• Published 13th Nov 2013
  • 1,422 Views, 25 Comments

Cutie Mark Crusaders: Pokemon Trainers! - JXWheeler

The Cutie Mark Crusaders decide to get some pokemon for themselves and earn their pokemon trainer cutie marks!

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Chapter 6: What a "Twist!" (Part 2/2)

Apple Bloom, Sweetie Belle, and Scootaloo could be seen struggling to remove the rocks blocking the entrance, both of them grunting as they lifted the more smaller ones. Unfortunately, after the small rocks were out the way, it left only the giant ones that neither of them could move. Even Elgyem got worn out after awhile of using psychic.

Eventually Apple Bloom groaned in frustration. “This is hopeless, we are trapped and we ain’t neva’ gettin’ out!”

Scootaloo looked down sadly, twiddling her thumbs. “I’m sorry girls, I just got caught up in the excitement of a new pokemon and just… I’m sorry.”

Sweetie Belle sighed as she stopped pacing back and forth, looking at Scootaloo. “We forgive you, right Apple Bloom?” Sweetie Belle looked at Apple Bloom with a raised eyebrow.

Apple Bloom had her arms crossed, glaring daggers at Scootaloo before sighing. "Ah forgive ya." She said finally.

Scootaloo smiled happily at this. "Thanks girls, i'm still sorry though."

It was at that point the girls heard a voice inside their minds.

"Girls, can you hear me? I am on the other side of the cave-in, are you okay?" It asked in a slightly panicked tone.

Sweetie Belle wasted no time in shouting. "We are okay, can you help us? Please!" She pleaded.

"Okay, just stand as far back as possible!" The voice said.

The girls stood as far back from the rocks as they could, dragging Skeeter with them.

"We're ready!" Scootaloo shouted.

After a few seconds, an explosion could be heard as dust and tiny rocks flew everywhere. Once the dust cleared, and the girls stopped coughing, they took notice of the figure at the entrance that motioned for them to follow it.

Once the girls were outside, they gasped at what they saw. In front of them stood a pokemon that resembled a unicorn from Equestria. Only this unicorn’s body shape was tall and skinny rather than the usual short a slightly pudgy, especially the red mane with two dark blue eyebrows it had that seemed to be the same length as the red hair and the purple horse shoes on its hooves. Let’s not forget the blue fur covering most of it’s neck and upper body with a matching blue tail.

Scootaloo took it upon herself to talk to it. “Thank you for saving us mister! I didn’t think anypony else from Equestria followed us. Um… what exactly are you anyway? You do not look like any unicorn I've seen.” She said before returning Skeeter to his pokeball.

“I am-” the pokemon began, only to be cut off by Apple Bloom.

“Look! He has no Cutie Mark like us!” Apple Bloom pointed out.

“Er, what’s a-” the pokemon tried to ask, only to have Sweetie Belle cut him off this time.

“You should join the Cutie Mark Crusaders!” Sweetie Belle said with a sparkle to her eyes.

“But I-” Once again, the pokemon got cut off before it could finish.

“Yeah! He can get a cutie mark as a pokemon trainer like us!” Scootaloo said as she hopped up and down happily.

“Girls please!” the pokemon finally pleaded, causing the girls to silence themselves and blush in embarrassment. “My name is Keldeo and I am a pokemon that is a part of the Swords of Justice! What is Equestria? What is a cutie mark? What are the Cutie Mark Crusaders?!” He said in one breath, having had enough of the interruptions.

The girls just chuckled awkwardly, all three of them embarrassed about their display. Eventually, Sweetie Belle spoke up.

“Yeah, sorry about that.” Sweetie Belle said as she kicked a hoof at the snow under her. “Anyway, hello Keldeo, my name is Sweetie Belle. These are my friends Apple Bloom, and Scootaloo.” She said as she pointed to her friends. “We are ponies from another dimension named Equestria.”

Keldeo only had a look of confusion on his face upon hearing this.

“This might take a while to explain…” Scootaloo said before sighing.


After the girls explained all that had happened up to that point, and telling him about cutie marks and their group, Keldeo nodded his head before sighing himself.

“That is quite a bit of stuff to take in. While dimension hopping is possible, though only Giratina can do so i think, it’s still kind of hard to believe you did it in a telephone booth.” Keldeo said.

“Well to be exact, it is actually a dimension machine… I think?” Sweetie Belle said, clearly unsure of it herself.

“Ya just gotta believe us!” Apple Bloom pleaded.

“Relax Apple Bloom, I believe you.” Keldeo began. “What I don’t get is why you three decided it was a good idea to dimension hop to an unknown world, where you could have likely been badly hurt…” He said with a slight frown, his ears drooping slightly.

“Well, Rainbow Dash had already been to this world before and she came back with these cool pokemon!” Scootaloo stated happily.

Apple Bloom took that cue to pitch in her reason. “We thought that if we could go to this world, we can also catch pokemon like she did!”

“We also figured this would be a great way to get our pokemon catching cutie marks!” Sweetie Belle added. “We’ll be the…”

“CUTIE MARK CRUSADERS POKEMON TRAINERS!!!!” All three of the crusaders shouted.

The sudden shout caused Keldeo to step back, and lay his ears firmly against his head, wincing from such a powerful shout up close. ‘Dear Arceus, if they were pokemon then that shout would be a force to be feared in a pokemon battle!’ Keldeo thought to himself before shaking his head to clear it.

A sudden rumbling caught the attention of the group, causing them to look at the direction it came from. To their horror, they saw a giant snowball barreling down the hill towards them at an alarming speed. Due to how close it was, there was little chance for them to escape. The girls squeezed their eyes shut, expecting the worse.

Only it never came.

When the girls opened their eyes they saw a red, bulky pokemon wearing a karate gi. It had thrown itself in front of the giant snowball and stopped it in its tracks with its bare hands.

“Throh!” The pokemon shouted before pulling a fist back, and shooting it forward, punching the giant snowball to oblivion.

The jaws of all three girls fell open when they saw that, staring in shock.

“Whoa… that pokemon totally destroyed that thing! That was awesome!” Scootaloo eventually shouted happily.

“Yeah! He’s super strong!” Sweetie Belle agreed.

“Ah want to catch him!” Apple Bloom looked to her pokemon and saw it was still tired, making her frown before she returned it to its pokeball.

Scootaloo looked at her with a raised eyebrow. “Uh… how will you do that? Your pokemon looks ready to take a dragon-styled nap.”

Apple Bloom thought for a few seconds before looking at Sweetie Belle. “Can ya Chatot help?”

Sweetie Belle just shook her head. “Sorry, but it has to be your pokemon that fights it. Not mine.”

A look of sadness once again showed on Apple Bloom’s face before she had an idea. “Ah can fight ‘em!”

Both of the Crusaders, along with Keldeo and Throh, looked at Apple Bloom with shock.

“I don’t think that’s how it goes though. It doesn’t say so in the encyclopedia.” Sweetie Belle pointed out.

This time it was Keldeo that spoke up. “Actually, a pokemon can do battle with a human opponent if it desires to do so. Karate Dojos do it all the time.”

This made Apple Bloom jump up and down excitedly. “Yes! Hear that Throh? Ah challenge ya to a duel. If ah win, you become my pokemon, if you win… uh… you are free to go?” She smiled sheepishly.

Throh thought about this for a few moments before looking at the fact she was a little girl. He eventually nodded his head but held up two fingers before looking to Keldeo, telling him what his response is.

Keldeo nodded, and decided to translate it for the girls. “He says that he accepts your dual but on two conditions. The first condition is that he will handicap himself by only being defensive, as to not hurt you. Secondly, if you land a single hit on him then you win.”

Apple Bloom’s smile got so wide it would have made a certain clown-faced psychopath proud. “Ya’ll hear that girls? He accepted my challenge!”

“Are you sure about this Apple Bloom? Isn’t it dangerous to do this kind of thing?” Sweetie Belle asked in concern.

“Relax, Sweetie Belle, I’m sure she will be fine.” Scootaloo reassured her. “Right, Keldeo?”

Keldeo nodded his head in response. “Scootaloo is correct, Sweetie Belle. If it makes you feel better, I will stop it if things start to go badly.”

Sweetie Belle sighed before looking at Apple Bloom. “Be safe okay?”

“Don’t worry about it! Us Apples are made of tough stuff. We can’t get hurt that easily.” Apple Bloom said confidently. “Get ready Throh. You are going to be mine soon!”

Once that was said, Throh got into a fighting stance as he observed Apple Bloom getting into hers.

Keldeo looked back and forth between the two before nodding his head. “Are you ready? Robattle! Er, I mean, begin!”

Once the signal was given Apple Bloom immediately charged at Throh, pulling back her right hand in order to throw a punch.

When Throh saw this, he he raised up his hand and pushed the punch to the side before turning and giving her back a shove with his other palm.

Apple Bloom stumbled forward a bit before stopping herself and turning to glare at Throh. She then ran at him and jumped into the air, extending her leg out for a jump kick.

Throh once again simply moved to the side to avoid it. However, this time he poked Apple Bloom’s forehead forcefully to push her away before stepping back. He then extended one palm forward in a ‘come on’ gesture.

“How in the hay am ah goin' ta hit him?!” Apple Bloom yelled in protest before sighing.

“Does that mean you are giving up Apple Bloom?” Keldeo asked.

Apple Bloom looked down at the snow and idly kicked her foot in it, taking note how easily it could be manipulated. This gave her an idea that caused her to smile. “No, an apple family member never gives up! If you knock us down, we just get back up!”

A smile spread on Keldeo’s face when Apple Bloom showed how determined she was. It reminded him of himself oddly enough.

After saying that, she once more ran towards Throh, however, this time she pulled her leg back and kicked up snow at the pokemon.

This took Throh by surprise as he covered his face to prevent the snow from getting into his eyes.

That was all Apple Bloom need to crouch down and deliver a punch into Throh’s gut, causing him to fall to one knee while clutching it in both pain and shock.

Once Throh went down, Keldeo decided to make the call. “The battle is over, Apple Bloom wins!”

“Yes ah did it! Ah won!” Apple Bloom cheered happily as she jumped up and down.

Throh slowly stood up and looked at Apple Bloom with a glare.

This caused Apple Bloom to stop celebrating as she stared at Throh nervously. “Uh… sorry for cheating? Ya never said ah couldn’t distract you.”

Throh walked up to her and simply smiled before clapping his hands. “Throh!”

Keldeo decided to translate. “Throh says that he was impressed with your determination to win, and your clever tricks. So he has agreed to be your pokemon.”

Throh nodded his head as he sat on his knees in front of Apple Bloom.

Apple Bloom quickly rushed to Sweetie Belle’s bag and pulled out a pokeball before chucking it at the sitting pokemon.

The ball then began to shake.



Three times.


Apple Bloom’s smile threatened to split her mouth apart as she picked up the pokeball and cradled. “Awesome! Ah caught Throh!” She shouted happily as she held the pokeball up in the air.

Sweetie Belle and Scootaloo both ran up to Apple Bloom with smiles on their faces.

“Congratulations Apple Bloom!” Sweetie Belle said.

“Throh and Skeeter have to battle one day!” Scootaloo insisted.

Keldeo then stepped up to the three of them. “I imagine you girls had quite the journey coming all the way up here.” He said before gesturing towards a path with his horn. “If you take this path down the mountain you will arrive in Icirrus City.”

“Thanks Keldeo!” Apple Bloom replied with a smile. “Come on girls, let’s go!” She said before she started walking down the path. “Bye Keldeo, thanks again fer the help!” She called out.

“Thanks for saving us!” Sweetie Belle said as she followed Apple Bloom,

“I hope we meet again!” Scootaloo called out before rushing to catch up with the other two girls.

Keldeo watched as they left before chuckling to himself with a smile. “Don’t worry girls, we shall meet again soon.” He said before turning around and walking out of sight.

Author's Note:

Since the author of the original fanfiction has been offline for quite some time, I am unable to add this chapter to his story. Until he comes back, I have to put this story on hiatus. He knows more about the Unova Region than I do so I can't do much without him.

Comments ( 6 )

I hope you eventually continue this

aww man why are most of the good pokemon fan fic's either cancelled or on hiatus



When the original author messages me back, I will continue this story.

sounds like a plan

A plan that has been stalled for months now.

never said it was a good plan

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