• Published 7th Feb 2012
  • 8,638 Views, 98 Comments

Only Got 100 Years To Live - Madd the Sane

Twilight Sparkle is outliving all of her friends, has more years ahead of her.

  • ...

Rainbow Dash

"So how are the Wonderbolts doing?" asked Twilight.

Rainbow Dash had dropped in to visit her at Canterlot. They were walking through a park, chatting. "Plag," Dash stuck out her tongue, "they're not even trying any more. The rookies seem to go more for flashy display instead of raw speed. And the veterans rarely show themselves. It's like they want to be upstaged."

"Almost makes you want to get back in, right?" Twilight teased.

"Pssh, as if! They wouldn't take an old fogey like me in, especially one who has a bad wing. I'm, like, 82; I'm way past the age of being cool. But enough about me, what about you?"

Twilight sighed, a smile on her face. "There's some talented unicorns this year. Some more driven than others. There's one awkward filly that's really talented. Reminds me of myself, actually."

"Still haven't found that special someone yet, have you?" Dash leered. Twilight just rolled her eyes. "Not that you would have that much trouble. I mean, you've barely aged, like, at all."

Twilight glared at Dash. "Thanks for reminding me. But I have aged."

Dash got up close and looked over Twilight as if inspecting her. "Sure doesn't look like it. Rarity would be absolutely jealous."

"Rarity…" Twilight sighed. Rainbow Dash frowned, giving Twilight back some of her space.

"Sorry, Twi. I didn't mean…" Dash started.

"It's okay," Twilight said, resuming walking. "It's just sad to see her go like that. She barely remembers her own daughter. It wouldn't surprise me if she didn't even remember her friends."

"Yeah…" was Dash's morose reply, catching up with Twilight.

They walked in silence for a minute before Dash started ruminating about her life.

"You know what I really want? A good coltfriend. I was too busy going after the Wonderbolts to really be looking, but when I look at Applejack and her family, I… I ache. I want my own grandkids to spoil rotten, tell my own stories to. To be there for them."
Twilight looked over to Dash and could see tears forming in her eyes. She let a sad smile grace her features before going over and comforting her friend. "Don't worry, Dash. You always have us. And what's stopping you from spoiling Applejack's grandchildren?"

"She would get jealous," was Rainbow Dash's terse reply.

"I'm sure she would let you play with them. After all, you are her friend. I doubt that she would yell at you for showing up and having great-aunt Rainbow Dash tell some awesome stories," Twilight chuckled. "Just don't be surprised if she-"


Twilight quickly turned around, looking for the source of the noise only to find Dash on her side, in a fetal position, breathing heavily. Gasping, Twilight ran over to her friend, checking her over. "Dash? Rainbow Dash?!" she spoke loudly. She could tell that Dash had heard and understood her, so she put her ear near her chest. Irregular heartbeat, Twilight noted. Before she did anything else, she sent a warning flare from her horn into the air. Her mind was locking up, forgetting her first aid training. It was only after Dash stopped breathing that she snapped out and started to do CPR.

Rolling Dash on her back, she put all her weight on her front hooves, going down on Dash's chest a few times before giving her air. She repeated the process five times, getting frustrated at her lack of success. Finally, she got off of Dash's prone form and gave her body a magical shock. Dash's body convulsed, but she still wasn't breathing. Exasperated, she sent another shock through her body with no success. The last few moments finally came crashing down on her and she went over her limp friend and cried.

Once again, one of her friends were dead. What bothered Twilight the most was that she could have done something more to help her. Applejack had been called from Ponyville, and with Rarity living with her daughter in Canterlot, the three remaining friends went to pay their respects to the late Rainbow Dash. The Wonderbolts, both young and old, came as well.

Twilight couldn't bring herself to look at Dash's body. Applejack just took off her hat in reverence to her friend. Rarity, however, screamed when she saw Dash in the casket.

Her daughter tried to direct her out, but she clung to the casket, trying to wake her dead companion.

"Wake up, Rainbow Dash! I order you to wake up!" Rarity screeched. "We just lost Fluttershy, we can't lose you, too!" At this time some of the Wonderbolts came over to try to push her out of the room. Sensing that things could go from bad to worse really quickly, Twilight stepped in to intervene.

"Rarity, calm down," she ordered, stomping a hoof on the floor. "there's nothing you can do now. Blame me-"

"Twilight?" Rarity stopped struggling for a second, a look of comprehension crossing her eyes. It was short-lived, as she renewed her struggling with more vigor, this time going after Twilight "No! You are not Twilight! You look like her, sound like her, but your eyes… your eyes betray you! They are too old to be Twilight's! What ancient evil are you? Are you trying to catch me off guard? Well, it won't work!"

Security was finally able to pull her away and drag her outside.

"I will find out who you are! You can't hide from Rarity!" were her parting words.

Twilight stood there, dumbstruck. Her accusations cut deep. How could Rarity have not recognized her? Who was she, really?

Why was she outliving her friends?