• Published 16th Apr 2013
  • 1,220 Views, 122 Comments

She Wants To Know What Love Is - Elric of Melnipony

Twist has her eye on a certain colt, and for once, books aren't telling her everything she wants to know. It's time for her to ask what it's really like to have a special somepony.

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On a rogue blue-green world, towards the center of a large continent, was a place where many types of terrain met. The mountains were close enough to make the sunrises over them particularly impressive – even if one didn't know the magical nature of the miniature star creating the beautiful colors. A large and dense forest thinned to nothing nearby. When the wind was right, it was possible to smell the swamp land that the amphibians loved; after all, it was a short walk away. In the middle of all this was an area of grassy hills and plains that made for good agriculture. In the middle of that was Ponyville.

Ponyville was hardly deserving of the reputation it had in larger cities. After all it had (among other things) its own library. Despite it being a small facility, this particular library was gaining some notoriety among bibliophiles. The librarian was known for her extensive knowledge, her keen organizational skills, her ties to royalty, and for having taken part in saving the world. More than once.

The librarian in question, one Twilight Sparkle, was a unicorn of considerable power. She was, at the moment, devoting a small fraction of that power to exercising her organizational skills and fighting entropy. Shelving books was so much easier with precision telekinesis than with mouth or hooves. She paused, puzzled by a volume with no identifying information at all on the cover or spine. She set it aside to examine after she had everything else in the proper place, which took approximately 45 seconds.

The outside of the book still stubbornly refused to actually have any writing on it, which, by her way of thinking, was something of a sin. Books were supposed to be helpful, and so far this one wasn't. There was always the title page, of course; by definition, that had to tell her something. Except there was no title page. There was just a page full of writing – not printing. That obviously made it some sort of journal or diary, one of the nicer sort with good binding and a sturdy cover. Hoping that the text would offer some clues about the owner, she started reading.

Lady Wintergreen had, once again, caused something of a stir in high society. She had rejected the advances of the prince himself, and being unable to tolerate the gossip that resulted, she fled Canterlot for her country estate. Yet even here she drew unwanted attention from stallions who held no interest for her. Some were drawn by her long, straight, flowing mane and tail. Some were struck by her alabaster coat. Others were attracted to her perfect eyes and clear voice.

Just last week, Croissant, the baker in the nearby village, had offered to leave his wife Confection for her. Today she had turned away not one but two suitors, neither of whom had been brave enough to approach her by himself. She gathered that this Shears and his companion Escargot were such good friends that they would be happy no matter her choice. They didn't anticipate that her choice would be to have them shown the door by Orange Blossom, her hoofmaiden.

None of them knew that there was only one stallion for her. They all imagined they could be the one to lay claim to her heart, despite it already belonging to another. She knew that she could only give her love to Orange Blossom's brother. Though he was but a simple farmer, no other would do. Passion Fruit was the one for her.

Twilight closed the cover with a flick of magic. She looked up to see if one of her favorite patrons was still in the library, and soon saw that she was. “Twist? I think I have something that belongs to you.”