• Published 16th May 2013
  • 6,639 Views, 417 Comments

The Music of Ponyville - GrassAndClouds2

Octavia Philharmonica and her friends must obtain the Elements of Harmony to defeat an ancient evil

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Symphony To Battle Tyrants

Though the throne room was suffering from a millenium of neglect, though inches of dust coated everything and the room smelled of mildew and mold, though the great columns were cracked and split asunder, the walls half-collapsed, the ceiling dripping water onto the floor through holes the size of apple baskets, though half the ancient eves had completely rotted through...

Despite all of that, the room retained its sense of grandeur.

Octavia paused as she walked into the room, causing Bluenote to bump into her rear and knock her forward. "Sorry!" said the tubist. "Are you okay?"

"Fine. Just... stunned," managed Octavia.

The room was massive. Two thrones sat in the center of a huge circle, the seats themselves wrapped in gold and silver and studded with gems so bright that they could shine through the dust and dusk. Around the chairs were ten concentric circles, each larger than the last, where the nobles, Courtiers, and aids of the princesses would have stood. The surviving columns had carvings of such intricate detail that Octavia could make out mane stylings, cutie marks, even freckles on thousands of ponies engaged in war, diplomacy, art, science, and everything else ponies did. The walls of the room were similarly engraved.

"What a lovely sight," deadpanned Medley. "So where's the magic thingies?"

"There! In front of the thrones!" Lyra pointed. "Look!"

Sitting before the two seats were five large, undistinguished rocks that alone failed to match the splendor of the room. Inscribed on each one was a large sigil. For a moment, Octavia's heart quickened -- but then she realized that the number was wrong. "Lyra, how many Elements were there supposed to be again?"

"Six!" She paused. "...oh."

"What, is one out for cleaning?" Medley scowled. "Maybe it broke?"

"I don't see it," said Fluttershy. She looked around nervously. "Maybe... maybe we should try the other five anyway?"

"Why not?" said Vinyl, and she began to approach. "I wonder what'll happen if we kick them--"

"Vinyl, please do not kick the most powerful magical artifacts in the world," interjected Octavia hastily. "Can you look at them with your magic?"

Vinyl's horn glowed. "...um. They look kind of like big rocks. I'm not sensing any craft magic, girls."

"Great. They don't even work?" Medley looked around. "I hate to say it, but maybe a tactical retreat's the best option."

"We cannot stop now!" insisted Octavia. "Maybe there is something we missed, such as a spell to activate them! We have to find it!"

"At least let's move them," said Vinyl. "I can't sense them at all magically, so maybe if we get them into another room or something, the tyrants won't be able to find them. That could buy us some time."

Bluenote trotted over to one of the stones and began to strain to lift it. "Oof. Pretty heavy..."

"Lyra, can you buff us again?" asked Vinyl. "If you can, the rest of us can probably get them hidden in, like, twenty minutes--"

There was a devastating explosion from the front of the castle. "TREMBLE IN AWE!" roared a familiar voice. "AND BOW BEFORE THY QUEEN!"

"--Which we don't have," finished Octavia.

She had barely begun looking for places to hide or flee to when the throne room doors burst open again and the Burning Sun -- a towering giant of a pony -- charged in. Flames leapt from all over her body, causing Octavia to stumble backwards from the heat. "BOW!" roared the tyrant. "BOW, AND I SHALL CONSIDER SPARING THINE MISERABLE LIVES!"

"No way!"

Octavia turned, and to her amazement, she saw that it was Bluenote who had spoken.

"I'm not afraid of you," said Bluenote. She smiled. "I have faith in my friends and myself. We're going to stop you." She chuckled. "No doubt about it."

Burning Sun reared up on her hind hooves. "FOOL! DOST THOU KNOWST WHO THOUST SPEAKETH TO?"

"Oh, we know!" said Lyra. She grinned. "But we don't care! We are Equestrians! We'll fight for what is right FOREVER!" She cheered, pointing her toy lyre at the tyrant like a sword.

Octavia froze. She was acutely aware, suddenly, of her own mortality and weakness. She was a musician and had no combat training. Neither she nor the others would survive a direct fight; Burning Sun could simply step on them to end the conflict. The Elements didn't work, the team had failed... so why were the others so defiant?

And why, she wondered, did she feel such an urge to join them?

"We're not abandoning our friends and the country," said Medley. She was trembling, but she didn't back down even one step. "That isn't who we are."

Fluttershy took a deep breath, and put her wings around the nearest two ponies -- Bluenote and Lyra -- but she said, "Even if we have to give our lives, we'll do it to help the other ponies!"

The left wall of the room collapsed with a roar as Nightmare Moon burst in. She grinned savagely. "Are you so sure you want to die? Surrender the Elements to me, little ponies. Do so, and I will grant you mercy." Her voice grew lower, seeming to tug at Octavia's ears. "I could consider your actions against me to be born from ignorance, not malice, and I--"

"You will show no mercy anyway." Octavia realized that she was talking -- and then understand that she had to be talking, for this was who she was. She wouldn't stand by and allow such a lie to go unchallenged, not while it was out there in an effort to manipulate the others. They're my friends... I understand now that I must defend them. "You showed no mercy to anypony back in Ponyville. There is no point in trying to convince us that we can stand down and work out some peaceful resolution. We know it is not possible."

"So stop trying to get us to give up!" yelled Vinyl. "No way, no how. You want a fight?" She grinned, every inch the defiant and reckless DJ that she played in her shows. "Then BRING IT ON!"

The dark-coated alicorn paused, then shrugged. "Fine. Your lives..." She grinned, showing a lot of tooth. "To waste."

Burning Sun stomped her hooves, hard enough to shake the ground and send the other ponies sprawling. "YOU DEFY ME? THEN TASTE THE FIRE!"

"Taste the night," hissed Nightmare Moon. "Taste nothingness, pathetic foals."

Octavia forced herself to watch as Burning Sun's horn glowed and a blast of fire formed and sped at her. I tried. Cadance, I tried--

The fire vanished a foot from her face.

Octavia could only stare in confusion.

"WHAT?" roared Burning Sun. "SISTER! HOW DARE--"

"It wasn't me!" cried out Nightmare Moon. Octavia frowned. She sounded... scared. "It's them -- no! Not again!" Her voice became a wail. "NOT AGAIN!"

Octavia turned behind her, and saw with a shock that the five rocks were glowing brightly. As she watched, they levitated into the air and began to pulse.

And then she understood, and she laughed.

"Did you think you could defeat us?" she asked. "Six ponies, like us?" She gestured to one of the others at random. "A pony like Medley, implacably loyal, who fought through an entire village of pony-eating monsters to rescue her friends?"

One of the rocks flashed and soared over to Medley, who cautiously put a hoof on it -- and then glowed, as if connected to some incredibly strong power source.

"A pony as kind as Lyra Heartstrings, who saw the pain and loss in even the most monstrous of beasts and fought to heal its wounds?"

A rock floated to Lyra, who was likewise energized.

"A pony like myself, who--" her voice caught, slightly, but she forced herself to keep going, "--who despite all my faults, will never let your lies pass by unchallenged? Who was willing to be dashed against a rock for the sake of what I knew to be true?"

And then a boulder was in front of her, and she felt a surge of power, and energy... and a strong feeling of friendship. She was staring down alicorns, she had no idea what was going on, but she somehow knew that she would rather be there, defending her friends, than anywhere else in Equestria without them.

The words poured out of her. "A pony as optimistic and joyous as Bluenote, whose laughter helped defeat a monster built of pure rage! A pony as generous as Fluttershy, who sacrificed everything she ever wanted for the sake of others! Not to mention the magic of Vinyl Scratch! I don't mean spells and cantrips -- any unicorn has those -- but the magic of the friendships she has with the five of us, that got us this far, past all measure of monsters and the best traps you two could devise, is far stronger than anything you can wield!"

She realized, distantly, that five of them were glowing. And, actually, floating. Only Vinyl remained grounded, staring at the alicorns with defiance and determination on her face. The rest of them were sparkling with pure energy.


Octavia hesitated, but Vinyl took over. "Weren't you listening? We have everything we need! Loyalty, Kindness, Honesty, Laughter, Generosity -- and the Magic of friendship!" A brilliant light swept over her and she floated up to the rest of the ponies. "It's not in a rock or an old throne room, it's within us! And it's something you will NEVER understand!"

A loud humming filled Octavia's ears. Dimly, she was aware of Burning Sun throwing fire at them, but it seemed to just vanish before it got close. A surge of power swept over her, causing her hooves to kick and her coat and mane to stand on end, and then...

And then she was back on the ground.

With her cello. But she knew, somehow, that it was far more than a standard cello now.

"Huh?" She turned to see Medley, who was standing behind her aeolian harp. The stone frame and the strings were glowing, sigils embedded within them giving off a pure and powerful light. "Are these the Elements?"

"Yep!" said Lyra, brandishing her glowing lyre.

"I had thought they'd be jewelry," mused Bluenote. Her tuba flashed and twinkled, sigils neatly worked into the brass of the instrument as if they had always been there.

Vinyl chuckled. She was standing behind her speakers and drum kit, all lit by that same powerful light. "Jewelery, schmewelery! This is way more awesome."

Two dozen twinkling birds flew overhead and landed in front of Fluttershy, who had a golden conductor's baton in her mouth. "Let's stop them," she said. Her voice was unusually firm. "Let's stop them now."

Octavia spun her cello around, taking one moment to admire the pure power radiating from its every part. "Of course."

Burning Sun's mouth was open. "IMPOSSIBLE! THIS CANNOT BE!"

"Shut up, you idiot!" cried Nightmare Moon. "Kill them! Kill them quickly!"

"Not a chance," said Vinyl. She raised two drumsticks. "Elements, ready!" She clacked them together four times. "One! Two! Three! Four!"

And they began to play.


The music was unlike anything Octavia had ever heard.

No orchestra could match the power and clarity of their music. Every single note worked with each other perfectly, a symphony of sound that threatened to rock the very foundations of the castle. The work was not drawn from any one particular style; it was a blend of all six styles that somehow worked, each instrument and genre supplying just the right notes for a truly harmonious, gorgeous work.

Vinyl’s drums and speakers provided a steady pulse, constant energy feeding into the music. Lyra’s lyre hit the high notes and Octavia played the low notes, both on strings, forming a powerful, seamless melody that rang across all pitches. Fluttershy’s chirping birds provided punctuation and accents at appropriate intervals, sounding off at just the right point to highlight a phrase, melodic line, or measure of Lyra’s, while Bluenote’s blats of the tuba did likewise for Octavia. And Medley’s aeolian harp, sounding as Medley flapped her wings behind it, danced between the medley of the other five instruments and provided a blanket of sweet sound that filled in the cracks the other instruments couldn’t reach.

It sounded perfect.

Distantly, Octavia heard Burning Sun scream in rage. She saw gouts of fire launch towards her. She saw them fizzle away as they neared. But this was all very far off; almost like it was happening to some other pony. She was performing, wrapped tightly in her music and surrounded by fantastic musicians -- no, by fantastic friends. Nothing the tyrants could try was worth thinking on. There was only the gorgeous music.

Vinyl, grinning, slammed her sticks together a few more times to mimic hoofsteps. Bluenote blatted a horn-like sound from her tuba in response. The music revved up, strings, brass and bird following the percussion, and then -- as Burning Sun launched fireballs at them, fireballs which were knocked aside by perfectly timed drumbeats -- the DJ began to sing:

A darkness falls over the land
Enslaves, says we cannot withstand!
And I -- try to see
The light -- through the disease

I tried to get up on my hooves
Been so long, working through this mad wood!
But somewhere deep inside, I know
That fate favors the bold!

She blasted out a long, stunning wubstep solo that sent both alicorns stumbling back into the wall. Before they could recover, she whooped, flashed a brilliant grin, and continued:

So tonight, though I am a little pony
I run -- down an erupting volcano
And I drink, drink, drink
From a chalice filled
With the laughter of small foals!

And indeed, Octavia noted that her drums and speakers sounded like foals, even moreso than the themes of the 'Sonata of Morning' she had written a few days prior. They scampered and bounced and seemed almost to laugh... and the alicorns were powerless before them.

Vinyl twirled her drumsticks, adjusted a speaker, and pointed one hoof at the rest of the band. “Take it away, girls!”

“You got it!” It was Medley, an angry grin on her face. Nightmare Moon had been trying to sneak some kind of dark magic through the band -- she seemed to have a better grasp than Burning Sun of how the music went together and where the weak spots were -- but Medley's music was always there to deflect, and shield, and fight back. With another thrust of her wings, she played a soft chord that slipped perfectly within a gap between Lyra's and Octavia's melodies, presenting a solid wall of sound that the alicorn could not penetrate. “Let’s show these two what we can do!”

"When darkness is drowning your soul
And makes you feel alone in the cold!"

The aeolian harp's flowing notes were briefly brisk, cold, unpleasant -- but only for a moment. Then that stray verse was wrapped up by the rest of the notes and quashed beneath the swift, bright, and powerful melody the band was playing. Medley nodded at Fluttershy, who shifted the baton to a wing for a moment and thus was able to sing:

"Find me, and grab ahold
This chalice, it overflows!"

Bluenote took over singing next, pausing on her tuba to -- with a brilliant smile, one that spoke of endless joy and happiness and friendship -- sing:

So tonight, though I am a little pony
I run -- down an erupting volcano
And I drink, drink, drink
From a chalice filled
With the laughter of small foals!

She shut her eyes, grinned, and proceeded to play a long section on her tuba. It was deep and powerful and full of life, seeming to sparkle with pleasure at what the world could provide. It had a foal’s sensibility -- but as shown by that of a master, all that bright love of the world, and one’s friends, and the new and wonderful things she saw every day, expertly discussed in musical form.

“Lyra!” called Octavia, whipping off a beautiful chord progression that knocked aside a tendril of emptiness Nightmare Moon had launched at them. “This was your idea, you should sing something!”

“You got it!”

Lyra sprang up on top of the thrones, and madly strumming her lyre with one hoof, she cried:

Elements, of Harmony,
Hand over the reins
Bless our path, that tonight
We find the will to break these chains
And ride!

And then they were playing a long, wordless section. Octavia could feel the power of the music, and she listened as it blasted into the alicorns, systematically wrecking all the defenses and shields they could put up.

The tyrants tried mightily to resist. They launched everything they had at the ponies. But nothing had any affect. No illusions could survive Octavia’s simple, honest string patterns. No mental attack, no hardening of the heart, could make it past Lyra’s ever-present lyre melodies. Burning Sun transformed into a fifty-foot alicorn and tried to step on them; Bluenote’s tuba laughed at her, and she lost her balance and fell on her flank. Nightmare Moon tried to drain off their power and siphon it into the ground; the others deflected, and when the string players faltered for a moment, Fluttershy’s birds chirped with enough volume and strength to keep them going. And beneath them was the constant magical energy of Vinyl's percussion, energy which was unmatched by any tyrant's spell. The alicorns were outmatched.

“Octavia!” Vinyl yelled. “Finish them!”

“Yes!” said Octavia. She grinned, launching another set of chords and a gorgeous harmony that she layered on top of Lyra’s own melody. Words formed in her mind, and she sang:

So tonight, though we are all little ponies
We all run -- down an erupting volcano
And we drink, drink, drink
From a chalice filled
With the laughter of small foals!

Her eyes narrowed, she pointed her bow at the alicorns, and she finished the song with one final verse:

And the blood and tears of our enemies!

Nightmare Moon turned and tried to flee, but the music reached out, grabbed her, dragged her back. The sound wove all about the sextet, forming into something so beautiful that Octavia could not describe it. She could barely keep up with it.

But keep up she did, and an avalanche of music struck the two alicorns and blasted them down.

The two fell back, both stunned and unable to move. For a moment, it seemed like something else stood before them -- a dimly outlined, constantly shifting entity, with no features and no form save two green and hateful eyes. But then another wave of sound struck it, and with a cry, it vanished into the air.

And it was over. There were only six ponies, their instruments, and two unconscious tyrants.

Octavia just had time to set her cello down before collapsing of exhaustion.