• Published 23rd Apr 2013
  • 10,345 Views, 666 Comments

That Others May Live - CptBrony

Two USAF Pararescuemen must search through an unknown land to find their charge and make it back home alive.

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Fire Eternal

The run rose slowly on that morning, slowly illuminating all the tiny dewdrops until the ground glistened like polished silver. The air was fresh and clean, as if the sin of the world had been washed away overnight, leaving naught but the purity of nature behind as the darkness receded. Birds chirped their good-morning songs, and all the critters of the night scampered off to sleep away the day.

It was days like this that made life worth living.

The house had been freshly painted an easy, dark blue tone, and the fences were freshly painted white. The garden was doing very well, roses and tulips and all manner of flowers growing in abundance. They would probably need more fertilizer soon.

In the center of the garden lay a stone, a masterfully carved piece of granite, and in front of it, a tablecloth laid out with a little flower vase and a picnic basket. The basket contained a simple Caesar salad and various dressings, along with a refreshing glass of iced apple cider. It was a perfect little picnic spot.

Out the front door, the young mare walked back to her spot on the cloth. Amel had been waiting all week, as usual, for the day when she could sit quietly and have her lunch, though she was a bit early today. Every Saturday, she sat by Frost’s headstone to eat and reminisce, going through her week as if he were sitting with her, listening.

Amel set herself down gently in front of the headstone and slowly took apart the contents of her picnic basket. When she had everything laid out before her, she took in a deep breath of the fresh morning air and sighed.

“This was an interesting week,” she said.

The wind picked up a little.

“I heard news in town while I was working the desk,” Amel said.

She had gotten a job as secretary for Princess Twilight not too long after Duke left. She needed some kind of work to keep her busy and support herself. Whether it was charity or not; Twilight hardly needed a secretary; she was grateful for it.

“The griffons are done fighting,” Amel said. “They have reestablished their economy and put griffons to work to prevent any more from joining with the insurgent groups. Princess Luna helped to change that.”

The wind changed direction, picking up ever so slightly, pushing the trees and rustling the leaves. Amel chuckled.

“They say that if it weren’t for the humans, none of it would have been possible. They did so much damage to their organizations that the fighting griffons couldn’t recover fast enough to recruit more of their own into their hateful ranks.” Amel sighed. “You really did do good work, Frost.”

The wind slowed down.

“I… I wish you were here with me…” Amel said, tears starting to form in her eyes. “Jeeze, even two years later, I can’t seem to stay composed about it.”

The wind stopped for a moment, then picked back up in a new direction.

“Haha, look at me, being all sorry for myself,” Amel said. She looked at the headstone. “I’ve gotten better at your language. I still struggle sometimes, but I have a good grip on it now.”

Some leaves fell off a tree nearby and landed near Amel in the wind.

“Everything is starting to look peaceful again,” Amel said. “I know ponies and others still suffer elsewhere, especially where you saved me from… but I think things are starting to look up. All thanks to you and Duke.”

The wind steadied, and Amel finally took some bites from her food and sipped her cider. She still wasn’t used to the drink, but Frost seemed like he would enjoy it, so she was trying it each week. Anything to remind her of him.

She swallowed. “I would have gone back with you,” she said. “I wanted to be with you. Even if you… maybe, weren’t interested like that… I just wanted to be with you.”

The wind gave a sudden gust, blowing Amel’s mane away from her face.

“Maybe someday, I will go to the human world to say hello to Duke. Do you think that would be a good idea?” Amel asked. The wind changed directions again. “Haha, maybe he would even tell me it would be wise to stay in America.” The wind came in three quick gusts.

“I love you, Frost,” Amel said. “I will count the days before we meet again.

The wind slowly picked up to a steady, easy breeze.

I love you, too.

Amel smiled, packed up her picnic, and brought it back inside. They would meet again someday, when her time was up, but for now, she had to live on. Frost would want her to.

Comments ( 24 )

This story was a part of one of my favorite series on the site that I never finished. Thanks for reminding me to finish the darn thing.

Will we see Amel visiting Duke? Or is this for real done?

For real done now. Could do a separate short story for that, now that you mention it...

To be quite honest, this story feels like it's not quite finished... There's just something missing. It's a strange feeling. But hey, enough about weird creepy feelings you get n stuff. Great story, though to be honest I'm kinda pissed that you killed off Frost, I would have seriously enjoyed seeing his and Amel's relationship grow further, maybe even Frost bringing Amel back to America with him.

I considered it, but I knew it would hurt the readers to see it happen the way it did :pinkiecrazy: So I killed him lol
I may yet make one last hoorah, a one-shot sequel, so keep your eyes peeled

8088280 idea! make a short sequel showing what would have happened if frost had lived.


Rog. Good luck on your current writing endeavors!

ohhhh god damn this story is full'ah feels

8089975 can you delete this comment i'm commenting on its a spoiler.

I'm 19 chapters in and have yet to read the other stories. Should I read em now?

You can read them in any order. I tried to write them in a way that each one can read as backstory for its sequel. But I would recommend reading the other two first

every time I see this story’s name its like being shot in the chest ‘cause a da feels.

Came back to read this chapter and I feel like I just took a .50 cal to the feels!

I'm not gonna cry......:raritydespair: ...:raritycry::raritycry:

I read this a while back and recently while looking through my favorites list I remembered how much I liked it. The ending was so good and all I had running through my mind was “If this was a movie the end credits would be accompanied by this song”


this story is great, I can still remember it clearly from a few years and the only thing that actually got to me was somewhere around the last 3 chapters where Frost body had landed in base and Amel was there with empty hopes. At that very moment I felt the story rush by..... like if you where in some kind of hurry to finish it, hehe. You depict Celestia just the right way even if she seemed a total cunt. it was to be expected form a person in her position and with her options. But still you killed the only guy that I wanted to see through, the story soured for me just then... but of course I understand what you wanted to depict here, which was that war has real consequences. All in all its a great story and is still sitting amongst my favorite in my Favorite shelf and always shall , thank you for this story "Cap" :rainbowdetermined2:

Comment posted by Luno_Illumino deleted Dec 31st, 2018

Although my theory was debunked, think back to the first story.

10405797 Very true. The term 'silencer' is a misnomer. Sound suppressor would be more accurate. It reduces the report of the round being fired, not eliminate it.

Didn’t expect a reply from the message you made back in 2016, but yep you’re right about that.

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