• Published 23rd Sep 2011
  • 1,640 Views, 17 Comments

Friendship is ninjas - bendelsohn

When an ancient enemy decends on Equestria, will Applejack and Twilight be apple to fight it off?

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Friendship is ninjas 2: the evilest evil


By Bendelsohn

Chapter 1: poni ga suki

Fluttershy was a sad ponie.

She herd about Twilight’s deah and was cryin in her house. She hadt come out for three whole days! Twiliht was her teecher and she lieked her a lot but now that she was dead she couldt train anymore! She would be bad ninja forever and that would be bad because she wanted to be good ninja! Suddenly Pinkie Pie.

“Fluttershu come out and eat food or you will dies!” said Pinkie.

“No I will cry forever because that is what good friend would do!” sayd Fluttrshy.

“No it is what bad friend is do!” said Pinkie “Now go and fight the ninjas befiore eberyone is die!”

So Fluttershy said ok pinkie and stopped crying and ate food so she woldn’t starve and die. and then she said ok I need to tak to cestia now so she went to talk to celestia in canterlot by flying there with her wigs.

Fluttersgy was very tired on the way ther because she was not as strong as Twiiligt. She only had black belts on 13 martial arts and 6 super blac belts. She was also scare about what celistia would maek her do.

“What if shee maeks me fighjt 8 milleon ninjas!?” she said. “Or makes me do her ebvil bidding if she becombs evil!”

She get to CElesltis house in cantrlot. It was a big house that was also a catle and it made flutrshy feel small wen she loked at it. It was so big it almost had gavity but it did not. Fluttsershy went in and saw Celestia.

Celestia said “Fkuttershy, my new moist faithful student, I know you herd that twilight died and it makes me very sad as well. However, there is more ninja in equrstrias and we Dont know why. Please kill all the ninjas and save the world, and find out who killed twolight and kill them too please. This is a dengerous mishin so you can has Rarity to help you kill all the ninjas.”

Suuddenly celestia cried.


And while Celestia was :( flutershy and rarity left to fight the ninjas.

Chapter 2: poni o futatsu or is it ni I don’t know Japanese is hard

rarity and fluttershy went look for ninjas. Rarity only had 11 blak belts and 4 supr black belts but it was ok bvecause she had a super-mega-black belt in pony-wing-chun and that counts as like 4 black belts and she was also a samuray!

“Twilight said we must always use weapon to kill the ninjas!” Said fluttrshy

But I donot have weapon sid rarity because she left her samuray sword at home.

“Then yiu must be weapon!” say fluttershy!

Suddenly ninjas.

Chapter 3: Poni wa ninja ga kirai

The ninjas were not good ninjas becuase there was only 100 of them and rarity and fluttershy killed them all in 10 seconds flat. But then they got up and started attacking agin.



So Fluttershy cut off they heads with her sword of ancient magicness that she get from twilight when she was not died and rarity did not kno what to do. She could not kick the ninjas because she is a lady-like pony and blood makes her hooves dirty and that would be bad! But then she remebered fluttershys adivce and she knew what to do and said “I KNOW WAT TO DO!” and she turnd her horn into a laser katana and cut all of the zombies heads off of them and made them dead again and they would never com back. When the fight was over there was a million gallons of ninja blood everywhere but not on rarity because she is a clean samuray pony!

Fluttershy said “that was super cool how do?” and rarity said I took yur advice and became a weapon! And fluutershy was really happy because she taght rarity liek twilit had taught her! And they laughed and laughed and laughed.

“but now i remember that twilight is deeeeeeead!” Fluttershy said in first person. And then she cried a lot and it made rarity sad to see her and everyone was :(.

Chapter 4: honto ga arimasen

“OH NO THATS TERIBLE!” SAid applejack, who was actually zomniejack but was wearing her not-ded costum. “zombie ninjas ah not expect that!” but she was a liar because she did expect that! she sent the zombie ninja to kill everyone but she did not tell them that.

Rarity said “I don trust trust her she smells like dead!”

“thats mean ans you should not say that! Just because someone smells dead does not maek them dead!”

And rarity knew fluttershy was right and she said sorry.

Applejack was scare for a sec but when she realized flutterhsy still lieked her so she wasn’t.

And then applejack was like “there is ninja in everferee forest now! kill they!”

And so they went.

Chapter 5: メアリースー

One day Fluttershy and rarity were killing ninjas in the Everfree Forest when they saw the most beautiful Stallion they had ever seen. He was an alicorn with a bright red mane and a black coat and he had differen color eyes and he was cover in blood and not doing anything but looking super sad :(. He also has super-mega black belts in all the martial arts. Both rerity and Fluttershu instantly fell in love with him but they din’t say it and started blushi. It was the most love that they had ever been in. They always new friendship but not love and it felt very strange because they were more in love with the staliin than they were in friendship with each other.

“ Why are you sad and name?” asked rarity while still blushing because she was in so much love.

In the most amazing monotone voice in the universe, he said “I am sad becuase I am super powerful and noone understands me and Emoheart.”

And as he sai this they all relized he was in the middle of a pile of 40000 dead ninjas. Everyon felt sorry for him and was in love with him because he was perfect so they took him home.

When they got home everyone was surpise because everyone was die. Fluttershy was >:0 and rarity was D: and Emoheart said “This perfectly represent the melencholy of my entire life and I am a unique snowflake.” and was T_T.

As the entered pontvile eveyting was destroyed and broken really bad! Ther was fire and ruble and flood everywhere!


Suddenly applejack said “I AM!” while stabbing a pony with kinfe with the fast hoofs. and everypony was very suprises because they thought appljak was good but really she was zonbie ninjas the whole time!

Flutir shy said “YOU KILL TWILIGHT YOU ARE BUTTFACE I WIIL DESTROY YOU UNTIL YOU ARE REALLY REALLY DEAD!” and she ran at him like twilight ran at te boss ninja but slower because she want as strong, but appajack was also too fast and kicked fluttershy really hard but not so hard she would die. Rarity brought her sword this time and it was 20 feet long and made of friendship. She swung but applejacc jumped over it and kicked rarity and made her face dity!

“Please help us with youer super-magic power!”

But Emoheart said “No I must broood my past b4 I can help because I am rlly sad!”
So the ponies said ok and kept fighting applejack. But apple jack was win and kicked them so hard they could not move.


“I am done brooding now! But Zombiejack got away and that make me even sadder!”

And all the ponies were super sad that ponyville was broken and thet Emoheart was sad but they did not say because they looved him and wnted to think they were strong. But since he was perfekt he knew a spell that could telepots them to zombiejack so he did.

Chapter 6: Genzai jisei

Emoheart teleprots them to Zombiejack. When she sees them she is all surprised but is happi because she thinks she is can kill them now. Sflutterhi and RAriti draw their wepons and Emoheart is brooding and being increadbly sexy. Applejak lafs and take out a nife. combat is begin.

Flutershy and rarity have now learned to do friendship and wok togehter to figt. and try to win really good. Applejack is still wining thouh, because she is fas and strong. She can doge ther attacks and kick them and it hurts a lot! This makes them very fustraed! bUT They kep trying until rarity hits her with her 20 foot katana!

“OW! that was hurt a lot but this will be more pain than explosion!”

And then zombiejack jumps over rarity and is about to stab her when Flutrshy jumps into the nife and is stab by it.

“OW! I have save your life wit mine and now you must take zombiejacks even if she is ded!”

And Fluttershy is die.

But she cannot finish because rarity is ded to because zombiejack stabs her until she dies.
Zombiejack says “And now for you, you amazingly attractive and flawless pony!” But when she stab him her knife is breks. Then Emoheart uses his super-magic to make the bigest explosion ever. The explosion was so super duper massive it is can be seen from spaec! And everythin close and far to the axplosion became nothing except for Emoheart because he maked the explosion and he is perfect and cannot be harmed. Everyting was bright. It was the biggest explosion in the history of explosions.

intermission: Watashi wa supesu ni imasu

Joe Spacepony really likd space. That was where he was and it made him happy. Enquestra had 4 moons and he was on the third moon. He had no reason t bein space, but he was boerd do he go to space. He brogt his space sut though so he didn’t die of not having oxegen.

“Joe spacepony to commander I am in space right now.” said Joe.

“That is good. Please continue to be in space so we can learn space things! For Equestria!”

Joe Spacepony like space, but He liked equestris more, so he was suprised when it looked like it asploded.

“Commanders what happen!?” He said confusedly.

“Everything is explode! EVERYTHING IS EXPLODE!”

And Joe could only watch as the most fabulously gorgeous and perfect , yet still special and misunderstood explosion he had ever seen destroyed everything.

Chapter 7: poni wa Emoheart ga totemo suki

After the xploson Emoheart was the only thing left in world. Te explosion was so big that everypony died, except for Emoheart who is perfect. but it was ok because Emoheart used his super magic to unexplode everthing but zombiejack, who are now microscopic peeces of zombiejack. He also revived everypony who he had killed except zombiejack with his super-magic. Fluttershy and rarity came back to lyfe and then they were so in love with him that they both saiid “I LOVE YOU EMOHEART BECAUS YOU ARE THE PERFECT!” and Emoheart said “WHY DOES NOPONY UNDERSTANDS ME!” and he was dissapear. And so Rarity and flutrshty were sad and happy because their tru love had left them but everone was alive again so they went back to ponyville to have a happysad pary!

EVerypony came to the party and even though it was a happysad party it was mostly happy because pinky pie maed it and pinky pie is always happy! So all the ponies were celebrte the most happiest time of they life because they are not ded. Ghost Twilight and ghost applejack, but not zombiejack were also there. It made Fluttershy very happu to see twilite even if she was dead. Then Emoheart appeared and Twilighte fell in love with him and he fell in love with her and they were kiss and live happy forever after.

Chapter 8: epiloge desu

10 years after the figt with zombiejack Fluttershy was 10 years older and trained more so she had 21 vlack belt and 17 super black belts!. Celestia was die from zombie cancer so Rarity became te new overlard and she rules with iorn fist! ghost Twilight and Emoheart live happily together and will forever because Emoheart is perfect and dosnt age.

“I am so happy for yu too!” say fluttershy.

“Tank you! ^.^” sayd twillight.

“Now that someone understands me I no longer understand myself.” said Emoheart emoly.

Suddenly princess Luna.

“Emoheart I need you to comewith me because I will tell you something imprtant.”

So he went and said wat is it? And then they made out and then Emoheat gave all the royal gards acne and it was realy funny. And he wasnt cheating on ghost Twilight because Emoheart is perfect and cheatin is bad, so he was just making out completely platoniculy. And when they were done twilight came in and they all maked out together, because friendship.