• Published 8th Feb 2012
  • 1,490 Views, 123 Comments

Silence Is Bittersweet - Truehearted

Mute Unicorn trying to find her place in a new town.

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Chapter 6

Silence is Bittersweet, Part 6

Walking down the street, Acoustiana found it hard to concentrate on her dilemma. On one hoof, she found out that a mare of all ponies sought her affections. On the other hoof, for the first time, a pony actually heard what her music truly was, and loved her for it.

The street lights reflected off the silver threads in her dress as she slowly made her way through the city streets. Acoustiana barely noticed the other ponies going about their evenings, nor did she notice how they admired her gown. Her mind was turned inwards as she went over all the signs in her mind, as well as how she should react to the pony that performed them.

Letting Scarlet down gently would be hard for her, but nicer to Scarlet. If she let her down in a blunt fashion, it would be far less stress for Acoustiana, but she knew that the poor mare would be just as devastated as she had been when Ray had showed up with Gale Prancer. Acoustiana would not be the one to hurt somepony else so deeply on purpose.

She took a look around her, in order to regain her bearings. She wanted to figure out how much time she had left to come up with something to say to Scarlet before she arrived where Hearth said Scarlet would be. To her dismay, Acoustiana found she was almost there; she realized she had traveled a great distance since her discussion with Pastel and Hearth, her feelings of apprehension and anxiety having grown with every cobblestone she passed. Giving a soft snort and furrowing her brow, she resolved herself to dealing with the matter on the fly, as she wanted to get the discussion over with before the night ended.

Heading just outside of town, Acoustiana found the field that had been described to her, which dipped and rolled with a number of hills. One of the valleys was her destination. The light from the city played with the shadows. A heavy mist filled the valleys, the grass stood still, the air devoid of any bird calls or insect hums, including the one she knew to be her destination.

She knew her illumination spell was weak at best, and would do little to help guide her, so instead of straining herself further, she hoped that the other pony would have a light on to assist her. She hesitantly braved the mists and stepped forward.

As the mists enveloped her, Acoustiana felt a strange sense of familiarity. It felt like déjà vu. She paused, shaking her head to clear the sensation. She couldn’t remember clearly when she would have been out at night in these misty fields. Looking up, Acoustiana tried to see if any stars or even the moon pierced the mist, but all she was able to see was the pale glow of city lights mixing with the vibrant illumination of the moon, somewhere in the sky above the town, and slightly to the left by the looks of it.

Sighing in the her usual silent way, she trudged on, slowly moving forward through the valley so as not to trip on anything, nor ruin her dress further after this excursion as the condensation was already starting to cling to her gown. Her steps gently echoed in the silence as she stepped over a crop of rocks.

“Who’s there?” A sweet and familiar voice pierced the mists.

Acoustiana gritted her teeth and snorted. She scraped a hoof upon the grass and whistled. She then tried to light her horn as a beacon and hoped Scarlet would locate her.

From the mists, a pale red glow appeared. The light appeared to come from somewhere in front of her, but the exact location was too hard to see in the swirling droplets. She gave the ground a couple more scrapes and whistled once more.

“I asked who you are, not where you are. Fine, I am coming to you since you refuse to tell me your name, but this better not be some prank. I am not in the mood, Summer Wind.” Scarlet’s voice sounded very irritable, and Acoustiana thought she detected a slight tremble, but figured it was probably just the mists.

A moment later, Acoustiana made out the outline of a pony carrying the light upon her horn. The red glow easily overpowered her own orange. Just as she was putting out her light, she saw how it flickered off of Scarlet’s eyes. For a second time in this place, Acoustiana felt like she had just experienced this.

“Okay, what do you wan...” Scarlet got close enough to see who the intruding pony was and her jaw dropped as her light went out.

The two stood silently looking at one another, while Acoustiana tried to figure out how this situation even remotely resembled anything she had experienced before. The closest she could think of was not an hour ago, but then, there was that one dream she remembered as well. Scarlet recovered and closed her mouth, but her eyes remained wide open as she nibbled on her lower lip.

Acoustiana shook her head to set aside the thoughts and brushed away the piece of her mane that fell in front of her face. She then attempted to pull out her notepad so she could at least start this poor pony’s heartbreak, hoping to make it as gentle as possible.

The notebook did not appear, so she pulled a little harder, but felt a tug on her dress instead. Frowning, she looked down to see how the notepad had gotten snagged, but found her problem was far more dire than that. She found that she had forgotten to bring her notepad.

Her own eyes going wide for a moment, she quickly put on a scowl as she ground her teeth and stamped a hoof into the ground. Snorting a few times, she did her best to calm down and looked to the other pony still standing in the mists, silent.

Attempting to think of a solution to this additional problem, Acoustiana had few options. She took a deep breath and did the best she could to portray her thoughts to the mare that couldn’t understand her otherwise.

Acoustiana stamped her hooves in a mock trot and then stood to mimic playing her violin, sweeping her bow hoof back and forth. She then dropped back down and shrugged. Turning another direction, she did the same trotting motion, followed by sitting down with one hoof held out steady about chest height while the other moved close to it and gently arched to her mouth, where she tilted her head back slightly and swallowed. Then, clasping both hooves together, she rested the side of her head upon them and made exaggerated breathing movements with her mouth, big breath in, and with pursed lips breathing out. Dropping back to all four hooves, Acoustiana waited to see if her pantomime had worked.

Scarlet just stood there, her eyes darting around, but she soon seemed to relax a bit, as she stopped nibbling her lip and her eyes went back to their normal sizes, though her eyebrow remained raised.

“I think... no... no, I have no idea. Okay, you don’t have your notepad with you, so you want to go get one?” Scarlet spoke in a quiet and shaky voice.

Acoustiana nodded, then pointed in one direction and performed her violin movements. She then pointed to another direction, clasped her hooves, leaned her head on them, and breathed in and out. She then shrugged, pointed in both directions once more and then at Scarlet.

“Your violin or... sleep? Erm...” Scarlet adjusted her dress before sitting on the wet grass. She tapped her hoof upon her chin, eyes wandering off as she thought deeply on what was being asked.

Acoustiana let her eyelids droop halfway and her face draw blank. She was getting annoyed, but didn’t want to be too forceful in showing it.

“Hearth is way better at charades, but I think I got it. You want to go back to the theater or to a house for a notepad?” Scarlet perked her ears as she looked to Acoustiana.

Acoustiana nodded and clasped her hooves, and pointed to herself. She pointed towards the outskirts of the city. She then pointed in the other direction, made the violin motion.

“Wait... Your home?” Scarlet’s eyes once more went wide as she shivered.

Acoustiana nodded and pointed in the direction of her house.

Scarlet gulped down her fears. “I came here to get my thoughts in order, and it helps not being around other ponies, so... I really don’t want to leave this place... But for you, I will go... your house will work best of the two options... erm... if are you sure?” Scarlet looked to Acoustiana as her ears flattened and she lowered herself further into the grass.

Acoustiana breathed in deeply, catching the comforting scent of wildflowers. Putting on a warm smile, she nodded and offered a hoof to help the obviously terrified mare to her hooves and hopefully ensure that she knew it was safe, though she knew the end result would be far from such. Her smile wavered, but she held it.

Scarlet relit her horn and reached out for Acoustiana. Her ears slowly rose as she stood back up. Hooking her hoof around Acoustiana’s, Scarlet reveled in the delicate sensation of the other mare’s coat, and a smile crept upon her face. Taking in a deep breath, Scarlet stepped closer, appearing relaxed, but still bearing a worry line upon her brow.

With the contact, Acoustiana was hit by one last feeling of déjà vu. This time, she knew for certain. Her dream that gave her the song which got her name known. The dream where she was chased by an unknown pony with glowing eyes. The dream that scared her so much back then, came back to haunt her once more. Yet this time, she saw the pony. This pony that she knew loved her, and was currently smiling at the contact she just made with her.

Acoustiana felt her heart start to race, and she did all she could to fight the sudden urge to gallop away. She felt terror at first, but then Scarlet spoke.

“What’s wrong? Did I do something wrong? Did somepony else? Is that what all this is about? Arg... I am so learning hooflanguage. This is not acceptable. You shouldn’t need to write to me when somepony hurts you.” Scarlet scowled and her eyes became fierce. Her grip on Acoustiana tightened. “We are gonna run to your house okay? If you’re tired, I will carry you. You came all this way to talk to me, and by Luna I will be banished before I have you get any more worked up on my account.”

Before she could react, Acoustiana found herself gently levitated from the ground as the red magical aura enveloped her. The soothing caress of the magic felt like silk. The terror that was in her quickly vacated her heart. She didn’t know why, but with how the magic felt, Acoustiana didn’t find reason to complain as she was whisked through the streets at a full gallop by the mare still holding her hoof.

As the two went by the street lamps, Acoustiana noticed how the lights flickered off their dresses. Scarlet’s dress reflected a brilliant red, while Acoustiana’s a silver sheen. The dark path would briefly light up with their combined illumination, the rounder flashes of red mixed with the streaks of silver.

With her mind fully distracted, Acoustiana allowed herself to relax. She curled her hooves, save for the one being held by Scarlet, under her. To her dismay, the comfort was short-lived as she found herself staring at her front door. Scarlet released her grip on Acoustiana’s hoof and waited to make sure that the levitated mare was aware they had arrived.

She was gently lowered to the ground, a small frown on her face. Opening her door, she invited Scarlet in. Her mind suddenly ground to a halt as she remembered the whole purpose of finding Scarlet in the first place. Yet she had felt so comfortable on the trip over with nothing but, as far as she knew it, contented acceptance.

Tapping her hoof to her chin, Acoustiana recalled the experience when Pastel carried her through the streets. It was another unicorn levitating her, as was this instance, but the feeling was somehow different. She did enjoy the sensation of Pastel’s magic as well, but something about Scarlet’s felt nicer.

“Okay, here you go, I found your chalkboard and a notepad. So, use whichever you want, but tell me who hurt you!” Scarlet belted out as she breathed heavily and looked to Acoustiana with eyes wide and ears directed.

Being broken out of her thoughts, Acoustiana looked inquisitively at the materials laid before her. She blinked a few times before her mind restarted. She rubbed her temple, trying to stop the sudden throbbing from all the stress this situation was putting her through. She motioned for Scarlet to sit in one of the chairs nearby as she levitated the chalkboard and placed it on a stand, leaning it against the wall.

“I am not hurt, nopony has hurt me.” Acoustiana gave Scarlet a reassuring smile, albeit briefly.

Scarlet breathed a sigh of relief before she asked her next question. “Then why the buck did you go all the way out there to find me? Only Hearth knew where I went. You aren't wearing my gifts, so I only assumed that somepony did something to them or you left them with her when you came to look for me. So... I should shut up now. You’re probably going to tell me why you looked for me.” Scarlet’s ears folded back as she blushed and looked to the chalkboard.

“Hearth and Pastel told me everything. I made them do it, so don’t be mad at them. I knew you were keeping something from me, and I knew those two knew what it was.” Acoustiana did her best to conceal her words before letting Scarlet read them, as she expected an unpleasant reaction from the passionate pony.

“That’s what I was afraid of.” Scarlet closed her eyes and took a deep breath. “Listen, I am sorry I didn’t tell you myself. You just seemed... Well, the way you acted and from how I know you felt about Ray, I just couldn’t bring myself to put such a weight upon you. I don’t want this to make you feel uncomfortable, so if it does, I will go. You don’t have to say anything else.” Scarlet started to head for the door. Acoustiana thrust out a hoof stopping her, and then looked to her own appendage, mouth agape.

“It’s okay, I understand. I have experience with this sort of thing... not exactly this, but close enough. You don’t see mares as beautiful, wonderful things to hold and cherish. That’s how you see colts. Don’t worry about me. I will be fine. I will...” Scarlet found herself cut off by a hoof to her snout.

“First off, sit back down!” Acoustiana removed her hoof from Scarlet’s muzzle and pointed back at the chair. The orange unicorn complied.

“What have you been doing in my dreams? That whole scene back in that misty valley was straight out of one of my dreams. Did Hearth tell you about it? Did you think that would push me over the edge to loving you?” Acoustiana didn’t know why, but she was starting to fill with mixed emotions.

What? Whoa! I have no idea what you’re talking about.” Scarlet put up both her hooves in defense of herself. “That place has been my nighttime thinking spot since before you moved here, and if you don’t believe me, just ask Hearth!” Scarlet flung a hoof in the general direction of the city.

Acoustiana let her emotions simmer a moment as she watched the other mare breathe heavily. She was putting this mare through the harsh treatment she wanted to avoid, yet something in her demanded she push forward with figuring out how Scarlet wound up in her dreams.

“That just means you knew how to inject the specific scene better. It doesn’t let you off the hook. You say you have no idea? Then explain how a pony in the mists, with glowing eyes chases me in the dark and when she touches me with a gentle hoof causes electricity to shoot through my body.” Acoustiana snorted in triumph as she folded her hooves across her chest.

“Y─you felt electricity when we touched too?” Scarlet sounded meek, her eyes glistening with moisture as her ears folded back.

“Yes, but that’s not the point. Answer the bucking question!” Acoustiana glared at the pony, even though she was feeling bad about berating her.

“I can’t! I just can’t, okay!” Scarlet burst into tears. “Ever since that first day I saw you... at the fruit stand... I have loved you. I didn’t know for sure till that day you visited my house, but it’s true! I love you and I just can’t explain how I got into your dreams. I only know that you’ve been in mine!” Scarlet broke down into heavy sobbing.

Acoustiana felt her heart break. Her own eyes filled with tears and she reached out to the crying mare to comfort her. She still wanted answers, but this wasn’t the way. She cradled Scarlet in her forelegs and allowed her own tears to flow, for the pain she knew the other was suffering was at her expense.

As she sat there rocking Scarlet back and forth, Acoustiana told herself that she needed to fix this problem. She didn’t know what all she could do, but she knew what would help her at least feel a little better. She hoped that after Scarlet felt less sad, she would be able to take the bad news Acoustiana needed to deliver. She just didn’t know if she would have the heart to anymore.

After a short few moments, Scarlet quieted down. Acoustiana nuzzled her head to get her to look up. Scarlet gently pushed out of Acoustiana’s grasp, and took a few steps back, her head bowed and face hidden by her disheveled mane.

“Sorry... I’m... sorry for that.” Scarlet landed on the floor with a thud and folded her legs underneath her.

Acoustiana needed to apologize as well, but while Scarlet stared at the floor, it was going to be difficult. She also knew that the other pony would be unwilling to lift her head anytime soon after what Acoustiana just made her read, so she attempted to enact the small idea she had. Reaching out with her magic, she strained with all her might to grab her practice violin from her music room and levitate it over to the pair. She was relieved to see the instrument slowly float upon its orange aura, with the bow dangling from the string that attached it to the neck.

Taking hold of her violin, Acoustiana hoped it was still tuned and attempted to play the song she knew would cheer up Scarlet. Doing her best to imagine the notes, she drew her bow over her violin. She was greeted by a sorely off-key whine. Gritting her teeth, she used her mouth to quickly turn the tuning pegs to put the violin back into tune before the mare in front of her decided to make another escape attempt.

The gentle tune drifted off her string. It was as close as she could get, and lacked much of the mastery Hearth used with her harp, but the heart of the song could still be felt. As the melody filled the room, Acoustiana’s goal was achieved. Scarlet looked up, a small smile upon her face, and even though her eyes were bloodshot from all the crying, they shone brightly with the inner fire the mare had.

“This isn’t as good as your sister, but I know how close you two are. She cares for you deeply. She told me you already cried over me once. I am so very sorry I made you cry over me again. Please forgive me?” Acoustiana wrote after she finished playing the song and set the violin to the side. She was getting tired from exerting so much magic, but like she did for her performances, she pushed through the strain.

“I could never hold anything against you.” Scarlet’s expression was soft, her voice tender. “I can forgive any transgression of yours, if you’ll forgive mine.” Scarlet scooted closer and held out a hoof.

Acoustiana felt a pressure build in her chest. She put on a smile and reached her hoof out to shake the other mare’s. She then pointed to an end table on the other side of the room that held a box of tissues.

Scarlet looked over and then cringed, blushing. She let out a small chuckle while levitating the tissues over, and sat it between the two of them. Grabbing a couple, Scarlet tidied up her face and offered the other to Acoustiana. Accepting the tissue, the musician cleaned her own face up.

I am glad you are feeling better. Now I have more questions. I will try to be nice when asking them. So please, understand that I don’t want to put you through any more pain. Acoustiana flattened her ears and lowered herself to the ground so that she could look up at Scarlet with her pleading eyes.

“Don’t give me that look. I’ll answer your questions. But, thanks for kind with them.” Scarlet readjusted herself, unbunching her dress so that it flowed rather than remaining underneath her.

“Why do you like mares? It’s not unheard of, but I have never really understood it. Would you mind explaining it to me?” Acoustiana bit her lower lip. She knew this would be a difficult question, but better to start with that than some of the other things she wanted to ask.

Scarlet let out a long sigh as she closed her eyes. She turned her head to the side and looked off into the other room as she sat, silent, taking a few deep breaths.

“My parents asked me that question. My teachers, my friends did as well. Even Hearth ventured to ask me at one point. The only answer I have ever been able to give is that I just do. To me, when I see a mare I like, they become a small princess. Every movement is regal. Every word is powerful. The ground they walk, the things they touch, all become priceless. The ponies they laugh with become the most noble ponies in all Equestria.”

Scarlet looked to Acoustiana. “But when I saw you, it was so much more. When I saw you, I didn’t see any other mares. All the ponies in the world just didn’t seem to compare to you. This isn’t what you asked,” Scarlet sighed, “but I thought you should know what makes you so special of a mare.”

Acoustiana had to use another tissue to keep the tears building up in her eyes from falling. The pressure in her chest was building. She took a couple more deep breaths, but knew her resolve to let this pony down was almost all but gone. What she would do after all of this was over, she just wasn’t sure anymore.

“What about me makes you feel the way you do? You mentioned my looks, but what you said back at the theater makes me want to believe it’s more than that.” Acoustiana looked to Scarlet, hoping that she wouldn’t overreact to it.

Scarlet scowled for a moment, but as the question finished, she had a sincere smile on her muzzle. She looked to Acoustiana and gave her a slow nod before speaking.

“At first, it was just your looks. Then I saw how graceful your movements were. I saw how you try so hard to be heard, how no matter the situation, you stride into it knowing you have an uphill battle. Then I heard you play. Hearth’s music is warm, consoling, and uplifting. Yours... your music was deep. I felt your pain, I heard your sorrow. I heard you. I can’t explain it─I still don’t know what the buck was going on, but when I heard your violin solo... to me, you sang.” Scarlet looked off as her eyes wavered, and her ears turned in the direction she looked as though homing in on some distant sound.

“You sang of how your life was hard, how no matter what you did, nopony could hear you. Then you sang about how you feel alone all the time, how you sleep at night holding your pillow, wishing somepony would fill the empty space in your heart.” Scarlet glanced at Acoustiana briefly as she inched closer.

“Your song then showed your strength. You sang about how you knew one day, a special pony would be yours, and that day was not far off. It finished with how happy you had become with knowing your loneliness wouldn’t last forever, that one day, your pony would be with you. All you needed to do was wait for them to appear.” Scarlet, her eyes lighting up while she bit her lower lip, reached a shaky hoof out and gently placed it upon Acoustiana’s.

Acoustiana flinched at the touch, and she nearly pulled her hoof away. However, hearing the words hidden within her music spoken so accurately made her happy to share the moment. The pressure in her chest grew slightly as her mind and heart began to argue on what Acoustiana should do. She had always imagined a colt to be the one doing these things, yet here she was getting this attention from a mare. Looking at the orange hoof upon hers, Acoustiana moved onto her next question.

“When, exactly, did you know you had real feelings for me?” Acoustiana looked nervously between the orange hoof and the face to which it belonged.

“That day you spoke with Cantaloupe and Ray for the first time. I was in my house getting ready for a commission to sculpt a group of fillies from some myrtle. Cantaloupe is cute and all, so I enjoyed watching her try and sell her fruits. Then you came walking out of the herd. My world stopped then and there. I don’t think I fell in love with you though till the party after your solo performance. When I saw the pain you had to endure from having your heart broken, I wanted nothing more than to get payback for you. I didn’t know it at the time, but that’s when I went from just wanting to have you, to needing you.” Scarlet nibbled her lower lip and looked away for a moment.

“Eh, that is to say, I stopped wanting to... well...” Scarlet began to blush deeply. “Let’s just say after that point, I wanted to live with you and grow old, no matter what I had to do.” She smiled at Acoustiana even though she looked to be running a fever.

Forgetting about the hoof resting on her own, Acoustiana gave Scarlet a stare with her eyebrow raised. Her expression caused Scarlet to fold back her ears, and her smile diminished slightly. Her stare lingered for a few more moments, making Scarlet’s smile to turn into a small frown, at which point she removed her hoof from Acoustiana. The musical unicorn decided that Scarlet wasn’t going to elaborate on what she had avoided saying. Looking down, she realized the hoof touching her was missing, and a sudden wave of sadness washed over her.

“It sounds like you have been with other mares. What makes me different from them?” Acoustiana felt melancholy, but she wasn’t sure why.

“Well... You just are.” Scarlet wrung her hooves together nervously. “I may have been with other mares, but I never really had a relationship with any of them. With them, it was just a physical thing, or just a means to rebel against my parents. When it comes to you, I just want to make you happy. I want to keep you safe. Even if I can’t have you, I want to do those things.” Scarlet looked at her hooves and her ears drooped. A new stream of tears started to flow down her face.

The sight of tears put Acoustiana in a small state of panic. She looked around for the tissue box and saw it sitting a hoof away from her. She grabbed a few and quickly started drying the hurt pony’s cheeks. When Scarlet looked up, Acoustiana gave her a long hug. Scarlet shivered for a moment before returning the gesture.

Acoustiana felt happy. She felt safe. She didn’t know why she wouldn’t feel safe. Thinking on that, she knew she was in her home, a generally safe place; she was in a town that, other than rude ponies, was a very safe place, as it was far from the dangers of the Everfree Forest. The only real, remotely dangerous thing near her was the pony that obviously loved her very much. Yet, until the hug, she didn’t truly feel safe. Now, she felt that nothing would hurt her. So what about this hug did that?

Acoustiana suddenly felt a gentle pressure upon the nape of her neck. Something soft was rubbing gently against it. It felt rather nice to her, so she didn’t bother breaking the hug to see what it was and make it go away. She just sat there with a grin and enjoyed the other pony’s warmth.

Soon the pressure against her neck grew, and she could feel the distinct feeling of another pony’s coat upon her own. As the realization hit that she was enjoying Scarlet nuzzling her neck, Acoustiana’s eyes shot wide open. She slowly turned her head to see Scarlet, a large smile forming dimples upon her cheeks and her eyes closed, rubbing her muzzle into Acoustiana’s mane.

Noticing the pink mare tremble and fidget, Scarlet lazily opened her eyes and reared her head to look at the pony she was hugging. She saw the wide-eyed, terrified look in the other mare and quickly released her grip.

“Oh my gosh! I’m so sorry... I─I wasn’t thinking... Please don’t hate me...” Scarlet cowered on the floor, ears flat against her head and eyes looking up at Acoustiana.

Acoustiana couldn’t believe herself. She was putting the two of them through a rollercoaster of emotions just because she was confused. Slamming her hoof into her face, she waved her other forehoof.

Rubbing her face from the impact of her hoof, Acoustiana reached out to try and help the other mare from her cowering position. Giving her offending hoof a scowl, she then looked to Scarlet and smiled warmly.

With a trembling hoof, Scarlet accepted the gesture. Rising, she found her hoof was still being held firm by the other mare. She looked at it and found another of the pink mare’s hooves grasping it firmly. Looking back to Acoustiana, Scarlet saw her nod towards the chalkboard.

“You really do like me. So tell me, why didn’t you just say so backstage? What stopped you from saying what’s in your heart?” Acoustiana patted Scarlet’s hoof.

“Fear... fear of you hating me, and fear of hurting you.” Scarlet looked away for a moment, glancing back to Acoustiana every now and then. “I know you like colts. The heartbreak you suffered when you saw that Ray already had a mare was all too real. And the only ponies I know of that like both mares and colts tend to be a whole lot more... erm... wild than you are.” Scarlet’s face reddened as she gulped down words. “So I knew telling you would just freak you out, or upset you. You’re such a nice pony that I knew it would hurt you to tell me no. I didn’t think of any of that till I saw you walking towards me backstage. All those plans I made, the help I got from sis and Pastel, I did out of selfish reasons. I figured my flower garments would wow you and make you fall for me. Then you hugged me... and all my plans fell apart. When you did that, I remembered there was more than one pony that my wishes would affect. I realized that all my romantic attempts could actually hurt you. I couldn’t take that risk, I wouldn’t take that risk. I resigned myself to watching you from afar, and doing all I could to make you safe and happy.”

Scarlet looked Acoustiana directly in the eyes. “Then my sister went and told you. Any pain that has caused you, I am sorry. I know this hasn’t been easy for you, and I know I have been trying to win you over even though I keep telling myself you won’t take me.” Scarlet bit her lower lip hard. “But... you’re just too beautiful for me not to try. Your soul, your body, your mind... I just can’t stop wanting them all.” Tears once more formed in Scarlet’s eyes.

The pressure inside of Acoustiana’s chest finally broke. The battle between her heart and mind was over. Her mind lay defeated, logic and reason by its side. She could no longer deny it. The warm, rose-colored eyes, the cute button dimples, the little curls in her mane, the sheer passion in her heart. She remembered the heartwarming concern when she was hurt by Ray having a marefriend, the look of terror followed by fury. She recalled the way her body reacted to the look Scarlet gave her when she made the gifts for her earlier that evening. All of these traits combined, fitting together to form one beautiful and loveable mare.

Her heart started to race, and her breath quickened. Eyes went wide, while her pupils shrank to the size of a bit. She knew this feeling. This state of existence, of anxious euphoria. Her body quivered for a moment, and then she started controlling her breathing. She knew now that if a certain question were asked, she would not be answering it with a no.

Scarlet waited for Acoustiana to settle down, unsure of what to do otherwise. As Acoustiana recovered, she also noticed that her hoof was being held tighter than before.

“Are you okay? Did I say something to upset you again?” Scarlet asked with folded ears and eager eyes.

Acoustiana shook her head slowly. She then bit her own lip and darted a look to her chalkboard, unsure of what to say next. After a few moments of lip chewing, she knew what she needed to ask next.

“What do you want with me? We don’t even know each other that well.” Acoustiana gripped Scarlet’s hoof tighter.

Scarlet’s eyes went wide and her jaw dropped. She looked from the chalkboard to Acoustiana, dumbfounded and unsure of how to respond. With her free hoof, she pointed to the musician and then herself, and repeated the motion a few more times.

“But... wait... does that... uh... are you?” Scarlet was unable to find words. She looked to her hoof, being held so tightly by the mare of her dreams.

“Your... love?” Scarlet looked to Acoustiana. “Love conquers all things. I have been told this many times, but never in my wildest dreams did I think it real.” Scarlet read the message on the chalkboard one more time.

“Just having the chance to be with you, see what happens, and given the chance to take the time out of the day to get to know one another... that is all I would ask. Will you give us the chance to find out those answers?” Scarlet stopped breathing as the words escaped her mouth. Fear crawled up her spine as she awaited the dreadful shake of the head.

Acoustiana heard the question. The question to which she only had one answer. With what felt like the weight of a dragon upon her neck, she nodded.

Scarlet’s world shattered. The pieces of her reality fell away and the world slowly went dark. She felt like she was floating in the darkness when she felt a familiar soft touch upon her cheek. She opened her eyes with a splitting headache and Acoustiana’s worried, orange eyes staring at her. Realizing that she was now laying on the floor, her dress painfully crumpled under her back, she rolled over and stood on four wobbly hooves. Acoustiana was next to her to ensure she didn’t fall down, and led her to a couch on the other side of the room.

“Please tell me that I didn’t just faint... and that what I think I saw, I didn’t imagine,” Scarlet said as she rubbed her throbbing head. She then saw a notepad float in front of her view.

“Sorry, but you did faint, and no, you didn’t imagine the nod.” Acoustiana still felt the slow creep of giddiness that her simple act of acceptance had caused such a reaction.


Acoustiana shifted nervously as she sat on one of Pastel’s cushions. It took a little over a week, but she was finally able to build the courage tell her friends about her decision to give Scarlet a chance. Pastel offered for them to meet at her house after normal business hours had completed. Pastel, naturally, was already there when Acoustiana and Hearth arrived. The pink mare figured it safe to open up to these two before her other friends arrived. The two other unicorns were astonished at first, then Hearth smiled, whereas Pastel got very worried. The two then left Acoustiana, as they talked outside.

Even though her heart had won the duel that night, Acoustiana’s mind still washed doubt over her decision. Her mind kept asking her hard questions about her future, and how the two would be able to fit in her plans of being a great musician. She hoped that her friends would help her sort through all of these issues, but with the way Pastel acted, she was now more worried about the effect her decision had on them.

It took what seemed like hours, but when she checked the clock, only fifteen minutes had passed. The Pastel and Heath’s muffled voices became audible through the front door and it soon opened to reveal two disgruntled ponies.

“I still say you’re being overly dramatic about this whole situation, but fine. I’ll agree to your terms.” Hearth extended a hoof to Pastel.

“Thank you nonetheless.” Pastel shook the hoof of Pastel. “I shall do my best to assist regardless.”

The two then walked over to the empty cushions and settled themselves down. Hearth closed her eyes and took a few deep breaths, while Pastel merely investigated the plush pillow beneath her.

“So, it would seem that I will be the one to help you. As such, I ask that you write your questions down so that Pastel is not put into the position of forced translator again. It’s not fair to her.” Hearth gave a nod to Pastel, and looked back to Acoustiana. “So tell me, what’s bothering you? You don’t look too comfortable.” Hearth cocked her head and raised an eyebrow.

“Did I offend Pastel? Should I apologize? Am I doing something wrong?” Acoustiana hurriedly scribbled the questions down while nervously glancing over to Pastel, who continued to stare at her seat.

Hearth slammed her forehead onto the floor. Pastel looked up, startled at the sound. Rubbing her now-rather-sore head, Hearth wrested the notepad from Acoustiana and levitated it over to Pastel.

“So how about you stop being pouty and think of how your actions might be affecting the one who sought your help. I said you were being overly dramatic.” Hearth gave Pastel a glare.

Pastel read the questions and her ears fell along her head and her face drooped low. She repeatedly looked between the notepad and Acoustiana. After a few moments, her expression leveled out and she released a long sigh.

“Okay, okay.” Pastel looked at her close friend. “Listen, I won’t tell you the details, but I have to recuse myself from your situation. Suffice it to say, it would be far too easy for me to be hypocritical should I give advice or my opinion. Your choice is yours, and it doesn’t offend me. Do not let my situation affect you any further.” Pastel put on a warm smile and nodded slowly to Acoustiana. She then levitated the notepad over so that the mute mare could continue her request for help.

Acoustiana moved to sign out her concern, but Pastel shook her head and nodded her head towards Hearth. Acoustiana settled back down into her cushion and bit her lower lip.

“I am now very worried about how the rest of my friends will react. I never thought it was that big of an issue. I know it’s not common, and ponies in Canterlot discourage it, but now I am terrified that I might lose my friends.” Acoustiana floated the notepad over and the worry lines on her face grew.

Hearth let out a quiet sigh. “I understand. Scarlet had to deal with this many years ago, and I was there every step of the way. You have to accept the fact that not everypony will agree with your love. Some will not tolerate it, and may act against you. While I hope it’s not the case, you may also need to worry about your family's reaction as well. Ours... well... Let’s just say mom and dad overreacted, but Scarlet wasn’t exactly helping the issue. I won’t lie─you will probably lose some friends and family. Some ponies out there just refuse to accept the love of two mares. I don’t get why, but such is the way of things.”

Acoustiana felt sick. She curled up on her seat and buried her muzzle into the cushion, trying to disappear. She wanted all the problems swimming around in her head just to go away, and she started to wish things had gone back to the way they used to be. Life was a lot less complicated when she only had to worry about talking to other ponies.

“I know this isn’t easy. But you shouldn’t hide from it. I know you’re strong enough, otherwise Scarlet wouldn’t have such strong feelings for you. I won’t abandon you through this, and she definitely won’t abandon you. Pastel has already said she isn’t offended, so you haven’t lost her. Ray and Canty should be here before long. We can deal with that when it comes to pass. So until they do show, there is no reason to fret. Tell me what problems you had when you asked for our help,” Hearth said as she stroked Acoustiana’s mane.

Looking up, Acoustiana pouted her lips outward as her eyes misted over. She sniffled back the pooling tears and nodded in agreement. Levitating her notepad up off the floor, she wrote out a few of her issues.

“If it turns out I do love Scarlet, what do I do? How will this affect my job? We all want to be popular enough to make it in Canterlot, being booked at their many parties and playing in their great theater halls. If I am with a mare, won’t that make them shun me? Furthermore, moving her to Canterlot, should I still be able to get there. Would it be fair to her to make her choose living here versus being made to move there and deal with all those uptight nobility?” Acoustiana nibbled on her pencil for a moment and decided that she would wait for responses before asking more. Upon hearing a loud crunching sound, she realized that she had bitten through her pencil. Floating the notepad over to Hearth, Acoustiana carefully removed the slivers of wood now infesting her mouth.

“Oh crumb buckets. Pastel, I really need your help with this...” Hearth pleaded, clasping her hooves together and quivering her lower lip.

“Fine...” Pastel spoke in a flat tone. She then let out a sigh and took control over the notepad and read its contents.

“Not gonna answer, negatively, yes, and that’s a question for her to answer.” Pastel then gave Hearth a stern look. “I am sorry for being blunt. But the fact of the matter is, your fears are justified, Tiana. I will say this─when it’s found out you’re dating a mare, your career will hit a rough patch. What you do from there is up to you, but these fears will come to pass, for better or worse,” Pastel said as her ears drooped and she looked at her cushion.

“Thanks, Pastel. Uh, as for the other two still open questions─let's see...” Hearth rubbed her chin. “Well, I would say if you two are in love, do what anypony would do?” She gave a shrug. “I honestly have no idea how much different it will be for you, but I do know if you don't wanna be making all the decisions, Scarlet will definitely do that for you if you let her.” Hearth nodded in approval of her own answer.

“As far as moving goes, I don’t think she would be too upset. The two of you combined would be able to make plenty, even with both of you dealing with the stigma. Though if you do well enough, Scarlet would be happy just tending to her own private garden. Given half the chance, she is a rather lazy pony. Not to say she would shirk her responsibilities, just that if she doesn't have to, she won't!” Heath gave a muffled giggle as she looked off to the side in thought.

“I have but one last issue. Maybe it's silly, but I have always wanted to be a mother, to have my own foal. Dating a colt made such a dream only a matter of time. Now, is there any way for me to let go of such a want?” Acoustiana lay on her cushion and tried to make herself as small as she could.

Hearth read the notepad and her face quickly turned many shades redder. Hearth’s jaw slackened and her eyes grew wide as she looked from Pastel to Acoustiana. After a few stammers, she was able to gulp down her awkwardness and summoned the courage to answer.

“Well... uh... Wow, this is quite a personal question. Erm... You could... adopt? But that wouldn't be be the same thing, per se. Uh... Ah ponyfeathers.” Hearth tried to shrink into her own cushion.

“Give it here. I’ll try and unravel this mess your tongue just put you in.” Pastel rolled her eyes and grabbed the notepad. She looked at the two cowering mares and let out a small sigh. Upon reading the notepad, however, she too put on a shade of red.

“Oh... my...” Pastel cleared her throat, but still felt anxious on answering the question. “I think you may have to forego the desire. I cannot speak for Hearth, but I for sure know that little annoying want. You are right─it does require a colt, typically.” Pastel’s blush darkened to the shade of her mane. “I have heard whispers that there is a way for two mares to... do the deed... as it were, and produce offspring. I dont have a bucking clue how that works, but if you really feel that close, you might find answers in a book in the Canterlot library. If it's ever been done, and written down, then it would be found there.” Pastel nodded and tried to smile, but the realization of how much she just said made her wince instead. Sinking into her cushion, she let out a groan of annoyance.

“What? I may not be an expert at science, but doesn’t that type of thing require... certain tools only male ponies have? Oh whatever, this is way too advanced of a topic to delve much into.” Hearth shook her mane and stretched her forelegs. “Is there any other issues you wanna talk about before Ray and Canty show up?”

Acoustiana slowly shook her head and also rose from her cushion. Her attempts to hide her own fevered blush abated when her other confidants showed the same reaction. She levitated her notepad over and looked to the clock. A loud banging at the door startled her and the three unicorns looked towards the disturbance.

“Pastel! Have you seen Hearth Song? I need to talk to her, I figured you might know where she got off to.” Scarlet’s voice pierced through the door.

“Speak of the draconequus.” Pastel furrowed her brow. “Tiana, do you want me to send her away?” Pastel asked as she looked to Acoustiana. The musical mare was shaking and looked like she wanted to run, or was possibly about to faint.

“I’ll handle this. She wants me after all. It has to be important by the sound of it anyways.” Hearth trotted over to the door. She positioned herself so that Acoustiana would be hidden from sight before opening the top half of the door.

“Scarlet, what seems to be the problem?” Hearth said in as sweet of a voice as she could.

“I don’t care what you’re trying to hide in there, so drop the innocent act. Listen, I need to tell you about the night of your concert. I put it off ’cause of what happened, and I really am sorry for that.” Scarlet nuzzled her sister. “I think it best if we talk inside though, if Pastel wouldn’t mind the intrusion of course.” Scarlet spoke loudly so her voice could be easily heard by all the occupants.

“Uh, let me check...” Hearth looked back into the room and bit her lower lip.

Pastel looked to Acoustiana and whispered, “What do you want, Tiana?”

“Hearth told me to be strong and not hide. Now is as good a time as any to try.” Acoustiana gulped as she signed her response to Pastel.

“Come on in Scarlet,” Pastel shouted in the direction of the door.

Hearth stepped out of the way and Scarlet came trotting in beaming. Upon sight of her love, her smile dimmed slightly, and she raised an eyebrow. She slowly walked over to Acoustiana, keeping her head low.

“Hey there, beautiful. Uh... is the cat out of the bag by any chance?” Scarlet asked with a gentle voice that calmed Acoustiana, ever so slightly.

Biting her cheek, Acoustiana slowly nodded and floated her notepad over to Scarlet. She waved the pages that held her questions and offered them to Scarlet to read. She watched the confused look on Scarlet melt away into contented bliss. She then jerked her head back, eyes going wide as she dropped the notepad. Clearing her throat, Scarlet calmed herself and put a genuine smile back on.

“Well, well. You sure did come to the right place to ask questions like these. Though, uh... No offence, love, but some of this is a teensy bit advanced. We haven’t even gone on our first date yet and you’re already thinking about moving in together... and... uh... yeah, I’ll talk to you about that last one, much later on.” Scarlet coughed as her own blush appeared after reading the question.

“Scarlet, don’t, “ Pastel said in a threatening manner.

Whoa, why the ’tude Pastel? I know you didn’t exactly want me to court your friend, but c’mon you...” Scarlet stopped short as the painter stared at her with a severe intensity.

Don’t!” Pastel all but shouted.

“Scarlet... uh... remember that thing we don’t talk about? You know, the personal stuff... you’re treading on it.” Hearth tried to clue her sister in before she caused a further incident.

“Okay... I still have no idea what I did wrong though.” Scarlet gave Pastel an apologetic nod and just turned back to Acoustiana. “So speaking of dates. Would you... uh... are you okay?” Scarlet tried to put on a smile, but when she saw Acoustiana’s eyes shoot wide open and her tremble, she was only filled with worry.

Acoustiana nodded, but was unable to fight off the panic that had grown inside her. Her mind had once more waged war on her emotions, and she was unable to stop it.

“Hey now, it’s okay. As I told you that night, I get it. Listen, if you’re still not ready, I am okay with waiting. If you are having second thoughts, that’s okay too. I was pouring it on hard that night, and I can see you accepting out of pure emotional compulsion. I just want you happy. Even if that means I have to leave the picture, I will do it, just to see you smile.” Scarlet smiled and her eyes glistened with moisture.

Acoustiana felt her mind once more get a sound flank beating and her fears melted away by the sheer level of love she felt radiate from the orange mare. She reached out and hugged Scarlet, and before she knew it, gave her a kiss on the nape of her neck. She felt Scarlet shiver at the gesture and seemed to melt under her touch. Acoustiana soon found herself holding up the mare.

“Wow... I have never seen you melt like that, Scarlet... Acoustiana, you got some magic there...” Hearth commented as she took her seat and smiled.

“Schmud eveh... wombeh who?” Scarlet finally managed lazily open her eyes from the sudden, unexpected, but thoroughly enjoyable experience.

“Words, little flower, they work better.” Hearth chuckled to herself.

“Huh? What?” Scarlet looked around and noticed the pink mare holding her steady. She let out a high-pitched squeal, then wrapped her hooves around the mare and held her tightly, sighing happily as the warmth radiated into her coat.

“Well, that proves it. They are simply adorable together.” Pastel smiled warmly at the couple.

Acoustiana looked up from the mare in her hooves to her two friends, who both smiled approvingly. Even though she still had shadows of doubt within her, she enjoyed the moment. Scarlet had made a good point: she was worried about things before she even bothered to go on their first date. She reminded herself that nopony is ever sure of a relationship. She just needed to relax and find where the river takes her.

A knock at the door distracted all the ponies’ attention. Pastel knowingly got up and opened the door, allowing the two expected ponies to enter. Cantaloupe had her mane swept back and wore a jubilant smile. Ray looked as he always did; his roguish grin and proud stature were more directed at the bounding earth pony that bounced into the room.

“Oh my gosh, guys! Have you ever been flying? It’s so much fun! You have got to try it!” Cantaloupe jumped around the four mares, excited and oblivious to their stares.

“Cantaloupe, didn’t you promise to keep your mane in order? What have you been up to?” Pastel questioned as she levitated her brush over.

“Did you not hear her m’lady? I just took the goodly farmer for a flight. She was looking tired after hauling a rather large cart of fruit to her shop, so being a gentlecolt, I offered to give her a lift. I daresay, she quite enjoyed the experience.” Ray beamed as he continued watching the antics.

“I have flown before... well okay, maybe not like a pegasus, but having a tree fling you through the air counts, right?” Scarlet asked as she raised an eyebrow at the stallion looking proud as a peacock.

“Hardly, that would be more akin to fa...” Ray looked at the two entangled mares and his smile disappeared. “I didn’t know you two had become such close friends. Thats an odd hug for friends to share. Are you okay?” Ray gave Acoustiana a worried glance.

“Ray, Cantaloupe... Acoustiana wished us to come here to inform us of an important announcement,” Pastel spoke in a diplomatic voice. “Scarlet here, after her great show of affection, has apparently won the heart of our dear musician. As of the night of the concert, the two are a couple.” Pastel nodded.

“Neat!” Cantaloupe chirped.

“What...” Ray said with a frown.

“What do you mean ‘what?’ This is fantastic news.” Cantaloupe had stopped her bouncing and now looked worried.

“How can you say that? This isn’t right. Mares date colts. Not... other mares.” Ray waved his hoof around in the general direction of the couple before slamming it back into the ground.

“Hold on just one bucking minute! Who do you think you are, saying what is and isn’t right?” Cantaloupe put on a stern face and almost growled. “I’ll have you know my great grandpappy did some math that proves this is right.”

“How is that even possible?” Ray asked in a more level tone, seeing that he had just singled himself out in the room of mares.

“He said if you took ten ponies from any city across Equestria, you would invariably get more mares than colts. He said it averages six to eight mares in that ten.” Cantaloupe snorted. “So if you’re gonna stand there and say two mares loving each other is wrong, then answer this: Do you believe colts deserve more than one mare? Or do you prefer mares live their lives sad and alone?” Cantaloupe had an angry grin upon her face.

“I never insinuated either of those outcomes.” Ray took a step back as he attempted to rebuke the four sets of angry eyes now staring him down. “Pastel, please help me out here. Surely you know how this just isn’t proper pony behaviour.”

“Sorry, dear, but I have recused myself from this situation. You’re on your own,” Pastel said smugly as she nestled herself into her cushion.

Ray’s ears dropped and his wings stiffened. He looked at the group of mares and snorted out in frustration and proceeded to stomp out of the house. He took flight as soon as he was able, and the door slammed shut with a soft red glow of magic.

“The nerve of that pony.” Scarlet stuck her tongue out at the door and turned to Acoustiana. “Now don’t you worry yourself. I know that probably hurt you. If not now, it will sting in a bit. Just know, so long as you’ll have me, I will fill any gaps in your heart those like him will leave.” Scarlet touched the tip of her muzzle to the other mare.

Acoustiana had already begun to feel the pain of loss. Her eyes started filling with tears at the thought of how many more would react the same way. The fear her father would be the same hurt the most.

“Hey now! None of that. Like my great grandpappy said: this is as natural as growing fruit. Numbers don’t lie, and neither did he.” Cantaloupe trotted over and gave the couple a big hug. “Besides, this should be a happy occasion. I’ll pelt that stubborn mule with enough proof his opinion is outdated and wrong, that he would have to be as dumb as a Turniptruck not to get it.” Cantaloupe poked Acoustiana in the ribs with a hoof and trotted to a cushion next to Pastel to have her still-swept-back mane brushed.

Acoustiana released Scarlet from their embrace. Scarlet held on for a moment longer, but then let her go. Acoustiana stepped to the side and began signing to Pastel.

“You’ve known Ray the longest. Is there another issue between you two that is the reason you have recused yourself? Is there any insight you can give me for this?” Acoustiana watched Pastel blush and clear her throat as she swept the brush through Cantaloupe’s mane.

“The reason is not known to Ray either.” She let out a sigh. “It’s a deeply personal matter, but later tonight, I shall share it with you. Celestia knows you’ve shared so many of your secrets with me, it’s only fair. For now though, I would have to say Cantaloupe here will probably have the best shot at showing Ray that he is being unfair. I would say he is not likely ever to change his mindset, but he will tolerate it at the very least, once his mind is shown the truth.” Pastel admired her handiwork and put her brush away.

“I still say you’re being overly dramatic about it. But I am not you, and you have good reasons, I suppose. In any case, Scarlet, you were going to ask Tiana something important before we got distracted?” Hearth wiggled her eyebrows at her sister.

Scarlet giggled and placed a hoof against Acoustiana’s cheek. She gently directed the mare so that the two could look into each other’s eyes. Scarlet felt Acoustiana tremble slightly, but saw that a smile was also creeping its way to the surface.

“I was thinking, a lot, and I figured I might have pushed us faster than I should have. With that, I want to try and slow it down, and do this the right way.” Scarlet rubbed noses wth Acoustana.

“My most beloved Acoustiana, would you do me the honor of having dinner with me tomorrow night?” Scarlet leaned slightly closer, giving the other mare her best attempt at big doe eyes.

Acoustiana’s smile broadened and she nodded. She didn’t know what, but something in the bright, rose-colored eyes made the world and all her worries disappear.


Pastel walked next to Acoustiana as they headed out to a tailor she knew. She would help her musical friend look her best, and inform her of why she couldn’t be more help beyond such.

“Back in the Canterlot Artistic Institute of Tillyhoof, I experimented with a lot of things. The teaching staff all endorsed us to think outside the norm. To view the world from every angle, to take in all aspects it had to offer. It was supposed to get us to reflect life in our works properly, and to push the boundaries in artistic culture.” Pastel got a faraway look and let out a sigh.

“Well, to the point, I met my first marefriend there. Marey Stonehoof. One heck of an earth pony. She could turn any rock into a masterful sculpture faster than most of us unicorns could. She was strong, smart, and above all else, drop-dead gorgeous.” Pastel’s face flushed, causing her to cough and cover herself for a moment.

“Marey was the one that taught me hooflanguage originally. She had a few deaf, I think it was, relatives. We had a lovely little stint, but it didn’t last. My neuroticism clashed too much with her stubbornness. I then went to date a few colts. Iron Wing was the one I fell for hardest. In the end though, it still ended up badly. The point to all of this is that my career in Canterlot was bright, up till it was found out I would date anypony. A small faction of nobles signed petitions to have my artist license revoked, and to have me exiled. The princess denied all their counts, but the damage was nonetheless done. I couldn’t find work there anymore. This is how I know what you’re up against, and why I can’t give you advice on your dating. If you just wanted a colt, it’s easy and wouldn’t be an issue. But you like both, or seem to anyways.” Pastel gave her friend a soft nudge and a sidelong glance.

“Anything, advice-wise, will be made to make your life like the one I wished to have, or would be the same mistakes I made. Either case, it would be a lie or unfair. Two things I refuse to impart upon another pony.” Giving a small smile, Pastel looked into the sky.

“As for Hearth and Scarlet, they know most of this already. I have stayed in touch with Marey through the years. I do still love her, but it’s a lost love that won’t ever be true. To the point though, she eventually dated Scarlet. It’s how we met, actually.” Pastel glanced to Acoustiana with a knowing look. “Apparently they got into a sculpture competition, but due to their differing media, didn’t compete directly. Marey won third place in stone, and Scarlet, naturally, won first place in her horticulture topiary designs, magic being her defining advantage. The details aren't important, but they ended up sleeping with each other, and it seems Marey still thought of me as I think of her. Scarlet, in all her wisdom, helped me get a job here in Foalsdale. I didn’t know it for a couple of years though. She is really good at helping ponies out without even wanting to be known for it.” Pastel shook her head and grinned.

“Scarlet had mentioned to Hearth after a while who I was and why she put so many of her bits into helping me get a job secretly. I had no idea she was Scarlet’s sister. The two are very different ponies.” Pastel frowned briefly. “Well, I tried to date Scarlet when I found out what she did, I shall admit. We knew right away it wouldn't work out though. Neither of us had the temperament to stay settled. We eventually just became artistic companions. So that’s why those two knew what was up, and I didn’t want them talking about it. I have a lousy past and try to keep it to myself unless I have to share it. And just for the record, yes, I did crush on Ray like you did, but I was quick to find out he loved another mare.” Pastel spoke her last thought with a wave of her hoof, her eyes closed, and in a nonchalant tone.

That’s one involved story. Thank you for sharing. I still don’t understand how you feel the need to recuse yourself, but I can understand that it would make you feel uncomfortable. I also can venture as to why you haven’t told Ray. He probably would act like those other Canterlot ponies did,” Acoustiana signed after the two stopped to window shop.

“Actually that never occurred to me. It just didn’t seem relevant to our relationship to mention what ponies I’ve slept with. Certainly it was none of his business. As he would say, ‘A lady should keep such details to herself.’” Pastel puffed out her chest, placed her hoof on it, and spoke in a low voice as she did her best to imitate the pegasus.

Acoustiana silently giggled. The two finished their browsing and arrived at the tailor shop Pastel mentioned. Pastel stuck a hoof out and turned Acoustiana to face her as she signed out her next thoughts.

“Before we go in, what are your current intentions? If you are looking for just a nice date that ends more platonically, I have an idea for an ensemble. If you are looking for your night to end with a bang and your choice mare in bed, a much different outfit is what I have in mind.” After translating, Acoustiana furrowed her brow.

“No offense, but I am not that kind of pony.” She slammed her hooves down for emphasis. “So yes, I am looking for this to be a nice dinner, but nothing more than that. I may have strong feelings for Scarlet, but I am still not fully sold that dating a mare is the best thing for me. She...” Acoustiana stopped for a moment, took in a deep breath through her nose, and continued. “She earned this date, and probably many more.”

“I understand, and I am sorry to imply you would take intimacy so lightly. Just know Scarlet has in the past. However, she also never fell in love from what I know. Or at least this far head over flank as she has for you. So I doubt she will press for such. In any case, let's get you a lovely dress to take out on your first date.” Pastel nuzzled her friend and the two entered the shop.


Brushing her thick mane, Acoustiana wondered why she was allowing herself to risk her future for these feelings. Her mind, even though battered and bruised by its many defeats over the subject, still fought on, reminding her that if she kept up with this relationship, she would have problems. Like never reach your dream of playing in Canterlot... No, Pastel said this would only make it hader. I can deal with harder.

She knew, though, that finding a colt that saw her music the way Scarlet did would be like trying to raise the sun and moon herself. The words the gentle orange unicorn said came drifting through her mind. To which her mind stitched a white flag and gave up for the night.

With her inner conflict settled, Acoustiana began to feel the anxiety rise for her first date with a mare. She’d plenty of talks with her dad on how to handle the advances of colts, and how some of their reactions would be just to rut with her. However, this was a mare, and such a thing was a non-issue. The warning from Pastel reminded her that she would nonetheless need to be on her chaste behavior. Calling upon the wisdom of her mother, Acoustiana gathered her game plan. She would allow affectionate hoof rubbing, and the occasional tail flick. If Scarlet did not press the limits, she would feel okay enough to allow a kiss goodnight at the end.

Her mane in perfect order, her coat brushed to a shine, and her tail flowing elegantly, Acoustiana nodded to her reflection and turned to her attire for the evening. Pastel had shown her many ensembles that she felt would look wonderful for the date. The final choice was a light-blue saddle, with magenta frills on top of a modest, light-yellow chemise and garniture. It drew attention to the saddle, which she was unsure of at the start, but Pastel pointed out that with the cloth underneath, instead of the attention being driven to her posterior, it would draw attention to her face, as her vibrant eyes would be accentuated.

After getting her attire placed and tightened, she gave herself one last look-over. She had to admit, the way the light yellow hid her more alluring aspects, it in fact forced one to look more to her face. Smiling at her reflection, Acoustiana silently ran through a few chords of her favorite Beethooven composition in her mind, she headed downstairs to pass some time in her music room till Scarlet came to pick her up.

Having only time to flip through some of her composition notes, Acoustiana heard a light knocking at her door. Peering around the doorway, she opened her door with her magic. A confused Scarlet poked her head in past the doorway and looked about. Acoustiana waved a jubilant hoof to garner her attention and exited her music room.

“Oh, there you are. Uh... oh nice outfit... erm...” Scarlet glanced to her gown. She wore an elegant garment woven from lavender flowers. The hem was a dense line of the light-purple flower, whereas the rest of the dress had flowers sparsely speckled over the tight weave of light-green stems. Scarlet’s ears drooped and her eyes dulled as she looked between her dress an Acoustiana’s.

“D─do you have your notepad? C─can’t forget that,” Scarlet stuttered as she put on a false smile. “Having an o─one sided conversation would be boring for the both of u─us, I’m sure.”

Acoustiana, knowing full well something was the matter, firmly planted her hooves on her floor. Lifting one hoof up, she pointed at Scarlet, then at a chair as she levitated over her small notepad.

“What’s the matter? I shall not have this first date ruined, if it can be helped.”

Nothing! Everything is just fine.” Scarlet tried harder to fake her smile, but seeing the furrowed brow and slow snarl on the other mare’s face proved that her ruse was to no avail.

“Okay... I kinda... sorta... maybe thought you would wear my gift to this. It’s why I wore this lavender dress, so we could be a matching pair.” Scarlet looked to her hooves and her ears dangled along the sides of her face.

Wincing, Acoustiana trotted over to the other mare and placed a hoof on her shoulder. Scarlet looked up, ears still limp, and saw that her date was distressed by the state of things. Perking her ears up, she decided to push past this issue and get over her disappointment.

“I said it’s okay, so it’s going to be okay. That is final. You look marvelous. I should have let you know I was going to wear this. How else would you have thought to wear my gifts? Besides, some lilies probably would have suited your roses better.” Reaching a hoof out, she lifted Acoustiana’s chin . “Now put on the gorgeous smile I love so much, and let’s go get us some fine cuisine. Don’t know about you, but I have been so nervous about tonight, I forgot to eat breakfast, and my tummy didn’t feel up to eating lunch.” Scarlet smiled broadly, winked, and nodded toward the door.

Acoustiana softened her looks, as she saw the honest smile appear on her date’s face. She also imagined the small pain of her date’s hopes being skewed, and thought to alleviate at least a portion of them. She shook her head and cantered up her stairs to her room. She retrieved her tiara of flowers and returned downstairs. She then wore her own sincere smile and nodded to Scarlet.

As Scarlet watched her date descend the stairs, she was unable to look away. Her face flushed and heart sped up. She knew at that point she was going to have a rough night keeping herself calm. She also reminded herself of her plan. No matter what, Scarlet, treat this mare right. She thought to herself over and over again.

Scarlet opened the door for Acoustiana and the two set out on their trot to enjoy their evening. Scarlet moved close to her date, but not touching. She kept silent, and glanced to Acoustiana every now and then to see if she was happy. The pink mare simply smiled each time and seemed to be enjoying herself just fine.

Scarlet navigated the couple through the city to the restaurant where she had made reservations. She was nervous that the lack of conversation would be off-putting during their trot through town, but her date seemed quite content with the silence between the two. When they finally arrived, Scarlet turned to Acoustiana and attempted her best prim and proper mannerisms.

“M’lady, we have arrived at our destination. There shall be a reservation for two awaiting us. Please, allow me to see you in.” Scarlet then gave a sweeping bow. Upon rising, she found her nose was being poked by a dainty pink hoof.

Acoustiana held a smile and slowly shook her head. Removing her hoof from her date’s nose, she then poked her gently in the chest twice. Pulling out her notepad, she wrote her words down while giggling silently.

“None of that. That’s not who you are. I like Scarlet Topiary. Please, just be yourself.”

“Uh, okay.” Scarlet shrugged and smiled back. “I figured it couldn’t hurt to pretend to be formal in case that was what you wanted. However, you will need to put up with me still being... uh... let’s say different for now. I’ll drop the fake stuff though, don’t you worry, but... I am still all aflutter you’re dating me. I may act oddly, so just nudge me if I do.” With a nod, Scarlet then moved to open the door and ushered her date in.

The two got seated outside, and after they ordered, Scarlet felt the need to start some form of conversation. She took a few moments to ponder topics and started to make a mental list of things to try and talk about, when she caught sight of a light orange glow. Looking up from her hooves, she saw her date’s notepad floating there.

“So, I was wondering about a few things. If it is okay with you of course, mind if we talk about us?” Acoustiana was blushing and looking off to the side.

“I would be more than happy to discuss whatever you want. Ask away, nothing is off limits. And I mean nothing. If there is a topic I don’t feel comfortable talking about, it’s most likely just a private issue, and we can talk about it back at your place if you really want to know about whatever it is. There may be something I won’t mind talking about here, but I may write them down, ’cause you know, some topics are best left unspoken.” Scarlet winked as Acoustiana’s blush brightened.

“I didn’t plan on asking anything of that nature, but at least I know it’s okay with you, should I feel the need. However, what I would like to know first is: what exactly do you do for a living? I understand you tend the plants, but isn’t that more of an earth pony job?” Acoustiana hoofed over the notepad and looked on with large, expectant eyes.

“Heh, the same can be said of your music. And the answer is probably just as similar. I have always enjoyed nature growing up. I was a decent gardener, for a unicorn at least. One day, as I was chasing a butterfly through a field, I ran into a rather thorny blackberry bramble. It didn’t hurt at first, and the ripe berries I found looked delicious. But... then I tried to get at said berries. Well, I am sure you could imagine a little filly’s reaction to being pricked all over. Hearth heard my screams and came running. When she got there, I was in a state of panic. I don’t remember this part at all, but sis told me about it.” Scarlet smiled as her eyes wandered up into the sky.

“Well, it seemed that the pain and something or other caused me to start randomly shooting off spells. My sister panicked and ducked to avoid the spells, so we don’t know how, but my horn eventually got tangled in the bramble. Suddenly, something in me clicked and I cast a transformation spell on the plant. It turned into an octopus, with its tentacles wrapped around me. Hearth looked up and saw what I had done, and did her best to calm me down from struggling further by brushing my mane. She always was good at calming me down.” Scarlet chuckled to herself.

“Eventually, after I calmed down, she was able to get me to recreate the spell I had cast on the bramble and I turned it into some weird-shaped thing, like a pony on its hind legs, and I was no longer wrapped up by the thorns. After we got back home, and mom helped clean me up, my parents talked about the fine detailed magic I managed to cast and sent me off to art school. For my part, it was torture. The teachers heard the tale of what I did to the plant, so they expected me to be able to do it with any medium. And fail as I did, they kept trying to make me into a generic sculptor.” Scarlet rolled her eyes, stuck her tongue out the side of her mouth and twirled her hoof around.

“I would say that is also when I became... rebellious?” Scarlet shrugged. “Well, whatever you wanna say, I stopped doing what my teachers and parents wanted. I started skipping class and hanging out in the gardens around campus. I hung out with some of the other delinquent types, and eventually told some of them about the topiary I had made. Well, they told me that I should try applying all the horseapple teachings into molding plants. So I did. After the third tree I turned into a... let’s just say, juvenile depiction of equine anatomy, I realized how easy it was for me to mold plants to any shape I wanted. Lo and behold, this appeared.” Scarlet lifted her dress to proudly show off her cutie mark. The red leaf with a cutout of a rearing pony.

“That would also be the time I realized that I was into mares. If it’s of any consequence.” Scarlet lightly blushed and returned to looking at her hooves. “So, directly answering your question, I don’t grow anything actually. I simply change the plants. Still need good earth ponies to do the growing.”

Acoustiana mulled over Scarlet’s story and she began to get a feel for what soothed her coat. She knew the type of filly Scarlet was growing up: The bitter one in class that was always expected to do great things but refused to meet others’ expectations. She knew how hard it could be going through school as an outcast, but she also knew they were still very different in that aspect. Scarlet made herself one; Acoustiana was forced to be one. Coming out of her mind, she saw Scarlet looking at her with a pensive look upon her face. Tilting her head to the side, Acoustiana twitched her ears and pointed a hoof in the other mare’s direction.

“Can I ask you something... personal as well?” Scarlet blushed lightly and fidgeted in her seat. Acoustiana smirked and nodded.

“Did you lose your voice, or is this how you were born?” Scarlet had one ear drooped but the other turned in the direction of her date.

“I was born without vocal cords. In case it matters to you, I have been told there is a magical spell that can imitate a pony voice, should I ever want to learn it, yet it is a false voice. One that I shall not partake in. You are the first to hear my voice though. Its a large reason why I am here.” Acoustiana slid the notepad over and watched as Scarlet’s expression changed with every line she read. The way her ears twitched and nose wrinkled appeared as the cutest of all the expressions she made.

“How is that possible? Nopony has heard your beautiful voice in your music? Not even your family?” Scarlet looked from the notepad to her date. Her eyes carried a heavy amount of concern, and her muzzle told of sadness.

Acoustiana shook her head, reached over the table and took hold of Scarlet’s hoof within her own. She smiled warmly into the vibrant rose eyes of her date. Giving the orange hoof a gentle squeeze, she let it go and sat back down.

Scarlet felt her face get hot, and knew that she had stopped breathing by the burning in her lungs. Her mind, however, still had yet to restart after the romantic gesture. Slowly, her body resumed its normal processes. Her eyes blinked a few times as she started breathing again. She slumped in her seat as the wave of joy and warmth washed over her and rested her head on the table. Her eyelids drooped halfway, and she let out a soft moan. Acoustiana covered her muzzle as she silently giggled at the reaction.

“What kind of things do you like to do other than tend to your plants?” Pushing the notepad over, Acoustiana gently tapped Scarlet’s hoof to garner her attention.

“Huh? Oh!” Scarlet blinked a few times, jerked her head side to side looking for any onlookers and then down to the notepad.

“Well, I always enjoy listening to Hearth’s music.” Scarlet tapped her chin as she looked off to the side. “Other than that, I haven’t done much recently. I used to be a major party pony, but... Well, let’s just say that it was getting difficult to stay a good pony. Hearth is really good at pointing out when I have done bad things. Like drugging beautiful musicians without realizing it.” Scarlet once more blushed deeply as her ears drooped and her expression became somber.

Acoustiana took off her flower tiara and tapped Scarlet with it. When Scarlet looked, Acoustiana inhaled deeply the intoxicating scent of the large flower. Scarlet watched, speechless, as her jaw went slack and her ears perked up. Acoustiana felt the effects and slumped onto the table as well.

“I... totally didn’t expect that from you.” Scarle blinked a few times. “Ugh... you are trying to make this difficult for me to stay a good pony, you know that?” Scarlet whined as she covered her head with her forelegs.

Acoustiana smiled at her and stuck out her tongue. Keeping at least some sense of decorum, she placed the tiara back on her head and used her magic to write another question. Scarlet watched her with some concern, but didn’t voice any.

“So, knowing what the flowers were actually used for in your house, how did you manage it? I don’t feel any more attracted or aroused by you than I was before. Is there more to your tricks?” Acoustiana lazily levitated the notepad over to her date. Scarlet took hold of it with her own magic and soon found herself with a very warm face.

“Well, uh... You see... Erm, I... uh...” Scarlet stuttered as she looked around and then coughed a bit, continuing in a very low whisper. “Not sure if this is all too appropriate for a first date, but I do have other gifts. Suffice it to say, my days as a party pony taught me plenty of so called ‘tricks’ when in reference to seducing ponies. That will be all I will say on the subject tonight though.” Scarlet hoofed over the notepad and avoided eye contact.

Acoustiana got the feeling that she had pushed too hard on her question. So with a great amount of self control, she changed the topic to something far more fitting and tame. Fighting the urge to be silly and flirty, effects she knew came from the flower, Acoustiana wrote her question and slid the notepad over.

“What are you currently working on? Are there any big projects lined up?”

“I am currently arranging a floral wedding arch for an earth pony couple.” Scarlet’s ears swiveled toward Acoustiana, and soon looked at her date as well. “The mare wants to have some daisies, petunias, and tulips. It’s going to take me forever to find the right combination of flowers though. The stallion insists that there be more than just white and pink. He wants a more stallionly coloration. So I offered some reds and purples, but he just snorted and walked off with his nose in the air. I mean really? A stallionly color from flowers! What the hay is he thinking?” Scarlet threw her hooves into the air.

“Well, in any case, the mare assured me that as long as I added something with a deep color to offset the brighter hues, her husband would be satisfied. Problem is, the flowers they selected are all lighter colored.” Scarlets ears drooped. “So I have had to special-order some unique breeds to get the darker purples from the tulips and petunias. I am just outta luck with the daisies unless I wanted to run around painting the flowers red or some such silliness.” Scarlet leaned her cheek against her hoof.

“That answers both of your questions. Now it’s my turn.” Scarlet put on an impish grin. “My flower doesn’t force you to do anything you aren't already willing to do. That said, how do you feel about me? I spent plenty of time telling you how I feel. How about you?” Scarlet perked up and stared at her date’s magnificent orange eyes.

Acoustiana took a moment to register the question as she got lost in the lovely rose-colored eyes staring into her own. Shaking her head, she retrieved her notepad and nibbled on her pencil as she figured out how to answer the obvious trap of a question.

“I haven’t decided yet. At least, not fully. You have earned a place in my heart no matter how this all turns out. Knowing that somepony in this world can hear me is more than I had wished for. I can say this: you are beautiful, your spirit is strong, and you have done more to garner my affections than anypony in my life. I am still not positive if I want to live my life with a mare, but you have made a very good argument for your case.” Acoustiana smiled warmly as she hoofed her notepad over.

Scarlet read the response, and furrowed her brow. She looked up for a moment, then went back to the notepad. After rereading the response, her expression changed. Her eyes shot wide open and glistened with moisture, her ears stood straight up and twitched every so often, and she smiled from ear to ear.

“So I do stand a chance at this?” Scarlet squeaked and fidgeted with the intense buildup of joy inside of her.

Acoustiana smiled and nodded. She silently giggled as her date pumped her hooves and gave a very quiet cheer to herself. She found the antics quite adorable, and knew that if Scarlet kept her manners this well on all their dates, she would probably have to admit to finally loving the silly filly. Silently sighing, she shook her head free of the thoughts and waved down the waiter so that she could order another cider for the two of them.

Scarlet watched the waiter depart after receiving the additional order, turned to her date, and reveled in the warm smile she wore. Something in the back of her mind kicked her consciousness and she remembered an important question she knew she needed to ask, especially now that she knew she would be getting more dates out of her mare.

“I was wondering─what, if anything, do you dislike?” Scarlet tilted her head to the side. “Hearth told me to call you only by your full name or Tiana. Is there a reason for that? Also, what type of playful jokes are you okay with, and where would you draw the line?” Scarlet saw Acoustiana’s expression flatten as the topic once more became serious.

“There are a number of things I do not like. However, most are inconsequential for the two of us to bother with at this time. What you should know is that growing up, I had it hard. The other foals didn’t exactly play nice with the mute filly. Worse yet, they latched onto the fact that my name is different. Should you feel the need to come up with a pet name for me, know that it would be best not to use my name in the process. It is one of my biggest issues. Never, and I mean ever, call me Cousti. Doing such will end anything we have together, now that you have been warned. Read and reply to this, and I shall then answer the second part of your question.” Acoustiana hoofed the notepad over, her face stern, and her eyes sharp.

Scarlet read the response. Her ears fell slightly, but soon straightened up. She felt a surge of anger, but took a deep breath to quash the feeling, knowing it was just an emotional response, and certainly held no logical place during her date.

“I can only imagine what you had to go through. I know at times I think I have had it rough, but ponies like you prove my life wasn’t half bad.” She then reached out and tapped her date’s hoof. “Don’t worry, any pet name I would give you would generally involve an object for affection. I dunno what yet. We haven’t spent enough time for such a thing to develop. If I feel one is needed, I’ll sit you down and we can talk about one. How does that sound?” Scarlet put on a meek smile and was relieved to see that her beloved smiled and nodded. She then returned the notepad so as to get the second part of her question answered.

“I have been the flank end of a number of so-called jokes. So if you plan to do the same, just make sure I am not in a poor mood at the time. General teasing and what have you, I find quite enjoyable. As stated before, name-calling is a touchy subject. Any prank that may endanger the welfare of my instruments is also not a good idea. As you know, it is through them that I have my voice. Damaging them is damaging me.” Acoustiana hesitated for a moment before sliding the notepad over.

“I don’t do anything more than flirty jokes and playful touching. So your instruments will be safe from me.” Scarlet then lost her smile. “Though, I should warn you, if someone does hurt them, you will want to be wary of me. I may... hurt ponies... I am a tad overprotective.” Scarlet’s ears drooped as she blushed and turned partly away.

The waiter appeared at that point with the couple’s dinners. He politely coughed as he approached the pair to announce himself, placed the dishes down, bowed, and then departed quickly. The two mares licked their lips at the delectable food placed before them. They looked at each other and nodded in unison as they then dug into their entrees.

Upon the two finishing, Scarlet had her eyes drooped, a contented smile, and her tongue partially sticking out. Acoustiana covered her muzzle as she silently laughed at the silly face her date wore. Scarlet sleepily noticed and looked to the musician, becoming confused as to what was so humorous. Looking behind her, she saw nothing of note.

“What’s so funny?”

Acoustiana simply pointed a hoof at Scarlet. She made sure to put on her warmest smile though, so as to avoid offending her date.

“Oh... was I making a face just then? Bah! I forget I do that after dinner.” Scarlet blushed but smiled at Acoustiana.

“Say, wanna go for a walk? Nothing like a stroll through the city to help a pony digest her yummy dinner!” Scarlet then took out a small bag of bits and placed it on the table.

Acoustiana moved to retrieve her own bits, but seeing the amount Scarlet put down, she looked up and pointed to herself and then to the bag. Scarlet simply smiled and nodded off to the street. Acoustiana felt a surge of warmth rush through her and she simply smiled back and followed after her date.

The couple walked down the main street. There were a number of other ponies out and about, but less than during the day. The streetlights were just getting their fireflies placed in them. The evening air was cool, as the sun had just set, leaving the sky a colorful palette of purples.

Scarlet moved closer to Acoustiana. She worried she was being too forward, but knew she needed to show her affection in some way. As she closed the space between the two of them, she saw her date glance over to her, but didn’t make a move to avoid her. Emboldened, Scarlet finished her movement and rested her side against Acoustiana as they continued to walk. To her utmost surprise, her beloved not only accepted the touch, but returned it. Acoustiana leaned her head to rest on Scarlet’s as they walked down the road.

The two walked around town, leaning against each other. Acoustiana enjoyed the extra warmth the other pony lent her, and Scarlet felt her heart flutter at the continued contact with the mare that haunted her dreams. Scarlet knew that she could lead Acoustiana anyplace she wished, but only wanted the moment to last.

As the night sky light up with the moon and stars, Scarlet told herself that it was time for their night to end. With a heavy sigh that did not go unnoticed by her companion, she led them in the direction of the musician’s house. Knowing that they were to part soon, Scarlet nuzzled lighty into Acoustiana’s neck.

Arriving at their destination, the two breathed in deeply and let out a sigh. They looked at each other in surprise and both looked away with blushes upon their faces. Scarlet rubbed her forelegs together, while Acoustiana nibbled on her lower lip and fidgeted.

“I hope you enjoyed yourself. If you want, we could do it again sometime soon.” Scarlet looked to her date, eyes glistening in the moonlight.

Acoustiana turned and looked into those rose-colored eyes. They almost screamed in desperation for a positive response. Even if she wanted to, she knew she would have been powerless to shake her head no. Instead, she followed the path her heart told her to follow. Smiling, she nodded and gave her date a hug.

Scarlet felt like she was swimming on clouds as she returned the hug. Her night had gone far better than she had hoped, and she was proud of how well she had managed to conduct herself. What’s more, she also knew that her chances of winning her heart's desire would only increase so long as she didn’t mess up.

The notion of messing up caused her swimming pool cloud to disappear and caused her to plummet back to earth. She became rather anxious as she found that they were still hugging. Acoustiana loosened her grip and leaned back enough to look Scarlet in the eye. Scarlet felt a wave of panic, as this was the time she would make her move to get in the door and into bed. All she could do was stand still as possible and hope not to make a mistake.

Acoustiana sensed something amiss with her date. She had tensed up halfway through their goodnight hug, and now she had fear in her eyes. She peered into the large rose-colored eyes longer than she knew she should, but did so all the same to try and see why the lovely mare was so scared. When she felt the light, panicked puffs of breath on her muzzle, something in the back of her mind seemed to put the pieces of the puzzle together. Scarlet was fighting herself, if what Pastel said was true. The orange unicorn must be resisting her innate urge to attempt something.

As the seconds ticked by, Acoustiana asked herself an important question. Should this night end with a kiss? She could still feel her date’s tense muscles and see the fear in her eyes. The warm breath upon her muzzle reminded her of how easy it would be to make or break the night. Scarlet had done so much, and put herself on the line for heartbreak so many times that evening, Acoustiana felt that the mare deserved it. So, with that resolution, she smiled warmly, and closed the short distance between their muzzles and gave Scarlet a soft and warm kiss.

Scarlet’s mind flatlined. She tried to remember if she foalishly just kissed her beloved, or, if her date just kissed her. In either case, she felt the warm soft tender lips upon her own and let the worries and cares of the world fall away. She enjoyed the moment and accepted the gift given to her.

Acoustiana broke the kiss and took a step backwards to get a better view of her handiwork. Just as she expected, Scarlet looked silly. Her eyes half closed, her muzzle still frozen in the kiss, her face fully flushed, and her ears flopped to the sides. Using her hoof, Acoustiana brushed the side of Scarlet’s face in hopes of breaking her out of her trance. The contact caused the mare’s ears to straighten up and her eyes to snap open. The blush on her face brightened, and her breathing became heavy.

“Wow...” Scarlet moaned out.

Acoustiana smiled smugly and took out her notepad. As she wrote her message, she noticed the other mare slowly collect herself and land back on solid ground. This too pleased her.

“I had a lovely time. I am free all week starting in the late afternoons. Feel free to stop by. I look forward to another wonderful evening.” Knowing it was cheating, Acoustiana gave her best seductive look, as she fluttered her eyes.

“Filly, you are playing with fire.” Scarlet smirked at the reaction as she read the notepad. “And you have my promise, I’ll be back.” Scarlet, not wanting to be outplayed, gave her date a dose of her own medicine, and returned the look, slowly blinking to increase her appeal.

“I’ll be seeing you very, very soon.” Scarlet then turned to the road and sauntered off, waving her tail from side to side and turning once to give a wink at her smiling date.