• Published 18th Apr 2013
  • 1,946 Views, 104 Comments

Old memories - TheSourceCode95

A sad story about tragedies hidden deep away, that come back bigger than they seemed.

  • ...

Chapter 2

Rainbow was running around her house, turning around every bit of cloud the tortoise could be behind. But no matter how hard she looked, she could not find Tank. Her own little pet, her playmate. For a while she just sat there. Sat there and cried, desperate to find Tank. Her Tank. “Come on Rainbow, you’ve got to be strong. You’ve got to find him. Where could he have gone? Would he have flown out of the window? And if so, then where would he be now? Oh I just hope nothing happened to him! Okay, enough is enough, now just be strong and find that little tardis. But where could he be? Oh, I just can’t figure this out right now.” Even though she had done nothing for the past two days except for laying around in a hospital bed, she was exhausted. Eventually, she decided to go to Applejack’s. She would be staying there for the night, after all. She walked out of her house and took off, heading to Sweet Apple Acres, her eyes still wet of uncertainty.

“Hey there Rainbow, didn’t expect to see ya till evening, I thought you wanted to stretch those wings again?” she heard AJ say as she arrived.

“Tank is gone,” she said. “And I’ve got no idea where he could be. Do you have any idea where he could be? Did you see him flying past, perhaps?”

“Wow Dash, don’t you remember? He was flying with you when you crashed. And he crashed with you. He tried to pull ya up before ya hit the ground. But don’t —”

Rainbow Dash was already gone. Devastated. How could she have put her pet, her friend, in such danger? She didn’t understand. What had happened? Why Tank? What went wrong? She didn’t even want to think about it. Right now, she just wanted to fly straight into the haystack AJ had prepared for her, and lay there crying. Where the hay had AJ put that hay anyways? She flew around the farm, trying to find it. Finally, there it was. Inside the barn, right next to the main house. As she lay down the tears started coming again. She tried to stay strong, but she couldn’t. Her friend, her pet. It was her fault.

“Rainbow, what the hay are you doing? Why didn’t ya let me finish? Look, what I wanted to tell ya is that I know where he is!”

“Wait what!? Why didn’t you tell me?” Rainbow yelled while grabbing AJ with both front hooves. ”Where is he?”

“Geesh Rainbow, it aint you just getting all upset about nothin’. Fluttershy is takin’ care of Tank for ya.”

“Why didn’t you say so!” And off she was. Flying as fast as she could, towards the little cottage at the edge of the everfree forest. Fortunately it wasn’t too far from the barn. She could fly this within a minute. Especially if she wanted to be really fast, which was exactly the case. She just wanted to see Tank again. Oh, there was the cottage already. She flew down, and right past Fluttershy who was just coming home. “Hi Fluttershy!” she yelled while aiming for the door. But then, she realised what she was doing. Because that right there, was a door. And she, was a pegasi going way too fast, heading straight for that door. “Oh no oh no oh no! Not another crash!” but she was too late. She hit the door at full speed. And then, darkness.


“Aw come on, not again.”

“Rainbow? Are you alright?” She heard Fluttershy’s voice, softly but worried. “Rainbow?”

“I don’t know. How long was it this time?” It was a relief to find that she wasn’t in a hospital bed. It couldn’t have been too bad then.

“Oh I don’t know, I saw you flying into my door and I just... I just... I froze. I don’t know how long it was.”

“Wait. Where is tank?!” Within a second the pain in her head was gone. She could only think about one thing now, and that was Tank. Was he with Fluttershy? Was he hurt?

“Oh, Tank is fine, he is inside. But you seemed to know that already. Is that why you came over here?”

Rainbow didn’t give Fluttershy the chance to finish her sentence. She was already at the door again, this time opening it before trying to get inside. And there he was, hovering right in front of her nose. “Tank! I missed you buddy!” She grabbed Tank with both hooves, and started hugging him. She could hug him for hours like this! At least now she knew tank was all right. Or well, that he wasn’t hurt too badly. “Thanks Fluttershy, I wouldn’t know what to do if something happened to him. Is he hurt?”

“Oh no, he isn’t hurt at all. He is a tortoise after all. He was just worried, and really wanted to see you.”

A tear of happiness grew in Dash’s eye. At least her Tank was safe. “Fluttershy, thank you for taking care of him. And I’m sorry but I have to ask. I’m sorry to you too Tank. But would you mind me leaving him here until tomorrow? At my own house he would be fine, but since I’m staying at Sweet Apple Acres and all, well, I think it would be better if he stayed here for the night. I don’t want to come home and have to search for him again.”

“But of course, Rainbow. I would love to do that.”

“Thanks Fluttershy. Just don’t forget the helmet. You really don’t want him to hit you to the head twice.”

“Ghehe, he won’t. He’s the sweetest tortoise I’ve ever seen.”

Rainbow walked out of Fluttershy’s cottage. As she walked out, she started wondering what just happened. “I mean, okay, of course I missed Tank, but I don’t cry? Why did I? I could have known Fluttershy would have taken care of him. And if something had happened one of my friends would have told me, right? Well, at least now I know he is safe. But why did I do this stuff? It’s not like me to cry. Nor to fly into doors? Well, I guess I could best just go back to the barn and get some rest. Or some food, I’m hungry.” She flew back to Applejack, and landed right next to her.

“Howdy Rainbow, you’re back pretty quickly. Tank still at Fluttershy’s?”

“Yup, I decided to leave him there, for the night. I mean, I wouldn’t want you to find a tortoise in between your fresh apples, you know how he likes them.”

“Ayup, ah do know that. That little critter ate more apples in one minute than Big Mac in an entire day!

“Ghehe, sorry about that. I guess I lost sight on him for a second. Hey, do you have something to snack around here?”

“Aaw, Little Dashy is hungry.Ain’t that cute?”

“Hey, knock that off. And yeah, I’m hungry. Have you ever even tried eating that hospital stuff? I’m not even sure what they put in there, and I don’t think I want to know.”

“Well, ah know something ya do wanna know. But it aint mine to tell, how about we go and see Pinkie?"

"Eeh, AJ, that just made no sense to me at all."

"Just walk with me and you'll see. Come on, let's get movin."

"Eeh, if you don't mind AJ, I'll just follow you through the air."

"Ah, of course. Just follow behind me."

"Now Rainbow, what was all the fuzz about? Ah mean with Tank? Ah know we'd never leave him hanging. Fluttershy has taken care of him before, remember? Your last crash she took care of him as well. Took a while for her to get up to ya house though, that pony would be scared of heights when she was standing on the newspaper.”

“I know AJ. I just... I don’t know. I don’t know what came to me. I’ve been thinking about it as well. I just... I’m not sure and actually I’d prefer not to talk about it.” They walked the rest of the way in silence. Fortunately ponyville wasn’t that big, and they soon arrived at Sugarcube Corner.

“I think you should go in first, Rainbow.”

Carefully Rainbow walked up to the door, being sure to open it before trying to get through. Sugarcube Corner seemed abandoned. The lights were off, and mr. and mss. cake weren’t behind the counter. It wasn’t closed, right?


Lights turned on, and ponies jumped out of their hiding spots all across the room, and the music started playing.

“SURPRISE! Aw shoot!”

“Hey there Pinkie Pie! Still practising I see?”

“Yep indeedie!”

“Wow Pinkie, so this is why I didn’t see you in the hospital. You really did your best again, didn’t you?”

“Yep, and it’s all for you. I thought you needed some cheering up after you crashed because when you crashed we had to bring you to the hospital and when you’ve got to go to the hospital that means there’s something wrong and if there’s something wrong that usually means that something is not right and when something is not right you might get sad and when you’re sad that means you’re not happy so I thought I’d throw a surprise party!”

“Say that ten times fast,” Rainbow heard from behind her.

“Hey there Spike, how’s my favorite dragon doing? Haven’t seen you around in a while.”

“Yeah, Twilight has got a lot of stuff for me to do as of lately. How’s your head? That wasn’t the softest landing, I had to re-shelf half of the books in the library!”

“Oh, my head is fine. It’s not like I’m not used to anything. You know, practice makes perfect, even at crashing! I usually don’t feel a thing. But well, I think I should be worrying about my stomach first, I haven’t eaten in two days. And knowing Pinkie, those cupcakes will be delicious! Eeh... Sweetie Belle didn’t help making them, did she?”

“Nope, they’re all safe.”

“Okay, good. I’d hate to end up in that hospital again.” She started to walk over towards one of the tables with cupcakes, but got stopped by somepony asking her how she was doing almost every step. “Ugh, come on, just a couple more steps to the table. How many ponies could there possibly be that hadn’t spoken to her just yet? Oh, and there’s another one.”

“Hey Rainbow Dash, how are you doing?”

“Hey there Derpy. I’m doing great, thanks for asking. I’m just a little bit hungry so I was making my way over to the cupcakes.”

“Oh, here, let me help you!”

“No thanks derpy, I think I can —” But she was too late. Derpy already reached over to the table, putting one hoof on the table’s edge.

“Here, this one looks good, just a little closer”

The table tipped, and sent a plate with cupcakes flying towards Rainbow’s head. She tried to avoid it, but it went too fast. It hit her.

“What’s going on?”

“I don’t know AJ, it’s probably best to get the Doctor over here.”

“Sorry, I just don’t know what went wrong...”

Author's Note:

This chapter is a little bit shorter than I hoped it would be, but it 's still a chapter that's a big part of the story. Next chapter will be a bit bigger, with a bit more thought in it. (I hope)