• Published 23rd Apr 2013
  • 1,173 Views, 9 Comments

Gotta Catch 'Em All - The Whiskey Spirit

RainbowDash dies, gets sent to the world of Pokémon, and goes adventuring, seems legit.

  • ...

Ch 1: A New Player

As the two alicorn sisters walked towards room 1057, they stopped a nurse as she exited the room .

"Excuse us nurse, but would this be the room of Rainbow Dash?" The lunar princess asked and was replied by a nod. Entering the room, five mares and a doctor looked up as they entered.

"Please leave us, Doctor Stable." Celestia told the doctor.

"B-but princess..." The Doctor was cut off.

"She is already gone Doctor there Is nothing else you can do."

"Yes, princess." The Doctor bowed and exited the room. Once he left a purple alicorn turned to the princesses.

"Princess isn't there anything you could do to save her?" Twilight looked at her expectantly, her mane was a complete mess, and her eyes were red, a sign to show she had been crying. The solar princess looked at the mangled shape on the bed, it had bones protruding from various places, a breathing mask and dripper were attached to it. It's mane was covered in dirty and littered with twigs and leaves.

"I'm sorry Twilight but I can’t pick favorites. It would be unfair to all the other ponies to give Rainbow a second chance at life while they don’t." The princess had a calm look on that she had perfected over millennia. The purple alicorn lowered her head and started to sob only for Fluttershy to wrap a comforting wing around her.

"Shh, shh, it'll be alright she's going to a better place." Rarity tried comforting her even though she was on the verge of tears as well.

"Why not, Tia? Whilst I can understand your position, she has saved Equestria on multiple occasions. Does she not at least deserve this service of gratitude?" Luna looked at the crumpled form of Rainbow Dash and walked closer to Twilight. "Can't you see that your 'most loyal, and faithful student' is crying before your very eyes? One of the few things she asks of you, you won't even grant."

"Luna she may have saved us but my hooves are tied, and while it pains me to see Twilight crying, I can't do anything." Her stubbornness enraged Luna and apparently the others as well as AppleJack stomped up to her and started yelling at her.

"Now I know that’s a bunch of baloney. You’re a goddess, you have the power to do whatever you want. So why don’t you do what you know is right!? She was the element of loyalty, not to mention she helped save your sorry flank during the Canterlot invasion! And you won't even repay the favor!?"

"I, for one, agree with AppleJack, it's simply wrong to sit by and let one of the ponies who saved your life, die themselves." Rarity put in.

"That's right, you're just being a meanie Bo-beanie!" Pinkie jumped in. Celestia sighed and lowered her head, biting her lip.

"I-I suppose you’re right." She admitted with a sigh. “However, you should still say your goodbyes”

"What do ya mean by that?" Applejack questioned.

"The universe has certain unbreakable laws, like how matter can't be destroyed or created. In this case, once a pony has suffered lethal injuries, there is no way to revive them. I would need to extract her soul from this body, and create another body for it in a different dimension."

"Tia, I thought that alternate dimensions weren't proven." Luna said.

"They are, in fact, five years ago I stumbled upon a strange land, which I soon found to be a different dimension. I can send Rainbow Dash there, as one of the inhabitants owe me a favor, he could make sure she doesn't get into too much trouble while there."

"Th-thank you, princess." Twilight grabbed her and cried into shoulder, the princess wrapped a hoof around her, and patted her on the back. When Twilight let go Celestia lowered her horn to the Pegasus.

"You should probably put a memory spell on her, so she knows what's going on, and after this, we shall speak of this other dimension, I find myself intrigued." Luna suggested.

"Yes of course, and thank you, Lulu, although I believe that it would be best if I follow and make sure things go smoothly. Wouldn't want to just send her in blindly now, do I?" Celestia sent golden power to her horn and enveloped the Pegasus. Once the light dissipated the Pegasus was unchanged, but a soft glow emanated from her mouth. As a ball of light slowly floated out of her mouth and out the window, disappearing in the sky.

"Come Lulu, it would be best that I leave this body in the castle rather than here." Celestia said as she turned to walk out the door, pausing to look back at Twilight. "And don't worry Twilight, there might just be a way that you can communicate with her." She said with a smile before exiting the room.


Jett was relaxing on one of the branches of a tree near Littleroot town. On another branch close by was his Riolu, the two of them had been together ever since he got him a four years prior, and the two were almost inseparable. Jett knew that once it evolved that his Riolu would be able to telepathically communicate, but was in no hurry.

He was debating whether or not to return to Sinnoh, he hadn't seen his snow laden home in a while, but he rather enjoyed the tropical setting of the Hoenn region. Despite his disposition, he laid back in the branch and slowly slipped into sleep. Though he didn't get to, as a familiar friendly voice sounded from below him. Opening an eye, Jett saw the familiar shape of Professor Birch.

"Jett, I heard you were going to be leaving soon!" He called.

"Nah, I'm still debating that. I might just stay here and explore, maybe go after the gyms."

"Well let me know before you do, I have a surprise for you." He gave Jett a wink. "Well I should get going, got some research to do!"

"What are you researching this time?"

"The pack mentality of poochyena and mightyena!" He responded enthusiastically.

"Sounds... enthralling."

"Anyways, those Pokemon won't research themselves, see ya later Jett!" Professor Birch continued on his merry way, humming a tune that Jett wasn't familiar with.

"I think he's starting to run out of ideas, you?" Jett said to his Riolu.

"Rio-lu!" It responded.



Rainbow Dash had a splitting headache as she returned to consciousness. 'Urg, what happened?' Then she remembered the crash. She quickly sat up, opening her eyes.

She found herself in an unfamiliar wooded area. She gave herself a once over and shrieked a little. She no longer had hooves, and her cyan coat was missing, though luckily she could feel her wings sticking out of the strange clothing she had on.

She was wearing a thin cyan jacket that resembled the color of her coat, and near the waist was the image of her cutie mark. She could feel another shirt underneath, but was confused on the strange lumps on her chest. Covering her legs was some form of hard dark blue material leading down to where here rear hooves used to be. Replacing her hooves was a pair of feet covered by black boots. Her front hooves were replaced by hands, the whole ensemble reminded her of Spike, just less scaly. Sticking out of the back of her leggings was her tail, and her mane and ears were still the same.

Seeing as her structure was similar to Spike's, Rainbow attempted to stand on her feet, and though she felt a little wobbly, she stayed upright, flaring her wings a little for balance.

With her mind off of what happened to her body, she surveyed the area around her. She heard a voice from behind her and quickly spun around, falling on her ass. There stood another creature, one like her.

She had a majestic air around her, and looked the part too. She wore a beautiful dress that flowed around her, it was designed with golden patterns and accessories. Emerging from the back were two large white wings, and her multicolored mane flowed in the wind. Rainbow Dash didn't have to look twice to know who she was.


"Hello Rainbow Dash, I am glad to see that the spell worked." She said softly, still maintaining her regality.

"Spell? What spell? Princess, whats going on!?" Rainbow asked, getting up from the ground.

"Calm down, Rainbow Dash," she attempted, but Rainbow didn't care.

"Calm down!? How can I calm down!? I don't know where I am, I don't know WHAT I am, and I don't know why!" She started to freak out when Celestia put a calming... hand on her shoulder.

"And that is why I'm here, to explain. You see, after your... incident, you had lethal injuries and could not be healed. So, in order to save your life, I had to transfer your soul and create this new body for you. Though I have no idea why we keep our wings, the denizens of this dimension don't have wings, aside from the animals. So I would suggest that you keep your wings and tail hidden from sight." Rainbow Dash just stared at her like she had grown a second head.

"Wait, why can't I go back to Equestria?" She asked after moments of silence.

"Because the laws that bind the universe classify you as dead, or close to dead, should you return, you will die." Rainbow Dash started to tear up.

"D-does that mean I will never see my friends or dad again?" She asked, trying to hold back the tears.

"No, there is a way that you could see them if my theory is correct, or at least communicate with them. Here, if I am correct this will allow you to communicate with them via letters." Celestia pulled out a strange metal box. It was cyan and had Rainbow Dash's cutie mark on it. Celestia flipped the top open revealing a strange wheel inside.

"This is a lighter, it's what the humans here use to make fire. When you spin this wheel with enough force it shall create a fire, like so." She demonstrated, surprising Rainbow when a small, green flame erupted from the box, she released the wheel and the flame receded. "I had it enchanted so that it would send a letter to the specified receiver." She pulled out a scroll and burnt it sending the ashes into the air, only for them to reform into a scroll in front of Rainbow Dash. She handed the lighter to Rainbow Dash who inspected it.

"So this is sorta like how Spike can send you letters with his fire?"

"Exactly like that. Now I do happen to have a friend here who could help you get accustomed to this world, though last time we met was in snow laden tundra, I don't know why we're in this forest... maybe he moved." She seemed confused as to why her friend moved but Rainbow didn't care.

"Oh well, guess I'll just have to use a tracking spell." She lifted her hand as a soft golden aura resonated from it, thats when Rainbow noticed her lack of horn. She presumed that she had to use her hands as a catalyst for the magical energy... wow, she was hanging around Twilight too much. After a few moments, the light subsided and she lowered her hand.

"Seems he is not far away, come, introductions are in order." Celestia beckoned Rainbow to follow her as she walked off into the trees. Rainbow took a few wobbly steps forward before saying screw it and flew after her.


The two stopped in front of a large tree where two figures laid in the branches.

"Jett!" Celestia yelled, causing one to wake up and fall off it's branch. He fell down a long way, hitting most of the other branches before making contact with the ground. He groaned as he looked up at them.

"Shit... theres two of you now... joy." He mumbled before letting his head hit the ground again. He was wearing a thick black overcoat with a white shirt underneath, his leggings seemed to have many more pockets than hers, and black in coloration. He also seemed to wear a pair of black boots as well. His black hair was long and shaggy, and had a few leaves stuck in it from the fall.

The other figure was awoken from his slumber by 'Jett' falling from his perch. As it expertly hopped down, it was revealed to be a small blue dog like creature with red eyes. It landed next to Jett, helping him get back up.

"Celestia, how come everytime we meet I get hurt?" He asked as he sat against the tree, holding his head, Celestia visibly wincing from the comment.

"Well, maybe you should stop sleeping in dangerous places." Jett snorted as if that was impossible.

"So let me guess, you're reeling in that favor I owe you, eh?" He questioned, opening one of his eyes, revealing a silvery coloration.

"I had not expected to actually need it, but yes. You see Rainbow Dash here is no longer able to live in our dimension any more." She gestured to Rainbow who waved. "So I request that you help her learn the rules here, so that she may live here without it being known she is from an alternate dimension."

"Okay first things first, if she's gonna be here the tail has to be tucked into her pants, and the wings hidden under her jacket." Jett stared at Rainbow and she could feel her skin crawl under his gaze. "Are you sure that I'm the only one who owes you a favor?" She nodded. "Fine, I'll keep her straight."

"Thank you, Jett. Now if you don't mind I have matters that need attending. Have fun, Rainbow Dash, be sure to write soon, your friends would want to hear from you." Celestia said before she walked off into the forest.

"Oh yeah, sure, just leave, no need to stay and catch up, no, that would be too friendly." Jett said in an annoyed tone.

"Um, I have a question." Jett looked at her. "What is that?" She pointed at the blue dog thing as Jett's hand connected with his forehead.

"Damn you, Celestia."

Author's Note:

So, yeah. These first three chapters were near perfect fro what I wanted, so little to no change has been made, though you still should, for those subtle differences. Especially the third one.