• Published 24th Sep 2011
  • 1,498 Views, 6 Comments

Amnesia: Equestria - Pencil Sketch

Don't. Stop. Moving.

  • ...

Journal #23

March 16th, 984nd year,

I arrived at the Baron's estate earlier this oddly dry, autumn day. The old stallion greeted me at the rusted gates to the grounds. I felt relieved when I saw him, the pony that offered me a chance to be saved.

I questioned him whilst he gave me a brief tour of the grounds, such as why he chose to live in a crumbling manor that seemed to date so far back as to when Equestria was ruled by two princesses, judging from all the engravings on the stone! He told me that he was something of an archeologist like myself, having chosen the crumbling manor to simply explore the vast catacombs that tunneled far below the surface of the land.

In fact, that's why he hired me in the first place, to date and value these artifacts for history. He only considered me more when I told him of my unfortunate find that I made not too long ago.

What's best, is that he said that we would be going down into them to rid me of my curse! Truly two birds with a single stone. I can indulge myself in learning from our ancestors, AND I can sleep easy once again!

He introduced me to his daughter too. I'll admit, she did have an air of cuteness about her, for an insufferable little foal. She portrayed her nasty little habits in several ways, from sifting through my bags, reading this journal, and going on and on about how great and powerful of a unicorn she was. Sure, great and wonderful at being such a pest, perhaps. I swear she's waiting outside my door right now, waiting for me to sleep so she can get her grubby hooves on some relics I brought to show to the Baron. She really needs to get that deep breathing checked up on, it's all raspy and parched. Definitely not healthy for a little filly.

Tomorrow, the Baron and I will be going though the library, looking through books and testing what sort of curse I was afflicted with back over in the land of Zebras.