• Published 20th Apr 2013
  • 698 Views, 36 Comments

Bob and George- a MLPFIM crossover fic - KaijinZero

the BnG crew goes to equestria after drunk science for misadventures!

  • ...

Too many Mega's-Wrapping up

One 'Fix everything spell' (and paddling for a certain foul mouthed unicorn and mouth washing for a certain foul mouthed unicorn), the clones were taken care of and everything was peaceful again.

"So is there a reason why nopony told me about our guests and why they are here?"


"We really wanted to princess, but the writer told us it may be a bad idea."

"Yeah, something about him wanting you to find out on your own." Protoman nodded.

"And who is this Writer?" Celestia asked, raising an eyebrow in amusement.

"He's this guy who lives in another dimension writing about what’s going on here and changing things on the fly if he needs to or we ask nicely." Surprise giggled. "You don’t hear him narrating?"

"No, I do not. You make it seem as if he is some kind of mad god or something."

Hey! I'm no Oryk!

"See! He just said something!" Rainbow said.

"Um...my subjects and otherworldly visitors, I don’t hear anything."

"YOU HAVE TO BE ****ING KIDDING ME! HE JUST SAID 'HEY, I'M NO ORYK' AFTER YOU CALLED THAT F*****T WHAT HE WAS! WRITER, POOF YOUSELF IN THIS IN-mpfhargle" twilight yelled, only to get a bar of soap shoved up her mouth by the princess.

"Twilight...what have I told you about cursing?"

"Ptooie! Never speak if I spend every other word cursing..."

"Good, now go to your room."

Twilight grumbled something about being a big mare and not needing to be grounded for using bad words as she sullenly marched to her room, ignoring the calls of oohs, and you’re in troubles from the less mature members of the cast.

"So, you can’t hear the writer, your highness?" Dr.Light, luckily sobered up, asked.

"Honestly, no.'

"What are you drinking and where can I buy it?"

"Er, what he’s trying to say, your majesty, is that we were afraid of what would happen to us if you found out." Protoman lied,

"No we-"

"Shut up!"

"Well, I can see that you all are fairly responsible," Celestia began.

"So who wants to do something stupid?" Mega asked the less intelligent members of the cast.

"I’m game."

"Same here!"

"Yay! My first stupidity moment!"

"Well as long as I get a cig, I’m in."

"...most of you are fairly responsible," she corrected as Mega, George, Chadling, Surprise and Pinkie walked off to do something stupid. "In any case, I see no issue with you all staying here. Is there anything else I should know before I head back to Canterlot?"

"Um yeah, we may have a few more people coming, but I’m pretty sure two of them may try taking over the world, but we got it." Roll said.

"Strangely foreboding, I’ll be sure to have guards on standby just in case." as she was about to leave, she turned back. "Oh, and Twilight is to stay in her room until she writes 'I will not use foul language because it’s beneath me' 1000 times, can you tell her that for me Doctor?"

"Sure. Can you add she is to be a lab helper, I’m sure that will add some character as well."

"Very well then. farewell." with that, the princess teleported back to Canterlot, leaving our heroes glad she took it so well.

That was weird...why couldn’t she hear me?

"I have no clue Writer, but for now, I have a purple unicorn to boss around." Light grinned.

"And I have a party to make..."Pinkie nodded as she walked back into the room.”By the way, how’s the other one doing?"

Don’t ask Pinkie.

"Well...I guess that’s everything then, crisis solved." Protoman said.

"And I learned that-"

Yeaaaah not doing the whole letter to Celestia thing...

"Why would you guys write a letter to the princess?" Roll asked.

Dash shrugged. "It's because the potty mouth had to learn about-"


For a while the cast was silent.

"Why is Spikes VA a woman?" Mega asked.

"And Why does Hasbro have an animation studio?"