• Published 19th Apr 2013
  • 4,749 Views, 42 Comments

School of Hard Knocks Fan-Fanfic - MerlosTheMad

Cinnamon Swirl is taken to the Doctor and the Dentist by his mother, will she be able to handle the torture of reliving these childhood trips?

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The Doctor

"Come along, Cinnamon!" my mother chimed jovially, for all her credit appearing as light as a feather on her hooves. Her new-found agility was likely from the emotional state she was in. Was my suffering really worth so much to her?

I let out a languid huff of breath while following a small distance behind her, and out of the dentist's building. It wasn't my suffering directly—I knew that—she was just enraptured by the feeling of having a daughter finally... a filly. That much was obvious... All I knew for sure was that this was illega-

My breath became very rushed and my chest felt tight suddenly.

"Cinnamon dear, is something wrong?" My mother called back to me after taking notice.

I gulp and look up at her. "No... let's just get this over with." My voice was steady and dour, the same as it had been all day, even the burst of hope didn't override my training. We continue walking, but my eyes and head are glued to what had startled me, or rather, who.

The mare had been easy to recognize, I was one of her best customers back in Ponyville, after all. Berry Punch, the solid purple sales pony of quality spirits was pulling a cart cheerfully, eyes shut and nose in the air without a care. She must be here restocking or something, I thought. The wagon she pulled was filled with familiar looking casks.

My freshly cleaned teeth chewed on the numb lip flanking them nervously. I desperately thought to myself, maybe... maybe I could get her to help me, somehow.

"Stay close now, Cinnamon," my mother said merrily. "We don't want to get separated before we get there." The way she spoke was such a cliche way to speak to a filly. I almost gagged again.

Instead of getting distracted, my eyes just stay locked with the cart that was slowly moving further and further away. I couldn't let it get out of sight. A hasty plan formed in my head. It was true, any escape attempt I usually made was quickly foiled by my... appearance. But, if I could get to Ponyville with the help of someone, even if it was unknowingly... by say, hiding in a wagon? I might stand a chance-

A hoof wrapped around my shoulder roughly.

I closed my eyes and put on a pained expression. I knew what I'd see if I looked up. One of my now baby blue colored eyes cracked open hesitantly. Sure enough, my jail keeper had followed my intense gaze.

"...Cinnamon, come on. Let's hop on into the new cart; your mother's legs are getting tired." Her expression was dark, and fixated on Berry and her wagon. My mother had known what I was thinking, then.

Mom held me until Berry Punch turned around the corner, moving further and further away from possibly helping me. I could still try and make a break for it, lose my mother in the crowd, hop the next train to Ponyville... but it didn't seem like it was going to happen.

My mother's hooves nudged me up and into the back of the carriage, typically only used by the elderly to get around. Which, I suppose mom was. Her eyes glued themselves to mine as she dug out a few bits and paid the driver. The way she stared was creepy to say the least.

"What?" I asked in an obnoxious tone, as if I didn't know that she knew about what I'd been thinking. Who would've thought she was such a mind reader? I certainly hadn't, not until recently...

"Sweetie, please don't cause a scene." She implored to me.

Oh, I'll cause a scene if I bucking well please... Despite my internal reaction to her words, I could only slump my shoulders and stare at the back of the driver's head in defeat. I should've made a break for it...

The doctor's waiting room was even worse than the dentist's; this one was bright pink.

If I ever make anything clear in my life, let me make this little fact perfectly, clear.

I. Hate. Pink. So of course, every edifice of the doctor's chamber was riddled with the color; even the chairs and carpet.

My hooves scratched against my back legs while I sat in morose contemplation of my situation. Beside me, my mom was talking about something or other, but nothing important. I heard her mention stuffed animals, supplies for something... clothes, toys, too, of all things. It was all I could do to not throw my hooves up and scream bloody murder having to listen to it all.

A tiny foal across the room did just that for me, and from about a stride away, on top of that. Its cry was blood curdling; it was horrible, and worst of all my mom had begun oooing and complimenting the owner of it. Normally I didn't mind foals and younger ponies too much, unless they were trouble makers, but right then, I hated, children.

"Cinnamon Sugar Swirl?" The expression I wore as I slowly craned my head to face the doctor must have been something else, he actually flinched. "Uhm, Cinnamon?"

A hoof rapped against one of mine soundly. "Cinnamon dear, manners. Now go on." My mom frowned, smiled and pushed me out of my seat all in the span of a couple of seconds, leaving me wide eyed from the sudden movement. You wouldn't think about it until it happened to you, but being smaller was really disorienting.

My obnoxiously tiny hooves stumbled from the push and I almost tripped. I recovered, and spoke irately back to her. "Oh yes, mother. I'll be perfectly good, you'll see." I strode stiffly past the old unicorn holding the clipboard, ignoring the worried look he gave me, which he then shifted to my mother. "Come on, lets get this over with, buddy," I mumbled at him. Looking back, I saw my mother laugh nervously and shrug her shoulders to the guy.

A satisfied smirk, the first I'd had in a long time it seemed, settled on my face.

The doc and I walked around the corner and a kindly looking nurse had the door held open for us. "So," he began hesitantly. "It says here you're long overdue for a few shots. You're a mighty brave little filly just sauntering in here all on your own." He winked down at me, smiling, and I rolled my eyes in response.

"Whatever, let's get this over with." I was cringing on the inside at the idea of getting shots. I hadn't had a shot in at least a decade.

"Of course, right away..." The way the old guy responded to me, it was almost as though I weren't a filly. I was probably just imagining it, or he was humoring me. Either way I didn't hate it. "Now, would you like this all in one leg or spread out?" I can't help but wear a pained look as the nurse brings in a tray full of needles. Holy buck, are they trying to kill me!? Legitimately, they are the largest, scariest, pointiest, sharpest and most terrifying implements of health care I had ever seen in my life.

My eyes blinked worriedly and I try to look away. Still, the sheening metal of the tools glinted in the corners of my eyes.

"A-aah, just... get it over with, would you?" My answer was shaky, which certainly didn't improve my mood anymore. I tried to shake the feeling of dread in my face and body, heaving a sigh to calm down. Shutting my eyes altogether helped; it wasn't like me to get nervous over anything. Then again, a lot of weird had been dumped on me lately. I suppose I was off put simply because the needles looked as big as riot batons, due to my current size.

The nurse's hooves clopped on the tile floor as she came to stand by me. She stood beside me insultingly close, as if I were moments from freaking out. The needle punctured my right foreleg eventually. I tensed up, but otherwise didn't move any.

"You look a little worried there, Princess. Sure you wouldn't like us to call your mom in here?" The doctor gave me a genuinely concerned look and tilted his head.

"No." I answer simply. As if I'd want her in here to try and hold my hoof or humiliate me...

"Nooo you aren't sure? Or no you'd like your mom to-" My eye twitched in immediate response.

"Just give me the hay forsaken shots!" I cringed again at the sound of my own voice breaking.

"Ooookie Dokie." I watched him scoop up another needle and make his way over to me, then paid close attention to the wall once more.

I had a stray thought that helped; the fact that I had to endure this just so my mom could live her dream of having a little girl? That thought alone caused the pain from the next three needles to fade to nothing more than a dull ache.

Before I knew it, the nurse started to rub my arm therapeutically with an alcohol pad. After that, she even began patting my back, as if I needed comforting. I appreciate the gesture, lady, but lay off, I thought.

I tried to scoot down the bench away from her, and she followed me, giggling. I'm about to start trying to shoo her away, when my eyes widened from another thought which had occurred to me.

"Hey, Doc, you ever hear of poison joke? It's a blue flower with magical properties." The unicorn I was addressing dropped the needle into the bin and looked back at me thoughtfully; actually, perhaps even condescendingly.

"I can't say that I have," he responded in an overly cheerful voice. "Great job though, you barely even flinched. Your mother must be really proud to have a filly as brave as you."

The slight glow of optimism I'd foolishly grabbed hold of blew away as if from a sudden gale. I was really alone and on my own in the world... I could only hope that maybe the poison joke would run out on its own at this point, or maybe Pinkie would come to my rescue.

I ignored everything else the doctor pony had to say after that.

A sober chuckle escaped me as I walk back into that sickeningly namby pamby lobby. My mother's bulky form stood at the door, chatting with another mare. They both looked at me as I approached. The stranger's eyes widened as I approached, and mom put on a look of pride like you wouldn't believe. I would've facehoofed if I hadn't been in the middle of walking.

"I know," she replied to something the stranger had said. "I can't wait to enroll her back into school now that she's all moved in!"

I stopped dead in my tracks at the words I had just heard. "What?" I asked. I know, right? As if the world hadn't screwed with me enough already.

Author's Note:

Well, that's all there is folks, if you haven't read it yet please go and read Hoopy's story, School of Hard Knocks, and if you havn't read the ORIGIN of Cinnamon yet either! Then have a go at Why am I Pinkie Pie!? Which is honestly the funniest, best written, most original, icing coatedlemonfrostedsprinkletoppedwhipcreamedcherryfilled story chock full of AWESOME! That I've ever had the pleasure of reading. But that's just my opinion, I like it alot, surprise surprise?

So please give the guy a big thanks for his time and effort in those stories, if not for me, then, for pony! :pinkiehappy:

Comments ( 17 )

I wonder what will happen with Cinnamon next?

Comment posted by TwizzleDragon deleted Apr 21st, 2013

I'm seriously enjoying this, if only we had the story about that dress.

It's edumacatin time!


...are they gone? Phew...


Admittedly I removed a few, but I think I left some in. Haha

Sorry, you'll have to follow Hoopy's stories to get more Cinnamon, I just wanted to tip my hat to him a little. As for more of my stuff and characterization techniques I do have five others wonderful stories beggering for attention. :ajsmug:

I love this so much. I know it's complete, but is there anything wrong with having more?

Anyway, now a grammatical error.

I like it alot,

There's a difference between "allot" and "a lot." You got neither.


Haha no there isn't anything wrong with it, and I've considered other shorts, like an insulting trip to the toy store for stuffed animals or some such. But like I said I have many many other stories, and I can't divert attention from them if they're ever going to get done. ^^

Also, that was the author's note, author is allowed to have bad gramar en thar. ;P

2482288 Hm. Makes sense, I suppose.

2482276 Guess, what - it's in the dictionary; thanks for playing.

Gotta say, this works very well in transitioning from Why Am I Pinkie Pie? to School of Hard Knocks. In both "filly" stories, I can hear the cop's thoughts in this voice reminiscent of Bogey.
If you have yo ask, you're on your own.

2509449 I'm not talking about whether "allot" is in the dictionary or not; I'm talking about how it's used.

Don't know why I didn't fave this before, though I did give it a thumbs-up... Taken care of!

Just when you think life can't kick your flank even more...

"We must go deeper..."

/overused inception reference


I hate the situation our poor cop is in. Though this was certainly fun to read.

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