony she was meeting with.

A similarly-garbed pony trotted cautiously down the alley. Twilight let the pony come far enough into the alley before she stepped out of the shadows. Her mark stopped in its tracks, but seemed unperturbed. So far, her disguise was working.

A blue hoof reached up and pulled back the poncho hood, revealing a unicorn with an electric blue mane.

“The Great and Powerful Trixie demands to know why such a hard-to-find place was chosen to meet about a simple task,” she spoke, her voice soaked with pompous air.

“I’m here to discuss more than just a job,” Twilight spoke, satisfied that the mask had distorted her voice considerably. “I want names.”

“Names?” Trixie asked with arrogance. “What names? Why should I give you any names?”

“Some of my confidants were assaulted the other day in their ships. I know that Trixie’s Dragoons were involved. Give me the names of your pilots and the names of those who hired them, and we can forget that this exchange ever happened.”

“The Great and Powerful Trixie does not give the names of her pilots, neither does she give the names of those who hire them,” Trixie spoke with superiority as she turned to leave. “If you really think that Trixie will simply disclose privileged information to a ruffian on the street, you have misunderstood Trixie!”

Twilight allowed Trixie to gain some distance. She figured that it would come to this.

“Fine, have it your way,” Twilight spoke as her horn glowed softly in the darkness.

A trash can, filled to the brim with garbage, rested conveniently on a steel girder above the alley. Twilight reached out with her telekinesis and gave it a soft push.

Her timing was perfect, and the trash can landed directly on Trixie’s head with a loud crash of garbage and aluminum. The contents of the trash can exploded outward as the can deformed around the unicorn beneath it, who collapsed to the ground and lay still.

Twilight paced to Trixie’s still form and pressed a hoof to Trixie’s throat. She felt a pulse, and was relieved that the trash can had not killed Trixie, which would have made the entire trip a waste. Satisfied that the pompous braggart was not dead, she grabbed Trixie’s rear hooves telekinetically and dragged her out from under the trash can.

As she dragged Trixie down the alley, she wondered to herself about how she should have dropped a trash can on her from the start.

Author's Note:

No, I am not dead, and neither is this story! Life and school have been getting in the way of putting this into digital format, but don't worry, I have not stopped working on the next chapters! Please don't be afraid to leave criticism or point out errors that you see!

Comments ( 7 )

Hitting people with trash cans? This is why CCP won't give us walking in stations!

lol, jk.

*reads the first two lines of the description* :yay: "aaaaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh"

4553681 Where did I make that error?

With an influence that stretched from end to end of New Eden, they brought food, medicine and aid to as many ponies as they possibly could.

is this fic dead?


This fix is not dead, I have had a lot happen that took my focus away from writing this fanfic. I'm sorry that I have not been able to keep it up since I put out the last chapter.

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