• Published 3rd May 2013
  • 3,347 Views, 66 Comments

Hollow - Demonfire463

Three undead explore into a new realm and cannot escape some of their nightmares from Lordran, but will try to protect the ponies they come to care for. They fend from chaos, demons, and some other undead to protect the friends they have made.

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Chapter 15 The Royal City

Chapter 15

"Agroth, we're here." Says the voice of a familiar sorecerer. I stand up, irritated to be disturbed, but glad to be awake. As I stand, the horns of my helm touch the roof of the train. I remove the helmet and begin to unload Rarity's mountain of baggage and my Bottomless Box. I step off the train and set the bags down. I look around and see a magnificent city, many well-kept houses around a brilliant castle that towers over all else. Images of Anor Londo race through my mind. The giant cathedral and the castle of Gwynevere, the spiraling elevator guarded by gargoyles, and all the homes that shone gold and orange in Gwynevere's eternal sunset. I am so awestruck by the sight of Canterlot that I almost don't notice a hand on my shoulder. I turn and see the iron helm of a familiar warrior. The dented metal headgear has a large crimson feather on the top. I recognize the silver colored plate armor over steel chainmail with green sleeves. Above all, the white tunic over the chestplate stood out most, emblazoned with a picture of the sun.
"Agroth! It's been too long my friend!" He says while giving me a hardy warrior hug.
"Indeed it has!" I say, returning the hug hardily.
"I think I have finally found it!" He says, breaking the embrace.
"This isn't like the last one is it? Will I have to save you again?" Embarassed, he shakes his head.
"No, this is not some silly parasite. This is my true sun!"
"If what you say is true, then I am very happy for you." I say with a warm smile. "Why are you here though?"
"I heard you would be here early so I decided to meet you." He says pleasantly. "Still strong?" He asks. I lift up the entire mountain of bags with ease.
"Of course, and without doubt you still have great faith." I say.
"Even greater!" He says jovially.
"How long have you been here? I haven't seen your signature anywhere in Lordran before I got here, not after the Centipede Demon."
"Oh, a while."
"Well, we had better get going."
"Farewell Agroth." He departs. The ponies stare at me not quite sure what they had just witnessed.
"I take it you know him quite well?" Rarity asks me.
"He's the one who sent the letter when we were in Ponyville. A good friend of mine, saved me plenty of times, as I have saved him, and he made my experience in Lordran much more bearable." I say as a pony in golden armor leads us to the massive palace.

We arrive at the back entrance of the castle. Arthur and I look around at the ornate design and interior of the palace. We walk down a series of hallways and are each led to our rooms. Everypony has rooms to theirselves except for Twilight and Rarity, who request that we stay with them. We don't see Solaire again and there's still no sign of Joshua. Days pass, a week even passes, still no sign of Joshua. Solaire only rarely drops by to see us. The Gala is tomorrow, my armor and Arthur's robes are ready, as are everypony's dresses. Joshua's robes are ready as well, he will be wearing the Painting Guardian Robes unless he brings something better back from Lordran. I keep getting this feeling that something bad will happen. The feeling I get when a bonfire goes out or I stand in front of a fog door that wasn't there before. Rarity clearly notices this and asks what's wrong every so often, an question to which I gently respond "Nothing, I'll be fine." Fluttershy seems depressed since Joshua still isn't here. The night before the Gala, she walks into our room while Rarity is out.

There is a soft knock at the door. I'm sitting on the bed and hardly hear it. I get up and answer the door to see a very downtrodden Fluttershy. "Come in Fluttershy." I invite. I sit down at the foot of the bed and she sits next to me. "How are you?"
"I miss him." She sighs while laying her head on my armorclad leg. I sigh as well.
"I know. He'll be here. He's probably on his way right now. He still has to take the train you know, the white light is in Darkroo- I mean, Everfree Forest." She sighs again.
"I hope he hasn't forgotten about me." She says sadly. I can plainly tell she's holding back tears.
"Forgotten about you? Why would he do that? You're the greatest friend he's ever had. I had never seen him this happy in Lordan. He met you and became, different. He truly loves you, you're so kind to him."
"Thanks. I just..."
"It's alright. We should get to bed. Big day tomorrow after all."
"You're right. Goodnight Agroth. Tell Rarity I said goodnight."
"Alright, goodnight Fluttershy."
"Goodnight" she says as she walks out the door. She doesn't seem as sad as she did when she came in. I smile at the fact that I cheered her up, even if only a little. I lie back in the bed as Rarity walks in.
"Hello Agroth." She says cheerfully but tiredly.
"Fluttershy says goodnight."
"Did she stop by?"
"Indeed she did. Any sign of Joshua yet?"
"Afraid not." She says.
"She really misses him."
"I could tell. She seems so sad." She says, worried for her friend. "What's wrong Agroth?" She asks gently.
"I keep telling you nothing is the matter Rarity."
"And I keep telling you that I don't believe that. You can tell me." She says softly. I sigh and she lies down next to me.
"I just...I have this feeling. This feeling that something horrible is going to happen."
"Nothing will happen. That's just your undead instinct from Lordran talking."
"You're probably right." I agree, but I'm not fully convinced. I certainly hope she's right.
"I am right. You're just a little paranoid because so many bad things happen in Lordran and you aren't yet accustomed to a place like Equestria where there isn't danger around every corner."
"Perhaps you are right." I say, drifting off to sleep.
"Goodnight Agroth." She whispers.
"Goodnight Rarity." I respond before I fall asleep completely. By the Lords I hope you're right Rarity.

Author's Note:

Fair warning, chapter 18's gonna be a long one guys. I dunno why I'm posting this in the morning, I just woke up like "Hey! I'm gonna post another chapter!" But anyway, please read my newest experiment: Remembrance. It's a Halo 4 Crossover, humanized by the way, just give me some feedback on how it is so far. I'm not sure if I'll finish it since it's only a project of mine, but we'll see how things turn out. So far this is my most successful story, and thanks for reading it! Here's Chapter 15, 16 is on it's way, enjoy!