• Published 22nd Apr 2013
  • 7,586 Views, 69 Comments

The Greatest Challenge - Twilight-the-Pony

Rainbow Dash had a fair share of challenges in her life, but they were nothing compared to winning over a heart of the local librarian.

  • ...

The Challenge

A soft knock on the library’s doors disturbed Twilight Sparkle’s focus. She groaned and waved her hoof in its direction, hoping in vain that the action would suffice for the door to open and let the pony on the other side enter.

A second, slightly louder knock spread around the room, falling on the librarian’s ears as she groaned again, turning towards the doors with an irritated grimace on her face.

“Come in... this is a public library... it’s open!”

As the third knock rang out, she finally traced it's origin to the other side of the library’s doors, now accompanied by the familiar voice of a certain sky-blue pegasus which she knew all-too-well.

“Hello, Twilight?”

“It’s open Rainbow, come on in!”

“It’s locked Twi,” Dash stated flatly.

“SPIKE!” shouted the librarian.

There was no response.

“Aw, ponyfeathers. I forgot that Spike took a week off,” Twilight muttered under her breath.

“Give me a minute!” she shouted towards the still-locked library door, craning her neck and trying to find the fastest way out from the pile of assorted books around her, cautiously calculating each step to avoid damaging the precious literature or hurting herself.

‘It looks like I was playing in a book fort,’ thought the librarian, snickering to herself and still trying to clear out a path through the pile.

A split second after her victorious escape from the book fort, Twilight let out a cheer of: “Finally free!” before slipping on a book entitled ‘Finding Your Balance,’ crashing down on her muzzle with a loud thud.

There was a fourth knock. “Twilight, are you okay? I heard somepony crashing in—”

The door flew open, revealing Rainbow Dash standing there and looking directly at the irritated mare and her bloody muzzle.

“Are you okay? What happened?”

“I’b pine!” Twilight snapped as she pressed a hoof to the blood flowing from her nose.

“You’re what?” Dash asked with a visible grin of mockery on her face.

“I’b-” Twilight was about to repeat her answer only to realize that it would bring more audible giggles from the pegasus on her doorstep.

“I’b dot in de bood for dis Raidbow,” Twilight glared darkly at the laughing pegasus, “bat can I do for you?” she tried to continue, unphased.

Twilight’s words expelled another roar of laughter from the pegasus “I just can’t understand what you’re trying to say, Twilight. Can you please repeat that?”

Twilight glared darkly at the still laughing pegasus yet again before she sighed and lit her horn a moment later, starting the short process of mending the superficial wounds that she received in her oh-so-epic slip.

Sighing, she queried the raucous pegasus why she was visiting the local library.

“I was looking for some cool books...”

“Cool books?” Twilight scratched her mane, “what kind of cool books? I still have a bunch of comics that you haven’t read yet.”

“Comics? Nah... I was thinking cooler stuff... you know...” Rainbow looked down, “20 percent cooler stuff.”

“I don’t know what that means, Rainbow” Twilight replied, exasperated.

“You know... the cool stuff... something like advanced thermodynamics or astrophysics.”

Twilight’s mind locked up and her mouth flew open, almost hitting the floor.

“Excuse me?” she tapped her right forehoof lightly against her head, “heh, I’m probably hearing things, but I thought you said ‘advanced thermodynamics or astrophysics’. Can you please repeat that?” Twilight perked her ears and listened carefully to the answer so as not to mishear it again.

“That’s exactly what I said,” Rainbow continued, “either one or the other... I don’t think that I’ll have enough time to go through both of ‘em before my rental expires.”

Shocked, Twilight stared blankly at the pegasus.

“B- But when- did you- science,” Twilight tried to put together a coherent sentence.

“I don’t know... since you’ve awoken my passion for reading, I’ve read all the Daring Do books at least four times. But after the third time around, I got a little tired of it and decided to read something else,” Rainbow looked at the librarian, “something more... meaningful. And since I want to be the best flyer in Equestria, I want to know if I missed something. Subjects like thermodynamics' tend to help. Astrophysics is just... you know... a light read before bed...”

Far more shocking than the fact that a brash and careless pegasus flyer was interested in science, was the fact that the subject she treated as ‘a light read before bed,’ gave headaches to many scholars from Canterlot, including her.

“I-just-want-to-hug-you-now,” blurted the still-shocked Twilight.

Rainbow felt a warmth rise in her cheeks as she gazed at Twilight, who was still zoned-out. ‘She probably didn’t mean that’, the pegasus quickly snapped back to reality. “Heh. Do you have one of those books or not?”

Twilight shook her head in an attempt to regain her composure.

“Twi? Do you have them or not?” the pegasus asked again.

“Oh, the books.” Twilight finally snapped out of her reverie, “right,” she looked in the direction of the semi-chaotic pile of books, “I have both books here... I’ve already read the thermodynamics book yesterday, but I put the astrophysics away for reading later. It should be around here somewhere.”

Twilight trotted towards the dubbed ‘book fort’ with the intent to find the aforementioned reading material for her friend. Unfortunately a book named ‘Finding Your Balance’ decided to make her little trip a bit more exciting, causing her to slip and propelling her into the now, pretty-much, demolished fort.

“Ow...” Twilight groaned as she heard the pegasus behind her exploding into fits of laughter yet again.

Moments later, she turned towards her feathered friend with 3 books floating by the glow of her horn.

“I see that somepony managed to get a new set of funny bones,” Twilight glared at Rainbow, “here. Keep these two books as long as you need them. There won’t be any charge.”

Rainbow, still giggling, turned to Twilight: “What about the third book?”

“I don’t know what that is... I’m not sure how it ended up on the floor but I haven’t read it yet. It’s made me slip on it twice today, so I assume it wants to be read.”

Rainbow snickered again.

“Do you want me to help with that pile of books, Twilight?”

“Thanks for the offer, Rainbow... but I think I’ll manage to clean up on my own.”

Rainbow paused as she looked at the unicorn with a soft blush on her cheeks “Twilight, I-,” she stopped in the middle of the sentence and sighed.

“What is it, Rainbow?”

“It’s nothing. Forget it.”


“It’s nothing, really... I forgot what I wanted to ask you anyways...” as she turned towards the exit. “Thanks for the books. Laters Twi.”

“Bye, Rainbow.”

“Ponyfeathers. So close,” Rainbow muttered moments after hearing the library doors swing shut behind her.


Twilight closed the doors behind the pegasus and looked around the library, snickering, “Hah... this looks like a war zone... I should really clean this up... maybe even reconsider Rainbow’s offer to help me with sorting up this mess...”

“Or maybe not. It’s not that big of a mess, anyway.”

It had taken her only a few steps to involuntarily find ‘Finding Your Balance’ yet again with one of the forehooves which, once again, sent the librarian front flipping with her nose landing on the floor and her flank in the air.

“Oh, for the love of- AGAIN?” Twilight snorted, “That’s it! I’m going to bed!”

The unicorn stomped furiously on her way up the stairs muttering “What a weird day,” and fumbling into her bed.

“What a weird day indeed,” she said to herself, rubbing the top of her injured muzzle, “very, very weird.”

“Oh, before I forget…” Twilight looked into the direction of the demolished fort, “what was in that book anyway?” the librarian’s magic wrapped the unfortunate book in a soft magenta glow, floating it onto her belly, “let’s see...”

After quickly skimming through it, she concluded that it was one of those philosophy schoolbooks with half-blank pages for writing in your own thoughts, explanations or notes.

“Just a painful touch of irony then,” she surmised, “but I think that it’s really time to call it a day. I don’t think I can handle anything weirder today,” the unicorn yawned.


Tap, tap, tap. A hoof lightly nudged her mane.

“Mmmm,” Twilight moaned, “five more minutes, mom.”

Tap, tap, tap.

“Five more minutes, mom. Mmmm... I’m having such wonderful dreams.”

The light tapping of a hoof on her mane repeated itself.

Twilight slowly opened her eyes and after seeing a blue winged silhouette, her eyes flew open immediately.

“Rainbow Dash? What are you doing here in the middle of the n-”

“Night?” the pegasus jumped into her sentence, “It’s noon Twilight. Are you okay? You don’t look too hot,” she continued.

“I had the most amazing dream... I had wings and I was soaring through some amazing crimson skies. And, and, and... There was more, but I just can’t remember.” Twilight hung her head, as if she was embarrassed not to remember what she was dreaming just a few minutes ago.

Rainbow tapped the librarian’s mane yet again.


“I see that you still need that helping hoof,” Rainbow pointed to the pile of randomly scattered books on the library floor, “would you like me to help you out today?” she offered.

“Yes, please,” she looked at the offending ‘Finding Your Balance’ that caused all three crash-landings yesterday, “I crashed yet again and I went to bed because of this stu-”


“W- What?”

“Snap out of it. So you crashed. Big deal. Try to see how many times you crash when you learn how to fly,” Rainbow snickered.

“Heh. I guess you’re right.”

“Of course I am... It comes with being awesome!” Rainbow added quickly.

Twilight laughed softly and slowly got out of the bed.

“Let’s see what you have here,” Rainbow looked towards the pile of chaotically placed books. “Are you sure that Discord didn’t help you with sorting these books?” She snickered before turning back to it.

“Math, cool,” she stated, starting to browse through the pile, “history, boring, more history, more boring, physics, even cooler. And what’s this? Poetry? Romance? Twilight Sparkle has a sappy side?”

“Ahem,” the softly blushing unicorn sounded behind her back, “that’s just classic literature.”

“Really?” the pegasus curiously quizzed the librarian, “I didn’t dive into literature that much, but I’m not quite sure that ‘Finding a Perfect Stallion’ counts for classic literature?” she snickered.

Twilight, now visibly blushing in hues of red, pink and purple, tried to divert the answer “Rainbow, I hope you didn’t come here to mock my reading material,” she evaded, still heavily blushing.

“Ah don’t worry, Twilight,” the pegasus replied. “I’m not really interested in what you read.” she continued, “it’s just” she took a deep breath, “I—I’ve already read the books yesterday. And I was wondering if you have anything... you know… like… harder... like maybe the physics of the sonic rainboom or some advanced math?”

“D- Did you just say that you’ve already finished the books? Both of them? But- They both have 200 pages; at least 200 pages.”

“Heh. It was just a light read. Nothing as advanced as I’d hoped...”

Twilight blinked. Just a light read and nothing as advanced as I’d hoped echoed in her mind. nothing as advanced

“Hm,” she muttered, “so you’d like a little bit of challenge, would you?” her eyes lit up, “help me clean up this mess and I will give you something challenging, okay?”

“Challenge?” Rainbow raised her eyebrows. “Oh. You. Are. So. On.”

A little over an hour later, the duo finished sorting and compiling the scattered books as well as cleaning the rest of the library.

“Well?” Rainbow asked, “So what’s the challenge?”

“Well,” Twilight said, “I had this complex homework when I was still at school in Canterlot. And I’d spent plenty of time trying to figure it out.”

“How much?”

“Let’s just stick with ‘plenty’, okay?”

“Hm.” Rainbow looked at the unicorn in suspicion “What kind of ‘complex homework’ are we talking about?”

“Stellar mechanics,” offered Twilight, floating up a paper with a single question on it

‘’Excluding the effects of redshift, describe the rotation of Pulsar PN-8621 in terms of cycles per second.” Rainbow read out loud.

“So… how much time do I have to solve this?” she added, still looking at the paper.

“You don’t have any time constraint Rainbow.” said Twilight “But if you resolve it in a month, you’ll get all the Daring Do’s that come out this and next year, okay?”

“What if I solve it in like… a week?”

“Then I will give you everything that I can; within my limits of course.”

“Of course,” Rainbow looked at the worn-out schoolbooks, “I think I have a date with your homework now.”

Twilight giggled, “Bye, Rainbow.”

The door closed behind the pegasus as she sighed, ‘It’s just -Do you want to go out with me?’ A tear fell down her cheek. ‘I’ll never be able to say that.’

Meanwhile, Twilight’s stomach growled, ‘Hm. It’s lunch time, but I hate eating alone, since Spike is still elsewhere... maybe Rainbow is still around to join me...’

The doors swung open for Twilight to find the pegasus still standing in front of the library.

“You’re still here?” Twilight asked.

“Just about to go.” Dash replied.

“Oh. I was wondering if you’d join me for lunch. I usually eat with Spike and I’m never sure how to cook for just one pony”

“I thought that the library was a little too quiet... Let me guess,” Rainbow asked. “He’s with Rarity?”

“Yes. One week of digging for gems with her. He’s most likely in baby dragon’s heaven,” both ponies snickered.

“Oh, lunch...” Rainbow returned back to the question. “What are you having?”

“Um. How do you feel about hayfries?”

“Blech. Do you have any proper food?”

“N- No, sorry.”

“In that case, I can’t join you. I’m allergic to hayfries. Sorry.”

Twilight sighed. “How about lunch out?”

“I can’t Twi. Somepony gave me a complicated challenge. How about tomorrow?”

“Tomorrow it is,” Twilight sighed as she watched the pegasus distance herself from the library.

‘Allergic to hayfries. You’re the worst liar ever, Rainbow Dash,’ Rainbow thought, ‘but at least now you have time to solve this...

Twilight sighed again, retreating into the library. She downed a portion of quickly unfrozen, but still cold, hayfries “Blech. That was really terrible. I should really consider eating out next time... Maybe I should ask Rarity for some advice regarding restaurants...” She got lost in that thought which quickly switched towards the task she gave to Rainbow.

“Stellar mechanics,” she grunted, “After all these years... Still not one of my favorite subjects...”

She snapped out of her thoughts.

“It’s a beautiful day. I think I’ll just read outside for the rest of it,” she muttered as she lit her horn and picking up ‘History of Equestria: Second edition’ from the nearby shelf. “I think that this should do nicely.”


Tap, tap, tap.

The hoof of a rainbow-maned pegasus tapped the sleeping librarian softly on her mane.

“I promise I won’t turn you in the potted plant again da-”

Tap, tap, tap, tap, tap, tap...

Twilight groaned and twisted her neck to face the offender.

“Huh? Rainbow? What are you doing here at 3am?” she asked in a groggy voice.

“It’s 42.”

“Who-the-what-now?” asked the half-asleep librarian.

“The solution to your problem. It’s 42.”

“That’s great honey. Now go back to sleep.” Twilight flopped back to her pillow and attempted to return back to sleep.

Rainbow snickered, but fought the urge to join Twilight in her sleeping endeavors. She laid her head on the bed, just watching the unicorn sleep, slowly inching her way towards her mouth, ‘I want to know how it feels. Just this once.’

“Mmmmmm,” Rainbow moaned softly as her nose bathed in the intoxicating breath of the librarian. ‘I don’t think that I could ever get tired of this. But I should go…’ however the combination of Twilight’s breath and her lack of sleep rendered the pegasus immobile. ‘Ponyfeathers,’ her mind cursed. She felt herself drifting off into dreamland, the last thing that she could do was to make her lips form the inaudible words: ‘I love you, Twilight Sparkle.


Twilight shot up in panic and confusion the moment she saw the blue silhouette lying directly in front of her, expecting the worst-case scenario.

But observing the pegasus for a couple of seconds, seeing her chest rhythmically raising and falling accompanied by soft snores led her to the only viable conclusion, sighing in relief. “Asleep. Right in front my nose.” she snickered.

“Hey, Rainbow,” she spoke softly, tapping the rainbow-colored mare gently on her mane.
“Mmmm. I love you too, Twi” Rainbow muttered sleepily before curling her head and tucking the muzzle under her wing.

Twilight blushed, losing her ability to move for a few moments, already muttering to herself, “At least everything makes sense now. Almost everything anyway.”

She looked at the still-sleeping pegasus with playful sparks in her eyes, “Oh, I’m going to enjoy this.”

She climbed quietly out of covers, moving around to the foot of the bed before watching Rainbow, still sleeping peacefully for a moment.

“TEN-HUT! NO SLEEPING ON THE JOB, CADET DASH!” Twilight shouted, flawlessly imitating Spitfire’s voice.

Rainbow shot up in confusion looking around the room, yelling, “What? Where? Who? How?” while Twilight laughed out loud.

Rainbow glared darkly towards Twilight, “That’s not funny, Twi.”

“You’re right, it’s not. It’s hilarious. A little payback for that disappearing ink prank,” countered the still-laughing librarian before managing to stifle her laughter to a few snorts and giggles, “I think I remember you saying that you managed to solve the homework?”

“Yeah. It’s 42.”

“42 of what?” Twilight raised her eyebrow quizzically.

“42 cycles per second Twi... here, look...” she brought out a small notepad, sky-blue with a red stripe across the front. Twilight took the notebook and flipped it open, immediately grimacing.

“Yuck. Your writing is uglier than I’ve expected...”


“Heh. Let’s see... Hm,” Twilight looked into the notes, completely serious now, “That’s a completely different approach than I took, but...”


“But the result is correct and you deserve your reward. So what did you wish for?”

“Let’s see... I wish for...” the blue pegasus paused, you echoing through her mind as she tapped a hoof to her face theatrically, “I wish for… erm... a yearly ticket to the Wonderbolt shows?”

“Hm.” Twilight turned her head towards Rainbow and raised an eyebrow, “nothing more... meaningful?”

“M- Meaningful?” echoed Rainbow.

“Yes. Because I can’t give you what you asked for. However...”

“W- What?”

“I can,” Twilight took a step towards the rainbow-maned mare, “give you,” another step, “what you,” last step brought the librarian close to the pegasus that she could feel the heat of Rainbow’s muzzle, “really want.”

Rainbow gulped loudly, feeling as her heart wanted to escape her chest as she gazed into librarian’s eyes, “What are y-”

Twilight pushed her muzzle towards Rainbow, locking lips with her as Rainbow’s wings shot skywards, closing her eyes and melting away all her fears and doubts in delight of the moment.

Minutes must have passed before their lips parted, both ponies slowly opening their eyes.

“How did you-” gasped the pegasus, her lungs still grasping for more air.

“-know?” Twilight finished the sentence.


“Science my dear Rainbow. You were continuing to impress me with subjects which even I had problems with in school. And can still prove tricky now and again.” Rainbow snickered, “that’s like trying to impress AJ with bucking more apple trees than she could,” continued Twilight, “or Rarity with making prettier dresses than she does.”

“Plus, I’ve seen you staring at my flank more than once,” she added with a smile, watching in amusement as the pegasus’ face radiated in the light hue of red. “The biggest clue however…” she continued, pausing as Rainbow leant forwards expectantly, “was you talking in sleep,” she tried to unsuccessfully mimic Dash’s ‘I love you too, Twi,’ which resulted in laughter from both mares.

“There is something I still can’t figure out, however,” Twilight said, scratching her head, “all those tasks, all those assignments that were in the books and that one that I gave you were all really hard. How did you manage to solve all of them so quickly?”

“That’s easy,” Rainbow smirked, “those weren’t challenges at all,” she turned to Twilight, “those were just small distractions,” Rainbow nuzzled her. “The greatest challenge, Twilight Sparkle,” she pushed her muzzle a little further, stealing a kiss from the librarian, “the greatest challenge was to win over your heart.”

Comments ( 69 )

I love a good TwiDash story. Great job! I look forward to reading more of your stories in the future. Keep up the great writing!

Excellent story!

*looks over at a copy of ‘Finding Your Balance’ that is laying there silently on the floor. I got my eye on you! :twilightangry2:

So I enjoyed this story, but it is Twidash so that was pretty much a given.

I do have to wonder about Rainbow Dash's characterization in this one however. I mean, I might have missed something, but there's a big jump from Daring Do to Astrophysics. The fact that she not only has developed an interest in this stuff, but understands it to the point that she can solve a problem that took Twilight a long time to solve, seems ooc and not very well explained. At the beginning I figured she was just checking out the books to try and impress Twilight.

I mean, basically what just happened was Rainbow Dash did in a matter of weeks/months what Twilight and others have spent years of their lives studying.

A minor gripe really, still enjoyed the story, so thanks for that :pinkiehappy:


It's in my headcannon that Rainbow is more or less a genius when it comes to flight mechanics, and by extension, many areas of math. She just never shows it because eggheaded-ness isn't in her definition of cool. :rainbowwild:

what can i say. i must bow to a superior Twidasher :ajsleepy:

2468104 What? No... No... Just... Erm... *hides*


In the end of this story Twilight asked Dash how she managed to answer a question that even bugs her. To which Dash replies: “Those weren’t challenges at all, those were just small distractions".
She never really answered Twilight's question. You hiding something Dashie?

LunaOntheMoon i think your over thinking it.


Well, far be it for me to argue with someone's headcannon :D I can see what you mean, though I personally always attributed Dash's flight abilities to talent and tenaciousness, rather than study. It all works though.

Dear lord... what if Dash has been replaced by a changeling?! Or... What if all this time, she was secretly part of Celestia's secret service, keeping tabs on the elements of harmony in case they ever tried to stage a coup? Or... Maybe Dash attended Iron Will's new "Matter advanced mathematics in a week" seminar?

It was ok i guess but good job you should make a sequel

And that right there is the dawn of a new wave of fanfiction.

I'm using my 'Twilight Sparkle brain'. Over thinking does not exist. :twilightblush:

XD ok think what you must


But the writing is decent. Not bad

Marvelous story :twilightsmile::rainbowkiss:

Kinda fast paced, but still cute. Of course I love anything TwiDash related but this is really good.


I do have to wonder about Rainbow Dash's characterization in this one however. I mean, I might have missed something, but there's a big jump from Daring Do to Astrophysics.

I am well aware of the difference between the two. I wanted to portray Rainbow as rather than being super-smart like Twilight, being driven by self-imposed challenge.

Challenges can produce insanely creative thinking. I've left open-ended interpretation of how Dash managed to get the answer that she was after for a reason.

Nice take on Rainbow and Twilight. I can totally see her learning to read harder and harder books, if not to impress Twilight, but for herself.

Cute and fun. This fic is gooooood.

~Skeeter The Lurker

Cute story and a fun read. Well done!

Like others, the only issue I have is the Astrophysics, and at that level is more of a 3rd level university (maybe even Masters/4th level) module, I literally just took it this semester. Yes, it isn't very hard really, but a 'personal challenge' taken up by someone who is typically described as the athlete (shuns reading due to 'cool factor') seems highly unlikely.
Apart from that though, it was rather good, if you had done any quantum I probably would have stopped reading, done enough of that this year, don't need to read about it when I'm relaxing at home.

2472837 My other choice was genetics, since that's my kink :twilightsmile:

But, like I've said. People and ponies do strange things, if they're fueled by motivation :twilightsheepish:

Nice and fluffy.:twilightsmile:

I have visions of Princess Luna (In brainey specs... *takes a moment*) solving the problem for RD to "Helpest her winneth the heart of fair Twilight Sparkle"

2475980 I was kidding but okay, people hate me. :rainbowlaugh: Regardless, the writing quality is quite good, well done.

2476309 Hence why my response was not serious at all. :p

2476433 I'm just saying because I realised my comment had 12 downvotes, never seen anything close to that. Although, I think this could all easily be resolved with a gentlemens' duel.

This was so sappy I think I just turned into a tree :-P

2468415 considering murder:pinkiecrazy:
You're not worth it (also was joking)
Your life shall continue:pinkiehappy:

outstanding i love it

Okay, THAT was adorable. Definitely one of my favorite short TwiDash fics, and one of the better shipfics in general I've read lately. <3


I hate to be that one dissenting person who didn't like it, so I'll start by saying that I did, in fact, like most of it.

The one problem I had with this is that it feels sort of... rushed, and inexplicable.

How did RD actually do all those things? Did she learn it just to impress Twilight? Did she cheat? Did she have a secret passion for it all along?
I mean, if Twilight had trouble with it, it would take a flippin' savant to read and understand all of that so quickly.

How did that win over Twilight's heart so quickly?

And the resolution felt sort of... sudden.
The things before, with the reading and the challenge and all that, seemed to really be building up slowly to a deeper resolution, but then you have RD just professing her love in her sleep and Twilight accepting it. I feel like this really could have worked, if you'd really built up to it; but the thing is, all that really transpired that even bordered on romantic was RD visiting Twi's library and reading impressive things.

Again, a lot of it was a good tug at the ol' heart strings, but the ending happened so suddenly that it felt meaningless. There was no weight, because there was so little development, and not enough buildup of expectation.

You have a couple of good points there.

I hate to be that one dissenting person who didn't like it, so I'll start by saying that I did, in fact, like most of it.

That's quite okay. I don't expect everyone to like everything that I do.

The one problem I had with this is that it feels sort of... rushed, and inexplicable.

The story is fluff. It was never meant to be anything more than that. It wasn't supposed to introduce deep character development, personal and external conflicts or intricate plot point.

It is, what it is: fluff. I leave many things open-ended because of that very reason.

I am, however, writing a new story, that'll be a proper story with romance in it, rather than being just focused on fluff.

But, as I've said. You do have valid points.

Great story, I got what you were getting at with Rainbow just seeing the read as a challenge to the bigger goal. I also think that because she does everything fast she knows how to push herself.

Not a bad fic. Writing style is a little strange sometimes, but it's not bad.

“Hah... this looks like a battle zone...

*war zone?


Not a bad fic. Writing style is a little strange sometimes, but it's not bad.

It's actually my first story that exceeded 1k words.

“Hah... this looks like a battle zone...

I went with "war zone" instead. :twilightsmile:

A nice read. Fast paced, and a little wonky, but I liked it.:raritywink:

Wouldn't 1 + the sum of 12/x from x = negative infinity to positive infinity have an undefined number in the sum, unless you're just ignoring how x would eventually equal 0? And if you just say the sum when x =/= 0 wouldn't it equal 1? How does it equal Twilight's face framed by a heart?


Also, you seem to be missing the point there.

I am not a nerd. I'm well read.

2678263 now you've missed the point of not only the cover picture but also of my comment.

Dash was really out of character for me but then again she doesn't really seem to be the thinking type.:rainbowlaugh:
Nice read.:twilightsmile:


Dash was really out of character for me but then again she doesn't really seem to be the thinking type.

This is one of the points that I will argue furiously against...

RD might not be as smart as Twilight; but she does shows high level of intelligence throughout the show, starting with S1E2 with Shadowbolts.
She might be brash at a times, true. Not the thinking type? Hell, no.

2684175 Let me rephrase what I meant then...:applejackunsure:
I know Dash isn't stupid but she just doesn't seem like the kind of pony to figure out complex things that Twilight had a hard time with, even though it was for the sake of romance.:rainbowderp:
The idea and gesture did make the point of your story but still.:twilightsmile:
Oh and moral choices can be made with little thinking, its all about personal points of views I feel.:eeyup:
If there is a pony with scary intelligence it would be Pinkie Pie.:pinkiecrazy:

I'm gonna be frank with you people. This story has flaws. Some of the things in it were hard to understand, like Rainbow Dash understanding Physics. However, this is your fan fiction, and the whole point of fan fiction is to make the story you want to make. That's the beauty of fan fiction. Telling your own story with something that already exists.

I loved this story. And I don't think that it will ever become cannon that Twilight or Rainbow Dash are into mares, but I don't care. I'm on this site to find stories that I like. And this is one of those many stories.

Pony on.:twilightsmile:

... A good concept... but come on. RD being good at advanced maths/science that even Twilight struggles with? No. Just. NO

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