• Published 3rd Mar 2012
  • 7,841 Views, 18 Comments

Daring Do Adventures #1: Daring Do And the Quest for the Sapphire Stone - begarino

Extended story of the first novel in the Daring Do Series

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Chapter 3 - The Missing Professor

“Missing?!” Daring’s eyes flared in shock. News of his retirement had come as a blow, but his disappearance was almost enough to panic her. “What happened? Was he foalnapped?”

“No, we didn’t find any evidence of a struggle, his apartment was just cleared out. We assumed that he had just left for his retirement a bit early.”

“But he wouldn’t leave without speaking to---” she paused. Or would he? He always liked to play a long game, this could all be all some ploy to manipulate her into taking the position offered to her. If only she could be sure.

“Have you looked to see where he might be?” Daring Do asked anxiously.

“I’ve dispatched fliers to the local train station and nearest shipyards to see if he might have passed through there. Knowing him, if he wants to disappear, he will. Come, let me show you where the break-in occurred.” Celestia, with a small burst of magic, shattered the silence spell and commanded the door to open. Commander Root stood, back to the door. With a slight start he turned and bowed to the Princess as they left the room. Flanking them, another pair of pegasi Guards followed them to the storage room.

With a start Daring Do noticed this was the very room she thought she had seen somepony poking around. The window pane was smashed, though there was very little glass in the room. Looking around she noticed there was an extra sheet lying on the ground. Something clicked in her brain.

“Princess, the other day I thought I saw somepony in here, but when we checked the room it appeared empty.” Going over to the sheet lying on the ground she poked it and continued. “I’ll bet that the intruder hid under a spare sheet and pretended to be one of the collection! That would explain why the glass was broken from the inside.”

“That sounds plausible, but we still need to consider how the thief managed to get into the building unseen and enter the locked room. The door is protected by a magically reinforced lock. If somepony tried to tamper with it an alarm would have been set off, or at the very least, there would be evident signs of magical activity; yet there is none. This at least suggests the possibility of somepony with access to this room having let the intruder in,” Celestia said. “We can’t have somepony on staff who is party to theft. Daring Do, I know you probably have reservations about taking the position as head of the Equine History Department, but I need somepony to find out who is helping the thieves. I’d consider it a great favour if you accept.”

Daring’s sense of duty warred with her sense of I-don’t-want-to-doum. Inevitably, duty won out. With a sigh she nodded and said “Very well Princess. I’ll accept the position if it is offered.”

Looking slightly smug, Celestia responded, “Oh, you already are the department head, I signed the approval last week. All that is required of you is to sign the new contract. Codex arranged it all in advance.”

Turning away, the new Department Head narrowed her eyes. That Codex was always one step ahead of her.


The day’s classes had been cancelled, so after they examined the room Daring Do headed for her lodgings. Arriving at her building she checked her mail and waved to her landlady before trotting up to her apartment door. She paused at the door she thought she heard something inside. Sliding the key into the lock, she quietly unlocked the door and eased it open. Looking around the room she noted some of her furniture had been moved about. Her eyes narrowed as she heard somepony shuffling about emanating from her bedroom.

Creeping over to her bedroom door she cautiously looked around for anypony else before she peered in. She saw somepony backlit by the light from the window moving around her room. After taking a deep breath she charged in with a bloodcurdling yell and slammed both her forehooves down on his lower spine. Spinning around she delivered a kick to the neck, causing the buck to collapse to the ground. As the stallion flopped around on the floor she planted a hoof on his chest and drew back the other to smash it on his face when she recognized her intruder.

“Bravado! What in thunder are you doing in my apartment!” she asked, pulling back slightly. “I thought I made it quite clear that I didn’t want to see you here.”

Coughing and trying to draw breath the dark grey pony shook his head to clear it. Rasping out a few unintelligible words he flopped around like a fish out of water.

Leaning forward Daring Do strained to catch his words.

“Did anypony tell you---” he was interrupted by a fit of coughing. “Did anypony tell you your eyes sparkle like rubies when you are angry?"

Blinking, Daring Do just looked at him for a second before slamming him back down. “Enough of your sweet talk, I want to know what you are doing here!”

“Is the pleasure of your company not enough?” he said, rubbing his side gingerly. Noting the threatening glint in her eye he raised his hooves in submission. “Fine, fine. I was sent by Professor Codex to deliver a package and a note. Seeing as you weren’t in, I thought I would let myself in.”

Closing her eyes against the blinding stupidity of that last statement the tan pegasus counted to ten before speaking. “Okay, where did you put the package?”

Clearing his throat, the charcoal pony mumbled something intelligible.

“I can’t hear you.”

“Under the bed,” he reluctantly repeated. Holding back a smirk he continued. “I wanted to put it somewhere you wouldn’t look, and considering the amount of dust bunnies under there, It was the perfect place.”

“Get out,” Daring Do said as calmly as she could, flushing slightly.

“Awww, come on! Let me stay, I want to see what’s in this mystery package.”


Grumbling he started for the door. Waiting until he was out, Daring Do slammed it shut behind him and slammed the bar in place. Heading back to the bedroom she slid a hoof under the bed and felt around for the package. She removed a slightly triangular package with a note affixed to the outside. Opening the letter, she recognized the elegant script of Professor Codex.

Dear Daring Do

As you may have surmised by now, I have decided to take my retirement a bit earlier than announced. If I played my cards right, you are now the new head of the Equinology Department of Canterlot University. Congratulations! I apologise for the ploy, but I had to make sure you accepted the position.

A word of warning: There are many within the university that already envied your position before becoming head of the department. With your promotion, there will be many who will try to sabotage your work and your reputation. Furthermore, the makeup of the university is not what it was before I’m afraid. Most of the old professors I grew up with have retired recently and have been replaced by young mares and stallions whose ambition clouds their vision. These are ponies of science and magic, not of history, art, and lore. Be wary of them because for the most part, they mean well.

You have always done me proud, I know you will continue to do so.

I’ll be in touch soon, keep well.


Professor Codex

Sitting down heavily, Daring Do tried to process this new information. Opening the package, her eyes widened as she saw their contents. The second missing item, Nightmare Moon’s breastplate! If it hadn’t been stolen then that meant that ponies looking for links where there weren’t any.

Rubbing a hoof over her now-aching head she tried to focus. While this new discovery did seem to make things clearer, it didn’t really point to any specific person. Ahuizotl obviously wanted it; there could be any manner of creatures that could want to get their appendages on the treasure.

Still, now that it was just plain theft, things were simpler. Like a fog clearing before her, Daring Do saw her plan take shape. Heading over to her bedroom again, she pulled her as-yet unpacked saddlebags out of the closet and donned her hat and coat.

“Now, who could know about this statuette?” she said, throwing her mind back to when she had first learnt of this mysterious artifact.


[6 months ago in the Mobi desert.]

“Hihi Miss Do. One would think somepony as well travelled as you would know better than getting into an eating contest against a Diamond Dog when jewels are on the line!”

A canteen is a lousy place to eat. The food is cold, the service terrible, and getting napkins is sometimes harder than bypassing traps in the tombs of long dead kings. Still, in an oasis in the middle of the desert, anything with a roof is immediately labeled first class. And if you are short on bits, you can’t afford to be picky.

For the last three months Daring Do had lived and eaten in this establishment. Being the closest oasis to the reputed location of the Tomb of the Griffin King Wegaf she had been coming here quite regularly.

Sitting across from the massive Diamond Dog, Daring Do drank from her cup in an effort to ease the throbbing of her throat. “Stuff it and eat, unless you already are and want to quit,” she rasped.

“Oh, Miss Do, you seem so sure of yourself, why not make this more interesting?” the Diamond Dog said with a slurred sneer.

Looking at the table covered with various bags of bits, golden goblets and pearls, Daring Do said “If this is boring, you must get your thrills by jumping off cliffs.”

“Hihi. Pony funny. Pony should quit job and become comedian.” Reaching into his gunny sack, he pulled out a folded piece of yellowed paper. “The map to the Tide Temple!”

Snorting in disbelief, Daring Do reached for it with a hoof, only to have it be snatched away by the Diamond Dog. “No touch! This map is mine, nopony looks at it except me!”

“So, what do you me to wager for it?” Daring Do said, face passive.

“Another bag of gems!” came the instant reply.

With a sneer, Daring Do shook her head. “For a piece of blank paper? You’re off your rocker, sand dog.”

The crowd fell silent, almost too scared to breathe. With fire in his eyes the Diamond Dog carefully opened up part of the folds to display a seal, Daring Do leaned over to examine it. The Royal Seal! Whoever had sealed this map had either worked for Celestia or was a very good counterfeiter.

Gauging what she could sell and barter against what she needed to keep for the University she guessed she would have enough to provision her trip back across the desert. From her saddlebags she removed a small bag of gems and added it to the pile.

Continuing the contest both Diamond Dog and pegasus could feel the strain of eating so much. As the day wore on, the heat started to affect both contestants. The Diamond Dog kept the heat at bay by drinking copious amounts of liquids, favouring cider and punch. Daring Do kept to food only with only a sip here or there to soothe the throat. Somewhere through his eighth pie and twelfth cup the Diamond Dog started to droop a bit. Up until then, both contestants had been fairly matched. Now though, the punch, heavy food and heat were slowly taking their toll on the larger contestant.

Giggling inanely to himself he pointed a shaky claw at Daring Do and started to mouth something before collapsing into his pie plate with a resounding thud. Moving his head with a hoof, Daring Do pulled and let it fall back, letting the snoring Diamond Dog lie.

“Thanks for playing Toht,” she said, sweeping her winnings into her saddlebags. Saddlebags bulging like her stomach, the bloated pegasus staggered toward the general store to purchase supplies for the trip home. Halfway there Daring Do paused, feeling a slight tremor beneath her hooves. Diving to the side she barely avoided falling into a hole that opened up beneath her. Trying to take flight was impossible in her over-encumbered state and only managed to glide a short distance. From the pit came two fearsome Diamond Dogs, growling threateningly.

“Give us the map, little pony,” the first one growled.

“And if I say no?” she asked, trying to gauge if she could make a dash for the door.

“We take it anyway.”

“Well, in that case, I hope you dogs are hungry, because I’m gonna feed you a hoof sandwich.” Wings flaring, Daring Do charged the nearest Diamond Dog. Jumping back into his hole, he left his partner to handle the enraged pegasus.

Pawing the ground, the pegasus narrowed her eyes and charged again. Waiting until the last second, the Diamond Dog jumped to the side and swiped a massive paw at her face. Bending her head to let her helmet take the brunt of the blow, she shook it off and rammed the Diamond Dog in the stomach. With a pitiful wait, her adversary crumpled like a daisy in a hurricane.

Leaving her fallen foe, she started heading back to the General Store. Pausing at the threshold, Daring Do turned and quipped “Let that be a lesson to you, good doggies bring the paper, they don’t---WHOA!”

A clawed hand exploded from the dirt beneath her and grabbed her tail, yanking her down into a hole. The other dog had just been a distraction, and she had fallen for it. How foalish.

On her plummet down, Daring Do tried to get some hold on the tunnel, but it was too wide and unstable to allow for anything to slow her descent. Crashing to the ground in a tunnel below, she was blinded by billowing dust that followed her. When it finally cleared, she found herself surrounded by a pack of very grim looking Diamond Dogs. Before she could move, she found herself trussed and hauled off to a dungeon, saddlebags confiscated.


As she lay in the semi-darkness, she counted her breaths to measure the time. Her captors seemed to have decided she posed no threat of escape in her current position.


Looking out from her cell, the adventuring archaeologist pony tried to devise a means of escape. Getting free of these ropes would be the first step. No point unlocking a door if you are still hobbled.

She relaxed her tensed leg muscles and twisted her legs slightly, she gained a bit of leeway. Rolling around she heard the soft plashing of water from the corner of her cell. Slowly she dragged herself over to the source of the sound, a pool of water coming from the dripping stalactite above. Wetting her ropes in the mud she managed to free first one, then all of her hooves. Free of her bindings, she stood shakily and stretched to get the kinks out.

Heading over to the door she looked closely at the lock. Rusted through, it was almost unpickable, if only that trying to pick it would probably cause the lock to break. Well, there’s more than one way to shave a pony. Taking off her jacket, she wrapped it around her left forehoof. Rearing back, she bucked the lock squarely and shattered the rusted deadbolt. Grabbing the door before it could swing onto the wall, Daring Do carefully listened for any sound that would indicate her discovery had been overheard.

Counting ten breaths, she finally relaxed. Donning her jacket again she crept along the hallway to recover her missing saddlebags.

Comments ( 10 )


Long version, though I could give you access to the google docs version so you could comment on the text itself and the updated version.

The MLP team should make a paperback version of the Daring Do series and sell them in bookstores. I'd buy them instantly.

1229595 That would be amazing. :derpyderp2:

This is AWESOAZEABLE!!!!!!!!!!!:twilightsmile::twilightsmile::twilightsmile::twilightsmile::twilightsmile:::raritystarry::raritystarry::raritystarry::raritystarry::pinkiehappy::pinkiehappy::pinkiehappy::pinkiehappy::rainbowlaugh::rainbowlaugh::rainbowlaugh::rainbowlaugh::pinkiegasp::pinkiegasp::pinkiegasp::pinkiegasp::ajsmug::ajsmug::ajsmug::ajsmug::trollestia::trollestia::trollestia::trollestia::moustache:

lukjad, will you be finishing this story? So far it's great and I'm just hoping you'll continue.

This story is definitely 20% cooler than some adventure stories I've read! (Had to put RD's saying for her idol XD) :rainbowkiss::pinkiehappy:

it's is so awesome:rainbowkiss:

you really need to continue this! its awesome!

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