• Published 7th Feb 2012
  • 1,331 Views, 15 Comments

Shattered Past - thunderclap

Jake wakes up in Equestria only to be chased by three certain fillies

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What Does it Mean?

Jake walked into the forest feeling good about himself. He’d killed a monster that outweighed him by nearly a ton, earned the admiration of three little ponies, and had a place to go to if everything went to hell, and something told him that it would.

Jake wandered aimlessly for an hour or so, trying to get used to the perpetual night that existed in the forest. After his talk with the Cutie Mark Crusaders he found out why the residents of Ponyville feared this place so much. It wasn’t just that it was dark and full of strange creatures; it was also because weather happened without the influence of the pegasi, and the animals that inhabited it took care of themselves. For some reason this was strange to Jake. Then again he was a human among unicorns, pegasi, earth ponies and dragons, all of which could talk. Before Jake knew it he was in the clearing where he had killed the manticore.

Looking at its limp body he started to pity it a little. That’s when an idea crossed his mind. Jake ducked into the forest for a minute or so and came back with a small bouquet of wildflowers that grew in the small rays of light around the dark trees. They weren’t all that impressive or attractive, but they served his purpose. Jake placed the bouquet in front of the dead creature’s face and closed its bloodshot yellow eyes.

“Hey, big guy, I’m sorry I had to kill you. I know you were only following your instincts. Big things eat little things, but those little things had hopes and dreams, and I had to save them.”

Jake felt odd about having a funeral for the manticore, but during the fight he had looked through the thing’s memories, and saw its life firsthand. Even if it was only in a small way he had established a connection between himself and the manticore. In a way it was like he was holding a funeral for himself.

Jake’s mind sifted through the details trying to make sense of it.

‘The only way I can make any sense of it is if I’m somehow able to read minds. Actually that explains a few things, like how I knew what the crusaders were going to say before they said it.’ A warm feeling spread in Jake’s body. He had just discovered a small piece of his past, even if it didn’t lead to any other memories.

“Oh well, beggars can’t be choosers.” Jake muttered to himself.

His train of thought was interrupted by a loud gurgling noise coming from his stomach. After all of the excitement Jake had almost forgotten that he hadn’t eaten all day. Jake walked deeper into the forest and let nature set to work on the manticore’s corpse. After a while Jake had started to enjoy hunting. It gave him ample opportunity to practice his mind reading skills.

Jake learned that his power had some limitations. One being that he could only extend his mind to a diameter of one hundred meters, anything after that and he started to lose a grip on his own consciousness and could go mad. The other being that creatures with a strong will could push him out of their mind if he wasn’t careful.

However, his powers did have some upsides too. One was that he could do more than just read something’s thoughts and see memories; Jake could actually plant suggestions in minds. He discovered this when he was getting some water from a nearby stream, and hoped that he would be able to catch one of the fish. Almost instantaneously a fish jumped out of the stream and landed by his feet. He repeated the process a few times, taking delight in his newfound skill. At the end of his hunting he had managed to catch five fish and a rabbit.

“Not much, but not bad for my first time hunting,” Jake said to himself. “Now I need to gather some wood and start a fire.”

Suddenly Jake heard growling and saw glowing yellow eyes surrounding him. The snarling beasts stepped out of the darkness to reveal wolves that appeared to be made out of wood. They were almost three feet tall and the ends of their fangs looked like they could do more than give him splinters. Despite the danger he was in Jake smiled at the creatures.

“Perfect, now I can make my dinner and I get a little fun.” Jake chuckled and removed his knife from the sheath on his leg.

The wolves circled Jake while one that was larger than the rest made subtle body gestures at the others. Jake noted that this one was most likely the alpha and reached out to all of them with his mind. For a moment all of the wolves were calm and subdued while he gently searched through their minds and left suggestions for them to sleep. The alpha didn’t want any of it and snapped out of it, lunging at Jake. The others were about to follow suit but he lashed out with his mind and told them to obey. The alpha stared at his pack, puzzled. Then he returned his focus toward Jake, its eyes were glowing brighter than before.

“That’s right Fido, it’s just you and me… and I’m gonna be top dog.” Jake spat at the creature.

The Alpha realized it was being challenged and charged Jake. It tried to snap at his legs, but he quickly jumped and ran across its back. Jake landed opposite of the Alpha, turned, and slashed his knife at one of its rear legs. The Alpha howled in pain and Jake laughed at the thing.

“It looks like you’re all bark and no bite,” He laughed. “Oops, I guess that’s a double insult to one of you, isn’t it?”

The Alpha may not have understood what Jake had said, but it knew it was being mocked. It turned to face Jake and quickly lunged toward his neck. Instead of dodging Jake took his knife arm and jammed it down the Alpha’s throat. Blood dripped out of Jake’s arm and into the Alpha’s mouth. The Alpha had lost all the fury in its eyes. Instead, it looked up at the creature before it with fear.

“What’s wrong?” Jake asked in faux confusion. “Do I taste that bad? Well, I’m sorry that it’s not what you expected, but there are no substitutions for your last meal.”

With that, Jake took his free arm and drove it into the crudely woven branches that made up the Alpha’s spine. Jake heard the distinct sound of wood snapping and the pressure around his arm went slack and the Alpha’s glowing eyes went dark. Jake was about to admire his handiwork, when a wooden muzzle pushed on his arm. Jake turned to see the other wolves lying on the ground in front of him, awaiting orders from their new Alpha. He told them to leave with his mind and that he’d call on them when he needed them. He also told them to not harm any ponies that wandered into the woods, or else. They seemed to understand and ran back to their den.

Jake returned his attention back to the limp body of the wooden wolf and set to work on starting a fire.

“I can’t wait to tell the crusaders about this,” He mused to himself. “Maybe I should bring back some proof to show them.”

Jake brought the serrated edge of his knife down on the corpse’s neck and sawed off its head. The rest he cut off into various pieces and before he knew it had a fire going. In a few minutes all of the fish and the rabbit were cooking over the blaze and Jake took the time to relax. After his modest meal was finished, Jake’s thoughts started to wander.

‘How have I been able to do all of this? I can understand being born with the telepathy… I guess, but the way I fight, there’s something deliberate and systematic about my actions.’ Jake’s brow furrowed while he tried to recall something from his past. For a moment he thought he might succeed, but nothing.

“Auhhhhhgh!” Jake screamed, causing several animals in the forest to cry out into the night.

Jake’s anger subsided and depression took its place.

‘I really am pitiful, I can barely even remember my name, let alone how I can do what I do. Maybe I don’t want to know. What if I was a terrible person? What if I had a terrible past?’ Jake’s thoughts went from one extreme to another before he was finally able to calm down. ‘Whatever my past is I need to know what it is. It’s the only way I’ll be satisfied. But, I have a feeling learning my past will take some time.’

Jake sighed, and in the distance heard the screech of an owl. He took that as a signal to get some sleep, so he gathered up his possessions, which were his knife and the head of the wooden wolf, and got comfortable in a nearby tree before drifting off to sleep.

Jake was sitting on a raised, cushioned, table-like structure, in a white room decorated with posters labeled with the human anatomy. The room smelled like disinfectant and was filled with instruments he assumed were for medical use. Jake sat back on his would be throne with a wide grin on his face. Somehow Jake knew that in the dream he had just pulled a stunt that had backfired a little and now he was in a doctor’s office over it.

The doctor walked in, She was a woman in her late thirty’s with long blonde hair, deep green eyes, and soft, round features. Jake called out hello to her and noticed she was on the verge of tears. This couldn’t be good. Jake had been expecting her to tell him that he was too old to be pulling off silly pranks and that he should learn to act his age, an impish grin on her face all the while.

“Hey Doc, what’s wrong? It’s my eighteenth birthday, remember, so cheer up.” Jake said, his voice being forced out of his throat.

The woman nodded slowly and looked up at him, tears welling up in her eyes. “Jake I know it is and I know I shouldn’t be telling you this, but you have the right to know.”

“Jake, do you remember what I told you about baby birds?”

“You mean what happens when they grow up, yeah I remember, you’ve told me a hundred times. Why are you asking?” He asked, a knot starting to form in his stomach.

“Because it’s time for you to fly, baby bird.” She said while pulling out a knife and sheath. The same ones Jake carried now, and handed them to him.

“Doc, I don’t understand.”

“You have to leave, now.” The doctor pressed.

“Why? Did I do something wrong?!” Jake cried, getting up from his seat.

“No, it’s not what you did, it’s something I did.” She took a deep breath, preparing herself for what she was about to say, “Jake, I’ve done many things. Some of them are terrible. I don’t expect you to forgive me, but I have to say this. When I started out in medicine…”

Then something happened, it was like someone had just cut the audio to his dream. Jake could still see her expression, but he had no way of knowing what was being said. He wanted to scream in frustration and go on a rampage, but his dream self just sat there, quietly taking in whatever was being said. Then, as quickly as he had lost the sound it came back.

“Now do you understand?” The doctor said, still trying to fight back the tears that were trying to flow.

Jake trembled for a moment, his face stuck in an expression that was a mixture of rage and anguish. “How long have you known?” Was all Jake said.

“I’ve only found out recently. I’m sorry that it had to be this way.”

“I can’t exactly say I’m happy but… I do forgive you, Doc. After all, you didn’t know things would turn out this way.”

“Jake, thank you, you have no idea how much of a relief that is to hear!” The doctor cried, tears of joy flowing down her cheeks, as she had Jake locked in a hug.

“Don’t mention it. Now if you excuse me, this bird has some flying to do.” Jake said with the grin he had grown so accustomed to wearing.

And with that the dream melted away.