• Published 23rd Apr 2013
  • 953 Views, 35 Comments

School House of the Dead - Theta

Zombie invasion, what the fuck's going on? (HOTD Crossover/Parody)

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Day 1: World in Flames

On the night before everything went to hell, I couldn't sleep.

"Forever and always...", I let my thoughts take over my mind, the memories of us pouring into my brain. I sit facing out a side window in the school, "Where did I go wrong..."

"Ugh, what're you doing? We're not even halfway through the school year, and you're already skipping class? Celestia, you're so stupid... how do you expect get anywhere if all you do is mope?", Trixie's voice cut into my ears, making me turn around.

"You're one to talk, look who else isn't in class. Don't you have honour's classes or something to worry about?", I gave the mare before me a cold stare.

"I can skip because I'm a genius, of course! Unlike you, who got to where you are by dumb luck.", her arrogance never phased me, seeing as how she's had that personality since kindergarden.

"Trixie... why are you always so mean to me?", I ask in a monotone voice.

"Gah, moping because your little girlfriend dumped you? Geez, you're pathetic and stupid. And I'm mean to everyone , because everyone is stupid... I mean at least you know you're stupid, maybe if I tell you that you are, then maybe by some miracle you'll become less stupid, stupid.", Trixie continued her rant, losing me after reminding me I had been dumped.

I turn around to face the front of the school again, only this time to find three teachers out by the gate, talking to some strange stallion.

"Sir, please vacate the premises.", Ms. Carrot Top demanded in a soft, but authoritative voice.

Mr. Bell, our P.E teacher, was the next to speak up. In a rough voice, he put his arm through the gate, and pulled the stallion in close, "What part of get lost don't you understand?"

"Mr. Bell, violence isn't necessary!"

"Stand back, Carrot. I got this. Listen asshole ge-", in a flash, the strange stallion bit into Mr. Bell, causing him to loosen his grip and fall backwards.

"Oh my gosh! Mr. Bell, are you alright?", Ms. Carrot dropped to her knees and started shaking the bulky stallion. He awoke, but it's different... he's more lethargic, less...determined. "Thank Celestia! Are you alright? We need to get you pat-", as if something spurred him on, he darted up, and bit Ms. Carrot in the neck.

"Holy shit..." My eyes grew wide, and I started a sprint for Vinyl's classroom. I burst into the room, causing everypony to stare at me, including our teacher, Mr. Doc.

"Ugh, Amp, you couldn't have just skipped the whole class?"

I ignored him, and walked over to Vinyl's desk, "Come with me." I demand, as I took hold of her arm.

"What the hell? No, I'm not going anywhere with y-", an audible pop echoed through the room, and before I realized it, I had slapped her across the face.

"Listen to me, two teachers just got killed at the front gate."

Thunderlane cut in, "What're you talking about, man?"

"Don't know, some guy just came to the front gate, bit Mr. Bell... he's down there biting others. Quick, we have to go!", As soon as I finished, an announcement came over the intercom.

"We've had an incident at the front gate, student's follow your teachers directions and quickly exit the buildingggahhhhh! Get out of here! No, No!!!", it seemed as if the whole planet went silent.

We ran through the building, stopping at a nearby supply closet. Cloud Chaser broke a mop, and handed it to Vinyl, and then tossed a baseball bat at me. I had enough time to notice he didn't grab a weapon for himself, "Hey, isn't there anything else for you to use?"

He only smirked at the question, "There are some things in there I could use, but I'm much better in hand to hand combat."

Elsewhere in the school

"Wait up, Trixie!", Spike exclaimed as he gasped for breath.

"Ugh, of all beings, why did I have to pick the runt.", Trixie rolled her eyes as she took cover behind a row of lockers.

"What're you do-", Spike was silenced by Trixie, who was just staring at the living dead.

"Quiet, you idiot! How do you expect me to study them if you keep on babbling!", she picked up a wet rag, and threw it at the zombie who lay dead ahead of her, "Look, it doesn't respond to touch... the big idiots. They most likely can't see either, or else they wouldn't walk into walls."

"So, what does that mean?" Spike inquired.

"OH CELESTIA, DO I HAVE TO EXPLAIN EVERYTHING TO YOU?", Trixie yelled at the top of her lungs. "Oh no..."

The two started bolting away, chased by a mob of dead ponies. They took shelter in the shop room, Trixie looking around and spotting a nail gun. She held it up, "Here, at least you've used one of these before."

"Hmm, a nail gun...an old one at that! It's a gas type, so transporting it should be no problem...", Spike hefted the tool up and down, testing its weight. "Hey, grab that drill and those spare nails and put them in a bag or something."

"And what makes you think you can boss me around? You're below me!"

A sinister grin had appeared on Spike's face, and he turned around to look Trixie in the eyes, "Pretty please with a diamond on top?"

"Fine...", Trixie busily packed a duffel bag, and laid it before Spike, "Here, you're welcome."

"Trixie...don't freak, but they're behind you...", Spike cowered a bit, before leveling the nail gun, and aiming at the closest zombies head.

Author's Note:

So yeah, twenty points to whoever can guess what anime/manga this is a parody of. An extra ten if you can list all the mlp characters with their anime counterparts.