• Published 22nd Apr 2013
  • 1,262 Views, 92 Comments

Pup: The Kind and Hated - brony laughsatme

A wolf pup, cast out by his own kind, because he can't eat meat, is forced to live on his own he comes to ponyville and is shown friendship, love, and kindness like he never knew. His new family loves him as if he where their own and him the sam

  • ...

Dangerous apology

Chapter 7

I woke up, still in the hospital. I realized I must have fallen asleep, because it was dark out. I could practically taste the cool night air as it blew in from an open window.

I looked to the filly, she was doing a lot better. I could tell by her color, she was very pale when she got here.

'Why would such a pretty filly try to kill herself? And why in the bushes of a public freaking park,' I pondered.

I decided it would be best to go home now. Octavia will probably be pissed at me for staying out so late. She said to be home before dark.


"Pup, you had me and Octey worried sick, we didn't know where you were. You best give a really good story on why your so friggin late," Vinyl said, glaring at me.

"Oh , I don't know, I was probably just saving a freaking life or something," I retorted, giving my own little scowl back. I was really mad at her she wouldn't believe my story about me saving the filly, or that I fell asleep at the hospital.

"Hey don't talk to me that way, I'm not the one who was late!" The blue maned unicorn raised her voice at me.

"I'm not late, I'm early for tomorrow," I sarcastically corrected.

"Okay, smart ass, why don't you go ta your room before some-pony, say something that will get him in more trouble," she said disapprovingly.

"Umm, for your information, I'm not a pony I'm a wolf," I said matter of factly.

"Your grounded."

"What does that mean?"

"Means whatever I want it to," she stated, adopting a whole new level of bitch.

"Well fuck," I said under my breath.

"What did you just say?" Octavia, who had been sitting quietly behind me and Vinyl, said with a very annoyed look on her face.

"I said, I want fudge," I lied through my teeth.

"No he didn't he said fuck, Octey," Vinyl said pointing a marshmallow hoof at me.


"Ahem... go upstairs, we will talk about your punishment in the morning," Octavia said, apparently disappointed.

"Humph, whatever... I shouldn't even be in trouble. I mean I only saved a freaking filly from two bullies, and for that matter death!!" I yelled as I started stomping up the stairs.

"Your really sticking to that story?" Vinyl asked, still not believing me.


I had no idea why I was so mad, but they didn't believe me, and that pissed me off.

I was at the top of the stairs, ready to make the most aggravated stomping noises I could muster, all the way to my new room, when I heard hoof steps coming up the stairs... Fast.

I abandoned all my efforts to be the best ass hole I can be, and sprinted to that damn door like my life depended on it.

I was almost to it... But the pissed white unicorn caught me in the freaky magic light stuff and held me there.

She got really close to my face, and glared at me. "Don't speak to me like that, me and Octey did not have to let you stay here. But we did because we knew your sister. And you will not treat me or her like shit, ya got that, buster," she whispered menacingly in my ear.

All I could do was nod my head. I didn't dare speak. I was scared shit-less.


Later that night...

I was in my bed. I felt awful for saying what I said to Vinyl, I didn't know how I could ever face her and Octey again.

I heard her and Vinyl, they were fighting too, I hated myself for it.

'They had literally been doing everything for me since I got here. Hell, Octey even got me a present and offered to teach me how to read. I am the biggest ass in the world,' I thought to myself.

'I have to make it up to them, I'll start with an apology first, then I will work it out from there.'

I hopped of the plush white bed and landed on the floor with a muted thump.

I walked over to the door which still hung open. I walked through the black painted wooden barrier and walked through the hallway.

I looked at the wall. "Holy shi-" my scream was cut of by my face slamming into the opposite wall and a few droplets of blood falling to the ground.

I looked back. I had originally thought another pony was in Vinyl and Octavia's house, but what I saw was a freaking mirror.

I nearly shit myself, just from the sight of my reflection. I could give a shit about that, later. Right now I was on a mission. A mission that required bravery and other stuff I don't know the meaning to.

I continued down the hallway until I came to a stairway. 'Crap I went the wrong way,' mentally scolded myself. I was always getting lost.

Let me clear this up, I have never been lost in a forest, but take away everything and make it simpler and I had as much directional sense as an talking epileptic peach trying to fly.

I turn back around and started walking again.


*crashing sound*


"Ow ow ow!!!" I screamed in agony.

I had just crashed into the mirror, and a big hunk of the sharp reflective shit stuck right through my paw, AND IT FUCKING HURT.

I couldn't think, I couldn't process anything but the pain I felt in my paw. I didn't notice Vinyl and Octavia sprint out of their bedroom, just in time to watch me fall down the stairs.

I could hear them yelling, but it sounded muffled and distant... My head, my paw and my chest hurt so bad now, all I could do was whimper.

I must have fell on some more glass shards, because I could feel a very sharp pain, it felt like my insides were being ripped out of me. I couldn't stand it.

I closed my eyes, I didn't want to go to sleep, but I was so tired after landing on my head like that. I just couldn't hold my eyes open.

It felt like my eyelids were made of led weights.

Then, everything faded to darkness. No noise, no light, no pain. I felt the world slip away into the black abyss.

Author's Note:

Sorry it took so long I'm trying to work on my writing skills. Please leave comments on what you think.