• Published 22nd Apr 2013
  • 19,566 Views, 185 Comments

My Life as a Prince - Night--Mist

Life can be a bit annoying, yet unpredictable for you when you're mother is a ruler of Equestria.

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Moon Dust's First Time

Moon Dust's P.O.V.
It had been so many rises of Auntie Celestia's suns and Mommy's Moons since Mommy found out Daddy was alive. I even got to see him in dreams. He was big and strong like mommy. I don't know why he wasn't coming to see us when we were awake, but it looked like Mommy knew why.

I was awake now with Mommy, who was playing with me in the bath tub. There were lots of bubbles and toys. It was lots of fun. Til Mommy poured water all over me. I wasn't a fan of getting drenched from above. And that's why I hated big flashy storms Mommy called thunderstorms, cause not only did they make a loud boom that scared me, but they made so much water fall from above, we had to stay indoors, cause I refused to let water soak me from above. That was one thing Auntie Twilight agreed on, about hating water from above. I shook my head of the waters still caught in my mane, and Mommy giggled at my display. "Awww. Did my little Moon get all wet?" She poked fun at me.

I got playful and splashed water at mommy, and this made her chuckle some more. But soon, playtime in the bath was over, and Mommy wrapped me in a towl soon rubbing all over my fur. When she lifted it off me, I looked in the mirror and saw myself all poofy. I giggled at the sight. "Who is that floofy pony in the mirror, huh, who is that?" Mommy playfully asked.

I point at myself, and she claps her hooves. "Great job sweetie. Now let's make you look all nice and handsome. Princess Cadence may like a floofy nephew, but the nobles will be all snooty if we look floofy," Mommy said as she started to take the thing she called a brush, to smooth out my fur and mane.

It felt nice when she bushed it. I sometimes fell asleep cause it was so relaxing. But today, after having Mommy's milk, I was still full of energy. I wanted to explore. I did what mommy called "crawling", which meant my belly would slide across the floor as I pushed with my legs. Of course mommy never let me crawl down the stairs. I couldn't understand why, since she let me climb up them.

Today would be another crawling adventure. There were certain places I wanted to explore, but Mommy kept me from going there. She has her reasons, but that doesn't stop me from trying to get there. Mommy also said we were gonna visit a pony named Clover the Clever today. Not sure who they were, but they sounded important. After Mommy was done with my fur, I started my crawling session and she and a mare named Comet Shine, followed suit. Mommy said Comet Shine was her personal helper, and I liked her, especially when she played games with me. She had these neat wings that were different from Auntie Rainbow Dash, Auntie Fluttershy, Auntie Twily's, Auntie Tia's, and mama's wings. and her fur was dark black like mine, only.... no white that could be seen though. And her eyes were a glowy red. She wore something that covered her real fur that was blue. Mommy called it a sweater. It was neat.

My mind trialed off as I made twists and turns through the castle halls while crawling. Though, I noticed my legs weren't moving like Mommy and Comet. They're legs moving was different. It was interesting to see how they moved now that I thought about it.

Luna's P.O.V.
"Can you believe it has been 5 months since we knew of Atremis Nebula's where abouts. I understand why he does not wish to be back in the capital yet, but still, to know he's okay, and with our good friend Sunset Shimmer, it's a relief those two found each other," Comet stated.

"I understand she was a good friend of yours when you were younger, and you were hurt when she left for the other realm," I stated.

"Yes, but at that time, we had drifted apart. She was more concerned with magic and power, and equaling Celestia, that I hoped she wouldn't take it too far, and she almost did. But after her return to our realm, it was nice to see she was back on the right path. But now I understand why I hadn't heard from her in months. I think she wanted to make sure no one knew of Prince Artemis's whereabouts, since there was so much unrest before the discovery," Comet admitted.

"Indeed, and I'm glad in that regard. But now things have settled down. Blueblood's still a bit of a pain, but not anything we can't handle. There are some days, er, I should say nights I want to haunt his dreams and teach him a lesson for insulting me like he did, but I know Celestia would confine me to the castle grounds for a month, with no hope of visiting friends at all, inside or out of the castle grounds," I shuddered at the thought.

"House arrest for a Princess? That's down right barbaric if you ask me," Comet spat.

I chuckled, "Trust me when I say, you had no idea what it was like when me and Tia were children under Starswirls teachings. Tia more than me got in trouble. Did I ever tell you of the Great Cake and Pie War of 300 P.C.?" (Pre-Celestial rule)

"No, but I'd like to hear of that story later. I am sure it will be very humorous," Comet Shine giggled at the thought.

"Indeed. But, that will have to wait while we and little Mister Adventurer of the Night get to visit Clover the Clever. It was a miracle we found her whereabouts, after she disappeared not long after Starswirl did. And she helped correct the debate of whether she was a mare or a stallion with the historians. They jumbled up so much history, foals for a time believed I returned once a year as Nightmare Moon and gobbled them up," I remembered after reading how the Nightmare Night celebration got started.

"Oh, I know you're no foal gobbler your majesty. Tia told me to make sure you're strictly on a snobby nobles diet," Comet joked.

We both had a laugh at that one, then we finally made it to Clover's studies, and I picked up Moon Dust so he could bang his tiny hooves on the door. "Is that who I think it is?" We heard a voice on the other end.

Soon the door opened and we saw Clover, or in other words, Twilight Clover Sparkle. The mother of Twilight Sparkle II. She had gone off detection after her mentor Starswril disappeared, and only recently revealed her identity after she discovered how Starswirl had disappeared and of Discord's reformation. And if Discord had known who she was a while back, there's no telling what he might have done to her. But recent events eased her worries and she came out of hiding. Her daughter as you can imagine was ecstatic to discover she was the daughter of 'one' of the most famous Unicorns in history.

Today though, she was just being goofy with her grand-nephew, and who could blame her. He was too adorable not to be goofy around. "I apologize you two. I assume you came to see if I made any progress on How to bring Starswirl and the Pillars of Light back?" Clover asked.

"Well, not the main reason, but it does peak our curiosity. I still have an essay I owe him," I joked.

"Indeed. I still have to charge you detention on that, don't I?" Clover joked back.

"Detention? At my age? That's unheard of. It's a scandal," I pouted playfully.

"But it's not impossible," Clover threatened.

"But in other news, how are things progressing?" I asked.

"I have figured out why they disappeared, but I'm still clueless on their last known location or how they managed to go into the state of limbo as Starswirl had left in his notes," Clover exclaimed.

"I see. I wish I could help, but not even Tia and I have any knowledge of where the Pillars of Light went to, to take on the Pony of Shadows. I wish I could be of more help," I sighed.

"It's alright Luna. Besides, you were to young to know the dangers, and Starswirl more than likely knew you and Tia would gallop after him if you had been told where they went. And I would never get to see little Dusty here," Clover chuckled as she let Moon Dust grab and nibble on one of her hooves.

"Well, I am glad to see you took to your old look you used to have. I'm still astounded you found a path to immortality that didn't require ascension," I admitted as I set Moon Dust in the Foal playing zone of her studies.

"Well, I couldn't let the two fillies I had been friends with for so long go on without one of their closest friends. I only wish the others were here to see that descendants of theirs stayed closely knit, and their most recent descendants share the bond I once had with them, and aspired to their own greatness. Course, I suppose it's also because I let my own descendant come into the mix to forge the bond once seen over 1000 years ago. Applejack would be astounded at how amazing Applejack Jr. has become," Clover reminisced.

I placed a hoof on her shoulder and assured her, "They know, as they watch from the Elysian Fields Clover. Trust me, they know."

She gave me a hug, sighing as she thought about her friends. "Um. Luna, Clover, you need to see this," Comet grabbed our attention.

We watched in astonishment as Comet laid near Moon Dust who was, at this time, was standing. Standing! On his own hooves. Without anypony's help. It looks like all those times climbing the stairs helped strengthen his legs. "Great job my little Moon. Come on. Come to Mommy. You can do it," I encouraged him.

I watched. He was unsure, but, he lifted one hoof, and stepped forwards. There's one step. We waited in anticipation..... step two. Then three. He was walking. A little wobbly, but he was doing it. Soon he came to my chest and hugged me. I wrapped my foreleg around him, and nuzzled him, as I cried tears of joy. My son.... he was finally walking. Oh Artemis is gonna be so jealous when he visits us in the dream realm tonight.

Author's Note:

End of new chapter. Phew, a little longer than I expected to take once I started, but wow, I feel it was worth it. Thanks to someone who has commissioned me to continue this story, I have motivation to start her up again. Thank you to Shotgunboy848 for helping to motivate me again. I hope the chapter was to your liking, and will focus as much time and energy I can spare away from work and meals to try and get the next chapter out for you.

Please leave a comment below on what you thought of the chapter.

Oh and here is what Comet Shine looks like: